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Status Updates posted by Ether

  1. He actually was Ephidel,the stalker?That's kinda awesome,lol.

  2. Thanks ^_^

    And the timing is no problem,XD

  3. Saw it already,actually.Thanks for thinking of me though.

  4. You know that.i don't mind the cutscene anyway,they just seem bigger because she's very slim,and people have perverted minds,so guess what came of it...

  5. Still,I really like it.it's cute,the design is good,it has two of my favorite characters,

    and it doesn't overexaggerate my Mia's chest >_>...so yeah,it's a great pic

  6. Hehe~ You're welcome Sorry bout that...I think...

  7. Nope.I found it before DLV added it to his photobucket,so i assume I saw it before he did.

    I do fanart hunts at times,just not as often or as extensive as they do.

  8. Hehe~Yup,I love it too,and I figured you'd say something about it sooner or later.

  9. Indeed.

    Just a cosplay scene from one of those threesomes I told you about

  10. Salutations.Enjoy your generic greeting on this non generic day.

  11. Happy Birthday Jyosua.

  12. Ether

    Okay then,Baibai~

  13. Ether

    I'll hold you to that then~

    I hope to see you around quite a bit,you're fun to be around~

  14. Ether

    Yupyup.Either way,it's nice to see you again~

  15. Ether

    I've been alright.messed up my shoulder,lost my job,got accepted into college...some bad,some good.overall,it was okay.

  16. Ether

    It's been a while since I've seen you,Bianchi. How've you been?

  17. Don't feel bad Soul.had you shown it to me before I had found it,I would have been liable to cling to you until you sent me every pic you could find,in case you had any others~

    So,don't be too sad,lolz.

  18. Actually,i just found it yesterday,to be honest.Hehe~

  19. Oh shit...it moves now...awesome.

  20. Hello Bananas~ Happy Birthday~

  21. Ether

    Happy Birthday Seph

  22. Happy Birthday Rein

  23. Happy Birthday Pilot

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