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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. My playstyle varies by season since the maps vary. On the mountain and bridge maps, it's generally better for me to have two independent pairs since it's generally not feasible to have all four sticking together at all times. Also, pre-update I rarely used dancers (Ninian was an exception for those two weeks she was a bonus hero because she was a bonus hero) because their BST brought my score too low for me to rank in top 1k. I'm hoping that the system is different enough now to where I won't be punished for using dancers because I quite enjoy playing really offensively with dancers actually. I personally view Alm's army as the more physical one and Celica's as the more magical one, so it makes more sense to me personally that she'll be a mage (but who knows, really). Also iirc there was a wind-based Brave tome in Awakening named Celica's Gale, so I'm hoping Celica will be a green mage with a Brave tome.
  2. It's absolutely infuriating how many KOs I've missed by 3 HP. I'm pretty excited to use Ephraim anyways (but I need Hinata for Fury ;___;)
  3. I have both Ryoma and Ninian as well as a +Spd/-Def Nino (who I intend to make my next 5*), so I could very well have that core you speak of. The only problem is that I don't feel comfortable taking off Julia because I have no answer for dragons otherwise, nor do I want to run two squishy, green mages. I mean I COULD just "buff the shit out of Nino", but I'm a lot more used to playing with more independent units than having a designated carry. I suppose I would have to change up my playstyle if I wanted to use Nino... EDIT: I'm actually mostly pumped for Celica's banner, so I'm hoping Alm doesn't use up too many of my orbs ;___;
  4. I'd say I have a decently solid set of 5*s at this point, so I focus pull on banners for units I want just because I like the characters (pulled a hell of a lot of blues for Ninian) rather than units I "need". Alm is an exception because Falchion is gamechanging, but I don't dislike him (I simply don't know anything about him, having not played Gaiden). It helps that I'm hyped af for Shadows of Valentia.
  5. Hinata came once and allowed me to get Fury 3 on my Ryoma, so I am quite thankful for that. Now I just need another one. Or two. I'll be pulling for Alm on this coming banner though (I need a Falchion user), so since I'll be pulling reds, there's a decent chance I'll get a Hinata or two for my troubles.
  6. I was comparing vanilla sets, so I intentionally included the Spd +3. But yes, you're certainly correct that her base is 36 and not 39 (which is even better for Ryoma).
  7. I'm actually looking to make Ephraim my main sword wall over Effie. He's at +1 while Effie is unmerged, and from what people have said about the new Arena system, that merge bonus counts for more points than Effie's slightly higher BST (though I haven't tested this myself yet). It also helps that Ephraim is a solid neutral nature (not the most optimal, sure, but not bad by any means) while Effie is a +Spd/-Atk Effie. Also, Ephraim's one of my favorite FE characters while Effie...isn't. So there's that too. The only issue though is that I intend to give Ephraim certain skills, but I lack the fodder at the moment. And I'm not about to send him into the cutthroat post-inheritance Arena with his vanilla skillset. Hinata where are you ;___;
  8. That's perfectly fair. It's just that I find dancers and healers to be a lot more optimal for completely different playstyles. Dancers are generally used to their full potential on hyper offensive rush teams whereas healers are more preferred for more defensive playstyles. That's not to say you can't have a dancer and healer on the same team and make it work, of course, just that it's a less common scenario.
  9. I only really used Michalis as a bonus unit these past two weeks, but I'm actually going to be a little sad to let him go. Reposition on a flier is a godsend on the lava and bridge maps. He also has a pretty solid QR + Bonfire set going, so he can OKRO Effie (QR goes through Wary Fighter if he's fast enough, which he is with Ryoma's Hone Spd). And also dat Hone Atk for Ryoma and Julia. ...you know the more I think about it, the more I think I'd rather keep Michalis and instead switch Effie out for Sharena (assuming she's a bonus unit next rotation).
  10. If you have an Olivia there to dance for you, you might as well kill the threat outright (and if you don't have any member on your team that can kill the threat with two turns, your team probably needs restructuring). The best defense is a good offense, as they say!
  11. You are blessed, my child. Linde is an absolutely terrifying monster, and I wouldn't wish a meeting against one with Blárblade on anyone. (Blárblade Spring Lucina is pretty terrifying too) I don't actually remember the last time I saw even a single Robin. Maybe 2-3 weeks ago?
  12. "Buff the shit out of Nino" is a pretty viable strategy, so more power to you. I personally run Julia as my Linde counter. My Michalis has Hone Atk, so with that buff, Julia can OHKO Linde from full :D (unless she's +HP or +Res but who tf runs a +HP/Res Linde)
  13. He doesn't though. Neutral Ryoma survives neutral Linde with 4 HP. Linde has 39 spd, which is just short the one point needed to double Ryoma's 35. With Aura, she has 49 effective attack. 49 x 1.2 (WTA) = 58 -> 58 - 21 (Ryoma's res) is 37. Ryoma has 41 HP, so he lives with 4. (Blárblade Linde is a different story though, but even Fury Ryoma isn't surviving that monster)
  14. If he had just one more point in speed (47), he would have exactly enough to double even a +Spd Lucina with Fury (who has exactly 42 spd). That's crazy. Have you already used your Spd +1 seal on him to get him to 46? Because if not, you should give it to him to get him to 47. If you already have, it may actually be worth it to go for LD 3 because that one point is pretty key.
  15. Oh for sure, QR isn't good with high speed units like Ryoma. Ryoma with Desperation is absolutely disgusting though (and I'm considering a Life and Death + Desperation offensive Ryoma over the Fury + Vantage defensive set I currently run. It's better on +Spd or +Atk, of course, but as long as Ryoma's bane isn't either of those stats he'll be just fine).
  16. Quick Riposte is arguably one of the best possible skills for slower, tankier units (which is exactly what Frederick is). I don't believe Xander comes with it, but I do know that Subaki does (and the new quests we just got give you a shot at getting a free Subaki).
  17. @Kaden I'm personally a fan of Oboro with Killer Lance+, Bonfire, and Quick Riposte. With Killer Lance and QR, Oboro can get a Bonfire proc every round of combat, which adds a lot to her damage output. Fury is the optimal A-slot, but both Atk +3 and Def +3 work fine. She might even be optimal with the new Fortress Def skill coming this next banner (Def +5, Atk -3).
  18. You could always be a 5* kitty :P I feel that though. Part of the appeal for me was the uniqueness, but if everyone starts doing it then it'll lose that. Not that I mind giving out the link to people that want it though.
  19. There's a template. Here I'll link you in a sec (when I find it).
  20. The thing about healers is that they're the slowest to level, but the tradeoff is that they're by far the cheapest to level since they get the same amount of exp healing people in the first stratum as the tenth. As Kiran mentioned, I generally just have a unit with Fury unequip their weapon and stand in front of an enemy while the healer chills in the back and heals every turn. It's slow, but it's steady and cheap.
  21. Weren't you the one talking about killing and cooking a person?
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