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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. No. It lacks features that a lot of newer players swear by, and Gaiden was already a contentious title among the old school fans.
  2. Technically, yeah. There's no real risk in cousins, unless the parents are identical twins(So Edain's kids and Briggid's kids would be a no-no). My post was meant to be more of a joke.
  3. If you purely mean ethnicity, then yeah. The plains Americans, the central Americans, the south Americans, and the extreme north Americans all had very distinct cultures, and even distinct physical features, purely because of the lands they adapted in. I'm honestly probably generalizing the "big groups" too much, with there probably being more that I'm not considering. And even within those big general groupings, there were distinct cultures that arose. But ethnicity and race aren't really the same thing, even if the words tend to get tossed around in the same conversations. Ethnicity has a lot more going on than just where you come from/who your ancestors were. And racially, they were pretty much 100% all considered descendants of the east-Asian Mongoloids, and as far as I know, there's never been any sort of breakdown beyond their race based on where they came from prior to moving to the Americas. The Americas were actually probably the most racially homogeneous continents on the planet before Europeans showed up. In the grandest sense, they all originated from northern/east Asia, and very, very, VERY few people ever made it to the Americas aside from the people who straight up walked there tens of thousands of years ago. And the few people who did touch ground(Like the Vikings in the early 1000s), typically did not stick around long or move to the Americas in large numbers. The Americas were very isolated for thousands and thousands of years.
  4. Oh, I remember another personality I dislike: "... but that's just a theory.... A GAME THEORY." Matt Pat could be a good dude, but I hate everything he does.
  5. I'm not a huge fan of having timers for skills like Heroes did. As much as I love the tactical/strategic portion of FE, and being able to see when skills will proc being more calculable, the game's also an RPG, and with that comes RNG. Plus, being able to rely on skills based on turn counts could end up being very abusable(IE, throw a unit who can tank a skill at a boss who has theirs ready, then unload on said boss with every unit who has skills ready). I think the "Activation is based on stats" gives a bit more of a satisfying gameplay hook. It really only works in Heroes because Heroes is such a small game, and you really have waaaaaay less control than you do in other games. For a full fledged game, I think that system would get very tedious. As for the second question: I think units should be able to equip almost any skill, but at a price. Basically the Tellius system.
  6. My three hopes for the series right now: - FE4/5 remake/s. - FE Switch being good - Tellius HD on Switch I think an FE4/5 remake is a more logical next step after Shadows of Valentia/FE Switch. They'll have the engine/design of the Switch done, they'll (hopefully)establish Echoes as its own series of remakes, and with these two things together, development should be relatively easy/fast/cheap. Plus, 3DS to Switch is effectively a 2.5 generation jump, so Jugdral Echoes should look pretty nice. So as long as we eventually get a Jugdral Echoes, I'm fine not getting it right now.
  7. I just want to ask, do people realize which characters got their skin tones changed when they say that it's disrespectful to the characters? If you can come up with more than 3 quotes of Boey/Gray from the original Gaiden, or if you can describe their personalities in more than two sentences without just listing their relations to other characters, you may have have a leg to stand on. ... but even if you can, even the biggest Gaiden fans would admit that these are probably the most shallow characters in FE history. There's nothing to "respect" with these characters. The script of FE2 could fit on a napkin.
  8. Yeah. I preordered it when I preordered Persona 5. Damn Amazon and their release day delivery. Gets me to preorder every time.
  9. I don't know. Most of the games that have a Killer Edge either don't have in-depth descriptions like that, or they also exist alongside a Wo Dao/Shamshir-type weapon, which get the "far-east land" flavor text. And Holyn can't be adopted. He has minor Odo blood. So not only is he from Isaach, he's royal family by blood(He is explicitly a cousin of Ayra's, too) and a direct descendant of the founder of the country.
  10. It's possible that Kamui is from Isaach, and founds Chon'sin, since it says he in his ending. However, he could be from somewhere that isn't Isaach. There seems to be many East-Asian influenced countries/continents across the FE world. The Wo Dao has always referred to a a nebulous "eastern land". Plus, not everyone from Isaach is explicitly Asain. Chulainn/Holyn is blonde-haired and blue eyed, and he's Isaach royalty.
  11. Loptyr seems to imply that his body exists through his death quote, but who knows. There's a large gap that happens in between him making the pact with Galle(When Loptyr still had a body) and Julius being the first person to be able to channel his power(When Loptyr had to be summoned through Julius' blood and the Book of Loptyr).
  12. Isaach is one of the more interesting countries in FE4/FE5, and it doesn't get a whole lot of focus. Personally, I'd prefer to see it expanded when FE4/5 gets a remake. It'd be easy to put Galzus in gen 1 of FE4 as a much younger man, and you could even show the events of the Isaach/Rivough civil war, with Galzus falling out with the head royal family of Isaach, his wife dying(Probably, I don't think we ever know what happened to her), and Mareeta being stolen. Some of the timeline would have to change, but it'd help give Isaach more focus, and it'd more clearly explain why Galzus was basically a bitter hellhound throughout FE5.
  13. You are completely right. Since Phinora and Yied are in two separate chapters that don't follow one another, I just never realized.
