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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Genny could be the most shit unit in the entire game, and I would still want her because I love her as a character <3 It also doesn't really matter to me how viable she is or isn't. Hell, there's even a chance I may never use her at all. Part of the enjoyment of this game (or gachas in general) for me comes from just collecting your favorite units.
  2. Seems reasonably straightforward for my team (Celica, Ninian, Ryoma, Reinhardt) Turn 1 is just setup: everyone moves forward one. Turn 2: Reinhardt goes up and ORKOs Camus, then Ryoma Swaps with Reinhardt Turn 2 (Enemy phase): Ryoma tanks and ORKOs the axe cavaliers and the healer Turn 3: Reinhardt finishes off the red mage cavalier The only potential problem would be if Ryoma cannot ORKO the cavaliers, but that isn't an issue, really. If that happens, then on turn 3, Celica finishes off one axe cavalier, gets danced, then finishes off the other axe cavalier. If Ryoma could not ORKO the healer, then he can attack her now and finish her off. Reinhardt still finishes the red mage cavalier as planned. Honestly you can duo the map with Reinhardt and Ryoma. The other two are just failsafes. EDIT: Will work on a method that utilizes no skill inheritance or high ranking units in case Ice Dragon pulls his challenge shenanigans again. And also so that other people that don't have Reinhardt and Ryoma can benefit.
  3. I mean same here. I also completely wasted my early peddlers because I didn't know they were a one-time deal. I generally think of first playthroughs as trial runs to learn the mechanics of the game though.
  4. Swordbreaker is generally the favored choice, but if you don't want to use that then I would suggest giving him more mobility with either Wings of Mercy or Drag Back. Wings of Mercy lets you teleport across the map to smack someone in the face. Drag Back allows you to retreat to safety after killing an enemy (or drag an enemy you couldn't kill back to the rest of your team). I personally like Drag Back more, but they're both solid options.
  5. Ridersbane on Mathilda let her solo an entire half of the map by herself in Act 3 (that one map with like 30 cavaliers), so...idk I'm having a grand old time with it :D
  6. I mean if you used Kaden's forest tome, you wouldn't be able to slap Blade on Reinhardt. But I'll concede that he isn't completely worthless without Dire Thunder.
  7. That also negates one of the main strengths of cavalry mages. Blade tomes are what make cavalry mages so powerful (except Reinhardt) because horses get access to +6 Atk/Spd and Def/Res buffs. Reinhardt would lose Dire Thunder, which is the only reason he's so good. It would be fine on horse mages.
  8. I can't wait for tomes that let us stand on lava. (What would that even be? Salamander?)
  9. I'm perfectly happy with my Ephraim and Sharena and don't love Oboro enough to throw feathers at the worst spear infantry in the game though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. I mean Boey and Mae came with brand new owl tomes. I could very well see Delthea and Luthier coming in with brand new...uh...*spins wheel*...dolphin tomes.
  11. I have a +Def/-Res Oboro and a +Def/-Spd Oboro (which could be better if I decide to go Ignis instead of Bonfire, but I'm not sure yet). I also have the fodder and the feathers necessary to 5* her and give her Killer Lance+, QR 3, Bonfire, Reposition, and the Hone/Fortify skill of my choice. If I really wanted to, I would have no problems making an ideal Oboro. Don't underestimate how far I'm willing to go out of spite >:D I hear June weddings are all the rage I feel that. 200 orbs pulling only colorless later and no Cordelia to show for it :/
  12. Oh? So if I 5* Oboro before you, then that makes her mine and not yours while you're a loser that wasn't trying hard enough, right?
  13. Is there a reason she can't be both of ours? We've been over this before +1 mov seems rather powerful as a passive S-skill considering the level of S-skills thus far have been Atk +1, Spd +1 and such.
  14. Is there a reason she can't be both of ours? We've been over this before +1 mov seems rather powerful as a passive S-skill considering the level of S-skills thus far have been Atk +1, Spd +1 and such.
  15. Every day I offer my prayers, but every day they are ignored </3 I just want to see my daughter again...
  16. I feel like the point of the screenshot was more of a "wtf are you doing" than anything since Pass is useless on Armors in general.
  17. PSA for anyone that didn't know (mostly relevant for Gauntlets but still relevant now)
  18. This is just a small QoL request, but for the matchup simulator: Would it be possible to make everything a bit smaller so that everything from the character portraits of the attacker/defender down to X wins, Y losses, and Z draws can all be seen on one screen without scrolling? Basically resize it to what it was before.
  19. In all fairness, Magvel didn't just get a brand new game that Nintendo and IS want to promote :/
  20. I mean there always has to be one continent that's less represented than the others. I'm just sad that Magvel happens to be that one.
  21. Midori's actually one of my fave Fates chars dw I don't have anything against Fates. I just like Magvel more :/
  22. Considering Charlotte showed up in the Bride Banner, we may be getting her regular self soon. Which would mean a Fates banner? I really hope not... I like Fates and all, but I need more Magvel in Heroes D:
  23. If Lucius doesn't need to sacrifice animals for 5 Gennys I see no reason I should have to Genny is a peace-loving, pure soul and would never want animals to die for her sake.
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