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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. There are way too many from Tellius and Magvel that I want that are also probably going to be added in later, so for now I'll limit my wishlist to characters from the games that were represented at launch: Jaffar (seriously why is Nino in the game but not him), Sain, and Rebecca from Blazing
  2. Othin mentioned Navarre earlier when listing off potential Grand Hero Battle candidates. Navarre was the first one mentioned after the ones already released and Ursula, actually.
  3. I'm not actually worried about Chrom's team beating us. What I AM worried about is Chrom's team forcing enough of us to use our flags to severely diminish our chances of beating Lucina in the finals.
  4. I, for one, am glad they're taking their time with this because it means they care more about quality than just getting stuff out there (well, also because from a marketing perspective it makes sense to save hype for later, but I'm trying to not be cynical). As they say, a rushed product will be bad forever, but a delayed product is eventually good. If the Magvel characters can all have art at or near the quality of Eirika/Ephraim, I'm fine waiting a bit for their release. Same with Tellius (never played FE4 or FE5 so can't say much for Jugdral).
  5. That's understandable. I hope you're able to get some rest soon! This was a very mature response though, and I just wanted to acknowledge that. But yeah, Team Ephraim all the way!
  6. Oh no I'm enjoying this, personally. A tight competition like this is far more exciting than a one-sided stomp either way. And though I'm Team Ephraim, Awakening was my first FE (went back and played the others via emulator though) and I wouldn't mind if Chrom or Lucina won.
  7. As a Team Ephraim supporter it's honestly disappointing to see so many be so quick to accuse Chrom supporters of cheating. I think a lot of Ephraim supporters, like myself, have been trying to avoid using flags to save them for Lucina while Chrom supporters are burning through flags now.
  8. Yeah, I'm saving all the flags I have left unless Chrom actually overtakes us
  9. Ephraim vs Chrom is still close at 870,223,802 vs 851,911,350 Gotta say, as an Ephraim supporter I'm definitely surprised at how close the match is, but that makes it all the more exciting! It would have been nice if more rounds were this close instead of a one-sided stomp.
  10. This pretty much echoes my thoughts on Skill Inheritance (though I didn't go to the lengths that you did, thinking of specific builds and counterbuilds). A lot of people are understandably apprehensive at the thought of OP characters becoming more broken, but I for one am incredibly excited at the thought of this system having the potential to make characters I really like (but aren't that good) actually viable. EDIT: Also, I'm fairly certain you can transfer active specials and not just passive skills (though to what extent I don't know). At least, that makes sense to me since the description on Nino's weapon (+special cd) makes no sense unless she can get a special.
  11. I just want one Nino ;_____; The exact team was Nino +10, Julia +10, Y!Tiki +2, Eirika +5. I thought for sure I was going to get destroyed since my highest merged unit is a +1 Ryoma (but I won :D mostly because once I baited Nino and Julia in, Ryoma and Eldigan made short work of them. Even at +10 they're quite squishy). That was the only match where I lost units though (poor Effie didn't stand a chance).
  12. I can get behind that sentiment. I have Reinhardt as my rep for the event for people without him to do his quest, but afterwards I'm switching right back to Julia <3
  13. Currently at rank 1455 with a score of 4488, but that's with two deaths (+10 Nino nearly wiped my whole team RIP). I'll try to update if I get a deathless run later.
  14. I'm honestly still on the fence about how to spend flags. Part of me wants to just spam flags to get into higher ranks for the feathers, but a small, optimistic part of me wants to believe Ephraim has a legitimate chance of winning. I'd be pretty upset if I ended up spending all my flags for feathers only for him to barely lose.
  15. I actually get more defense hits from putting up a team that's all one color (my current is Reinhardt, Ephraim, Sharena, M!Robin all 5* lvl 40). I think it just catches people off guard since most people tend to have a balanced offense team.
