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Everything posted by Marthur

  1. That's because your father is tormenting me. ;_;
  2. I-I don't know what you are talking about. ._.;;;
  3. Her capped Magic (+Magic Ring) is higher than you capped Res(+Barrier Ring). >.>
  4. Nanna could use Sleep Staves and put you all to sleep.......permanently.
  5. You can't steal rings at all. ._.
  6. @_@ Welcome back, FiaNanna~!! ^-^
  7. I kinda liked The Cat Returns. :( Sure it wasn't that great compared to other Ghibli movies, but at least it was entertaining enough. The only Ghibli movie I've seen and didn't like is Howl's Moving Castle, because the story is dull and the characters have incomprehensible reactions. :/ I just love Mononoke. :3 IMO, that was one of 2007's best show with Dennou Coil and Terra e. Kaiba was awesome too, but I thought the ending was pretty meh. Oh, and if you're interested in arthouse anime, be sure to check Cat Soup, which is a masterpiece of surrealism in the history of Japanese animation.
  8. >.> (Incomplete) characters ending translated by Summerwolf. Map ending translated by AceNoctali.
  9. Could you make a video showing her fight, puh-leeez? ._.
  10. I've watched it (+ the movies and the first gaiden series [still waiting for the second one to be subbed completely] and read the first novel as well) and I'm going to say this: LoGH killed anime. Seriously, nothing today can even compare with it. Not only it is one of the best anime ever made, it's also probably one of the best science-fiction series ever made. I've managed to find (in Japanese) which might hopefully get some people interested in it. I didn't understand what you meant. >.< What's so difficult about finding the episodes?
  11. I know...and I think what you said was pretty relevant. >.> Good point.
  12. I can't believe you made me read that. =_= Serioulsy, most of the people who posted there were pathetic: Cynthia for revealing being an otomen after hiding it for such a long time and all the people who overreacted over this. orz Not if you people keep posting like that. :(
  13. *Sigh* reading these 30 pages will take some time. >.> Did anything interesting lol happened while I was gone?
  14. I am not. My cousin's half-sister is.
  15. :'( ;-; It also has more posts than views. XD You'll die from food poisoning. :'( I won't do it! Because I actually like Nanna's innocent side. :3
  16. Hello, daddy Finn. I hope you understood what I said.
  17. Hey, people. Mind your own 'soldier' if you see what I mean. >.>
  18. Character animation. The series does have fillers, coincidences, WTFs and useless characters. It's a fact (so it's objective) and it also concerns the whole show. I'm just going to compare it to Legend of the Galactic Heroes: 110 Episodes and absolutely no fillers, more than a hundred characters and 95% of them are interesting (while Code Geass has what? 10% of interesting characters? And I'm being generous there because I really don't find that Lelouch or Suzaku are deep characters), absolutely no WTFs: everything that is said is carefully explained, and the story (which is epic [and I'm saying epic in the litteral sense, not the one that is used on most forums as an Internet catch phrase]) flows naturally without looking disjointed. Sure, the animation is a bit shabby (can't really be held against the show because it's old) but the quality increases through each season, while the animation in Code Geass simply kept decreasing near the end. Not necessarily. For instance, PlanetES and Legend of the Galactic Heroes are both set in the future, so there are really nothing that is completely unbelievable and both of them were both very entertaining (to me at least). TTGL belongs to the parody genre. You believe I will criticize it for not being realistic? Not at all. Unfortunately, Code Geass doesn't belong to this genre, so I can't really say the same for that show. I never said it wasn't entertaining (I actually had quite a lot of fun discussing all the fucked up things that were going on in the show with people that shared the same opinion as me), I said it wasn't good. And TheEnd summed this up better than me: It's precisely because this show is so bad that it can be enjoyed ; saying that it is deep or meaningful is just pretentious.
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