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Posts posted by Rapha666br

  1. 12 hours ago, starburst said:

    But Sophie’s class tree is the same as Silas’s: Cavalier and Mercenary. And with Effie as her mother, she only gets access to Knight, which is not versatile.

    In this set up, Sophie will be better than her father on every statistic bar Defence (and she might have a little less Skill, still not as bad as her mother’s.)

    When you mention supports, is it because of the re-classing options or bonuses? If the former, Silas’s most useful support comes from Kaze. While Sophie does not need re-classing. Her best friend is most likely Velouria, who gives her Berserker, but Sophie wants a class that grants her better Defence growths and lets her keep the Lance rank.

    If you are thinking on the pair-up bonuses, you will simply learn to rely on what is available. I mean, A- and S- Support bonuses are great, but adults will always have more support options (and thus better pair-up bonuses) than children. And kids like Ophelia or Velouria are still overpowered despite only being able to support with two or three party members. 

    I do not like reclassing, I keep characters as they are and just promote them( I am always like this). It's for the bonuses, wich honestly isn't a big thing in this game compared to Awekining. I ended up dumping both, they just couldn't catch up with the royals. CH 22's reifnorcements were ridiculous( and again, no warining), I had to restart many times and rethink my strategy. My army is missing units now, 2 or 3. I'm on paralogue 16 now for forrest( Nyx is the mother, yay magic growth), he will take one of the spots, Xander's son (with Azura) will take other. Loving the child system in this game, they are recruited with their level based on the chapter you are, that's awesome if you have been lacking good units. Trying Nilas and Elise now, but they are still on C support... Selena can already marry Arthur but I am not sure. Out of the royals, only Selena , Elfie( most reliable unit in the game lol) and Nilas(damn he is a killing machine with that speed) are properly leveled. The others will be dumped and are only being used for supporting and making childs. The royals are just too easy to use and too good to not be used. Not only they come with good levels and stats, they also come with their own strong weapons and can use dragon veins, wich is crucial for later chapters. Playing hard for the first time, there is no reason to not use them. It kinda reminds of the royal laguz from Radiant Dawn.

  2. 5 hours ago, starburst said:

    Only Conquest, actually. Birthright is as broken/ boring as Awakening.
    In my opinion, choosing Hard Classic was the right decision, specially for a veteran. It can be though, but in a fun way.

    Remember to always check enemy skills and their inventory, and to (ab)use the bonuses given by your adjacent/ pair units.
    Have fun, cara.

    Yes, i know Birthright can be farmable as awakining, but that can be avoided if you want. I did not do a single skirmish in Awekining. The pair up mechanic in fates is a lot more balanced, I do not expect Birtgright to be as broken as awekining. Either way I will be playing on hard. It also seams like fates punishes you for using overleved units by giving a lot less exp than Awekining, so that probably will not be a concern for me this time. 

    Hard was a bit too much for a first blind run, I restarted ch 10( the one were you have to defend) way too many times, but it is doable with the roght strategy. Still easier than Thracia 776 wich I abused save states lol. I always do normal first, this is my first time starting on hard before normal, and I blame Awekining for that LOL.

  3. 12 hours ago, (s)ad touch said:

    personally think that FE6 handles ambush enemies quite well, but yeah, it was admittedly a bit of a turn-off at first. also new mystery does that as well if i remember correctly (probably a topic for a later rant lol)

    now what i actually wanted to say.

     awakening normal to conquest hard is a huge difficulty spike. neither game is particularly challenging (especially awakening-N)  to an FE veteran, but i can say in hindsight that even conquest normal felt insane compared to awakening normal. honestly, you should not have played hard mode first. most FE feels unfair blind tbh, so go at hard mode on a second run. and generally, there is always a way to avoid death by abusing pair up and just fucking off back a couple o' tiles.

    id like to ask, how aggro do you play in FE? because FE is not a game series meant to be played pure aggro ('cept awakening-N but whatever), especially when your playing a game as actually hard as conquest. so be totally honest if you respond, and if you dont, it doesn't matter, this is really just advice, in case you do play too aggro due to awakening habits.

    also, by description of your situation, it sounds like you could just have killed Scarlet with niles, assuming you brought him, of course, and cleaned up and pushed in to stay safe, and you would have been fine. honestly, you could totally play differently the next run of the chapter, armed with new knowledge, because, though not explicitly stated, most people would only complain about mechanics if a unit died to them, and as we all know, if a unit dies, you reset (with L+R+Start. i only discovered that trick after i was explicitly told by a friend so sorry if you knew that already)

    anyway, sorry for going on this long ass wall of text, just wanted to say my stuff. 