  16. The AI is actually pretty predictable, barring dancer teams. There was a short video I saw on reddit a while back on how to predict AI behavior in Heroes. I'll see if I can find it again for you. EDIT: Ah yes, here we go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR-zYQeEGJQ Hopefully you find it at least somewhat helpful.
  17. A neat little trick if you can see the matchups won't be favorable is to reset the matchups by going to Stratum One and then surrendering. This will change all of the stratums to have different units, and it only costs one stamina (which is nothing, since it refills in 5 minutes).
  18. It goes a lot faster if you focus on the one character you're trying to train and babysit them with 3 other units. For me personally, I have the unit I'm training, Sharena (for Rally Attack and the Def aura), Ryoma (for Hone Speed, but Ryoma is interchangeable with any character that gives buffs, really. Like a unit with Spur Attack for instance), and a dancer (Olivia in my case), which speeds things up considerably. Also this setup allows me to consistently take on Stratums of a higher level than the person I'm training because of the buffs and ability to hit twice with a dancer. Having a healer instead of a secondary buffer could also be a good idea. I can generally start doing Stratums 8-10 by the time my unit is in the early 30s, so it goes by decently fast.
  19. I have Reinhardt currently set as my rep, so if you need to do the quest, you're welcome to add me! I also have an Eldigan if you need me to switch.
  20. Unfortunately, you aren't going to rank very high, if at all, without any 5-star units. Which is unfortunate because ranking high is how you get feathers in the first place. It's a dumb system, I know. Once Frederick gets up to 5* though, you should be able to start doing higher levels of Arena, which will in turn make it easier for you to get more feathers. And it really doesn't take that long to level people up. You can easily get a character from level 1 to level 40 in a single morning (which is what I actually did earlier today).
  21. At higher level Arena, getting seven straight advanced wins without dying is considered the norm/expected. But yeah, 4k sounds about right. Each point makes a much bigger difference than you might think too. The difference between a score of 4.4k and 4.5k is more than 10,000 ranks.
  22. On the bright side, if you get even farther up in Arena, not only do healers disappear entirely, even Takumi is extremely rare (unless it's a merged one)! Instead, there'll be armors everywhere, with AT LEAST ONE Hector and/or Effie every single match, so Frederick actually becomes more valuable then, assuming you can get that high up. Granted, that's with a base stat total of 705 on my team (for reference, that's an Arena score of 4.6k-4.7kish assuming deathless 7-Advanced run), so if you don't have any 5*s yet it'll be quite a while before you get that high up.
  23. The issue with balancing all-rounders is that, well, their stats are pretty well-rounded. If you buffed their stats overall, they'd turn from units that are mediocre at everything into units that are good at everything, and if you buffed just a few stats and not others, they would no longer be all-rounders. The best solution I can think of is to just give them some kind of niche with a unique skill (like they did with Takumi but not as broken). M!Robin actually strikes me as a pretty well-designed all-rounder in that regard as he isn't particularly powerful or weak, but his WTA against colorless gives him a place in the meta.
  24. Congrats on the Julia :D I have her as well, and she's been an amazing asset to my team! Yeah, I agree that the buffs aren't as difficult to get as people make it out to be, but another thing to consider is that Tharja and Robin fill different niches. Tharja is more of a squishy nuke on player phase while Robin is a lot better at soaking up hits (especially from Takumi, which Tharja can't safely do) and firing back on enemy phase. Also maybe having Tharja would overload your team with red if you happened to need more blue. All-rounders tend to not be great in games like these unless they have something else to compensate for their stats. Let's face it: Takumi without Close Counter would be pretty mediocre as a unit compared to other archers as his overall stats aren't anything to write home about.
  25. Robin is admittedly mediocre in a vacuum. Most of his strength comes from the fact that he's a good counter to the current red/Takumi-heavy meta. Also, while I agree Julia and Tharja are better overall, Julia is a lot more difficult to get than Robin, and Tharja requires you to build a team around her to optimize her usage whereas Robin is pretty self-sufficient.
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