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Posts posted by red-and-soulless

  1. I don't really have anything that fits this bill per-say; I upgraded Camilla (who seems to be a fairly unpopular unit in these parts, although she isn't uncommon) a while back and she has easily one of my most used units for the better part of the last 5 months.

    I also 5-starred Corrin-F a little while ago (who everyone seems to agree is quite a good unit, but she never seems to see any actual use), but I haven't gotten around to kitting her out since then, mostly due to real or imagined competition from my girl Nowi.

  2. 1 hour ago, Reloaded said:

    Just pulled a second Lyn... who happens to be -atk +spd.

    My other one... is +atk -spd...

    Which one should I merge to the other?

    (This is Lady of the Plains Lyn btw)

    In a similar manner, I got a second Marth, who is +hp -spd

    ... And my other one is +hp -atk

    So same question as before, which one should I merge?

    I'm not 100% sure about Lyn, but +Atk, -Spd seems a little better.  -Atk leaves her with 24 base attack (before taking into account weapon might), which for context is 1 point lower than neutral Caeda.  The extra speed has nice synergy with the Sol Katti's effect however, as 40 speed will double a lot of units and Lyn can normally take a hit to get into that range in the first place.  On the other hand, +Atk, -Spd leaves her with the same offensive spread as neutral Marth, which is nothing to scoff at.  It's up to you.

    When it comes to Marth, I would argue that +HP, -Atk is preferable, as Marth can't really afford to drop to 31 speed.  I don't know if -Atk Marth loses out on any essential KOs though, so I suggest looking into that :):

  3. 7 hours ago, Mr.Vercetti said:

    Dear Intelligent Systems;

    We all play your games because we love them. We do. It doesn't matter what the reviews say about it, if a game has the Fire Emblem name, it has to be played. And Fire Emblem Heroes is not an exception. But, if from the FOCUS banner i get a 5 Star Alm, a 5 star Celica, a 5 star Cain, a 5 star Karel, on a banner with Lucina and Tharja as heroes, and i spend ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ORBS on that, at least i pretend to have something to play with for the new mode. 

    Dear Intelligent Systems;

    I supported you by giving money and time of my life. For the entertainment. But this game is a money trap. A continuous disappointment. 

    I quit.

    Someone (I believe eclipse) said that the very worst thing you can do in a game like this is setting expectations.  Now matter how much planning you do for a summoning banner, luck can and will render your preparations moot, especially when the odds we are talking about here aren't that high to begin with.  This is just part and parcel of this genre of game.

    With that being said, you have my sympathy for your unsuccessful summoning efforts (even if I agree with Vaximillian and Kiran that you got quite a nice selection of units as compensation).  There is nothing wrong with declining to invest your time and/or money into such an unreliable experience, and hopefully you enjoy your time spent away from the game :):


    Anyway, I like rolling the dice far more than I probably should, so here goes another summoning session thanks to the Xenologue/Tempest orbs.

    Round 46 Pulls




    Round 46 [Bridal Blessings]: 4* Marth [+Spd, -HP] || 3* Draug [+Res, -Atk] || 4* Draug [+Spd, -HP] || 3* Cherche [+Def, -Atk] || 5* Lyn-Bride [+Atk, -Def]

    Yep, you're seeing that correctly.  This is my 3rd consecutive +Atk Lyn in as many pulls.  RNGesus works in mysterious ways indeed.

    • First of all, this seems like a fairly excellent Marth.  I was fairly content with the +Atk, -Res Marth I got a few sessions back, but gaining 37 speed at the expense of some defense seems more valuable to me.  If anyone feels strongly about this one or the other, feel free to chime in.
    • I've got a nearly identical dilemma with Draug (well, the 4* one; the 3* one is... underwhelming at best).  The difference is that I find the idea of constructing basically an armored Subaki quite humorous (and the idea of offensive Draug still fills me with revulsion even though I know SI fixes him to a certain extent).
    • I've already got a perfect Cherche, so this un is basically Pivot fodder.
    • And finally, believe it or not, I was actually joking about constructing a mono-Bride!Lyn team.  However, since I'm 75% of the way there already, should I happen to get another one, I'm kinda obligated to actually put that into practice.  If not, I've got guilt free merge/Dazzling Staff fodder.

    The Tempest Trials were significantly kinder in terms of orb yield than I was expecting; without taking into account the potential for the 1 billion point orbs, I should be fine for another summoning session as long as I can I get to 7000 points by the 13th... What a challenge that'll be :P

  4. Some of my go-to units include the likes of Nowi, Camilla, Priscilla, Klein, Ike, Azura, and Hector.  I've also been rocking Sharena + Nino in the arena as of late because it is incredibly difficult to make a semi-defensive team work with vanilla units in the current meta. :cry:

    Honorable mentions go to Effie, Tiki-Young, and Lucina, as they were staples of my team in months past that just don't really fit my team-builds at the moment.

    HM List



    My HM list isn't particularly accurate, as it tends to over-represent units I have trained up multiple times (ex: Barst/Virion/Robin-F), terrible units that simply took longer to train up because they required babying (ex: Jagen/Stahl/Henry), and units that are mainstays on my "tenth stratum theme teams" (ex: Hinoka/Subaki/Gunter).  With that being said, it's still a pretty humorous snapshot of the last few months.


  5. After a bit of a shaky start, the bride banner has been quite kind to me thus far.

    Summoned 5* Units (23):

    • Marth (+HP, -Res)
    • Tiki-Young (+Res, -HP)
    • Nowi (+HP, -Res)
    • Cain (+HP, -Def)
    • Klein (+Spd, -HP)
    • Sheena (+Def, -HP)
    • Lucina (+Spd, -Res)
    • Hector (+HP, -Atk)
    • Priscilla (+Def, -Res)
    • Chrom-Bunny (+Atk, -Def)
    • Hinoka (+Spd, -Res)
    • Xander-Bunny (Neutral)
    • Camilla-Bunny (+Def, -Spd)
    • Faye (+Spd, -Res)
    • Lukas (+Atk, -HP)
    • Ike (+Spd, -HP)
    • Azura (+Def, -Spd)
    • Azura v2 (+HP, -Atk)
    • Sanaki (+Res, -Atk)
    • Hector v2 (+Def, -Spd)
    • Lyn-Bride (+Atk, -Def)
    • Caeda (+Atk, -Res)
    • Lyn-Bride (+Atk, -Res)

    Promoted 5* Units (4):

    • Camilla (+Atk, -HP) [From 4*]
    • Sharena (Neutral) [From 2*]
    • Corrin-F (+Spd, -Res) [From 3*]
    • Nino (+Atk, -Res) [From 3*]
  6. Welp... Here are a few more summoning sessions before the tempest trials arrive and the world descends into chaos for the next week or so:

