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Everything posted by Kiran

  1. Awesome! Tomato prince wait for me! I'll bring you to the final round! If he does reach the final round. It means that he has been doing better every single gauntlet that he's been in.
  2. Anyone know how team Leo is doing? I just pulled him today and he's my favorite of the bunch. So I'll join him right after Tiki loses if he's still in the run.
  3. I was pretty down due to not getting Delthea in the last banner....hell not getting any 5*. The banner ended with a 6% rate.....BUT it seems my luck has turned around! I got my tomato prince! He's -def +res too! So it's one of his better natures! I'm a happy tomato.
  4. I already have Ike and Genny. Both with decent natures too. And while Ninian and Julia would be nice to have. They aren't terribly high on my priority list. I might just skip this one.
  5. Yes! Finally finished CC 11/12 lunatic! With that done, I've now completed all of CC lunatic. I ended up not needing horse emblem after all. Nino, Olivia, Klein, and Reinhardt managed to get me to the last map and they even took out Sonya and Clive. Plus they left Bruno at 2hp. Ephraim, Genny, Hector, and S!Tiki cleaned up.
  6. Gosh...I have exactly 28 unique 5* units. But the vast majority are still vanilla and some of them just suck (I'm looking at you Karel). It's going to be hard to win 7-battles since I don't have 7 nukes. I think the hardest part will be the lack of good mages or ranged in general. And say goodbye to your streak if you run into horse emblem.
  7. Infernal this time wasn't too hard even if I had to use a new strategy. No more smiting Hector across the river to kill the archer and blue mage. Infernal was just a full-on attack and retreat tactic with Nino, Reinhardt, Olivia and Ryoma.
  8. My 5* roaster is growing quite big. :D Focus Pulls: Off-focus Pulls Promoted:
  9. That blog literally copied that entire article from another source. The original was published in early Feb so much of the info is outdated.
  10. When TT started, I promoted my barely used Reinhardt. He now has 9999 sp... I've also finally reached 100k! 101.510 pts puts me at rank 8031. I should be good for top 10k! 6k feathers here I come! I would have aimed for top 5k but the grind has got to me and I don't want to touch TT anymore.
  11. You could have had both if you had fodder to inherit lower levels of the skills. The main problem with this is that both skills have to go on the same unit. I want Klein for his deathblow and QR3 but i need the skills on different units so this method isn't terribly useful in my case.
  12. I've promoted 10 units to 5* so far and should be good to promote my 11th after TT ends. I haven't used many feathers to promote 3*->4* except in some rare instances when I really needed the SI. So far I've promoted: Reinhardt Tharja Nino x 3 Camilla (so many regrets on this one....it was my first promotion when I didn't know any better) Sharena Alfonse Anna Xander The problem is that I still need a boatload of feathers just to promote my high priority list. Cecilia needs to be promoted, She also needs Gronnblade. Camus needs promotion, Nino needs more merges for arena, Cordelia needs to be 5* and the list goes on.....
  13. May I know what builds you used for horse emblem? I just started building my own and if yours could beat CC 11/12 well...its obvious that it works well.
  14. It took a few stamina pots but I finished Infernal with Minerva, Olivia, Nino and Palla. When Infernal added the extra unit it gave me quite a scare. I had to completely rework my team. Having to start off with your team divided is scary so I ended up using Palla's WoM to regroup after the first turn.
  15. I just finished this...finally. What screwed me over was always map 7 since my team tended towards heavy magic nuking and having two blue pegs coming at you is not good. I used Nino (she's merged +2 though. But this shouldn't be too much of an issue except against maybe Soren), Olivia (4*), Reinhardt, and Genny. Genny only attacked once on map 7 to get rid of Titania. My problem is that I only have a few built up units so if Team A falls....Team B/C aren't optimally built. Anyone who finished 11/12 have any tips before I start?
  16. YES! Took way too much stamina but I finally completed lunatic 9/10! I kept messing up on the 7th battle but once I got all my team mates to survive that map the rest was easy. (One of the main problems of having only a few built up units). MVPs were Nino+2, Reinhardt, Olivia, and Genny. They almost managed to complete the entire thing by themselves. Reinhardt died to Embla Ike on map 9 and Olivia, Genny, and Nino died on the last map (Time maps are a pain), leaving only Ike and the blue cav to be cleaned up by Sharena and Minerva. I already finished the paralogues so I only have chapter 11/12 left. This map set is going to be hard as well. Tempest is so much easier then these....
  17. I tried...used 100 orbs and no 5* to show for it. On the bright side, I got some new units. Lukas, Clair, Effie, and Serra finally showed up.
  18. I only buy orbs by using the Google Survey rewards thing. Granted I probably only bought 6 orbs total but I wasn't going to buy anything else from the play store.
  19. Still haven't pulled Serra somehow despite playing since launch. Ah well, there could be worse units that avoid me. I've only pulled 1 Shanna help me As for 4* I haven't pulled Abel Athena Boey Chrom Clair Effie Erika Jakob Lucius Lukas Ogma Priscilla Roderick Sakura Titania
  20. Water boost kinda sucks. It won't work on dragons and it also won't work on bulkier mages like Robin or Merric. Even Tharja and Celica are above the threshold. Linde can overcome it with a +3 hp seal. Reinhardt isn't affected either. Nino gives no damns about that extra res...I'm now a sad potato
  21. Sigh. That means water boost isn't going to work on dragons.
  22. Delthea is OP. Give her life and death and she'll wreck other mages. It'll also be amusing seeing her single digits def.
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