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Everything posted by Korath88

  1. Reciprocal aid is not hard to fit on a team, since it's one of the best support skills, and can be inherited from Donnel, who is a free unit. I'd argue that every team with a <50% skill should have a teammate with that skill. The point of reciprocal aid + escape route is not to always remain below 50%, but to be able to drop in and out of that range when necessary. The only weapons that really threaten to ORKO Ninian are falchions and green weapons. Defiant defense won't give her much more survivability than TA, if anything, TA combines the effects of defiant Atk, Def and Res without a HP requirement against red units. She shouldn't be anywhere near enemy greens anyways. HP+5 is generally a bad skill as it's mostly irrelevant. I already considered defiant skills even before pulling her, but TA is just that much better in practice. Mine is +Atk -Res, which is similar to yours, and this set hasn't disappointed me at all.
  2. Henry's Atk and Spd are too low to even counter those two as he gets doubled by both at neutral speed, and probably does pitiful damage even with WTA
  3. Units at certain stat thresholds will gain +4, possibly due to rounding off. I've noticed that units with stats between 24-26 will get +4 with a boon. However, this also means that units with stats within the 28-30 range will get -4 with a bane, like my Rebecca (RIP) 35 in a stat will increase to 39 with a boon and vice versa, same with 37, which will increase to 41. However, 36 will only increase to 39 for some reason. I might need to keep track of all these +4 thresholds.
  4. Finished the flier quest thanks to this. Would definitely recommend this to those still doing the quest as the stamina cost is only 13 compared to 20+ for the story missions.
  5. That's assuming neutral nature enemies and no enemy SI though. Swordbreaker outright stops that set as does blues with tri adept. Still an impressive feat nonetheless.
  6. Neutral Spd fury 3 Lucina has 39 speed, which is not high enough to double +Spd Ninian(36 spd). Only L&D builds will allow neutral speed Lucina to double Ninian. +Spd is another issue, but not all players are lucky enough to roll that IV. That being said, this reminds me that I forgot to add the recommendation teammates section to my analysis. Whoops, going to add it now.
  7. @ILikeKirbys Alright, writeup incoming. Ninian's neutral base stats: 42/24/33/23/27 The main thing that sets her apart from other dancers is her high HP stat, at 42 compared to 36. This gives her much more durability compared to Olivia and Azura. Optimal IV: +Spd -Res speed gives her better matchups against faster enemies, and is probably better defensively than +HP or Def. A +Spd Ninian no longer gets doubled by +Spd Lucina and neutral Linde, thus avoiding ORKOs. -Res is taken as she already has good Res, and rarely fights mages anyways, and she needs the HP and Def to take on falchions. Contrary to some sites, -Atk is not optimal as she can still put a dent into many units with the following set. Unlike Ephraim, who has multiple good sets, there's a definitive "best set" for Ninian. Dark Breath+ Dance Moonbow Triangle adept 3 Escspe route 3 Hone Atk 3 Moonbow and hone attack are self explanatory, as they're the best options for a support unit. Dark breath allows her to debuff the enemy team's most important stats on turns when she doesn't need to dance, and has the same mt as light breath, but with a better effect. For those not willing to spend 20k feathers on skill fodder, light breath still works well enough. Triangle adept is her best A slot as it reduces falchion effectiveness and allows her to ORKO slower reds like Chrom and Seliph. Fury doesn't help her matchups nearly as well, and the HP cost can hurt a lot. She already dies to Julia anyways, so being weaker to greens is not much of a tradeoff. (And she shouldn't be anywhere near greens in the first place) Lastly, I prefer letting her keep escape route over wings of mercy. While WoM is a better skill in a vacuum, escape route is much better on a team. Simply give reciprocal aid to one of your frontliners and swap HP with Ninian when they fall below 21 HP. This removes the need for Ninian to take direct damage, and allows her to warp dance to any ally, unlike WoM, which only allows warping to damaged allies. Alternatively, if you don't see yourself using warpdance that often, Swordbreaker is another option if you really hate falchions. Recommended Allies: Green counters, preferably one that can ORKO Julia. A strong or fast sword lord works well here. Alternatively, a buffed Tharja (or +Atk variant) doubles Julia for the ORKO, and has the added benefit of taking enough damage to fall below 21 HP, allowing you to pull off the reciprocal aid strategy early on into the match. Falchion counters, to deal with certain skill combinations on Lucina and Marth that can bypass the Triangle adept and +Spd precaution. Ephraim, Sharena and Effie all work well here, as does Linde, but she's much rarer than the lancers.
  8. Fae. Ninian prefers dark breath, but light breath is still workable. Lightning breath has too low might. Speaking of which, should I do a writeup on Ninian?
  9. She was part of the battling Michalis banner, so that's probably it.
  10. Selena has never been a bonus unit before. Alfonse is the only repeat here. Looks like my 5* Michalis will be my bonus unit for the next 2 seasons, probably taking Lyn's place.
  11. Next arena season's bonus heroes have been revealed https://twitter.com/fe_heroes_jp/status/848369967368085505 Bunnies, Michalis, Palla, Selena, Sophia, Gunter, Alfonse
  12. Odin in this game uses thunder tomes and the generic blue blade tomes. He can't get any dark tomes like fenrir even with inheritance. The basic dark tomes (flux and ruin) are exclusively red, so dark mages like Canas and Knoll will most likely be red.
  13. Spend the feathers to 5* Reinhardt. Vantage is overrated and can be easily obtained from Lon'qu instead.
  14. Not implying that, but that's one of the main reasons why Ephraim beat Chrom despite scoring lower on the poll. Both were already popular before, but Ephraim's sudden increase in popularity gave him the edge. However, unless the others gain a random surge in popularity, I don't see Camilla losing this.
  15. To put things into perspective, Camilla and Chrom both scored 4th place on the popularity poll, while Ephraim and Cordelia also share the same rank on their respective polls. That being said, heroes didn't give Cordelia a surge of meme popularity like Ephraim had, so pulling an upset seems less likely.
  16. More like destroyed by Lilina. 25spd and 19res means that she gets hard countered by red mages, especially those with triangle adept, and dies to Linde as well. She does provide magic coverage for flier emblem but that's where her usefulness ends, as Julia is a better choice for a slow green magic nuke on other teams.
  17. https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/70033-skill-inheritance-discussion/&page=34 Scroll down the page. Summary of relevant points: Can abuse triangle adept better due to higher Atk and def, sword/lancebreaker ignores speed matchups, and can also play buff support better due to Siegmund. He can run the same support set as Eirika while simultaneously being able to frontline. Sharena never runs lancebreaker, so lancebreaker Ephraim easily ORKOs her. This is going off topic though, so I'm not going to argue about this here any longer.
  18. 500 feathers is not going to make me forgo my honor. I always support the character I like most in these, even if I don't have the character.
  19. Lucina isn't the best sword after inheritance, not when she can't slay blue dragons anymore. I think you guys need to see my Ephraim writeup as Sharena is definitely not better that Ephraim anymore. Everything else is a fair point though.
  20. Hector too weak, pls buff. Seriously though, not all male characters need buffs. Ryoma, Hector, Ephraim, Takumi, Robin and Eldigan are all great units as is.
  21. But Caeda isn't even participating in this! She's here to recruit Navarre again, not fight in the gauntlet.
  22. Two banners were datamined, one with 4 pegasus knights and another with 4 wyverns
  23. Nah, that one is a gauntlet banner for Pegasus knights. I'm calling it now, Zephiel banner will have Lilina on it.
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