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Everything posted by red-and-soulless

  1. I burned all my flags on Elise last round just for funsies (I believe I was around rank 177 with around 113,000 points, which I can live with), so I guess it is on to Team Chrom since I can actually get some bonuses with him...
  2. It really is difficult to pass up odds like that, I went with a similar pull back when I started out (5* Young-Tiki/5* Marth/4* Sheena/filler). I guess it wouldn't hurt to re-roll on the side, assuming you've got the time, since that account is saved. Sanaki seems to function in a similar vein to Lilina and Julia (slightly slower magic nukes), though Triangle Adept can be a little limiting. Elieson did an excellent write-up of Klein's potential and options right about here, if you want to check it out:
  3. Out of curiosity, which three stars did you roll? I would personally stick with that roll, as Sanaki and Klein are both fairly viable units that cover both sides of the spectrum (plus Sanaki makes for a decent Hector check, which is always appreciated). However, they are also both rather delicate and stuck attacking from 2 range, and Niles doesn't help that much... There are load more useful 1 range units, so you should be set within a few pulls, but that would be my reason to be concerned.
  4. Yeah, I'm surprised to be back here so soon, but between the Xenologue maps and the March quests (IS have really been kind to us as of late), I was able to scrounge up sufficient orbs a couple days early. This also left me in a curious position in terms of the possible banner options; assuming I run into enough cavalry units to beat that lunatic quest, I will have enough orbs for one more summon before these banners expire. With that in mind, I made the difficult choice of going with the Princesses banner, mostly because: a) I had a fairly low rate-up for the Sibling Bonds banner (3.25%), b) every single one of those featured units would be nice to obtain (Elise would arguably the best healer for my current semi-defensive main team, Eirika would open up a whole new world of aggro play the likes of which I could scarcely imagine, and Lucina is still an excellent unit), and c) I'm on Team Elise, and we could use all the help we can get :P. Round 14 Pulls Assuming all goes well, I'll have to work out which banner to pull from near the end of the week as well. Do you guys and/or gals think that I should stick with the more-targeted-to-my-team's-needs focus (Princesses), or should I switch back to the OMG-I-want-shiny-new-toys focus (Sibling Bonds)?
  5. I would recommend account 2 or 3, as that is a fairly terrible Takumi nature you've got there. In between those two... It's a matter of preference really, Klein and Maria are both rather enjoyable units geared towards wildly different playstyles, and you have arguably the best Klein nature and one of the better Maria natures (I like having increased chip ability from Maria in a pinch, but I can see the argument for a -Spd nature). I can't speak in depth about Eldigan effectiveness-wise, but that seems like a bad nature for him (he'd want +Spd or +Atk).
  6. Hmmm... Chrom is the only potential champion I have in any fighting condition, and I'm not wild about his round 2 chances. I think I'll just go Team Elise, and revel in the chaos of the next week
  7. So, after the absolute insanity that was my last pull, I was wholly expecting this set of units to be a swift return to reality. Round 13 Pulls:
  8. Thank you very much for the speedy and insightful responses :) I'll probably try out Odin/Young Tiki/Olivia/Camilla for now, partly because Young Tiki and Camilla are on my main arena team (hence there'll be a slightly reduced mastery curve), and partly because it'll give me time to train Klein and Fae for future use (Fav's insane boosting sounds like my kinda strat). Whether or not this team composition will survive past the new set of bonus characters is a little up in the air, but I won't pass up an enjoyable build if that's what this becomes.
  9. Their overall face shapes and hairdos make for a curious resemblance, but it starts to get pretty uncanny when you look at the design of their outfits.
  10. I would like to construct an arena team around Odin (because the x2 bonus is quite essential, and my only other bonus character is a 2* Narcian). Where would you guys suggest I begin based off of my roster (included in Spoilers below)? Since there are only 6 days left in the season, characters that are already decently leveled would be preferable. Currently Leveled Units Level 1 Units with Potential Units likely too costly to be made usable atm
  11. Thank you very much, I'm still kinda amazed I had that much luck to begin with; it seems like a fair amount of people in this thread have gotten Klein as well, so who knows, maybe it will be your time soon :) I also have a 4* Sheena with a passable nature, so having two users for Fortify Armor should make that quest a relative cake-walk.