    Round 44 Pulls




    Round 44 [Bridal Blessings]: 3* Laslow [+Spd, -Res] || 3* Frederick [+HP, -Res] || 5* Lyn-Bride [+Atk, -Def] || 3* Lissa [+Atk, -Def] || 3* Saizo [+Spd, -HP]

    1 bride down, 3 to go :)

    • First up, this strikes me as a rather excellent nature for Laslow.  I'm less confident about whether getting him up to 30 spd is more "optimal" than just doubling down on attack and using a -breaker to circumvent speed ala Alfonse, but I'm far off from optimizing anyway, so I'm really happy with this.
    • In a similar vein of positivity, each Frederick I have received thus far has been a very slight improvement on the last.  Given that we're already on his best bane and 3rd best boon (I welcome any arguments for +Spd Frederick :P), I don't see this trend continuing for much longer, but I always love being pleasantly surprised.
    • And what a surprise this one was.  I'm not too wild about Lyn as a character (then again, I've only played the 3ds games thus far, so that isn't too surprising), but this design for her is phenomenal, and I'm always disproportionately happy to get a new healer in my barracks.  +Atk also lets Lyn herself abuse Dazzling Staff a little better, which is at least a little bit humorous.
    • Lissa can't really rock a +Atk nature too well.  I love Lissa to pieces however, so I'll give her a pass.
    • And then finally, this would've been a really good Saizo if I hadn't gotten the objectively superior +Spd, -Res variant a few pulls ago.  Still, this is the an excellent capstone to a surprisingly good summoning session.

    Round 45 Pulls




    Round 45 [Bridal Blessings]: 5* Caeda [+Atk, -Res] || 3* Beruka [+Res, -HP] || 3* Hinata [+Def, -Atk] || 5* Lyn-Bride [+Atk, -Res] || 3* Subaki [+Def, -Spd]

    Intelligent Systems, please...

    At least wait until I've started whaling before gifting me with double 5 stars, that way I won't feel nearly as guilty.

    • This Caeda is a particularly cathartic pull, in a couple of ways.  First of all, my very first summoning session in this game (before I had decided upon re-rolling) contained a 5* Caeda, so this feels like bringing things full circle.  Secondly, I had just finished up the arduous, 2-ish month-long task of training up a -Atk Caeda (i.e., one of the most frustratingly weak/helpless units in the entire game, on par with -Atk Henry or 70% of all Jagens) a couple of days ago, so I appreciate a Caeda that can actually inflict damage all the more.  Thirdly, I can actually make a pretty kick-ass flier emblem team now, if the inspiration ever strikes me.
    • Even amongst my fairly piss poor selection of Beruka's, this one doesn't really stand out.
    • If Hinata's res was just a little bit better, I could see some kinda fun applications for this here Samurai.  Alas, the world is not a fair place sometimes.
    • While I obviously would have appreciated a different bride instead, on the plus side, I'm one step closer towards constructing the lit-est mono-healer team this side of that one Sakura team that wrecked Michalis and Camus :P:
    • And finally, Subaki loves his speed too much to be alright with the defense boost.

    I spent too long typing this out (as per usual), but now it's time to sink my teeth into Tempest Trials.  See y'all in a day or two when I've got more orbs :wub:

  7. UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_18c.thumb.jpg.f0864e15efba1a9bc0bd6230956ee886.jpg

    Whoof... This Grand Hero Battle felt like a real step-up in difficulty relative to the other recent ones.  I don't think I've had this much trouble since Zephiel's many moons ago.  Zephiel's difficulty stemmed primarily from positioning complexities, however; with Camus, I had issues in both team-building and overall strategy.

    After trying a cavalcade of different characters including Olivia (mayhaps she could've lived a hit from an axe cav), Young-Tiki (once Camus was gone, she seemed like the solution), Priscilla (back before I knew the cavs rocked Goad/Ward Cavalry, I figured Panic might have some utility), an unnamed unit that I recently acquired from the Bride's banner (in case anyone at all is interested in my pulls (:P:), I'll avoid spoiling their identity), Hector (mayhaps tanking Camus' assault is the best approach), and even Sully (for an extra draw back user), I ended up using my arena team for this current season and somehow that worked.

    Before I get into the unit description, Nota Bene: this strategy is highly dependent on the natures of my specific units in a way that hasn't 100% been the case previously (though +Spd Klein in Xander's map comes to mind...).  I haven't read the thread yet, but I'm sure there are significantly more flexible strategies that can be used as a template.  With that being said, I used the following units:

    • 5* Ike (+Spd, -HP) w/ Speed +1 seal - +Spd ended up being crucial for this team, as Neutral Spd Ike, even with Speed +1, only hits 32 speed.  This is not enough to avoid being doubled by a Goad Cavalry-boosted Camus and koed on turn 1 (which was Young-Tiki's undoing).  -HP made that first turn survival a little tighter, but I don't want to crunch the math to it if -Res/-Def would been better in this situation.  Anyway, he was originally here to handle the axes/maybe check the red tome.
    • 5* Sharena (Neutral) - I forgot to re-equip the Fortify Res seal on her after the insanity that was team-building; although this would have slightly simplified positioning on the first turn, it didn't end up making much of a difference.  In theory, Sharena was supposed to serve as a buff-bot for the Heroes community's beloved cinnamon roll, but she ended up sticking with Ike the entire battle.  She still managed to contribute to arguably the second-most clutch maneuver of the battle, so that's something.
    • 5* Nino (+Atk, -Res) w/ Attack +1 seal - My initial plan was to nuke Camus on turn 1 with this dear, but even if she was boosted to +13 by Sharena's buff cocktail, she wouldn't have been able to one round him thanks to those pesky ward cavalry boosts.  I also lacked the resources/team composition flexibility to get her the 42 speed she would've needed to double the sucker (+Spd would've made things easier, but I still lacked a viable source of additional speed aside from maybe Seliph, which just sounds like a bad idea all around).  Regardless, +Atk ended up coming in clutch, as you will see momentarily.
    • 5* Azura (+HP, -Atk) w/ Spur Def 1 seal - Azura was probably the most replaceable cog in this great machine, as she was here only to dance/potentially handle the red tome if things got out of hand (which wasn't necessary)/pass a Res boost to Nino (this ended up being important on Ike instead, but had I properly outfitted Sharena in the first place, Olivia's Hone Atk would have worked instead).

    Initial positioning actually mattered for this one, so I had them spawn in with the following order (from L -> R): Sharena, Ike, Azura, Nino.

    On Turn 1, Ike went up two spaces into the attacking range of Camus + the healer.  Sharena also moved up two spaces and Rally Attacked Ike.  Nino headed up a space to better situated herself.  Azura shifted below the tree, sang for Nino, and Nino finally moved below Ike, leaving them in the following formation:




    It is also worth noting at this point that Ike has +4 Atk (from Sharena's rally),+4 Def (from Sharena's Fortify Def 3), and +4 Res (from Azura's Fortify Res 3), as this will be essential for what comes next.

