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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. I see. Well then I guess I'd better clarify things on my end: I don't recall ever saying that I thought you were stalking me our that I was afraid of you to MS. In fact, I think I said that I thought that I had scared you from our last conversation. He may have been joking, he likes using the word "stalker" when I'm involved. As for weird, I don't really have a solid opinion of you yet, but you seem alright. Anyway I'm glad we could clear this up. Why girls bug you or why they bug me?
  2. See what you've created, MS?
  3. *catches* Thanks. *starts drinking*
  4. I had like two...three tops. C'mon.
  5. That so? *sighs* ...dammit. This is why girls bug me. Why would she think that I hate her? We barely even talk.
  6. Thought so. While you're here: This.
  7. Calm down. You sound like you're his dealer trying to get out of the game.
  8. That would be convenient.
  9. Are you saying you disagree, MS?
  10. Some questions are better left unasked.
  11. I like where this is going. Keep up the good work. Switch.
  12. Where the hell did you see/hear that?
  13. One time I got Shikamaru, Chouji, and Kankuro from Naruto. At the same time, too. I've also gotten Grimmjow from Bleach once.
  14. Wow, I had forgotten all about this topic. Sure brings back memories.
  15. You have yet to present any evidence for or against the accusation.
  16. Must everything become a discussion of your sex life, Lyle?
  17. I have no comment. Good chapter, though.
  18. Maybe we have to find Lyle first or something. Like in RD.
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