  12. My last few pulls have been... underwhelming to say the least, so I was fairly hyped for a brand new banner to sink my orbs into. Was my enthusiasm justly rewarded, or did I get another set of meh units? Round 12 Pulls
  13. 4 Hectors seems pretty easy (yes, I'm one of the lucky ones with Young Tiki), though my Tiki is -HP, so it might require some fairly involved healing. 4 Tacomeats, on the other hand... It *might* be possible with Wrys as my designated healer (my team's 5* Young Tiki/4* Effie/4* Camilla/a designated healer, currently out of the pool of 4* Azama, 4* Maria, and 4* Wrys) as Effie can handle one Takumi fairly comfortably, and Baby Tiki can somewhat deal, but it would require some godly kiting/a really helpful map (that Labyrinth map for example :P).
  14. Hmmm... I'm not too wild about this system as it has currently been described. I agree with @Othin that a good deal of this game's appeal lies in the very specialized nature of each unit (so that much of the strategy comes from selecting the most synergistic tool for a particular team, rather than giving your favorite tool a face-lift so that it fulfills that same role), and this runs counter to that. Additionally, there would have to be some incredibly strict restrictions in place to ensure any amount of balance. It'd have to be limited to A/B/C skills for sure, preferably to each unit's naturally unfilled slot.
  15. And here we are back again, once again, with another set of pulls - I figured I'd go back to the Family Bonds banner one last time, as Hawkeye was the only unit I was missing from that set, and I still hadn't gotten any of the new characters yet. Round 11 Pulls
  16. Orbs have gotten a little scarce as of late, so this is likely to be my last pull from this current banner (though I might be able to barely afford another one - thanks @eclipse for the reminder about the special Launch maps)... So, did I get anything particularly amazing? Round 10 Pulls
  17. To the best of my knowledge, 5* Robin-M was always planned to be specific to that banner, as otherwise he would be the only unit pull-able at 3 different rarities.
  18. I'm pretty sure they're talking about the gradually increasing odds of getting a 5* every time you fail to pull one (or in this case, it reseting back to a flat 3% after you get lucky).
  19. Marth (thanks to re-rolling), Young Tiki (ditto), Nowi, and Cain thus far.
  20. Alright, here are my first two pulls under this new banner. Round 8 Pulls Round 9 Pulls I was hoping for some of the new units (Julia in particular looks cool), but I'll happily take what I got :)
  21. Currently, I've got 5* Tiki (Young) / 4* Effie / 4* Camilla / 4* Azama, all somewhere in the low/mid 30's - though I just got a 4* Maria, so she will likely replace Azama once I get her up to speed.
  22. I haven't shared any of my pulls yet, so I might as well rectify that now (my apologies/gratitude to @Sire for appropriating your gorgeous layout, hopefully you don't mind too terribly much): Previous (Undocumented) Pulls (1-5) Now that we've got those out of the way, time for pretty pictures :) Round 6 Pulls Round 7 Pulls Hopefully those were enjoyable/sufficiently on topic for this thread.
  23. Yah, I finally got another 5* Star - based on pianime94's stats above, this Nowi looks to be (+HP/-Res or +Def/-Res), if that helps: Name: Nowi HP: 18 Atk: 17 Spd: 5 Def: 6 Res: 4 Weapon Skill: Lightning Breath+ Assist Skill: Rally Defense Special Skill: N/A
  24. It appears you guys are covered for 3*/4* units, but I might as well chip in a tad: Natural 3* Units: Name: Cecilia HP: 17 Atk: 13 Spd: 5 Def: 4 Res: 5 Weapon Skill: Elwind Assist Skill: N/A Special Skill: N/A Name: Donnel HP: 16 Atk: 13 Spd: 5 Def: 5 Res: 3 Weapon Skill: Steel Lance Assist Skill: N/A Special Skill: N/A Name: Florina HP: 16 Atk: 15 Spd: 7 Def: 5 Res: 7 Weapon Skill: Steel Lance Assist Skill: N/A Special Skill: N/A Name: Lissa HP: 16 Atk: 6 Spd: 6 Def: 4 Res: 7 Weapon Skill: N/A Assist Skill: Reconcile Special Skill: N/A
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