    During the enemy phase, Camus attacked Ike for 26 damage (which would've been 30 without Sharena's fortify) and took 13 damage in return, leaving Camus at 45 hp and Ike at 13 hp.  Following that, the healer attacked Ike for 11 damage (which would've been 13 damage and death without Azura's fortify) and Ike got her down to 1 hp (thanks to Miracle) while healing up to 6 hp.  Obviously Ike's survival was far tighter than it might initially appear.  The other units all piled into the clown car until we had the following arrangement:



    As Turn 2 finally dawned, Nino finally had her chance for revenge: thanks to Azura's Fortify Res buff, she was able to 47 damage to Camus and ko him.  Even without the Ward Cavalries in effect, this was still incredibly tight, as Camus had 45 hp at the time, so only +Atk Nino could have gotten that kill.  You might at this point be saying, "Hey Soulless, a simple Sharena buff would've gotten even neutral Atk Nino there - stop being melodramatic, ya doofus!".  I once thought the same thing, but Sharena has a far greater role to play, as you will see in a moment.  Anyway, Ike took the opportunity to take out the pesky healer.  Azura, doing what she does best, hooked Ike up with an extra action this turn.  Ike is not usually one to wast chances like this, so he moved up a space and took out the red mage, eliminating another headache before it even began.

    It was at this point that the true deviousness of this particular challenge became clear - on a previous attempt, I had thoughtlessly buffed Nino with Sharena, expecting that my problems would be over once the red mage was gone, as Ike can totally handle those axe pansies.  Little did I know that I had sealed my own doom, as on enemy phase, one of the axe cavaliers took advantage of Pass, snuck by Ike, and obliterated poor Azura before I knew what was happening.  On a side note, I kinda wish I was typing this out in Latin instead, because easily distinguishing between the past and the slightly more distant past would have been easier with perfect and pluperfect tense (though it's not like my tenses are particularly consistent to begin with).  Hopefully italics gets the point across.

    Needless to say, I didn't want that embarrassment happening again, so in the present timeline I plopped Sharena into a spot right behind Ike to circumvent those shenanigans and gave him a rally for good measure.  On enemy phase, one of the axe cavaliers (it doesn't really matter which one) attacked Ike for a measly 4 damage before catching hands from a very grouchy sword lord (who also procced Aether and healed back up to 26 hp).  I'm not going to squander my valuable attachment space to show you the ending position, but it was basically one lone axe cavalier against the world.

    On Turn 3, the axe cavalier lost his battle against the world, and the battle was over.


    So as I implied earlier, I found this Grand Hero Battle to be significantly more challenging than the last couple of battles.  I'm not sure it is quite on par with Ursula's or Michalis', but I like this direction for them.  As per usual, congrats to those who have already beaten it (likely in a far more elegant manner than I), and best of luck to those who still are working away at this conundrum :):

  8. And the cycle begins once again...

    Round 43 Pulls



    Round 43 [Bridal Blessings]: 3* Sophia [+Def, -HP] || 3* Corrin-F [+Res, -HP] || 3* Florina [+HP, -Atk] || 4* Shanna [+Spd, -Def] || 4* Matthew [+Def, - HP]

    Meh.  Outside of a fairly good Shanna (and some godly skill inheritance fodder should my resolve waver), there wasn't too much to get hyped about.  Still, every .25% boost is valuable to me.

    I had a wonderful orb rationing plan going into this banner which would allow me 3 complete pulls to supplement any whaling I might do towards the end.  Alas, that plan relied upon a full 2 weeks of bonus orbs, so unless the June quests/the Vortex (if it is actually being released next week?) are especially kind, I'm going to be in for some lean times.

    Still, it's nice to see that for the most part, y'all have had better luckier than I :): 

  9. Since the Rite of Shadows banner is ending shortly, I should probably post my last couple attempts at it.

    Round 41 Pulls



    Round 41 [Rite of Shadows]: 3* Frederick [+HP, -Spd]  || 3* Shanna [+Spd, -Atk] || 4* Clarine [+Res, -Atk] || 4* Niles [+Def, -Spd] || 3* Subaki [+Atk, -Def]

    Alas, 'twas another swing and a miss when it comes to banner units.  Still, this summoning session wasn't too bad.

    • First of all, I'm quite happy with this Clarine.  I was training up a 3* +Def variant on the side, but I'll probably use this one instead, since 2k feathers > some extra SP on a healer.
    • This Frederick also looks quite usable.  Neither Frederick I have is particularly amazing (my other one is +Def, -HP), but this one seems a tiny bit more useful.
    • +Atk is quite a nice thing to have on a Subaki... Unfortunately, -Def is one of the worst things he could be stuck with, so this one probably isn't worth the time investment.  Still, Quick Riposte/Swap fodder is always appreciated.
    • Likewise, Shanna and Niles have fairly crap natures, but I'm not too discriminating about natures on my Desperation/Iceberg fodder.

    Round 42 Pulls



    Round 42 [Rite of Shadows]: 3* Serra [+Spd, -Atk] || 3* Est [+Res, -HP] || 3* Nino [+Def, -Atk] || 4* Camilla [+Atk, -HP] || 3* Eliwood [+Atk, -Spd]

    Finally... Given how often Serra and Eliwood showed up in my re-roll attempts, I'm amazed it took more than 40 pulls for them to arrive on my main account.  Now Selena (and Raigh if you don't count the 2* freebie) is the only 3* unit I am missing.

    • At least it was worth the wait with Serra, as she is my first healer with the "perfect" boon/bane combo.  This combo does make Absorb even more useless (which is saying a lot), but you can't win them all.
    • I'm a little less rosy on this Eliwood.  On one hand, +Atk means that he hits like a truck, especially if I'm crazy enough to give him Durandel at some point.  On the other hand, -Spd means that he also moves about as quickly as a well-laden truck, which is probably not something he can afford.  Still, we'll see how this turns out in practice.
    • Speaking of perfection, my lady Camilla decided to grace me with her presence once again.  Unfortunately, my Arena mainstay Camilla has this exact same (flawless) nature.  Regardless, if I ever have 20k spare feathers, you'd best believe I will use this one as merge fodder.
    • Kinda an underwhelming Est... This one isn't -Atk though, which I guess makes it the best Est I have ever pulled...
    • Finally, I was super stoked when I saw I had finally pulled a second Nino, as I really would like a +Spd variant.  Alas, what I got instead was possibly the most laughably bad nature I have seen since +Atk, -HP Azama.  I guess regardless of whether she is working for good or ill, Nino always tries her best!  No, I am not proud of that.

