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Everything posted by Kiran

  1. So glad that I decided to 5* Tharja last month. M!Robin just doesn't have enough offensive power for me to kill things reliably. Also having Genny helps me get out of pinches when I need that last bit of chip damage.
  2. I lost 3 units...still got A rank. So you lose the max multipler if your team loses.
  3. Yay....looks like a healer is needed. Finished the hardest trial without losing an entire team. It was really close...Nino survived a bonfire and counter killed M!Robin with 1 hp left.... Got A rank in both time and survival despite losing 3 units. Looks like max score is 705. It's going to be a long ride to get all those orbs. Also looks like the enemies change if you redo the trial.
  4. Got my deathless streak of 4788 rank 2092. It's a bit low but expected since Sharena is still vanilla. Hopefully it'll be enough to bump me up to tier 19. Honestly, this was relaxing after doing the tempest trials.
  5. Tried the hardest trial. It took me 3 teams to beat. That last battle was hard! Seriously...those inflated hp enemies. Triangle adept Roy could not one-shot Veronica or Sheena. The team lived thanks to F!Corrin's debuffing. I'm probably going to 5* her next thanks to that. Got a bad report card of E and C....oh well still netted me just over 500 points.
  6. Wow, I feel like everyone but me already has a Falchion user. Masked Marth is going to be my first. I don't care if I end up benching her, I just want a Falchion
  7. After clearing my cache it now only overlaps sometimes. OS: Android 6.0.1 Browser: Chrome 58.0.3029.83
  8. Horse emblem actually might be the best for this, as their movement might allow for quicker runs. Dancers might help in the speed aspect as well. Though I'm a bit miffed about the ranking cumulative score aspect. There's not much point to it besides grinding the hardest map batch.
  9. Finished flier and infantry emblem quests. Those were a breeze. I recently got 4* Sheena, who I plan to train up to lv40. Lets see if having her on the team will help make armor emblem less of a pain. I'm also holding off horse emblem since I still don't have a single 5* cav unit. Here's to hoping I finally pull one this month.
  10. I will fight tooth and nail for a free 5* unit. And if it's Masked Lucina? Great, I finally have a Falchion. I wonder how permadeath is going to work. I really hope that deaths don't affect duplicates. Otherwise difficulty just went up a notch.
  11. I tried...I really did try. Azura continues to allude me. Blue dancers and anything dragon-effective hate me. Also Shanna. I just want Desperation fodder =_= On the bright side, greens continue to love me (but never when in focus...I've yet to pull a green focus unit). The only ones I'm missing are Julia, Titania, Boey, S!Chrom, and S!Camilla.
  12. Nino, Ephraim and Ryoma are my core units. Olivia is used for training units. I don't frequently use units outside of these.
  13. Fury +Spd Nino wins again. With a hone buff Nino will still outspeed Camus, thus ORKO. Reposition her to safety and just have a hoard of tanky reds for the rest of your team slots. Easy win.
  14. Got a deathless score of 4788 ranked 2422 in tier 17. Looks like I'll be promoted to tier 18 next week unless I somehow drop in over 10,000 rankings in the next 3 days. I'm looking forward to those 4 orbs. I need to start on some SI for Sharena if I want to improve my score for next week.
  15. Is Vortex the permadeath event or are these two things completely unrelated? Either way, I'm totally psyched for the new game mode.
  16. Looks like I'm stuck in tier 17. Didn't get a defense win either....oh well. I now have enough feathers to promote Anna. That leaves Alfonse the only one left. I'll definitively have enough feathers for him before his season rolls around. Hopefully Olivia being a bonus unit will net me some wins this time around. Also it seems that the next arena set is going to last 3 weeks instead of the usual 2. Not sure how I feel about that.
  17. Won't be able to get a deathless run this week. Which means I'm stuck in tier 17. Also no defense win either. Not a good week for me.
  18. I'm not really feeling it with this banner. I don't really want any of the units aside from using them as skill fodder. So for once I can actually save my orbs. But it also means 2 weeks without pulling....
  19. I think the pointy bits at the bottom right are part of the dress. Anyways, I'm going to go with my gut feeling that the one on the right is Eirika. Mainly because the banner would probably include popular units based on the CYL poll and the little bit of hair we do see matches.
  20. I can see that the left is Lyn but can't for the life of me tell who the right one is. The veil obscures practically all the hair, which is the most telling feature. What do you think the weapons are going to be? I keep thinking the right one is a giant spoon with a bow but surely that's wrong....
  21. If I manage to get a deathless run this week, I should be able to move on to tier 18, otherwise I'm stuck in tier 17. This week's rotation of maps is screwing me over. I don't see myself moving any higher then tier 18 anytime soon. Getting higher scores require merges....
  22. I used to run 3 5* and 1 4* unit, as I had no luck with focus units. I normally had a score of around 4770 deathless. With a full team of 5*, I saw my score jump to about 4790. So I'll say it makes a rather large difference.
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