    I did replay the chapter and completed it on mt first retry after that, so strategy was everthing. I approached through the west instead, so the reinforcements couldn't reach me in the same turn I face the boss. And no, I don't  play thinking of aggro. I tried killing all of them, but an atack was missed and 2 cavaliers were left. And since this game 2 enemies are basicaly 4, it can get damgerous quickly. Kana died( was not paired up). So it was more or less my fault for taking the risk. I'm completing chapters with as few turns as possible and not farming anything to avoid the overleveleving problem I had in Awekining. Though I AM exagerating a bit here. I just wanted to point my critical, I am not really salty or anything ( although I did get when I had to restart the chapter lol). I am loving the game) , it's just a nitpick here really.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    If you REALLY want to whine about reinforcements, go play Sword of Seals, where they spawned before enemy phase. What you're complaining about is peanuts in comparison.

    I am well aware of that, Iplayed every FE with the exeption of the NES and 3ds games. That is a old game, those games didn't age so well for a reason.  Fates is a new game, and after the improvement they did in awekining, I expected nothing less.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

    You're literally the first person I've seen who has said that reinforcements is handled more fairly in Awakening than in Fates.

    I do think it's fair for reinforcements to spawn in at certain boundary points.  It encourages you to not just rush the boss with reckless abandon.  But Awakening's reinforcement rules are so often a load of crap.  There are times when you know ahead of time that enemies are coming, but don't forget that there are plenty of times where you don't get any warning whatsoever.  And enemies being able to attack you as soon as they spawn just sucks.  It feels like you're getting punished for no good reason.  It also hurts replayability because the surprises no longer affect you on account of you knowing well ahead of time that enemy reinforcements are coming.  While in Fates, the surprise isn't such a huge factor because they usually give you a turn to react to the spawning reinforcements.

    That being said, Revelation Chapters 7 and 10 are a bunch of hot garbage.  It's like Awakening's unfair reinforcement BS and Thracia's awful fog of war had twin mutant babies, one of which came out of the womb covered in ice chunks for no apparent reason.

    I have played thracia just before awekining, and yup, that games is cheap. not dificult, the enemeis are weak, but the little surprises just make you restart the chapter. And yes, I was well aware of Awekining's reinforcements on hard, I was on a blind run with no guides and decided to play on normal for that reason. Turns out being the easiest FE I have ever played with broken pair up and reclassing. And I didn't do a single skirmish, I was actualy trying not to ovelrlevel my characters by using others during side chapters. For that reason I picked fates directly on hard( I always play on normal first), and god, that game is GOOD and actualy balanced, and I am getting my ass kicked for not checking enemy skills, but I am learning. My only complain is the lack of warnings, the enemies are silent, kinda miss that from awekining.

  6. OK, my first time playing fates. I'm on conquest hard mode on chapter 13. I aproach the boss to bait and kill, then a bunch cavalier appear right in range of my units while the boss was still alive with the wivern riders by his side. I don't have enough units to be able to one turn ko all of the and some units were left defenceless truing to ko them (thank you 80% hit rates) and dying. I just played awakining for my first time on nomral, and while it was a bit too easy( thankfuly fates is a lot more balanced), it felt fair as the games warn you of reinforcements. In Fates? No clue of, not even forts in that chapter. Big step back in my opnion. Or am my missing something for skipping normal mode?

  7. 3 minutes ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

    Stealing and Capturing

    Steal option if: Speed > enemy’s Speed

    Steal weapon/item if: Build > enemy’s weapon/item Weight

    Capture option if: Build > enemy’s Build (or user is mounted)

    Capture enemy if: User reduces enemy’s HP to 0 (or if enemy is unarmed)

    Note 1: User must have the Steal skill to steal weapons/items

    Note 2: Enemies with 20 Build or are mounted cannot be captured

    Berserk staff has 10 WT which is > Pahn's 8 BLD.

    Rinneck's speed is only 10, I should be able to capture. and staves have no weight( or they do and it's a hidden stat I am not aware)


    Edit: didn't even see staves had weight, didn't see your last sentence, sorry. Thank you, unfortunately I won't be able to steal it as Tina's is still lv 1. I'm screwed.

