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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Late response because life, but if you still wanted recommendations, Linde is a really solid top tier unit (for sure one of the best mages) that I'd highly recommend training up for your team.
  2. If you already have Lyn, I personally wouldn't bother with Alfonse (unless you just like him, of course), but Anna and Sharena are pretty solid. Sharena, especially, is worth taking all the way to 5* imo as she becomes one of the best lancers in the game. You don't strictly need a colorless unit, but if you really wanted one, Jakob's pretty decent. I don't have him though, so you should probably get input from someone else that does. EDIT: Do you have any mages? All of the units you listed seem to be physical, and I think adding in a unit that deals magic damage would help diversify your team more than adding a colorless unit.
  3. On the other side of that, I'm looking forward to not having to consistently face +10 units when at most I have two +1 units :D
  4. LLOYD HYPE :DDD I'm really excited to see how the upcoming Arena changes affect the meta (and Arena as a whole). I'm also super excited about the Defense game mode, which will likely make healers a lot more viable. Just overall pleasantly surprised by this deluge of information.
  5. Okay but can we talk about my boy Lloyd being confirmed because I did NOT see that coming at all, and I'm hyped af.
  6. Guess there's no need to guess the GHB schedule anymore now that Nintendo's released the schedule all the way till late May (in order: Michalis, Navarre, Zephiel, Xander, Lloyd)
  7. I'm super excited about the new battle rules. Now that Defense is a thing, healers instantly become a lot more valuable :O EDIT (since I hadn't finished reading the infodump): The biggest thing by far imo is the fact that they're completely overhauling how Arena matchmaking works. Instead of being solely based off BST, it's now based off a combination of 4 factors: Character level and rarity, number of merge bonuses, base stats AFTER removing skill effects (like Fury), and equipped skills (to balance out having OP skills from inheritance). This is HUGE!
  8. Mostly waiting for Tellius in general (where my boy Haar at), but I'd be pretty happy with Magvel as well. I'm not super picky about which characters as I like quite a few of them, but I would really like for more than just one or two representatives from those continents (so far we only have Sanaki from Tellius and Eirika/Ephraim from Magvel).
  9. I'd recommend looking up stats of common Arena matchups (like Takumi) and seeing if +ATK changes any 2RKOs into ORKOs. Afaik his matchup against Takumi is unchanged as it takes two hits regardless of whether or not he's +ATK, but maybe there are other matchups that would swing in your favor? If not, then I'd go with +HP just for the added survivability.
  10. It depends what you're using him for. I think for a lot of people, Robin's primarily niche is a Takumi counter, in which case +SPD is probably optimal as it allows you to avoid being doubled by any Takumi. However, as long as Takumi isn't +SPD, he shouldn't be able to double a Robin with neutral speed, in which case +DEF helps offset the damage. I honestly don't think +ATK is as good as people make it out to be because as far as I know (though if I'm wrong, someone feel free to correct me) it doesn't give him any ORKOs he woudn't have with neutral. Whether he's neutral or + attack, it'll still take two hits for him to kill Takumi. Also +DEF has the added bonus of increasing Bonfire's damage a small amount. tldr: +SPD is probably optimal, but +DEF is fine
  11. Delayed response, but yes: As a proud Ninian owner I can confirm that she can dance/attack/etc after teleporting, which is pretty great.
  12. I personally was lucky enough to roll Julia, so I use her. Before that, I had Effie, who could take a single hit (much of Linde's strength comes from her ability to double most of the cast) and then walk up and one-shot her. If you don't have a high res unit to take a hit, then just try to stay out of range and then walk up and smack her with a strong melee character. Linde has paper thin defenses, so she should go down fairly easily.
  13. I'd say +DEF/-Res. Having -ATK hurts Cherche a lot, and her speeds pretty mediocre either way. -RES is honestly probably the best bane for her, as it's going to be low no matter what you do, so you may as well sacrifice it to boost her other stats.
  14. Iirc Gwendoyln also has an armor aura for some kind, so she should serve you just fine (no red coverage though if that's a problem)
  15. Options I have are Priscilla, Jagen, Cain, Abel, Eliwood, Sully, Stahl, Frederick, Ursula, Peri, Cecilia (Also after this last reply I'm gonna stop derailing this thread orz)
  16. I mean I just got Priscilla so I'm actually lowkey considering it but healers are a pain to level
  17. Pretty sure Ward Armor stacks (any of the "during combat" abilities), which sounds a ridiculous. Hope you're having fun with the team! I really love the idea of themed teams, honestly, and am having a great time building a cavalry team rn (Reinhardt, Gunter, Eldigan, _____ ). Not quite sure who I want in the fourth spot rn, but I have a fair number of options.
  18. You're very gung-ho about armors, huh. I have 4 Draugs sitting around doing nothing, you want 'em?
  19. Oh, my bad then. Just wanted to give out a friendly warning in case it wasn't mentioned.
  20. It'll be good for the other fliers there, probably, but not for Michaelis himself. He has a unique ability called Iote's Shield that negates flyer weaknesses (so he's a flyer that isn't weak to archers).
  21. Lyn is pretty decent at first but not omgwtfbbq amazing until lategame (at least in my experience). But HECTOR on the other hand is just as goddamn OP in Blazing as he is in Heroes. Also, as someone who's also played Binding, it's oddly fitting that Roy's arguably the worst of the main sword lords in Heroes. Because until Roy gets his signature sword (which is suuuuper lategame), he's...well...complete and utter garbage. I still love him as a character, but man is Roy possibly the weakest main lord I've ever played as. Roy's still my boy though.
  22. Can confirm I would still be rolling for Ninian and Jaffar even if they were complete trash (which, thankfully, they aren't)
  23. Every time I spend real money and get back nothing but 3*s (often duplicates at that) I regret all my life decisions (but I can't stop D: someone pls help) Also yes, there is. Go to Misc. -> FAQ/Etc. -> Change Language. There is one caveat though: you can't change audio alone (so if that's what you were asking for, sorry bud). If you change language, then all the writing will be in Japanese too.
  24. If you don't mind me asking, why not Lyn or Roy? Do you simply not like them as characters (and if so, then that's understandable, you obviously don't need to use them if you don't want to)? Because if that's not it, then I'd definitely recommend them over Palla because as good as Palla is, she isn't on the same level as Lyn or Roy (but this is a moot point if you don't ever pull them, of course). Effie is widely regarded as one of the most OP units in the game, but if you don't like her, then that's that. Also, Lissa should be able to learn Renewal at 3 stars (which heals 10 HP every 4th turn). As your rarity increases, you unlock higher levels of Renewal until you get Renewal 3 (which heals 10 HP every other turn and is what Fae has). Lucina and Chrom have Falchion, which is a weapon with Renewal 2 (every third turn) built in. EDIT: Ninja'd (about Lissa) :/
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