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Everything posted by Marthur

  1. There's also a typo on page 103. (Midayle saying "suddenty" instead of "suddenly") Anyway, great job, as usual. ;) Also loved Oifaye's camouflage! It is priceless. XD
  2. Nothing in particular. I just wanted to stay in lurker mode. ._. *Mimics starfish*
  3. SH-!! *wears Oifaye-style camouflage*
  4. No, I'll just pretend I didn't hear him. Yup, I definitely didn't hear that. >_>
  5. Please don't give me that sad look. ._.;;; *runs away from thread again*
  6. ;_; What Anborn Arsar said. No, it would have never happened if you didn't suggest it. ;-; And if female Arthur Fia never existed Why? Because I might have drawn it or because I won't draw it?
  7. The result's the same: You're the one to blame. ._. And Fia too I won't be able to do that, because I usually suck at drawing pairings. Otherwise, I might have done it. Well, you shouldn't have suggested it. :<
  8. BECAUSE YOU INDIRECTLY GAVE ME THE IDEA. Don't WHAT me! You asked for it! >o<; True that.
  9. OH NOES I DID IT: I transformed Arthur into some kind of...sadistic whore. orz Whatever happens to your sanity or eyeballs after you click on that link, blame it on The End. ;-; And I blame Fia too. She deserves it.
  10. Tristan speaking to Jake? Didn't you mean Hawk? Anyway, if I recall correctly, I think both those have been translated. Also, Twilkitri wrote a list of what still needs to be done (you should be able to find it on FESS.) Apart from that, I think some village conversations aren't translated in the FE5 patch (chapter 20 for sure, and possibly the ones in the following chapters).
  11. OH NOES STOP IT !! >O<; *runs away from thread*
  12. ...I'd draw it if I didn't have some work to do. ... :( No, red pepper. NO! D:<
  13. Well...stop giving me crazy fanart ideas for a start. ._.
  14. Both of you should stop messing with my brain! ;_;
  15. WTF!? ...considering I just finished to draw this: Ceres orz Seriously, who should I thank for making me draw this. I'm pretty sure the original idea came from this thread. =__=
  16. pic removed *will remove this within 5 minutes*
  17. ...Well, that's sad. ;__; Meh, I think he is better that Johalvier because he is mounted. And Johan's personnality is much more amusing too. Johalvier is just boring.
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