  14. Phinora, just outside Velthomer, is a small desert.
  15. Yeah, Isaach clearly has a lot of influences going into its design, but Jugdral generally seems to be based very heavily on northern Europe. Ireland and Scotland tend to get brought in with Scandinavia when it comes to series that try to portray fictional versions of northern Europe. But yeah, lots of forestry, mountains, cold climates, damn near water and rivers every two tiles, and folk hero names from all across Scandinavia being thrown around, with Isaach bringing the Irish in for good measure. Barring Lachesis, who is a Greek figure, Jugdral's got a lot of northern Europe going on. ... just so long as we ignore those two deserts in Jugdral... I just like looking at the names, themes, imagery and map designs of the games to try to contextualize just exactly where IS drew inspiration for each of the FE continents, since while it's all vaguely European, there are bits and pieces to pick up. The Sacaens will always be a weird one, because Elibe seems to be pretty Arthurian and mid-European/British, and while Mongols had a presence in Europe, they never went past Poland, at least not in any meaningful capacity.
  16. The reason for the darker skin tones across the Mediterranean is because of the proximity to Africa, not denying it. But region and race wise, they're all still considered "Caucasian". And, again, slippery slope. Probably best to drop that former argument before it gets worse. Again, looking at Sicilians, Greeks, and various peoples across the Mediterranean. You'll find very dark skin tones, you'll find some very pale and light. Point is, I'm pretty positive this is the route IS is intending to go with Boey and Gray. I don't think this is some sort of "race changing" like the OP seems to think.
  17. Isaach, oddly enough, has gotten more IRISH over the years. The country is basically samurais, but Shannon is an Irish name, Holyn's name is officially Cu Chulainn, an Irish folk hero, Ulster(Ayra's son) is a region of Ireland. Galzus has a Celtic root in his name. All of the Isaach males have explicitly Irish names. Ayra and Larcei are completely made up.
  18. God, I really don't want this thread to devolve into "black features" vs. "white features", because that's a slippery slope that's difficult to climb back up from when you slide down it. But, Danved being explicitly black, and Grey not, is not JUST the artstyle. Basilio had a completely different artist, with a completely different artstyle, and still conveyed the sense that Basilio was black beyond just "he had dark skin". Maybe it's just because he was actually comically similar to Sam Jackson's Nick Fury, but it was still there. Grey has wavy, shaggy hair. Which is something you'll find on more Mediterraneans than black people. Boey has wavy/feathery light hair. Again, looking at the places that IS seems to be drawing inspiration from for the new design of Valentia points really heavily towards the Mediterranean. The characteristics of Grey and Boey fit a lot better with Caucasian people from the Mediterranean.
  19. Your left side would be the target of right-handed fighters. Considering Tobin, Kliff and Gray are all normal kids who decided to follow Alm off to war, it's likely that they just slapped together whatever they could. The Gaiden teams are some of the scrappier teams, mostly due to Alm and his buddies being poor villagers. Yeah, the character designs are some of my favorite from the series probably since FE7(8-10 are fine, but 7 was the last time I really, really dug the designs), and the artstyle works with the series really well.
  20. Look at a picture of Sicilians vs. Italians from northern Italy(Sicilians can be very dark), or look at a picture of a large number of Greeks and you'll see a pretty wide variety of skin tones. Sicilians generally do have some African ancestry, given their position in the sea, but I think most of them consider themselves white(If I'm wrong, correct me). Boey definitely looks like a dark skinned light person, and while Gray's a bit darker, he's not that much different. When you compare them to units who are definitely supposed to be black(Devdan/Danved, Basilio), there's a pretty clear difference in how they're drawn.
  21. I'm not sure if Gray/Boey are supposed to be "black". If you were to make a map of the Fire Emblem world that was parallel to our world(Just going by what real life imagery and names that clearly influence the designs of each world), Valentia seems to be based on the Mediterranean area, likely between Italy and Greece, given the somewhat Roman/Greek designs we see flavored throughout the trailers. And even though these areas are still considered Caucasian, and most people there would probably self-identify as "white", they can have tanner/darker skin than the rest of Europe. The skin tones of Gray and Boey were likely changed to reflect that.
  22. Loptyr or Grima, though Grima is basically just Loptyr 2.0 Anankos would be in the running if he wasn't the most bipolar dragon to ever exist, and could decide if it wanted to be a good guy or a bad guy. So I'm gonna say Loptyr, for just being more original than Grima, and his cult actually seemed like it would have been way more likely to succeed. Plus, the end of Awakening made it seem like simply beating Grima would have been no big deal(I'm exaggerating, but it seemed like had Robin not there, Chrom and crew would have been able to put it back to sleep/whatever for a long time), it's just that Robin needed to be there to actually kill Grima. FE4/5 set it up like without Naga/Julia, the world would have just been completely fucked forever, and this is just to beat Loptyr's vessel, not Loptyr himself. Who the hell would have known what would have happened if Loptyr actually showed up in a physical form, rather than just channeling himself through Julius with the Book of Loptyr.
  23. And here I was thinking Jugdral was supposed to be the "Northern Europe" of the FE world.
  24. Sylvia's implied to be Claude's little sister. That's one I could see change.
  25. You know, even if the gameplay is exactly the same as it was 25 years ago, I appreciate that they're actually expanding the story and characters. All I remember about Tobin and Gray was that they were Alm's friends, and both wanted to bone Clair(Which Gray did).
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