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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. 5... 5? 5?! I've spent over 100 orbs focusing on only colorless without even one single sheep daughter coming home Genny why do you spurn me so? ;_____;
  2. @Rezzy RIP your -Atk curse -Atk Cordelia is still one of the best archers in the game though (as much attack as neutral Takumi but almost as much speed as +Spd Takumi), so you'll be fine. Bride Cordelia's just that good.
  3. 11. If you could go send a letter back in time, what would you tell your younger self? 12. What made you fall in love with Catria? 13. Glasses or contacts? 14. Favorite dessert? 15. Least favorite subject in school? 16. Favorite Kirby power? 17. Favorite kind of outfit (to wear but also what you find attractive on others) 18. Favorite kind of weather? (including temperature range) 19. Do you play any musical instruments? 20. Song that carries great emotional meaning for you? (question is intentionally vague, so interpret it however)
  4. I mean, if you're using a Brave Bow unit, ideally the target would be dead in one round of combat. Killing enemies is probably the easiest way to prevent them from using high cd specials :P
  5. 6. What are your favorite colors? 7. Least favorite colors? 8. Favorite animal and why? 9. Hogwarts house? 10. If you could live in any fictional universe, where would you pick?
  6. Staff that resets/delays enemy cd timer like Titania's Guard perhaps?
  7. Brave Bow+, Life and Death, Desperation Optional Ardent Sacrifice to get her into Desperation range more easily, otherwise Reposition/Draw Back Draconic Aura for her special, though Luna's fine too Threaten Def is probably the best selfish C-slot, but you could also go with a Hone/Fortify/Spur aura for your teammates
  8. Now that Healer Lyn's a thing, anything's fair game. Swordlord Lucius incoming.
  9. I'm slightly afraid of the answer to this question 1. Initial vs current impression of me? 2. Top 3 FE characters 3. Top 3 Bravely Default/Second characters 4. Popular game you think is overrated? 5. Say something nice about your least favorite Heroes character :P
  10. Wedding Banner. The preview video is on the front page of SF, and there's a thread about it on the first page of this forum as well. The site's a bit glitchy, so it just happens sometimes. It's more common on longer threads with more traffic like this one or General Discussion. You can't delete them on your own, but you can flag them for a mod to delete later.
  11. First you come after my Celica and now you come after my robot. You really wanna go, huh?
  12. It's a common misconception that exotic is inherently better. It's not.
  13. Tsk tsk. Not willing to offer Celica the very best? Your devotion is lacking.
  14. Out of curiosity, what set are you planning to eventually run on your Celica?
  15. Oh no I'm sorry D: I shall send my superior Celica to give her a hug immediately!
  16. Excuse you, but I'm fairly certain my +Spd Celica is superior to your Celica.
  17. They have their niche uses. If you're good enough with positioning (which has been made easier now that everyone can inherit positioning assists), you can often Threaten a melee enemy unit without being in range of attack by ending the turn two squares away from they'll end their turn (which you can usually ascertain if you know how to manipulate the AI). But overall I much prefer the team utility offered by Hone/Fortify/Spur skills instead. Seal skills are completely useless at high level play though.
  18. That's fair. I think I'm gonna wait and see how Cordelia's stats compare with Takumi's before I decide on whether or not to pull.
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