    So, that's it for me and Rite of Shadows.  If any other banner were coming up next, I would spend a few bucks so that my 4% rate doesn't go to waste.  Alas, another batch of limited availability units are upon us, meaning all my orbs for the next two weeks are dedicated to the quest for blissful matrimony.

    This also means that this is the first main banner since Family Bonds where I failed to pull one of the focus units, but I guess since I haven't even reached Celica's part yet in Echoes, life is just imitating art :P:


    I would've done this a little sooner, but for once, I actually felt exhausted at 3 am (normally EST/EDT is a great time zone, but this game makes it a struggle at times) :P:

    Anyway, my team was:

    • Hector (+Spd, -Def) - Normally, Hector's role in grand hero battles is to eliminate any dagger users before they become a problem.  However, today was a little different, as he actually had to tank some hits.
    • Klein (+Spd, -HP) - There was nothing unusual going on for this grand hero battle stand-by - this man player-phases with the best of 'em.
    • Azura (+HP, -Atk) - She maybe could have taken out Lloyd?  Other than that, she just danced.
    • Priscilla (+Def, -Res) - Any other healer could have done this job (hell, a cleric with Recover could have done it better), but Priscilla got to clock in for this battle due to good behavior.

    Turn 1: Klein shifted to the very bottom of the mountain.  Hector (with an Azura assist) began the slow and laborious process of trying to move into position.  Everyone else waited with baited breath.

    Turn 2: Hector finally got to his destination (the very edge of the bow cavalier's range) and set up shop.  Priscilla advanced behind Klein (apparently baiting the axe flier in the process), and everyone else waited.  During enemy phase, the archer attacked, dealing 19 damage to our hero and receiving a beating (23 x2) in return.  The lance cavalier drew him back, and everyone else began their advance.

    Turn 3: Klein took the opportunity to take out the Axe flier before he became a problem, and Hector retreated a little.  With a little help from Azura, Priscilla healed Hector for 14 hp, leaving him at 47 hp.  During enemy phase, Hector received a) 20 damage from Lloyd due to Pavise [(13 x .5) + 13] and dealt 40 back, b) 0 damage from the lance cavalier and dealt 24 damage back, and c) thanks to swap on the lancer, took 21 damage from the bow knight before KOing him, leaving our second favorite armor at 6 hp.  I had done 3 previous attempts with +HP, -Atk Hector in order to have a little extra magic survivability should it come to that and to hopefully avoid being doubled, but +HP Hector failed to live that onslaught by 1 measly health point.  +Atk Hector could have survived this as well, since he would've KOed the archer on the previous turn.

    Turn 4: Hector finished off the Lance, Azura finished off Lloyd, and Priscilla (unnecessarily) got Hector back up to full.  During enemy phase, the mage approached.

    Turn 5: Klein one-rounded the mage, and that was that.

    Overall, this one didn't seem too bad, though the sheer might of the archer slightly complicated things.  I look forward to strats from those of you without the easy win button that is Hector.

  11. After trying (and failing) to get anything new off of the Rite of Shadows banner, I decided to bite the bullet and start upgrading some of my optimal/near-optimal 4 stars.

    Summoned 5* Units (20):

    • Marth (+HP, -Res)
    • Tiki-Young (+Res, -HP)
    • Nowi (+HP, -Res)
    • Cain (+HP, -Def)
    • Klein (+Spd, -HP)
    • Sheena (+Def, -HP)
    • Lucina (+Spd, -Res)
    • Hector (+HP, -Atk)
    • Priscilla (+Def, -Res)
    • Chrom-Bunny (+Atk, -Def)
    • Hinoka (+Spd, -Res)
    • Xander-Bunny (Neutral)
    • Camilla-Bunny (+Def, -Spd)
    • Faye (+Spd, -Res)
    • Lukas (+Atk, -HP)
    • Ike (+Spd, -HP)
    • Azura (+Def, -Spd)
    • Azura v2 (+HP, -Atk)
    • Sanaki (+Res, -Atk)
    • Hector v2 (+Def, -Spd)

    Promoted 5* Units (4):

    • Camilla (+Atk, -HP) [From 4*]
    • Sharena (Neutral) [From 2*]
    • Corrin-F (+Spd, -Res) [From 3*]
    • Nino (+Atk, -Res) [From 3*]
  12. Even with my recent acquisition of Sanaki, I am still woefully lacking in mages, so I would have to be a fool to pass up on this magic-heavy banner.

    Round 39 Pulls



    Round 39 [Rite of Shadows]: 3* Hinata [+Def, -HP] || 3* Olivia [+Res, -Atk] || 4* Oboro [+HP, -Def] || 3* Beruka [+Spd, -HP] || 4* Effie [+HP, -Spd]

    Eh, I'll take this. A second Effie is the main highlight of this pull.  I'm not 100% sure on this, but this Effie seems a little better than the +Def, -Res one I currently rock with, so it might be worth training her up.  The rest are slightly less useful; Although this Olivia initially looked promising, +HP is simply a better boon for defensive Olivia.  Likewise, Beruka is too slow to really take advantage of +Spd, and Oboro/Hinata don't particularly like having their defenses compromised.

    Round 40 Pulls



    Round 40 [Rite of Shadows]: 4* Maria [+Def, -Atk] || 3* Matthew [+Def, -HP] || 3* Gordin [+Def, -HP] || 3* Corrin-F [+Def, -HP] || 3* Shanna [+Atk, -Def]

    This one is a little less exciting, but Maria (this is a significant step-up from my +Atk variant) and Shanna (her Attack isn't anything to write home about, but this absolutely blows my other variants out of the water) at least have the potential.  Gordin seems the best out of the +Def, -HP gain, but none of them honestly seem to be particularly useful.


    Although Rite of Shadows has been a bust thus far, I decided to 5 star these lovely ladies (Corrin-F is +Spd, -Res and Nino is +Atk, -Res) to help take my mind off of things.  Hopefully the voting gauntlet orbs will be a little more helpful.

  13. 6 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

    Wow, some great pulls there. I was going to say most of your 5*'s have great natures but then the Azuras came along. One -Atk and one -spd - ouch. Thankfully, she's not really a front lines kind, so it shouldn't affect her usage too much. My Azura is one of my most used units (with only Reinhardt beating her).

    Thankfully, awful natures tend to be limited to my lower-starred units (I've gotten my fair share of +Atk healers and -Spd flyers).

