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Everything posted by Shoblongoo

  1. Also tells you everything you need to know about our priorities in this country that we have officers in every city in America looking like ROBO-cop right now, with all the riot gear in their armories. And doctors and nurses in COVID units using garbage bags as PPE.
  2. Notice how conservative white america just went from "making me stay home is tyranny!" to "if there's a curfew and you're outside, police can do whatever they want to you" in like...a week...
  3. There is something almost comical about the same people who say they need unregulated access to assault rifles, in case they ever need to threaten a government that attacks their life and liberty with enough violence to change public policy, acting like the rioters did something completely beyond-the-pale here.
  4. Also--Obligatory reminder that Trump is awful:
  5. So given that it should be universally agreed by decent people that the officer's actions were indefensible + he should be facing murder charges right now, lets talk about an aspect of the story that leaves more room for discussion and disagreement among reasonable minds. ...whats the appropriate response.... The big disagreement I'm seeing shaping up right now is between people who say: "Yes. Okay. What the officer did was unacceptable and he should be charged. But rioting, looting, and destroying private property is never an acceptable response." And then people saying: ___________ I think I use to come down more on the side of "rioting, looting, and burning private property is never an acceptable response." But I'm increasingly leaning more towards the opinion that its appropriate where no lesser means are sufficient to put enough pressure on people in power to arrest and prosecute the murderers. And to the extent people in power ignore every more subdued form of protest calling for justice. And let the murderers walk free unless and until the rioting and the looting starts. They bring this on themselves. And the fault rests upon the people in power who made that decision to protect the murderers. Not the rioters and the looters.
  6. Will also vouch for Warmaster being Byleth's best build. Just make sure you're working on his authority in addition to his axe and brawl ranks, so that you can put better battalions him. And that you work on his early axe rank enough that you can make brigand his intermediate promotion and grab Death Blow.
  7. There. Fixed that for you. Ohhhhhhhh Don't even get me started on the social distancing 'protesters'
  8. Oh I'm convinced that 2020 is being directed by M. Night Shyamalan. And June is just gonna be like "PLOT TWIST: you were the virus all along. Corona is the cure." [God creating mosquitoes] "I wonder how I could get everyone to spray chemicals on themselves and also slap their own face..."
  9. ^^^ Obligatory reminder that floods and epidemics are god's handiwork Good guy Satan just does orgies and heavy metal bands
  10. ...so we got a COVID-19 thread over in Serious Discussion.... (serious thread is serious) Wanted to make one over here for more lighthearted and lulzy handling of the damn thing. ...levity and whatnot... Because after living through a plague, I now understand why so many 14th century European paintings just show people laying on their couches with their tits out. Use responsibly.
  11. Unless I missed something, the Wisconsin ruling was just that under Wisconsin law the governor can't unilaterally issue stay-at-home orders using the power of the executive branch. Its a legislative power and has to be done by state lawmakers. (ehhhhhhhhhhhhh) The general rule is still that states have broad legal authority to issue and enforce emergency stay-at-home-orders + business closures. Pursuant to--whatever balance of legislative and executive power is called for under the statutes and constitutions of a given state
  12. Oh I imagine they'll be no shortage of writings on the subject in journals of political science over the next several decades. Although I don't think they'll be independently designated "The Trump Effect." I think it'll just meld into the preexisting studies on Hitler and Mussolini. Because there's already voluminous writings around those two examining the psychological and sociological phenomenons of how they were able to rise to power. Build broad-based social movements around the things they were saying + the ideas they were putting out. And get large populations of people to legitimately believe that anything they said was true + motivated by the interests of national greatness, while detractors of any renown or level or expertise were just subversive traitors supporting the interests of the globalist elite. Its less the case that Trump stumbled upon anything new here. And more the case that this model for subservience and loyalty has existed since the 1930s. But: (1) A sufficient amount of time needed to pass for the prior use of that model to fade from national memory; for people to forget that this is how the fascists came to power, and to not immediately associate the kind of speeches he was giving and psychology he was tapping into with the negative connotations of fascism (2) A political figure sufficiently shameless, immoral, and ambitious to attempt that play (and sufficiently charismatic to do it effectively) had to come to the forefront of the political scene. ________ Illustrative Blurbs from TheAtlatnic that was published back in 2016: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/08/american-authoritarianism-under-donald-trump/495263/ "Italians learned in the 1920s what Americans are learning in 2016: Charismatic authoritarians seeking political office cannot be understood through the