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Everything posted by red-and-soulless

  1. I would go +Spd personally, as it saves her from being doubled by a fair amount of units.
  2. Well, here we are again. Tuesday's pulls were certainly unfortunate (and, if you couldn't tell, were cheeky enough to get me legitimately salty), but thanks to these new orb quests, I get to try my hand at a few more summons. Hopefully this turns out better? Round 18 Pulls
  3. Thanks for all of hard work thet you put into this thread, Elieson. It was really surprising to see this level of in depth analysis so early into this games life-span, especially since no one (except for the most dedicated of whales) is anywhere close to optimizing their units.
  4. Don't worry about it, my memory stinks as well - I only remembered about Robin-F because I was surprised she wasn't in the summoning pool :) I can confirm, she was in 4-4 and 4-5.
  5. If I remember correctly, she showed up in one of Awakening's story chapters... I'll get back to you once I find out which one it was.
  6. I guess I might as well give my thoughts on these upcoming changes... Skill Inheritance fixes: I'm kinda surprised re-inheriting skills wasn't standard to begin with, but yeah, this change seems pretty solid. Hero Merit: Hmmm... It'll be interesting to see how this turns out, but I can't foresee it making too much of a difference in the long run. Still, more feathers are always a positive at the end of the day. New Combat Rules: Hell yes, I am stoked about this - extra gameplay variety will be much appreciated, provided the objective are clearly indicated prior to starting each mission. Arena scoring adjustment: Thank god for this. My biggest fear about Skill Inheritance going in (besides completely destroying any semblance of balance in the game) is that it would further homogenize the arena meta around the units with highest stats, as units with lower stats would no longer have access to semi-exclusive abilities to justify their use. As such, I will happily accept them lowering the role that base stats have upon scoring (I would be happier if they eliminated it entirely, but then there would be absolutely no competing with the whales and their lvl 40 +10's). Also, it'll make Brave weapon users less of a scoring liability, which is just peachy :) Bonus Hero descriptions: Kinda surprised this wasn't a thing to begin with, so sure, sounds good. "A new way to expand your hero's abilities": I'm... intrigued by this. We know basically nothing about it atm, so I'll go into more detail as further info becomes available. New GHB's: Ooooooooh, this is very cool indeed. I guess Lloyd will be our first 100% new character added via the hero battle system. It's kinda strange that Camus wasn't listed, but mayhaps IS is trying to come with a way to tone him down a little busted before releasing him on us. Future Plans: And I am also really excited about this, based off of the little nuggets of info we've gotten thus far. Overall, I'm a happy little summoner right about now.
  7. Thank you for defending Priscilla even if you're joking, she's just a Fear inherit away from being the best defensive healer in the game, in my humble opinion. I will concur that Rebecca and Lucius don't look amazing, though.
  8. I had 7 blue orbs spread between my last two summoning sessions, and I still didn't get a thing :(
  9. I concur with Arcanite... I'm legitimately impressed by how many red units you have, but you need variety to make a good team.
  10. Sorry, I would have answered earlier, but I know barely anything about cavalry units in this game... Let me see, you've got Gunter and Eliwood, who are two of the desirable buff-dispensers in cavalry-centric teams, but both need to be 4 star to unlock hone cavalry/ward cavalry respectively. That is a decent start, but if you are sticking purely to cavalry units, Abel looks to be your best abuser of those buffs, and he just isn't on the same level as Reinhardt or Eldigan when it comes to that role. Mayhaps @Elieson can help, as he seems fairly knowledgable about that particular team build?
  11. I'm hoping that it turns out to be something along these lines, as it would be a little dull if they just made the ambiguous and semi-shady underling the true villain (again). It might also explain why they haven't named the Masked Man yet, as it is possible we are supposed to assume he's Zacharias, in order to throw us even further off the scent.
  12. Hello all, time for another set of pulls. Against my better judgement, I decided to spend all of my accumulated orbs in order to get two full summons, as roughly 2/3rds of these new focus units look fairly dope, and the other two don't look too terrible either. Was my rashness looked upon with pity and rewarded, or has my luck finally started to return to normal? Round 16 Pulls Round 17 Pulls Yeah, I'm a little cross. On the positive side of things, Breath of the Wild is amazing I got a single death arena streak on my first try earlier today, so I 5-starred my Camilla to celebrate. My flawlessly natured Waifu
  13. I agree with eclipse that Cordelia and Camilla are among the best (in addition to Brave Weapons shenanigans, Galeforce is still terrifying if you can get it to proc in time and Camilla has surprisingly workable bulk in a pinch), but Minerva (an absolutely terrifying nuke) and Catria (probably the best of the "traditional" pegasus knights thanks to Seal Attack and Armored Blow) deserve honorable mention... It's a pity that a certain meta-centralizing threat happens to screw over the entire class in one fell swoop.
