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Posts posted by Rapha666br

  1. 8 hours ago, Suichimo said:

    Yeah, the Binding Blade only giving +2 Def/Res, only on the enemy phase as well, and the Eckesachs only giving -4 Def to enemies 2 spaces away are nothing compared to the Rajinto/Siegfried's in built ability to counter from a distance. ESPECIALLY when these weapons also have that ability in FE6. While it isn't their weapon, I don't understand why Takumi and Hector get skills that allow them to counter at a distance when they have never had that ability either. At this point, I fully expect the Ragnell and Alondite to have the ability to counter at range.

    I forgot about Hector. Gostaria 1-2 range is completely nonsense, should have given him something Else.


    14 hours ago, Refa said:

    As you yourself stated, Takumi is not broken because of his legendary weapon, so I'm not sure how that's relevant to the current topic.

    Yup, that was a bit contradictory, but It was Just an exemple of terrible overall character balance. Imo, that, that Skill should be nerfed.

  2. 3 hours ago, Bagfisch said:

    Children are coming from the mother meaning you should pair every female unit you get (except maybe your Dancer)

    Children are always 2 per female and get all weapons from their main parent they can use and all personal skills (not class skills like pursuit from Swordfighters)

    Arden is basically useless and the game strongly hints you towards cannon / useful pairings. And make sure Aira/Ayra/Ira is not paired at the beginning of chapter 3.

    Children inherit 100% of their main parents growth rates and 50% of their other parents growth rates.

    I really need to read about this system. Looks confusing at first, specialy because of the time Skip. What level do the children come? Class? Also, can Any of you provide a Link about the pairing system? 

    Really thank you all for the help, I feel completely overwhelmed when I saw how diferent the game is, and How huge the maps are. Also, the game doesn't do math for you lol.

  3. On 05/02/2017 at 10:30 AM, Marston said:

    Some things, as I am on these:

    - Once your characters are high enough, killing level 35 enemies shouldn't be too hard

    - You get both Gunther (a mounted unit) and Felicia (required for 6-5) from the daily missions. These will only be 2*, but they should work since you have the whole month to do these quests (we are on day 4 and still have over 20 days left).

    - Imo, the hardest one will be to beat 15 hard arena battles, unless you got insane luck with your pulls and get stuff like Hector and Takumi.

    I already did 20 advanced arena wins with a 5* Lucina, 4* Anna, 4* Olivia and 4* Oboro. Not amazing pulls, Just Olivia and Lucina. Got another 10 dueling crests from the lunatic arena quests. It's possible.

  4. So, It seems like they nerfed most legendary weapons, so the lords don't overshadow other characters. But the balance bitween them is completely off. Roy's Sword of Seals, one of the most OP legendary weapons ever, got nerfed badly. It Lost a lot of the protection buffs( DEF and RES in smaller values and limited use), but more importantly, It Lost the iconic ranged flame atack. Ryoma got a ranged counter at the same power, but of course, doesn't have any buffs. Are you kidding me that small +2 DEF/RES is a  Fair trade off for the lack of a ranged counter? Takumi has both close and ranged counters, and his weapon has the same power, with an added colorless advantage( although the Double ranged counter is from his skill). That only shows how completely off their balance is. I can only imagine the disapointment when Ike and his Ragnel comes with the lost ranged atack.


    Do you think they will rebalance this stuff? Takumi needs an emergency nerf, like seriously.

  5. 1 hour ago, SalShich10N said:


    Use the Arena a lot before starting the map and specially before finishing it. Finn is good, but him, Cuan and Eythlin leave like halfway through the map, but it's very rewarding to take him as close to level 20 as possible during his time with you. If you have good pairings it doesn't matter even if he's weak since Gen 2 plays itself with good children. Make sure you see every conversation. Read a guide for pairings and don't be afraid to ask for opinions and options for children.

    There is no such thing as "Jeigans" in this game because every unit reaches to level 30, promotion happens at level 20 and it doesn't reset levels either so pre-promotes are naturally stronger. Sigurd for instance is like Seth and he can solo the whole 1st Gen if you really want to be silly.

    If you're against save states remember you can save at the beginning of every turn, so don't be afraid to savescum like a madman. If you are to dump anyone it should be Arden, just make sure to get his pursuit ring.

    Other general tips I can think of is that the only way to trade is by selling to the pawn shop and having someone else buy them, when you plan for pairings make sure you spread the Pursuit skill as if it was herpes, don't forget to get Lex his Brave Axe during chapter 1, make sure Briggid's husband has a Return ring before chapter 5 ends, make sure Eythlin has the Pursuit ring (if you get it) at around the start of chapter 3, if you feel you underleveled Finn sell his Brave Lance and give to Fury.

    Wait, calm down...Lol

    So much info, thanks. 

    So, this game is really diferent. I don't know what "gen" is. Great, I am on chapter 1, so I didn't miss anything. Caun is already in love with the healer girl( forgot name). How do I get a pursuit ring from Arden? Is that how you take Skills from units and equip others? I will  go read about pairing in this site.

  6. 5 hours ago, Yojinbo said:

    You can use pretty much every unit you want since everybody can be deployed. Exp is available in ample amounts via arena and being able to generate reinforcements.

    Awesome, so I can finnaly use everyone in a Fire emblem game? I can take everyone from the castle. If so, I AM really digging this game. Maps are so big, It truly feels like a war.

    4 hours ago, CappnRob said:

    Cuan is not a Jagen no, he comes at level 1 so despite being a promoted class (which Sigurd is too mind), he suffers no exp penalty. Your party is small and you can deploy everyone, so use everyone you can, though some characters are basically worthless (like Arden).

    Sigurd is an already promoted lord? Well, I was trying to feed him the most exp, but I think I should try to balance it.

  7. Guys, Sorry for being such a noob, I now realized that the Ironia weapon is a lance, but for some reason the game Just says Iron or steel. I have to see the weapon icons to judge


    On 12/02/2017 at 4:22 PM, Bagfisch said:

    In Fe4 Weapon Balance is basically nonexistant, Swords and Wind Magic trump everything.

    Also Iron > Steel > Silver is a might increase with no drawbacks whatsoever. Also Blades are stronger but heavier than swords but have their use although they struggle to hit Lance users.

    I guess I don't need to mention that weight is directly subtracted from speed to make Attack Speed and that negative AS is a thing (otherwise Azel couldn't double the Axefighters)

    Thanks for the tips, I Just noticed there is a heavy diference bitween lances and Swords, the Iron lance being stronger than the steel Swords, but much heavier. I need to get used to this.

  8. Hi, my first time on this forum.

    I decided to give Genology of the Holy war another chance after Sigurd being anounced for Fire Emblem Heroes. Looking at Sigurd's weapons, he has  a Iron sword stronger than a steel sword. I checked  the weapons in this site, and noticed they have diferent stats. Are his starting swords forged or something? Or maybe just a translate error?

    Steel sword

    Acc 80
    Mgt 10
    Rng 1~1
    Wgt 3

    Iron sword

    Acc 80
    Mgt 12
    Rng 1~1
    Wgt 12

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