    You are quite right - I've grown to love her a fair amount in these last 2 weeks, and -Atk rarely seems to hinder her effectiveness (she occasionally takes extra hits from weakened-but-not-slain swordies, but that's about it).  -Spd is another matter entirely, but it's not like I'd be using my second string Azura for anything besides Dance to begin with :P:

  14. And now that I've gotten the Pull topic up to date, time for a seriously belated update here as well:

    Summoned 5* Units (20):

    • Marth (+HP, -Res)
    • Tiki-Young (+Res, -HP)
    • Nowi (+HP, -Res)
    • Cain (+HP, -Def)
    • Klein (+Spd, -HP)
    • Sheena (+Def, -HP)
    • Lucina (+Spd, -Res)
    • Hector (+HP, -Atk)
    • Priscilla (+Def, -Res)
    • Chrom-Bunny (+Atk, -Def)
    • Hinoka (+Spd, -Res)
    • Xander-Bunny (Neutral)
    • Camilla-Bunny (+Def, -Spd)
    • Faye (+Spd, -Res)
    • Lukas (+Atk, -HP)
    • Ike (+Spd, -HP)
    • Azura (+Def, -Spd)
    • Azura v2 (+HP, -Atk)
    • Sanaki (+Res, -Atk)
    • Hector v2 (+Def, -Spd)

    Promoted 5* Units (2):

    • Camilla (+Atk, -HP) [From 4*]
    • Sharena (Neutral) [From 2*]
  15. Hello there, friends... It has certainly been a while.  Due to a combination of factors (primarily low motivation due to end of term exhaustion), I have been slacking a fair amount in my forum posting duties; as a result, I now have a month's worth of pulls that I need to document all at once :sweatdrop:

    Obviously, this may run a little long. So, for ease and convenience, I'll include a tl;dr highlight section right about here:


    5* Hinoka [+Spd, -Res]

    5* Xander-Bunny [Neutral]

    5* Camilla-Bunny [+Def, -Spd]

    5* Faye [+Spd, -Res]

    5* Lukas [+Atk, -HP]

    5* Azura [+HP, -Atk]

    5* Azura [+Def, -Spd]

    5* Ike [+Spd, -HP]

    5* Sanaki [+Res, -Atk]

    5* Hector [+Def, -Spd]

    4* Sakura [+Res, -Spd]

    4* Olivia [+Spd, -HP]

    4* Barst [+Spd, -Def]

    4* Virion [+Spd, -HP]

    4* Subaki [+Spd, -Res]

    3* Florina [+Spd, -HP]

    3* Cherche [+Atk, -Res]

    3* Saizo [+Spd, -Res]

    3* Laslow [Neutral]

    3* Lon'qu [+Spd, -Res]

    3* Henry [+Atk, -HP]

    And without further ado... More spoiler tags!

    Spring Festival Summons


    Alright, before we jump straight into the pulls, I feel that it is worth recalling that these following summons represented a watershed moment in my Heroes career: I left the plebeian lifestyle behind, and officially became one of the influential Fire Emblem Cetacea.


    Well, somewhat.  Most of the other whales of limited means can back me up on this, but we are still fundamentally powerless before the icy indifference of RNGesus - some of us just choose to tango with him a little more often than others.  In fact, back when I had ambitious plans for this run-through, I was formulating a high-class meme to address the disconnect between my new whale identity and the f2p ethos that I still hold to in my heart (it involved lazily slapping Wailmer pictures over a classic tune).  Regardless of the scale of the change, it is still something worth commemorating, hence the slightly more play-by-play summaries of the summons listed below.  Oh yeah, and I believe @ArCAWnite and @Cute Chao expressed a tiny bit of interest in the results of my whaling - hopefully the anticipation hasn't been too hard on you :P:


    Anyway, I set myself a few limits prior to pulling, to ensure that my new investment would be well spent.  I would pull only Green and Blue orbs (since this was the easter banner, the reason why should be fairly obvious), I would stop as soon as I obtained a 5* (with some potential bit of wiggle room if that 5* was a repeat), and upon pulling a 5*, I would finish up that summoning session.  All leftover orbs were to be saved for the SoV banner.

    Simple enough?

    I thought so as well.  I clicked the button, the orb selection featured 1 green and 2 blues, and it was off to the races.



    Round 28 [Spring Festival]: 4* Fae [+Spd, -Def] || 5* Hinoka [+Spd, -Res] || 5* Xander-Bunny [Neutral] || 4* Seliph [+HP, -Spd] || 3* Lon’qu [+Def, -Atk]

    • Manakete natures confuse me immensely, especially those with mixed defensive potential, as there is no stat I'm really happy reducing.  Fae and Nowi seem to have similarly salvageable Speed stats, so +Spd is quite nice, but I'm not sure if -Def is a deal-breaking bane.
    • I'm quite pleased with Hinoka, as 30 Speed on a brave user is tremendous for a vanilla unit, and her sheer presence makes subsequent mono-flyer quests a little more tolerable.  She's the peppy pegasus that I never knew I needed.
    • I'm also happy with this pull as well - Bunny Xander is definitely not an amazing unit (he's kinda a better version of vanilla Draug - he takes physical hits for days, but can't do a god-damned thing in response, except with 3 movement rather than 1), but he easily has the best art of the easter units, and dirty jokes about his carrot give me life :lol:
    • This Seliph was a minor improvement over my +Res, -Spd one, so that's cool I guess.
    • This Lon'qu was not an improvement over anything at all.

    Well, my quest certainly finished up earlier than expected... I guess I'll see you again in the World of Shadows section.  I totally didn't continue pulling in the hopes of getting a new Bunny waifu to accompany my husbands.

















    Yeah, I decided that I wanted one of the two bunny ladies, considering they are a) adorable and b) might actually serve a combat purpose, as I have terrible luck with mages in this game.


    Partial Pull #1 [Spring Festival]: 3* Florina [+Spd, -HP]

    Partial Pull #2 [Spring Festival]: 4* Beruka [+Res, -Atk]

    I forgot to take a picture of Florina's session, but as you can guess, these were the only Blue/Green options in both.

    • I have actually had fairly incredible luck when it comes to Florina (minor spoilers ahead).  Out of the 4 Florina's I have pulled, the very worst I have gotten is a 4* Neutral; the others have been +Atk/-HP and +Spd/-HP.  That being said, Florina isn't amazing (though she's a little better than Est at least), but I still appreciate her concern.
    • -Atk is actually kinda sad on Beruka, as she barely does damage with neutral Attack to begin with, so this lost out to my +Res, -Spd variation.




    Round 29 [Spring Festival]: 4* Corrin-F [+Spd, -Res] || 4* Hawkeye [+Def, -HP] || 5* Camilla-Bunny [+Def, -Spd] || 4* Azama [+Atk, -Spd] || 4* Sakura [+Res, -Spd]

    Yeah, I was just as flabbergasted about my good fortune as you are.

