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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. No, but it gives you more of an advantage against the color you're strong against. There are many cases where Triangle Adept is the difference between a 1HKO and a 2HKO, or cases where it drastically reduces the damage you would have taken. If you position properly, you should never be fighting units strong against you anyways, so the weakness doesn't really matter most of the time.
  2. Oh I see what you're saying. Sadly, it doesn't work like that. If you merge the 3* Nino that learned Death Blow to the 5* later, the 5* would then be able to learn Death Blow but would still have to spend the SP to learn it. All merging does is add it to the pool of possible skills to learn. (Or at least that's how I think it works. I guess we'll have to wait and see)
  3. Maybe I'm just missing something, but why would this be more efficient than having your 5* Nino inherit it directly?
  4. I interpreted that as "there's plenty of negativity already, so let's not add more" as opposed to talking about features. It's true that there's plenty that still need to be added, but I'm happy with what we have so far. We got confirmation that an arena rework is in the works, and more Tellius, Magvel, and Jugdral is bound to happen eventually. I get being frustrated over not seeing the things we want being implemented or the characters we want being added yet, but I think overall IS is paying more attention to player feedback than most other game developers. The game is still new, and I want to believe that it'll only improve from here if we give it time.
  5. Pivot gives Hector twice the movement he'd get from Swap, so I'd go with that.
  6. I feel your pain. Also ngl I laughed at "S support me hard"
  7. Same. This is basically what I plan to do with my Ninian (esp since I can't seem to pull Azura). Lightning Breath+ (from Adult Tiki), Triangle Adept, and Iceberg and suddenly she's a lot more offensive >:D Not quite sure what to do with the B slot though. Tentatively leaving it on Escape Route (might change for Wings of Mercy, not sure which is better), but I'm toying with the idea of giving her something like Swordbreaker. Idk if making her more offensive is a good idea or not though. EDIT: Or, if I go the breaker route, maybe something like Bowbreaker would be better since I already have a Swordbreaker Sharena for sword lords? Decisions, decisions.
  8. Oh sure, that's an unfortunate part of every fandom. That's not going to stop me from doing what I can to steer the conversation in a more positive (or at least productive) direction. That's all any of us can do, isn't it?
  9. The silver lining to all this is that, with the April update, matchmaking will change. Since skills are weighted, people without a lot of broken skills will NOT get matched up against other people with broken skills. So for a lot of F2P players, the new skill inheritance won't make Arena as broken some people are making it out to be. Also, though I don't know how effective it'll be at generating feathers, they're also adding a new way to generate feathers via killing things, so it takes more of the load off of people who can't get a lot of feathers from Arena. There's a lot of negativity going on in light of the recent update, but I think there are still plenty of good things coming in the near future to think about :D
  10. I'm certainly no expert, but I personally think that a 5* Lon'qu is better than Seliph. Or maybe I just don't know how to play around Seliph's weaknesses and play to his strengths very well. And anyways, tier lists mean nothing now and likely won't for at least another few weeks. I don't know much about Eliwood though, so I'm passing this onto someone else. EDIT: Also that Hector is the stuff of nightmares.
  11. Corrin and Azura look fine to me (agree with Wings of Mercy being better than Escape Route). I'm not actually sure what to do with Eirika, so I'll let someone else tackle that. For Nino, Death Blow is probably the most solid option, but failing that, Life and Death is also incredibly good on her. For her proc, I'd recommend a low CD one like Glimmer or Iceberg. For B, I'd give her a breaker skill to let her double anyone she doesn't already, but if that isn't a problem, then maybe some more utility, like Escape Route or Wings of Mercy would benefit her. For C, I think Savage Blow would be better, personally. I personally think of Nino more as a carry that can wipe out the whole enemy team on her own with proper setup and positioning, so I don't think giving other people buffs helps all that much.
