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Everything posted by Kiran

  1. My old team of Tharja/Nino/Ephraim/Genny worked so far and I don't have any plans on changing it. I gave Ephraim the Quick Pulse seal as it allows him to fire off moonbow during baiting and thus more ORKO against those pesky reds.
  2. Stats of mages are taken from previous GHB since generic enemies are always the same. You can see Legion's stats from the GHB photo. The only thing thats still up for speculation are the skills on the generic enemies.
  3. Tharja has 34 speed. 4 speed from buff and another 6 speed from darting blow allows for 44 speed. Just enough to double Legion and kill him. If hit with panic, she'll have 30 speed. Still not low enough to get doubled by the red mage who has 32 speed, so she'll be fine.
  4. Nino clears out the right flank, Tharja clears out the left flank. This can all be done by the end of EP1 with 1 reposition. That just leaves the brave bow left. Poor guy is going to get destroyed.
  5. I gave into temptation and upgraded another Nino for merge. She's now a +2. I was originally going to use it on Alfonse. But his arena rotation is so far off....and I really don't want to promote him. I feel bad for him though, both Sharena and Anna have been 5* for quite a while now.
  6. I'm kind of undecided on how to build Ephraim. More specifically his A and B slots + Special. I mainly use him to duel with Reds (swords/dragons) and sometimes lances if Nino can't reach them. Option 1: Triangle Adept + Quick Riposte Ignis with Quickened seal Bonfire with atk seal Option 2: Triangle Adept + Lancebreaker Ignis with Quickened seal Bonfire with atk seal Option 3: Fury + Quick Riposte Ignis with Quickened seal Bonfire with atk seal Or you could suggest something totally different. I'll be good with that.
  7. Just got 56k. And that concludes my daily 8k. Currently ranked just outside of top 5k. Since I've been steadily climbing the ranks, I should be able to finish the event with at least 8000 feathers :D
  8. Is there any point to threaten atk anymore? Attack ploy works at a better range and costs more sp meaning higher arena score :/
  9. Meanwhile, armor emblem laughs as they all have the highest HP. I now also feel sad that my Ephraim is -Hp :(
  10. Why not promote Tharja? With some buffs,she not only ORKO most of the buffed enemies, but can one round Veronica.
  11. Phew...that was scary. The enemy had Deathblow Bravebow Bridelia, Fury Kagero, Erika, and vantage Hector. The Kagero/Erika combo is frightening when I'm running an all infantry team. Thankfully it was on the mountain map. Nino killed Bridelia first turn. So that left slowpoke Hector and Erika + Kagero. Split up Kagero and Erika. Ryoma was able to tank a hit from Kagero and counter-kill her. Ephraim buffed Nino and with Draconic Aura charged up, she killed Eirika. That left vantage Hector. Ryoma had 7 hp and was able to tank a hit and double Hector. Yay for Sharena's weapon debuff and fortify def and spur def. Hector did 5 dmg :P
  12. I wanted a firesweep lance. Didn't get it but I got a Cordelia instead (though sadly at 4*). She's a first for me so yay. Everything else was a measly 3*, with no notable SI fodder either ;_;
  13. Please let Genny be there. She's my only 5* healer and she's amazing with her wrathful staff. Otherwise I'm probably voting for Lissa.
  14. Got wrecked by Frederick and Matthew in the Veronica map.... Stupid debuffing from Matthew then Frederick comes flying in using wings of Mercy to kill my unit.
  15. YES! A GHB archer! I was a bit bummed out on not getting Bridelia but his makes it all better. Now just let her have good stats please. Also I hope Genny is in the healer gauntlet. She's my only 5* healer and I love her wrathful staff
  16. Genny and Tharja got capped for HM today. No more HM for my main tempest team :( On the up side, I found that I enjoy this event much more if I limit how much I do. Normally I spend all of my stamina on it. Didn't do too much tempest today, but I did the xenologue and finished up armor and cav quests.
  17. Burned through 60 orbs on the bridal banner as I'm not that interested in the upcoming one. Wanted Bridelia but alas it was not meant to be. Didn't get any 5* units. But on the bright side, I finally pulled a Shanna! Now I just have to pull another one for SI fodder as I like to keep at least one copy of every unit.
  18. Is Bride Cordelia that OP? Maybe I should have tried the bride banner, even if I have no interest in the character designs I'm kinda sad now since I really like archers. Why does the best archer have to be a bride unit ;_;
  19. Just wondering what your team is and what your overall score was. I might try for tier 20 if the cutoff isn't too high
  20. Arena rewards are out! A lot faster then before. Got promoted to tier 19. Those sweet 4 orbs.
  21. But everyone should have enough armors now. We have 3 Zephiels and 1 Draug. It should at least allow you to try the quest, even if its annoying as they are all reds.
  22. No new bonus heroes next week. This arena set is continuing until the 20th. I'm assuming its because they are trying to make up for time as the Ike banner ran for 3 weeks instead of the usual 2.
  23. Some people run a pseudo-healer. Renewal + reciprocal aid or breath of life. Or they don't need a healer because desperation blade tomes are OP.
  24. This is probably the main issue I have with this event. I haven't slacked off in my TT grinding and currently at 36.7k without the use of stamina pots. I'm already pretty burned out from this event as it ends up being mostly enemies being one round killed by Nino/Tharja. Yet to get all of the rewards, I still have to finish lunatic-7 perfectly 90 times with the 40% bonus. Having the rewards at such a high point score isn't necessarily bad, its just that all my TT runs are exactly the same. Its at the point where I'm so used to it that I'm running on autopilot for most maps.
  25. Totally forgot about the Xenologue. I might do it later to break up the monotony of grinding Tempest. Also this event is giving sp like candy. Nino just broke the 5k sp barrier. I'm never going to be able to use that much.
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