    • Although this Corrin has arguably the best possible nature for her, I got this one right after I finished training up a 3* version with an identical nature.  Given the possibility that I will partake in skill inheritance, the extra SP seemed more valuable than 2k feathers, so I upgraded the 3* and never looked back.  Corrin is fantastic though, so I am perfectly content with an extra manakete.
    • This nature is kinda eh... Given Hawkeye's appeal is his surprisingly respectable mixed bulk, reducing that further seems like a fools errand.
    • Yep, I got myself the mythical flying mage.  This nature is a little unfortunate for my vanilla bunny goddess, but as I believe @eclipse mentioned a while back, this nature is pretty amazing for a potential Gronnraven+/Triangle Adept build, which sounds like my idea of a fun time.
    • This Azama is almost humorously bad.  Almost.
    • And yah, I got myself a Sakura finally!  The nature isn't amazing and she is a little outclassed by Rehabilitate healer, but I look forward to using her.

    And with that (and 30 some-odd orbs left), I decided not to push my luck, and waited the extra 15 minutes for the SoV banner to appear.  My inability to get Bunny Lucina hurt a little, but it wasn't worth throwing away additional orbs chasing a fool's errand - I can only hope she returns next year.








    No seriously, I actually gave up here - I'll see you at the next spoiler :wub:

    World of Shadows Summons


    Welcome back, my dear audience - In case you skipped ahead, I ended the last banner with roughly 35 paid orbs remaining, and I figured I would take a few stabs at this banner, given all of the characters seemed interesting to a certain degree (in Claire's case, entirely so I could potentially pass on Hit and Run)



    Round 30 [World of Shadows]: 3* Olivia [+Spd, -HP] || 3* Hana [+HP, -Res] || 3* Sophia [+Res, -Def] || 3* Cherche [+Atk, -Res] || 3* Setsuna [+Res, -Atk]

    Now, this may look slightly unremarkable to most viewers, but this is actually a fairly interesting pull.  To be specific, this is the first time I had ever gotten five 3* in one summoning session, not only on this account, but also over the course of 34 re-rolls.  I guess it had to happen eventually, but it is still quite a shame.

    • This might actually be a fairly good offensive Olivia (maybe -Res would be a little better).  Unfortunately, I'm quite happy with my +HP, -Atk variation, so I don't have much of a need for this particular dancer at the moment.
    • Believe it or not, this is probably the best Hana nature I've ever gotten... Yeah.
    • Effectively Neutral Sophia is certainly alright enough.
    • That's more like it!  It'd take a slightly ridiculous amount of feathers to get Cherche to her maximum potential, but it is great to know I've got an optimal starting spot for when that time comes.
    • Speaking of optimal, this is not.  Seriously.


    By the way, all of the previously mentioned summoning sessions happened within a half hour of one another.  At this point, it was roughly 3 am, so I decided sleep would do me some good.  After a relaxing slumber, and scrounging up 5-6 more orbs, I got back on track.



    Round 31 [World of Shadows]: 3* Corrin-F [+Atk, -Spd] || 5* Faye [+Spd, - Res] || 3* Azama [+Atk, -HP] || 4* Barst [+Spd, -Def] || 5* Lukas [+Atk, -HP]

    And what a way to get back on track!  I ended up getting the two characters I was most interested in on this banner, and with decent nature's no less.

    • 'Tis not an amazing Corrin by any measure.
    • I was really excited to see how the Firesweep Bow ended up working in the field, so I was hyped to have gotten Faye as early as I did.  Unfortunately, it turned out to be a little on the finicky side and requires a whole lot more work to effectively utilize compared to Windsweep/Watersweep, and Faye isn't quite strong enough to be truly terrifying with that power.  On the plus side, I adore pretty much all of the aesthetic aspects of her, so that is lovely.
    • This is actually a useless Azama.
    • Yet another 30 speed brave user, and although Barst hasn't turned out quite as well as Hinoka (he is a little on the weak side), I have enjoyed using him a fair amount.
    • I actually quite like Lukas.  He functions quite well as a slightly weaker (rip Death Blow) and frailer (no Wary Fighter is quite unfortunate) Effie with extra movement, and I would argue that he is a tiny bit underrated on the whole (he should probably be A tier).  I also happened to get a fairly good nature on him, which may have colored my impression of the guy.

    And with that, I had gotten my fill of the Echoes banner, so I decided to wait and see what the next banner would contain.

    World of Radiance Summons


    And since the next banner ended up being Tellius... Well, that was a little bit more exciting than trying for Alm :P:

    By this point, I had saved up roughly 60 orbs, so I had quite a lot of ammo to hopelessly throw at the banner.


    Round 32 [World of Radiance]: 3* Saizo [+Spd, -Res] || 3* Oboro [+HP, -Spd] || 3* Sully [+HP, -Atk] || 3* Corrin-F [+HP, -Atk] || 3* Barst [+HP, -Spd]

    Yep, this is definitely the type of start I like for new banners :dry:

    • This is certainly an intriguing nature for Saizo.  +Atk would likely be preferred, given he has typical dagger offenses, but I won't pass up doubling the majority of the non-boosted meta.
    • This Oboro nature also seems alright?  She doesn't quite have low enough speed to make a -Spd nature preferable, but it's better than reducing any of her defenses in my eyes.
    • All the rest of these natures are pretty bad - I could see an exceedingly niche set with -Atk tank Corrin, but none of the rest are appealing.



    Round 33 [World of Radiance]: 3* Bartre [+Def, -Atk] || 3* Gordin [+Res, -Spd] || 3* Tiki-Adult [+Atk, -HP] || 3* Olivia [+HP, -Res] || 4* Tiki-Adult [+HP, -Atk]

    This pull was straight up not particularly good.  I could see some situational usefulness from the Tiki's and possibly Olivia, but nothing else is worth discussing.




    Round 34 [World of Radiance]: 4* Robin-M [+Atk, -Res] || 4* Draug [+Def, -HP] || 5* Ike [+Spd, -HP] || 3* Laslow [Neutral] || 4* Marth [+Def, -Atk]

    Well, that was certainly surprising.

    • Although this is a tremendous Robin nature (+Spd is a little better, but still), I've already got one of these Robin's trained up, so this is a little unnecessary.
    • Eugh, it's Draug.  It isn't a bad Draug really, but that still isn't enough to make me feel better.
    • Hey, it's Bulky Ryoma - cool beans!  In all seriousness, +Spd is quite excellent on Ike, as it saves him from being doubled by a fair amount of scary units, and he still has enough attack to trigger Heavy Blade pretty frequently, so I was quite pleased with this pick-up.
    • This is also the best Laslow I've gotten so far, so I will happily mess around with him.
    • 'Tis not a great Marth.

    I was all prepared to horde up some orbs and jump back into this banner, but thankfully I found out about the Hero Festival banner and appropriately saved orbs.

