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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. *chuckles* We all sound the same don't we? I guess that's why we're such good friends here.
  2. *chuckles* To be honest, I think being cheerful like that suits you.
  3. It was fine to me. Keep up the good work.
  4. No problem. Ask MS: pointing out where people screw up is my specialty.
  5. So...can we get this closed now or removed or something? I think we're done here.
  6. Something funny might happen. Why else?
  7. Agreed, but to answer your question: No.
  8. I wouldn't say I need you around but you and your group does make things interesting. Seeing some of you guys in real life would be interesting. Hell even video chat would be cool. You'd probably be a bit freaked out if I laughed though.
  9. I didn't know either. Sadly the old me would've been shocked by this, but the current me is oddly at peace with it.
  10. Sadly the only person I can see with him is Nailah. Which means he'd be torn apart the first night.
  11. See, it's not so bad. Besides, being insane doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong with you. Just different is all. And if everyone was the same, the world would be the most boring place ever. So don't worry. It's not like we're gonna treat you differently or avoid you. You're one of us now. Got it?
  12. Trust me, I was insane way before I got here.
  13. He's not too bad...in small doses. I kid, he's alright. For now at least. Besides being here doesn't necessarily mean you're insane. Just relax and don't worry about it.
  14. I dunno. I just do it so he shuts up. Not at all. He's harmless. Annoying, but harmless.
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