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Everything posted by Kiran

  1. Is it actually? O.O If so I'm sorry, I've never heard it used in a derogatory form, and only meant to use it as a shorten form of the word. The more you know
  2. You aren't alone. Watch me pull more Sophias and Ests
  3. Based on the forum discussion, the staircase represents the arena tiers. We get orbs based on our tier, I think. Also, there are forts? some type of tile that increases your def/res against enemy attacks. There might also have been a brief mention to the permadeath event but I'm not completely sure on that one.
  4. Gahhh I already have Hector, Takumi and Ryoma. I only want Azura. Earlier I told myself I wouldn't roll, but I really want Azura and merges for Ryoma and Takumi aren't a bad thing. Gonna have to wait a few days as I only have 9 orbs right now. Thank god the May quests are right around the corner. I'm going to need those orbs.
  5. Four units that I would like? I would love more blue units or colorless. Blue: Azura, Ephraim (for merges), Linde and Ninian (but would switch for Sharena if that was an option) Colorless: Kagero, Jaffar, Elise, Klein And if I had to go one per color: Azura, Julia, Kagero and Leo. After taking a long look at the list, I realized that there aren't that many units I REALLY want that I don't already have. Huh, thats actually really nice being F2P
  6. I just realized that in the video, it's the Hoshido siblings going against Xander. A small but appreciated detail. Map looks a bit difficult, hopefully Ryoma can tank the green mage cav and the sword at the same time.
  7. I'm going for Robin. He was the second 5* I pulled and has been extremely helpful in my early days. He helped tank and beat the Narcian map for me and was a great counter to the early Takumi meta.
  8. Nobody here was insulting the Japanese culture. You claim other sources did. But that isn't us. So please stop taking it out here. Most of us are complaining (or in your words, whining) about the lack of communication given to international players. This isn't the first time this lack of communication has happened. The Michealis early bird event was never announced to us. The Twitter quiz event was only in Japanese yet we have had international retweet events. This is just the latest example in the lack of communication to international players. I don't care if it's the middle of the night for the US. Not all of us live there. A couple hours could have meant that someone spent orbs on a different banner then they would have, had the message of the new banner been relayed.
  9. I'm more miffed on how inconsistent they are with some of these things. The early Michealis battle was never announced outside of Japan. The Twitter quiz was only on the Japanese Twitter. Yet we have had retweet milestone events that have included the international stage.
  10. I'm kinda glad that they chose the units they did for the focus banner. The only one I dont have is Azura, so I can safely ignore it and continue my peaceful F2P life Though I'm interested in the extra ways to get orbs. Can someone explain the events?
  11. Huh... So thats what it was. As you can probably tell, many of us don't understand jap and are all going on speculation and visuals
  12. I'm going with Robin. He was my second 5* unit and has served me well back in the days when Takumi was the meta
  13. Silently crying at that focus with Azura, Hector, Ryoma, and Takumi. I already have 3/4 of them. Which is lucky for F2P like me.
  14. Derp...I just realized that Camus is not a sword user...he's a lance user. Bye bye dream of distant counter swords.
  15. Conquest is too OP. Having a Cav (thus moving up to 3 spaces) being able to cross barriers would be game breaking. Also his stats are too high. Melee cavs have a BST ranging from 150 - 155. Your stat spread has a BST of 163. I do really like the quotes though. Many of them are very fitting for his character.
  16. @Rezzy I'm not sure if I should feel sorry for you or be more impressed at the sheer number of -atk 5* units you've pulled O.o
  17. But Camus isn't on there. Lloyd is the last one listed and is after Xander
  18. Eh...Camus GHB doesn't have a date yet. So go for Xander! But Reinhardt is a good choice too. Cav mages are OP Now I want to pull Ike...only so that I can have a team of distant counter swords. Ryoma, Ike, Camus, and Xander! IS should start giving other weapons built in distant counter too...
  19. Anybody else going to 5* Xander with me? I have 13k feathers now. 7k to go!
  20. I'm hoping they'll talk a bit about the permadeath event. We haven't heard anything about that yet.
  21. If it makes you feel any better. I went 10 full summoning sessions without a 5*. That's 50 units....On the bright side, you probably at least got new units and SI fodder.
  22. Okay! I got it! Switch Abel with Hana (make sure she has LD2 equipped) and an ATK seal. Gordin needs HP seal. Gordin goes to the left tree kills dagger. Gets danced to safety. Next turn he kills other dagger and with Dance can chip Navarre, Hana can kill Navarre. That leaves the axe which is doable now with Hana. Hopefully this one works as I tested it myself (and I'm hoping the IVs don't make enough of a difference for AI movement to change) For reference:
  23. Surviving 10-4 with no deaths was the hardest mission...All because of immortal Ike. At least Titania had Emerald Axe so you could just blockade her with a red unit. Overall, I found the reinforcement maps to be underwhelming.
  24. Sigh...40 orbs gone and still no focus unit. At least Azama appeared finally...
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