    Hero Fest Summons


    Now this is what we call a tempting banner - the only unit I had been lucky enough to get ahead of time was Hector, and mine was a rather irksome -Atk variation.  Combine that with the boosted focus rate, and there was approximately zero chance I wasn't going to pull at least once.



    Round 35 [Hero Fest]: 4* Virion [+Spd, -HP] || 3* Lon’qu [+Spd, -Res] || 3* Subaki [+Def, -HP] || 5* Azura [+Def, -Spd] || 5* Azura [+HP, -Atk]

    ... RNGesus be praised.  That is all.

    • I see why eclipse likes Virion so much.  He has just enough attack to deal some solid chip damage, doubles a fair amount of units with 34 speed, tanks physical hits just well enough, and Seal Speed can be pretty fantastic if you play your cards right.
    • I mean, it's not like Lon'qu really needs more speed, but at least this one isn't -Atk.
    • I finally got a non-neutral Subaki... And not going to lie, this one isn't really that much better than neutral.
    • And finally, it is my pleasure to welcome you to my new lakeside resort.  Might I recommend selecting the right-most attendant, as her voice is just a little bit nicer than the others (and -Spd Azura makes me cry just a little)?

    And believe it or not, that was the last pull I did on the Hero Fest banner...

    Let me explain.

    By this point, I had obtained two of the featured heroes: Azura (who I desperately wanted, both due to overall appreciation for her design and the desire for a little extra dancer variety) and Hector (who, if I'm being honest, is perfectly usable with -Atk).  I joked about it earlier, but Ike really does fulfill my need for Ryoma quite well, and Takumi, while very appealing, just doesn't set my heart aflutter like a certain recently announced banner.

    Female Mages Summons


    And here it is, the answer to my prayers and dreams for better mages (not that I'm implying that Tharja and Nino are bad or anything, just that they slightly constrict my team-building options if I want to use them).  Specifically, I've really wanted Linde ever since starting the game (and regretfully passing her up while re-rolling), Julia/Sanaki would be amazing to help patch up some of my main team's low Res issues, and despite Tharja not particularly clicking with me in this game, she was probably my favorite Awakening character, so I'll always take extra copies of her.  The Male Mages banner also looked pretty tempting (mostly for Leo), but there is no reason not to work away at this one while I can.


    Round 36 [Female Mages]: 3* Jagen [+Def, -HP] || 3* Gordin [+Res, -Def] || 3* Bartre [+Def, -Res] || 3* Corrin-F [+Def, -HP] || 4* Florina [Neutral]

    Well, in keeping with tradition, this is not what you would call a "good start".  I guess Bartre and Florina are pretty alright, but there was such potential behind all of those blues.


    Following the highly underwhelming pull that proceeded this, and feeling a little in need of someone to train up (yeah, I know it is a pretty stupid reason), I decided to splurge a little bit and bought a 23 pack of orbs.



    Round 37 [Female Mages]: 3* Lon’qu [+HP, -Def] || 3* Henry [+Atk, -HP] || 5* Sanaki [+Res, -Atk] || 3* Bartre [+Spd, -Res] || 5* Hector [+Def, -Spd]

    Luckily for my foolish self, I remembered to select IS' patented Pay-2-Win Orb Package, and I managed to get another double 5* pull.  Seriously, this is the seventh time that has happened to me, and it is starting to get a little disconcerting.

    • Meh, that is one alright Lon'qu.
    • Thank god I don't have to train an -Atk Henry again - that shit was agonizing, even with Raurraven helping him tank an absurd amount of stuff. I'm not sure if this one is quite worth the reduction in bulk, but I'm willing to take that risk.
    • Alas, I too was handed one of Rezzy's summons by mistake - thankfully Sanaki's attack is still pretty ludicrous even with -Atk, and Triangle Adept and +Res gives her literally absurd special bulk, which was pretty much what the doctor ordered.  Even with the questionable nature, I'm extremely pleased with my new empress.
    • +Spd doesn't solve too much about Bartre, but this one is at least better than the +Spd, -HP variation I trained up.
    • And just like that, I got a slightly better Hector.  I will probably still use the other one as an extremely soft check for mages in Story maps, but this one is replacing him for any arena combat.


    Fast forward a couple of days, and with the Fortune orbs, I decided to try again for Julia and Linde.


    Round 38 [Female Mages]: 3* Gunter [+Def, -Spd] || 4* Laslow [+Def, -Res] || 3* Stahl [+Res, -HP] || 4* Shanna [+HP, -Spd] || 4* Subaki [+Spd, -Res]

    I didn't succeed, but thankfully I got a rather excellent Subaki, an intriguing Gunter to go along with my +Atk variant, and a potentially decent Laslow (is +Def, -Res better than Neutral? Please discuss below).

    And that's it.  This took the better part of this afternoon to finish up, so thank you for reading through it.  Hopefully y'all enjoyed it decently enough, even if it started dragging a bit near the end.

  16. When it comes to 3 stars, I still haven't managed to pull Eliwood, Selena, Serra, or Raigh (discounting the freebie).  Serra is a little unfortunate, but I can live without the rest.

    As for 4 stars, I'm missing Catria (excluding the PS quest reward), Clair, Cordelia, Eirika, Jakob, Kagero, Lachesis, Lucius, Merric, Ogma, Peri, and Rebecca - My continued inability to get Kagero and Eirika hurts more than I would care to admit :cry:


    Well... That was slightly more straightforward than I was expecting (I beat it on my 3rd try, I believe?).

    I used:

    • 5* Lvl 40 Ike (+Spd, -HP)
    • 5* Lvl 40 Nowi (+HP, -Res)
    • 4* Lvl 40 Olivia (+HP, -Atk)
    • 5* Lvl 40 Klein (+Spd, -HP)

    In the interest of saving time/stamina potions, I'll just do a quick, picture-less summary.

    Turn 1: As per usual, this was spent wholly on positioning: no one made any sudden moves or agreed any cavalry units.

    Turn 2: After a quick Rally Defense from Nowi and a quick dance from Olivia, Ike moved to just inside the Red Sword/Green Mage's range.  On enemy phase, the Red Sword/Green Cav attacked Ike, leading to hefty damage for the Sword/death for the Cav.  The healer warped over to the Swordie and healed him, leaving him with 29 (?) HP and a fully charged Ignis.  Xander and the Lancer advanced.

    Turn 3:  This was the turn that killed my previous two attempts, as I found out the hard way that neither Ike (first try) nor Nowi (second try) could live an Ignis boosted hit from the Red Sword on his turn.  Instead, I had the novel idea of simply not engaging the sword at all - Ike retreated and then was fully danced to safety by Olivia.  Finally, a combination of Klein and Nowi was *just* barely enough to take out the Lance before he caused any shenanigans, leaving only Nowi and Olivia in Xander's range and no one within the other sword's range.  On enemy phase, Xander attacked Olivia, leaving her at 13 HP.  The healer patched up the scary swordie to 44 (?) HP and swordie advanced forward.