  14. Oh yeah, you're more than covered when it comes to Reds then... With that in mind, none of your 4 stars really jump out as needing the upgrade (Fensalir on Sharena and Seal Attack 3 on Catria are the nicest 5* exclusive goodies), and it seems like you have a fairly balanced set of 5 stars as is, so I would suggest saving your feathers. I would probably go with one of the manaketes or Sharena if you are really itching to upgrade someone, but I think you are fine as is.
  15. It would be kinda nice to see that top row of yours, just so we know what you're working with atm :P Based on what is shown, Adult Tiki might be a decent choice, given the rest of your 5 star options, but I would honestly wait if I were you.
  16. In terms of 3 star characters, I'm missing Bartre, Beruka, Eliwood, Felicia (non-hero battle), Gaius, Gunter (NHB), Henry, Jagen, Oboro, Raigh (excluding the freebie), Selena, Serra, Sophia (NHB), Subaki (NHB), Sully, and Virion (HB/freebie excluded). Of those, Eliwood, Bartre, and Selena are the most surprising, as everyone and their (hip, fire emblem-playing) mother seem to get those. In terms of 4 star and up, there are too many to mention, but I'm notably missing Abel, Eirika, Kagero, Roy, and Tharja :(
  17. Congrats on upgrading your very own Freddy - hopefully he serves you well long into the future :) I haven't actually bumped any units up to 5 stars yet. I have been considering upgrading my Camilla (+Atk, -HP), as she is really hurting for that brave axe+, but she is a little shaky in this meta, so idk.
  18. Well, after around 5 stamina potions and a lot of grief (roughly half of those stamina potions were wasted on exhaustion fueled misplays), I beat it on Lunatic. My team consisted of: 5* Lvl 38 Hector (+Hp, -Atk) - The nature didn't make too much of a difference, as I only needed Hector to a) quickly eliminate Ursula + the thieves and b) provide Spur Attack buffs, and +Atk wouldn't have sped up the kill on Ursula any. 4* Lvl 40 Effie (+Def, - Res) - The nature helped with Effie's tanking a bit, but anything that was not -Atk likely would have worked. 4* Lvl 35 Olivia (+HP, -Atk) - Solely for dance support and Hone Attack. 4* Wrys Lvl 36 (+HP, - Spd) - Lissa might have sped things up a little with her Kindled-Fire Balm, but it is entirely possible that Imbue + Rehabilitate was a necessity for some of the close shaves. The fundamental game plan was to let Hector loose to destroy some fools, but alas, the red cavalier one-rounded Hector, so some creativity was required... A slightly overblown run-through of the game. In hindsight, I would have been better off just pairing Hector with someone who could safely one-round the red cavalier from range (maybe Robin-M or Young-Tiki might suffice, I'd have to look into it), but eh, this just barely worked, so I can't complain too much.
  19. Congrats on the effort, all of you Ephraim folks - it looks like you got it in the end :) Even though I was on Chrom's team, I'm pretty stoked, since this means I can actually use my shiny new Lucina and get the bonus as well. Now, time to get caught up to date on the thread.
  20. That makes sense. Thank you very much for the clarification :)
  21. Hmmm, I got a similar impression looking off of his stats (his defensive spread at 5* Lvl 40 is 47/42/21, which is pretty ridiculous), but a few of his skills seem to run slightly counter to that goal. In particular, the consistent damage of Fury seems problematic on a healer-less team (though it'd help him hit harder in response), along with the usual issues with Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald weapons. I'll give him a run-through once I finish grinding Draug up to Level 40. I'm not sure if it didn't show up, but Gordin is +Atk, -Res. Out of curiosity, why is HP a preferred bane in this situation?
  22. It depends on your team composition and what role you're boxing Roy into. Triangle Adept is a necessity if you are only using him as The Best Green Counter that Money can buy™, as it makes him far more efficient at that role. If he is serving more as a balanced attacker, I'd skip out on it, because being unable to touch blue units is too much of a risk.
  23. My condolences... The gacha giveth, and the gacha taketh away... Hector is basically guaranteed to be in a focus at some point though, so at least you'll have a decent chance of grabbing him in the future.
  24. Wow, those extra 5 orbs today were so unnecessary (yet oh so lovely), considering the other rewards we'll be getting in the future; I'm legitimately worried that they'll be cutting off the daily orb stream given how generous IS have been as of late. Anyway, that plus the Calvary quest gave me enough for one last (mayhaps, I'm not sure what I'll put the inevitable 20 orb reward towards) pull from the Princesses banner. Round 15 Pulls Considering the focus units in this banner, this was a really excellent set of orbs to start out with. I really wanted Elise, so an extra colorless orb would have been much appreciated, but I can't complain. Were the pulls themselves nearly as kind? EDIT: RIP Image. It was 3 Reds, 1 Green, and 1 Colorless.
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