  8. OK, I never got to own a 3ds, and could only borrow one from a girlfirend I had. That been said, I just found this Citra emulator and decided to try it. Worked really weel for Fire Emblem Awekining, but there seem to be a lot of lag during cutscenes. Funny because I play the game in 720p just fine, with only small lags on loading times.

    Anyone with experience using Citra here, and know how to set the emulator optmized for these games? I'm planning on playing Fates and Echoes too.

    Hopefuly those games will hold me until Treee houses.

  9. 17 hours ago, SalShich10N said:

    In Order, IIRC

      Hide contents


    • Level
    • HP
    • Atk
    • Def
    • Hit
    • Crit
    • Attack Speed (always check this one first)

    In this case, Glade does 12 damage, doubles and has an 11% chance at crit (not really because PCC) and the enemy won't do anything to him and will most likely miss anyways.

    Here are a few of my personal experiences: Don't be conservative about the Repair staff, it has 5 full uses for a reason and the Light Brand and Pugi are definitely great places to use them as soon as they are close to breaking or outright break (broken weapons are not removed from your inventory). Knight's Proofs to promote units are actually a very restricted resource so make sure whoever gets them makes good use of the stats boost. Karin, for instance, might be better off just with the Wrath Skill (you get a scroll) than promoted.
    Don't feel discouraged by fatigue, but do manage your staffers. Early on you get Safy and Nanna and you should alternate between them as necessary. Later you get a crapload of staffers and it's all fine.

    Save the brave weapons for when you want to capture stuff, specially enemies with cool weapons (there is a swordmaster with a very early killing edge during the early escapes and a brave sword you get in 4x is the key to get it). Staves can miss, but the hitrate is set by skill and at 12 Skill the staves have 100% skills. Healing staves might also double. Only the Brave Lance is a Prf weapon, the others are free to everyone.

    Even if a unit falls of mid game and you drop them, but they still have moderately good stats (12-15~) then they're most likely useful for dealing with just the normal enemies. I recommend promoting around level 15 so you maximize the stats you get from promotion. Mages should all promote at level 10. All of them, specially Sara and Assvel.

    Brighton is the most broken shit I've ever seen when it comes to a mounted units. Seth has nothing on him. Holy shit that guy, make sure you use him and his waifu. Speaking of which, if you find a waifu, feed scrolls to her and make yourself the happiest player ever. Mine was Machuya and I am 100% happy with her, brought her to the endgame and all.

    Thanks for the help.

    Still confused about capturing. You have to atack first? Or can I get them at full hp?

  10. Just now, Elieson said:



    I had just grown used to the franchise being about building your army, and not ever fighting amongst yourselves. It was really out of the box to suddenly take this mediocre team that you'd been struggling with and at that point with my involvement in the fandom, I wasn't quite confident that you could kill a unit and not lose the ability to later recruit them. It was stressful when playing for the first time blindly!

    And that's why you don't get to fully enjoy a FE game without pkaying second run . You either play blinded the first run and get frustated, or get spoiled. The GBA ones were probably the best ones to play blinded though, the games were just simple and explained everything well.

  11. Just now, Elieson said:

    Yea. Nothing satisfied me more than struggling on my first playthrough with the Dawn Brigade, but having a super heavily built GM team that I had to fight against. There was definitely no kick below the belt there yes it's the one thing I'm salty about in fire emblem

    I have to agree. I get really salty in Fire Emblem games when you have limited resources and lame weapons, when the enemis get all the best stuff. That's one thing I liked about FE4, you could just fix your best weapons as long as you wisely spend your gold for each unit. RD in the endgame was ridiculous with no shops to get more weapon and items during the tower. And that's with everyone spamming long ranged tomes all over the place all the time. I get it is about the chalenge, but don't ruin the fun like that IMO.

  12. Just now, Elieson said:

    Yea. Nothing satisfied me more than struggling on my first playthrough with the Dawn Brigade, but having a super heavily built GM team that I had to fight against. There was definitely no kick below the belt there yes it's the one thing I'm salty about in fire emblem

    I have to agree. I get really salty in Fire Emblem games when you have limited resources and lame weapons, when the enemis get all the best stuff. That's one thing I liked about FE4, you could just fix your best weapons as long as you wisely spend your gold for each unit. RD in the endgame was ridiculous with no shops to get more weapon and items during the tower. And that's with everyone spamming long ranged tomes all over the place all the time. I get it is about the chalenge, but don't ruin the fun like that IMO.

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