    Turn 4:  Finally, a breakthrough: thanks to (I can't believe I'm actually able to say this) +Spd on Klein, he was able to quadruple Xander, which, combined with a clutch Glacies activation, just barely took him out.  With some help from Olivia, Nowi was able to take out the Swordie (I'm not 100% sure about the reasoning here, unless the healer activated Solid Earth Balm on turn 2 without me noticing), and Ike advanced on his new prey.  The healer made some pitiful attempted attack at Nowi, but nothing much happened.

    Turn 5: We cleaned up the healer, and the W was ours.

    On the whole, this one seemed pretty straightforward, especially with a safe method of taking out the two Ignis tanks before they started trouble.  Klein was absolutely the MVP of this one for ORKOing Xander, of all people, though Nowi was a great help as per usual.  I should also try picture less summaries more often, as this one only took 40 minutes to recall/type out.

    Best of luck to everyone else on their attempts :D:

  18. 8 minutes ago, Tragonight said:

    Is there a list with every Hero's BST, ordered from greatest to least?

    I recently pulled a Nowi and I want to see which units would boost my score the most on my offensive arena team.


    Note that this doesn't include Weapon Might or any skill-based stat increases. 

    Edit: Greninja'd yet again :P:


    After a stamina potion and a few different team builds, I managed to beat this with:

    • 5* Lvl 40 Priscilla (+Def, -Res)
    • 4* Lvl 35 Olivia (+HP, -Atk)
    • 5* Lvl 40 Nowi (+HP, -Res)
    • 4* Lvl 40 Nino (+Atk, -Res)

    Turn 1: Olivia/Nowi/Nino positioned themselves in a line directly below the danger area.  Priscilla moved below Olivia.



    Turn 2: Nino attacked the armor for 39 damage.  Olivia danced Nino, and Nino used Drag Back to maneuver both of them out of range.  Nowi moved into the red mages range.  During the enemy phase, Nowi was doubled for 26 damage, and dealt 25 damage back.  The other enemies engaged in some Swapping shenanigans, resulting in the following positioning:

    Turn 3: Olivia moved to the back row, Nowi shifted to the rightmost alcove, and Prisicilla slid in next to Nowi to deliver some much needed healing.  Nino stayed put in her location.  On enemy phase, the movement shenanigans continued, ending up like so:



    Turn 4: Nowi took out the weakened red mage, and after being danced by Olivia, retreated to the back row.  Priscilla moved up to the top of the right alcove, and Nino dragged back Olivia horizontally to safety.  Come enemy phase, they were up to their usual theatrics, and rearranged themselves as follows:



    Turn 5: Nino moved up and finished off the Blue armor.  Everyone else moved out of danger, leaving a nice little diamond pattern.  The blue mage moved forward to attack Nino, dealing 12 damage and receiving 30 in return.  Zephiel moved behind the blue mage, and the green armor swapped with him, leaving them situated thusly on the battlefield:



    Turn 6: MVP Nino added the badly hurt blue mage to her list of victims.  Olivia moved right below Nino, Nowi moved over to Olivia's old spot, and Priscilla moved to the back row and gave Nowi another 10 hp heal.  The green armor and Zephiel advanced toward Nowi:



    Note: This picture reflects a curious multiverse where Priscilla healed Nowi to full at least 1 turn early.  This doesn't make too much of a difference either, as Nowi was at full before she engaged in combat anyway, but it should be noted regardless.

    Turn 7: Nino (with some dancing assistance) brought the green armor down to 7 hp.  After a good luck heal from Priscilla, Nowi moved past Nino and finished off the green armor.  During enemy phase, Zephiel attack Nowi, dealing 17 damage and receiving 37 for his troubles:



    Turn 8: From here, it was just a matter of chipping Zephiel with Nino before sealing the deal with Nowi, and voila!  Zephiel was mine (again).


    I actually found this Grand Hero Battle to be significantly more difficult than Navarre's and Michalis', mostly due to the surprising tankiness of every unit involved (particularly the mages and their damned specials) and the very limited movement options.  It took me another hour and two additional stamina potions to recreate my steps again, though this might also be because it is 5 in the morning here :P:.

    Anyway, good luck to those who are yet to complete it, congrats to those who already have, and I'll get caught up on developments sometime this afternoon... Cheers :):

  20. 10 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Holy crap, free Catria!  Just what my team needed!

    (that's not sarcasm, I can't pull Catria to save my life)

    Not only have I also not pulled Catria, this Catria is even guaranteed to not be -Atk, which is how my luck tends to go with flying units (looking at you, Est/Caeda/Cherche/Beruka) :D:


  21. 44 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

    Hi long time forum reader and FE fan since sacred stones.  So happy its on mobile now!

    so working on cavalry team drawing 5* Reinhardt +Def -Res and +Spd -Def Cecilia

    Should just use my 24k feathers to

    A: get Deathblow 3 for Rienhrdt

    B: 5* Cecila  looking to use Triangle adept and G tome breaker

    C 5* Eliwood  +Spd -res. Perfect nature, but not tanky enough.  stahl work beter?


    Also have  Nino  +Dmg -Hp who would love promotion but already have +spd Hectir and Minerva. 

    Welcome to the posting life, it is good to have you :)

    Of the three options you presented, I would go with DB3 on Reinhardt, as even with a neutral nature, he wrecks shop (Ampharos had some terrifying calcs a few pages back).

    If you are going outside of those options, +Atk, -HP Nino is incredibly good assuming you have the team to complement her (Eirika, Sharena, Ephraim, or an assortment of secondary buffers).

    Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought +Spd, -Def or +Atk, -Def were preferable for Eliwood, as his Res is quite substantial for a cavalry unit?

  22. 52 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    She REALLY wants +Atk.  I'd hold off for now.


    And I'm finally going to ask a question~!

    So I just pulled +HP/-Def Ephraim.  Here's what I plan on giving him:

    Special: He can keep Moonbow, it's funny
    Assist: Something that repositions untis
    A skill: ?
    B skill: Swordbreaker
    C skill: Hone Speed or something like that

    I'm going to run him over Effie (her job is to be a wall and make red units cry) and see how he fits.  So. . .any suggestions for that A skill, besides Fury?  I mean, not being doubled by neutral Kagero is great, but I'm not sure if that's enough to warrant the health drop.

    Nothing really jumps out to me.  Darting Blow might work to mitigate his meh speed a little bit whenever Swordbreaker is inactive, Triangle Adept/Death Blow would gel rather nicely with Swordbreaker, and Atk Def 2/Distant Counter would be more universally applicable good-stuff skills (while being much harder to acquire).

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