framework of traditional politics. They lack interest in, and patience for, established protocols. They often trust few outside of their own families, or those they already control, making collaboration and relationship building difficult. They work from a different playbook...The authoritarian playbook is defined by the particular relationship such individuals have with their followers. It’s an attachment based on submission to the authority of one individual who stands above the party, even in a regime." "Mussolini’s rise to power also exemplifies another authoritarian trait America has seen during this campaign: The charismatic leader who tests the limits of what the public, press, and political class will tolerate. This exploration begins early and is accomplished through controversial actions and threatening or humiliating remarks toward groups or individuals. It’s designed to gauge the collective appetite and permission for verbal and physical violence and the use of extralegal methods in policing and other realms. The way elites and the press respond to each example of boundary-pushing sets the tone for the leader’s future behavior—and that of his followers." "For over a year now, Trump has been subjecting Americans and American democracy to analogous tests. Actions many see as irrational make chilling sense when considered under this framework: the many racist tweets or retweets, which his campaign then declares a mistake. His early declaration that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in New York and not lose any supporters. His extended humiliation of powerful politicians such as Paul Ryan and John McCain. His attempt to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the American electoral process. His intimation that “the Second-Amendment people” might be able to solve the potential problem of Hillary Clinton appointing judges, presumably by shooting her. This last remark is a sign that Trump feels emboldened in his quest to see how much Americans and the GOP will let him get away with—and when, if ever, they will say “enough.”"
  13. Change Samus's neutral B to work the way her power beam works in Metroid; where if you repeatedly tap ((B)) instead of holding it down to charge, you can rapid-fire your uncharged shots as a streaming attack. Upgrade her down B from bombs to power bombs (i.e. give them a bigger blast radius, and more damage + knock back) Give her a move that lets her attack you with something like sonic's homing-attack in her morph ball form, if she techs into it immediately after balling up for a side dodge or a down-B. And maybe add in a mechanic where after she executes a certain combo or performs a certain taunt, her neutral B temporarily upgrades from her basic power shots to something like the plasma beam or wavebuster.
  14. Post-Trump era for american conservatism is gonna be like post-Civil rights era for American conservatism . (i.e. massive historical revisionism, blame-shifting, and conflation of ideological labels and identifiers) 50 years from now they'll be arguing that universal healthcare and criminal justice reform were always conservative ideas. And it was the liberals who wanted to keep everyone on private insurance + give broad legal authority for police to kill black kids and call it "lawful use of force."
  15. Yeah that makes sense tbh. If I got a friend in New Jersey telling me they won't vote Biden and are gonna stay home or vote green party or do a write-in vote for Bernie Sanders I tell them: "okay. Do whatever. Its New Jersey." If I got a friend across the bridge over in Pennsylvania telling me they won't vote Biden and are gonna stay home or vote green party or do a write-in vote for Bernie Sanders I tell them: "have you lost your damn mind???"
  16. Trump is the fidelity of Bill Clinton. The petty, mean-spirited vindictiveness of Hillary. The ineptitude of a man elevated to a station beyond his ability because he was his father’s son of Bush Jr. The criminality of Richard Nixon. The racism of Woodrow Wilson. And the crisis management of Herbert Hoover. But without any of their redeeming qualities.
  17. “Elected by the biggest loss in the history of the popular vote. First president to never achieve a net-positive approval rating. Administration marred by high turnover, multiple criminal convictions of top aides and associates, and suspicion of having colluded with hostile foreign actors to attain office by illicit means. Impeached in his first term.” -The History Books in 2090, on Donald Trump-
  18. Fired HHS doctor just filed a whistleblower complaint against Trump alleging that he ignored multiple warnings about the virus back in January. Then removed him from his job, because he objected to the award of government contracts and funds to projects that were going to Trump-backed entities that had presented no scientific basis for the projects to be funded instead of to entities actually coming to HHS with good science on what research they were doing to combat the virus. Just broke in the last hour and don’t know how accurate those early summaries are. Story developing.
  19. The first question voters ask themselves in a presidential election is: am I better off today then I was 4 years ago. 4 years ago the economy was out of recession, producing steady growth, and there had been no emergent national crisis since The Crash of 2008. Today we’re at depression level unemployment, the supermarkets are half-empty, and people are holed up in their houses stockpiling toilet paper
  20. Alright folks. Your prompt for the next round is: ”Oh wow. Why did we ever think THAT was a good idea?”
  21. Haven't gotten some good Tellius in a while. I'm feeling Sephiran or Deghinsea
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