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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Idk some people seem upset at the date, but this was honestly about the soonest I was expecting it anyways since it's pretty clear we'll be getting Shadows of Valentia banners in April/May. I for one am just quite happy to know for sure that characters I'm excited for will be for sure coming in a few months :D
  2. I'm not sure how much "luck" was involved since I did spend some money, but I'm super happy I've pulled Lyn (I don't use her anymore bc my Ryoma's better but I still like Lyn a lot as a character), Ephraim, Nino, Jaffar, and Ninian :DDD I still really want Elise though. I probably won't ever end up using her unless healers turn out to be really good in the coming Defense/Reinforcement modes, but I just really love Elise as a character and want her in Heroes.
  3. As far as I know, all it currently represents is how many seasons/weeks you've played in Arena. So really it's currently just a measure of how old an account is.
  4. As @DehNutCase said, Lyn with Brash Assault is more or less the same thing as a Brave sword unit once below 50%. But if you didn't want to use Lyn, I'd say probably a fast character that can pull off a Brave/Desperation combo to get 4 hits in every round of combat, such as Hana.
  5. Holy shit what did I miss. I'm gone for a few hours and come back to people talking about snowboarding and weather .__. (btw @Elieson Houston represent :D I'm from the southern part of Houston though)
  6. I'm not sure there are really any particular characters people tend to avoid in general aside from dancers (if you put Azura/Olivia/Ninian as your rep I'm skipping you). Other than that it depends on what each particular person's team struggles against. My team doesn't do great against Tharja, for example, so I might likely to skip her if I see her, but Nowi is easy prey for my Julia. On the other hand, you may have a Linde that destroys Tharjas or your team struggles against Nowi, so your picks will be based on that. tldr - There's no real "best team leader for defending" and you're just getting unlucky with Robin :/
  7. I really wouldn't recommend Miracle because Blarblade would turn it from a 5 cd to a 6 cd, which will essentially never proc. If you wanted a defensive instead of offensive option you could always consider something like Sacred Cowl.
  8. People are discovering that Moonbow's overhyped. Sure it has low CD (which is where much of the appeal is), but the amount of bonus damage it grants you compared to other specials is honestly very little. A neutral def Beruka with Bonfire will deal 18 bonus damage. For Moonbow to deal that much bonus damage, the opponent would need a ridiculous 60 defense, which quite frankly is extremely unlikely.
  9. It's probably a level/rarity difference then. Theoretically, a TA Swordbreaker Robin vs a Roy on even footing will always win, even if the Roy is +Res or +HP (though not if Roy is +Res AND Robin is -Atk, not that yours is). So if there's ever a Roy you can't beat, then it's simply because they weren't on even footing to begin with (or Roy had his res buffed by a fortify/spur aura), which is likely the case since, as you said, your Robin is still only 4*.
  10. Your Roy must have been a much higher level than the Robin then and/or the Robin was -atk (and maybe your Roy was +HP/+Res idr his nature). Assuming equal rarity and level, TA Swordbreaker Robin demolishes Roy. Calcs: Neutral Robin at 5* level 40 has 40 attack, which becomes 56 effective attack against red units with Triangle Adept (40 x 1.4 = 56). Neutral Roy at 5* level 40 has 28 res, which becomes 30 when defending because of his weapon. If Robin with TA and Swordbreaker attacks Roy, he deals 26 x 2 damage (56 - 30 = 26) for 52 total damage. Neutral Roy has 44 HP and thus gets completely destroyed by Robin.
  11. You need at least 5 more speed to double, so if your Effie had 19 spd, Hector would need at least 24 to double (which neutral Hector has).
  12. I think a good chunk of people who spend little bits of money on this game all start out with that mindset :P (Anyways, it's all in jest; I don't want to actually encourage anyone to indulge in what is essentially gambling)
  13. See, but if we successfully encourage @Arcanite to pull now, they'll have fewer orbs to save for Ike -> if they love Ike enough they'll potentially spend money for Ike -> game gets more money -> we get more stuff >:D
  14. Give in, Arcanite. Join the dark side; we have orbs. Honestly I'm worried for my wallet with Shadows of Valentia, CYL, and potentially Ike all coming out around the same time since I really want to pull for all of them.
  15. There's a translation on the front page of SF: “It seems…I was summoned into this world from the hopes of many.”
  16. I thought there'd be a lot more buzz around the teaser from the Japanese twitter confirming that the CYL alternate characters are coming after summer as well as an Ike voice clip, but it was posted by one person then largely ignored earlier in this thread :/ EDIT: Jk just noticed a thread was made for it
  17. Sigh, Wings of Mercy catch me off guard every time. Also, does anyone know if there's a cap on the max amount of Defense wins you can get per week? I always seem to cap at 10 Defense wins :/ then again, the season just started, so I guess I'll see if I get any more than these initial wins by the end of the season. But last season I also capped at 10 so idk... It doesn't actually matter, since only one victory matters, but I was just curious.
  18. CONGRATULATIONS :DDD I'm so jealous. Your Ninian is very beautiful <3
  19. Whether or not you have the character you're backing makes extremely little difference though, honestly. You may as well back the people you like more. That said, it's a bit late now, but there'll still be future gauntlets.
  20. Short answer: without Triangle Adept, yes, but with Triangle Adept, he can take out a -Res Julia (or -HP) but still not a neutral Julia. Fenrir+ is only an additional 2 mt over Raourraven+ after all. Not to mention you'd then also give up WTA against colorless, so I really wouldn't recommend it.
  21. You can go to Equip Skills and unequip the weapon your character is holding. Presumably, someone on the Cordelia side did this and set the weaponless Cordelia as their rep to troll teammates and enemies alike. (I've gotten weaponless allies before in voting gauntlet, and it's not fun)
  22. Yes. Even Life and Death 2 would be better than Fury 3 for this particular Navarre build imo.
  23. If you can't beat them, just don't fight them. (I feel so sorry for the one who posted this. AI Cordelia has no weapon and will never approach, so the player's forced to surrender.)
  24. The difference is probably that Chrom and Ephraim are both quite popular in their own right, whereas Beruka and Subaki...aren't. I actually like both of them, but to be honest I'm fairly certain both of their fans combined still don't reach the amount of people that love either Chrom or Ephraim.
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