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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. 7 wins with a high score of 268 so far. My team is Julia, Ryoma, Takumi, and Olivia. I feel like I should maybe take out Julia and/or Olivia bc they're a lot more offense oriented than defense though :/ but also I want Julia as my rep
  2. (Sorry if this has been done before) I know Fire Emblem as a whole isn't really known for its story so much as the gameplay and characters (though I admit I'm relatively new to the franchise and really only have Awakening and Fates to go off of. That said I do intend to delve into the older games eventually). But I was wondering which Fire Emblem games have had the most engaging story and why you thought so?
  3. Update on score and rank: EDIT: This was with one death aross the whole streak
  4. Yeah, Eliwood's eyes bother me. I also think portraits like that of Gunter, Jagen, and Zephiel are fine on their own but are so different from the rest of the art in Heroes that it's a bit jarring.
  5. If you want to maximize your Arena score, then yes you need to level them because your score is based in part off your team's stat total. Otherwise though, not really. As long as Olivia has Dance and maybe Hone Attack 3, that's really all you need in terms of dancer utility. Same for healers: if maximizing Arena score is not a priority, then so long as you get the skills you want, you're golden.
  6. I'm not sure if this has been answered before. I know that you can't stack two Hone Attacks, for example, but would you be able to stack Hone Attack with Spur Attack? Or is there simply no point having more than one aura for a given stat? (Also, just making sure, but does Nino's damage also take into account bonuses from Spur auras?)
  7. With how slow he already is, do you really want a shield slowing him down more? :P
  8. I think customizing our summoner might have been cool, but I don't think they should be implemented as a playable character.
  9. Echoing the others, I think this is a great compromise actually considering they can't very well include permadeath in a gacha but still want to promote strategic play. Sure it makes it all the more annoying to level Olivia, but I don't think it's a bad system. I just wish they mentioned it in-game is all.
  10. Personally either my Robin or Ryoma work fine against Takumi. Heck I can even use my own Takumi provided I bait him into hitting me first.
  11. The total stats of all your characters (which increase by level, so level indirectly affects this) affect the range of points opponents can give you (which you see when choosing your opponent). Each death subtracts 50 points from the max you can get. I believe this is how it works, but someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  12. I personally didn't have any trouble with the story until Chapter 9 on Lunatic. It's probably because I had a few 5*s though, so yeah I would save feathers if you can or otherwise just focus on grinding up a few levels in Training Tower.
  13. It was a datamined image. I'm personally of the opinion that it's not actually a focus banner though. Rather, there'll just be a period of time with no focus (instead of jumping straight from one focus to another constantly), and they just picked 4 random characters to represent the default vanilla summoning banner.
  14. Haven't used her in Arena yet myself bc I'm still leveling her, but I've heard she absolutely devours Nowi :O
  15. Oh hey we use literally the same team (different boons/banes though) of Ryoma/Takumi/Robin/Olivia :D I recently pulled a Julia though and really want to fit her in, but I'm not sure who I'd take out because they all seem pretty important
  16. Before I knew anything about stats/skills of the new characters, I was super hyped for pulling Eirika and Ephraim because I love Sacred Stones. I never did end up getting either of them, but I did manage to pull Julia, which I'm considerably happier about after realizing her usefulness in killing dragons and blue mages (both of which are the main weakpoints of my current team of Robin/Ryoma/Takumi/Olivia).
  17. If you can manage to get ahold of Linde, she's probably your best shot. Of the units you have though, I personally think Robin's better than Odin.
  18. That's something I think this game did quite well. Balance isn't 100% perfect, of course, but I'm pleased with how viable lower star characters are in this game. There are plenty of games out there where really only the highest rarity summons are viable at all in competitive play. So I'm glad Heroes isn't like that :D
  19. Oh is that so? I was always under the impression you could tell from the variation in level 1 stats :/
  20. I saw that after I asked haha. Thanks though! From the limited sample size, I think my Julia is +Spd, -Def which I'm happy with. Her def was always going to be her weakest stat anyways, so I was hoping for +Atk or +Spd to go glass cannon.
  21. Just pulled a Julia this morning! Her stats are as follows: Name: Julia HP: 15 Atk: 23 Spd: 8 Def: 4 Res: 8 Weapon Skill: Naga Assist Skill: Special Skill: Dragon Gaze
  22. Do you happen to have recorded her level 1 stats? I pulled a Julia myself this morning and I wanted to figure out her boon/bane
  23. I've pulled Lyn, Takumi, Effie, Ryoma (x2), and Julia. Oh and I promoted my 4* Robin as well! Ryomas and Julia I just pulled last night though, so they're still level 1.
  24. It depends a lot on your team comp, really. There are cases where having a duplicate (like two Takumis) is better than one 5* and another weaker unit. But I think in most cases, it's better to merge; that's what I do anyways.
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