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Everything posted by Apples

  1. Is is common knowledge that skills like Blazing Thunder apparently let you bypass Miracle? It makes sense and lets you get that kill in one round with one character. It probably has near zero practical use for high level play but I was surprised when I encountered this with Michalis in the Training Tower. Good luck replicating the scenario too...
  2. Leaf is locked to swords in his base classes. So he'll probably be left in the dust if they make him a lord/prince. At the very least he might get the Light Brand. There's a strong case there, but from a design standpoint I see either Elincia using swords, staves, or being mediocre with both. I don't think the designers want a character with staves and swords which is why healers can't inherit them. Lachesis is unfortunately the precedent. Actually the more I think about it the more I want a rare hybrid with uninheritable cross-class skills.
  3. Lachesis starts with a Prayer Sword, not the Earth Sword. And she's going to be healing for most people anyways. Only someone who knows how ridiculous the master knight class is would dedicate their time to making her one. To the unsuspecting eye, Lachesis is a healer. Even then, she's probably power leveling with staves for a good while. Not going to argue Lucius though. We've had more than enough healers recently. I'd also say Elincia is pretty safe with a sword unless they make a flying healer which sounds all sorts of not-right. Staves have always been secondary, if at all, on fliers. Can't say I detest the concept though. I'm looking forward to Sigurd myself. More Tellius and Jugdral in general.
  4. Been sporadically rolling blues desperately hoping for one of either Abel, Catria, or M!Robin (I don't even have a 3* of him). Then I rolled a Ninian. Such is the cruel irony of RNG. Can't complain though; she's even +Atk/-Spd which I don't mind, and now I even have F!Corrin to add to a potential dragon team. I went from zero blue dragons to two in less than 8 hours. Pretty awesome day. I like the attitude of this one.
  5. I'm on the side of keep the current price with occasional discounts but increase the number of ways or amount of feathers we earn. It's a double win if we can promote to 5* faster and have more to do. Something does need to change.
  6. Wonderful! But I'm still not sure weather to run my own Ephraim or concentrate on winning and maybe borrow someone else's. I really hope these are about as frequent as Splatoon's Splatfests. This was an excellent way to tide us over for new content.
  7. This is why I'm interested to see how leaders change come event start. I'm hoping everyone doesn't just set their team character as their first...but it does help those who haven't pulled them. I for one do not look forward to a potential 3x Ephraim/Sharena vs Hector match.
  8. Someone with Ephraim set as their leader for the character bonus. Assuming we don't see a lot of those changing over the next week.
  9. Do you have one in your friend list already? My list is all randoms so my team comps will be all over.
  10. Because I don't have a ton in terms of viable units to lend out. My only blue mage is Odin x2 and Tharja has been left at 4* for now. Also good point on the selection being random, but there are still a lot of 5*'s I don't have but would love to take for a test drive. I can already see this being really fun or really irritating depending on the units you get stuck with.
  11. I was inclined on believing the bonus will only count one copy of your chosen hero-like the arena. In which case I'm going to have fun picking from the variety of 5*'s I don't have. If that's how it works, I might temporarily/permanently set Nino or Ephraim as my leader to help people out. Or maybe I'll leave Lucina there even though it won't be my team.
  12. As a future member of Team Ephraim, we lancers should stick together! Until the final round where we finish you off. Down with the red lords!...and Elise for whatever reason.
  13. Yeah, realized that after hitting submit. *Facepalm.
  14. Based on context, the tweets just seem to be advertising the upcoming Vote Gauntlet, which is pretty neat and makes use of the friend list. Full details are on the bulletin and (Edit: your) post above.
  15. There we go. I was on their calculator page but didn't trust the results. Pretty solid overall; he seems to resemble Ephraim on a horse. Everything about the guy seems to be great in this game. Tanky hard-hitter, mobility option, proc skill, and a team buff as well as a super effective. I'll be giving 5* Sharena a chance too once I have the feathers.
  16. I've found Frederick in this game to be very fitting given his personality: reliable, sturdy, and supportive. I'm pretty happy with his performance and am in the process of training a +Atk/-Res one from 3* to 5* eventually. Needs proper teammates to really shine though- i.e. a mage killer. Anyone find a reliable source for his level 40 stats? Also, I'm really liking the "attack" theme that was composed for this game. But only after letting it go on for a little while. In fact, the original music in general is pretty neat. Where's my Genealogy and Tellius music representation?
  17. Should be an interesting read then. Good luck on Swanchika/Helswath whenever you get to it.
  18. Did you mean the three regalia? Last I checked, Jugdral has 12 holy weapons.
  19. Not the most disappointing pull I've had by far. But I'm also bitter because I've spent time training an Olivia to 3*. Bet I'll get Wrys next. I've also been sick of Raigh since day one. Going to give Chrom his day though. Still love the Family Bonds comment someone made. And I quite like his art.
  20. Nino definitely wins my award for "most faithful transition into Heroes". She looks like she was ripped straight out of the GBA title and given a touch up. 10/10. Frederick and Gunter are appropriately imposing and gentleman-like and Jakob looks absolutely classy in his default pose. Also a fan of Felicia's attacking art. Echoing the praise already present for Wada Sachiko and Kita Senri's work. This is really the only problem I have with her work on females. But everything else usually more than makes up for it.
  21. Something I'd recommend right away is to maybe give a larger time between big posts where you display your work. Improvement is a slow process in drawing so posting too much too close is obviously going to bring in the same criticisms. Of course that doesn't mean to draw less. Something I like to do is really look at stuff as I walk around. There are tons of unsuspecting models in real life where you can get a good idea of physics and anatomy. I've looked back to about last August (sorry, 27 pages across 4 years is a lot) and found... quite a few broken image links. Possibly just sketches. The ones I did see looked very clean. My sketches are very messy with tons of erasure marks because I'm never set on where that part should go or if I really like that pose after all. I also like what I call the "mirror test". Sometimes seeing your work mirrored really brings out things you might not notice otherwise.
  22. Don't have time at the moment to go through the entire thread, but I like what I see. Admittedly, I used to draw as a small-time hobby so yes, many of the criticisms here have a foundation, but you seem really devoted to your creations. Few questions: What are you using to draw nowadays? How do you model your poses? Do you have any pencil sketches? Preferably non-colored. I'd take a pen and paper drawing to be more indicative of what might need improvement. And I say all this with the clear distinction that I'm no expert.
  23. As someone with an interest in medieval combat thanks to this series, it's awful to look back and see how many errors there are even given the fantastical premise. Isn't it also nice how nothing gets dirty in this world? Also of note is Hinoka and Stahl getting chunks torn off in the middle of their scarves. How do you even do that without tearing it clean in two? Cutting some slack though, dented metal is probably harder to draw than chipped/cracked ceramic and less pleasing to the layperson(?). Just looked through some of my units: Draug and Wendy's shields and Narcian's breastplate. Damn. Armor is fairly restrictive, especially with a breast plate that large, so at least it makes sense. As another point, a lot of characters are off balance. And what is Narcian wearing on his legs? I didn't know Nomura was art director.
  24. As I recall, Sanaki goes through a fairly neat character arc through PoR and is quite decent in RD. Specifically her actions surrounding Serenes Forest come to mine. Granted her interpretation in Heroes doesn't appear to show any of this off. Not a personal favorite but I'd also like to see where your opinion comes from.
  25. Touche, lol. At this point I'll just quit while I'm ahead (reset odds) and hoard for the next one.
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