  12. Sure! Threaten Def can be learned from Ephraim, Peri, and Raven, with the latter two being the most farmable, relatively. After looking more closely, nevermind to Defiant Atk since that's an A-slot skill, and Klein already has Death Blow, the best A-slot skill for a player-phase brave nuke like him. Also, for the skills I mentioned in my edit, Savage Blow can be learned from Camilla, Leo, and Narcian, and Wings of Mercy can be learned from Cain, Frederick, and Palla. All skills are listed on the Fire Emblem Heroes wiki, and you can click on them to see what units can learn those skills. Also, for Lon'qu, Life and Death is probably the best A-skill to improve his damage output. Past that, I'm not entirely sure what would be good for him except maybe a Threaten Skill. Alternatively, you could give him a Hone/Spur aura to help with your other teammates. I personally think it's redundant to use both Lon'qu and Seliph, but since you asked: for Seliph, there are two routes you could go. Either try and patch up his speed with skills like Threaten Spd and Life and Death, or give up on his speed and instead try to improve his bulk with skills like Fury or Threaten Spd/Def (lowering enemy speed so they can't double is also a form of defense, after all). EDIT: Also, he can't learn Wary Fighter. You can only transfer Wary Fighter to other armored units.
  13. Klein and Takumi fill different roles. Takumi is more effective during enemy phase when people attack him, but Klein is meant to be a nuke on player phase that one shots the opponent and doesn't want to be attacked. As such, stuff that normally activates during enemy phase, like Close Counter or Vantage, isn't as good for him imo. Instead, you'd want something to further improve your nuke potential on player phase, such as something like Defiant Attack or Threaten Def. Those are my two cents, anyways. EDIT: If you think his damage output is already good enough though, you could give him more utility instead by giving him a skill like Wings of Mercy to let him warp around or Savage Blow for him to damage other enemies near your target after you eliminate them.
  14. As far as I know only Takumi can get Close Counter naturally. Unless you're asking which units can inherit it, which I believe to be literally any ranged unit.
  15. You don't have to take our advice, of course, and if you don't want to get rid of certain units that's perfectly okay. But it certainly wouldn't hurt, right? At worst you just decide to keep your units as they are (also you could potentially mention which units you wouldn't be willing to get rid of even if they give good skills so we know to not consider those for inheritance).
  16. Currently at rank 765 with a score of 4588 Doing Arena last night after transferring skills to my main team but before most Defense teams will have inherited skills was amazing. I felt dirty ORKOing a +7 Lucina with Sharena after inheriting Swordbreaker.
  17. @Anacybele Could you take a picture of your main Arena team along with the units you have? We might be able to come up with ways skill inheritance could benefit you that you might have overlooked.
  18. So I just experimented with her in Arena, and with Swordbreaker my Sharena can already 1RKO a +5 Lucina. So it looks like I don't need more offensive presence and should instead focus on keeping her alive with either heals or damage mitigation. Thanks for the input! @Vaximillian Depends. Is there some threat you want to one-shot that you can't already on player phase (with death blow)? If not, I actually think something like Killer Lance and Pavise would be better to keep her alive longer. There are other options, of course, but I personally think Brave Lance would be overkill unless there's a unit I'm missing that she can't one-shot already (think she already one shots all red sword lords).
  19. I'm mostly using her as an anti-red in Arena (already passed Swordbreaker to her), but killing them faster and staying alive against them longer both fit my goals for her. Unless you think one of those would help her do her job better than the other?
  20. Would you guys recommend passing Sharena an offensive special, like Moonbow, or a defensive one, like Pavise? Or perhaps a healing one like Sol? There are so many options that I can't decide D:
  21. So Svalinn Shield could theoretically pass to Hector or Effie? *shudder*
  22. I didn't realize deciding on skills would be such a headache. Do I give Sharena an offensive special like Moonbow or a defensive one like Pavise? Should I give Julia Bowbreaker for Takumi or something else? So many decisions @.@ EDIT: Also, I haven't quite yet figured out what the limitations of skill inheritance are, but I can confirm that Sharena, a lance user, cannot inherit axebreaker.
  23. Aaaaaand Lon'qu is the first victim to skill inheritance. But now I have a Ryoma with Vantage >:D (I'm already terrified for the kinds of things I'm going to run into now in Arena though)
  24. Karel and Lucina are both good, but I would personally go with Lucina between the two since dragons run all over your team otherwise. Minerva is generally considered a lot better than Cherche, once she gets going, so I would personally recommend her. Lastly, your team as of right now is all physical damage, so I would highly recommend having a mage be your 4th unit. A lot of people are recommending Odin, who is a decent pick. Nino is much stronger than Odin with the right team, but since none of your other 3 characters really support Nino, Odin's probably better in your scenario.
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