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Posts posted by Rapha666br

  1. Just now, Ice Dragon said:

    Weapons that didn't exist in the Japanese version of the game.

    That one mission where you had to defend as Micaiah against Ike. That was fun.

    The game was already a bit riduculous on the normal dificult, cheap at Down Brigade parts. Of course, the hardcore japanese players won't have a problem with that, but it was still a bit too much IMO. I prefer the english version.

    4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    When they're actually compared to each other in-game, yes, my argument is valid. Remember, Elincia said Bastian compared Micaiah to Ike and Pelleas to her. I can see why Bastian would do this, but he didn't have EVERY detail. I still think it would be wtf to say that they actually do compare.

    Besides, like I said, we have differing opinions and should just leave it at that.

    Of course it's your opnion, that's the point of the conversation so we can share it. I got your points though.

  2. Just now, Bartozio said:

    The comparison between Ike and Micaiah is really missing the point. Yes, Ike went through a lot more, but his name also spread more widly. Micaiah became a hero to Deain, whereas Ike was a hero to pretty much the whole continent.

    And even if Ike's story arc is better written, it doesn't make Micaiah's bad.

    Fair point. They are not in the same scale of popularity.

  3. Just now, Anacybele said:

    I still found Ike's story to have been written much better overall and to be more realistic. The biggest problem is that RD Part 1 is much shorter than PoR as a whole, so it was sadly rushed in comparison. It really should've been its own game, imo, with the rest of RD as a third installment.

    Funny you mention RD part 1. It was so short that you could barely level up units. Most units become unusable later because they are way underleved( to the point that the generic yellow units are better lol). it didn't affect just the story, it afected the gameplay, and that's one of the flaws RD has that most other games don't have. Down Brigade is basicaly hard mode, wich is weird, since the game is suposed to get harder, not easier. Part III was so easy because everyone was already good. You could use anyone. If it wasn't for the PRF weapons the initial down Brigade trio gets, they would have much more trouble to catch up later.

  4. Just now, Anacybele said:

    I still think it was silly and dumb after how much Ike went through to earn his respect and praise. He lost some allies, fought many battles, and carried an unconscious girl on his back even though he knew her brother hated beorc. He also yelled at an empress! He went through much more before becoming the famous hero he is in RD.

    But that's Ike, he is aweosme lol. There is no comparasion really. He is just a good protagonist, not just the kind man that commands others. Micaiah was spread really fast, but that is something Fire Emblem games almost always do. The word is big , but everything spreads as if they had internet connection lol. Everything is fast.

  5. Just now, Anacybele said:

    Actually, no, it wasn't her Sacrifice ability, because she was supposed to be hiding that. Sothe told her to hide it because it could put her in danger. So no, the reason is NOT obvious. The soldiers who catch her call her a fortune teller and that they'd be heroes for getting her. That's not much of a reason either. Not every fortune teller becomes super famous just like that simply for fortune telling.

    It was when she first showed it that the information started to explode. How the hell it exploded so fast, I don't know, but it was definetly showed. She started to hide it but it was too late.

  6. Just now, Anacybele said:

    I'm on the side that liked the blood pact too, but I do think it could've been written a little bit better. I like the idea and concept, but it didn't come with much explanation on how exactly they work and how they came to be. What makes the contract able to actually kill people just like that if its terms are not followed? Who made them? With how deep Tellius's world-building is, I'm surprised all that was left out.

    Also, at least RD Ike's "worship" made sense since he'd already earned a ton of respect from his deeds in PoR. At this point he's become rather famous for commanding the liberation of Crimea and royals from a few different countries became friends with him (Tibarn, Reyson, Sanaki, Caineghis, and of course Elincia). It's not like it came out of nowhere like certain light mages or Avatars. Micaiah is the one who is blindly worshipped and the Daeins constantly praising her when she did nothing at all to earn it always annoyed me and this is why I hate her. Sure, they think of her as their "savior" but what did she do to earn that title? She has a unique hair color and can heal wounds without a staff? That's it? lol. These abilities came off as a bit sueish to me too, because not even other Branded have such extraordinary abilities. Micaiah is the one overrated and bland, imo.

    But we'll have differing opinions and no opinion is right or wrong. This is just my two cents.

    Isn't the reason behind Michaia kinda obvious? She cared for the poor. Yes , she came out of anywhere, but it was her sacrifice skill that called everyone's atention, and then it became a rumor that spread and she got famous. She is just the kind one like many FE lords, but she did without anyone trusting her at first with no royal blood, it was decently executed. I don't think she is amazing or anything, she felt really weak as a unit, but that was never her point to begin with. Really wish her endgame class could be much more powerful though. Come on, she is being blessed by a godess. Overall, I think she is ok, but wasted potential and didn't develop much.


    4 minutes ago, salinea said:

    FE9 and especially FE10 have some of the best map designs if not the best design of the franchise, with varied victory conditions and a lot of interesting dynamics (I miss ledges. I will forever miss ledges).

    Story wise FE9 is boring but well executed; and FE10 is overly ambitious and therefore flawed, but still has an amazing epic scope and complexity.

    And skills are cool, yeah.

    Honestly, I can agree about it being flawed and ambitious (the ambitious is the best thing about the game imo). But I think people are way too harsh with it. I mean, when compared to other games, there isn't much they have done worse with the Telius games.I think the flaws are easily ignored, although that's just me being a little bias as they are my favorite game, and are the only games where I actualy remember all characters and the story( mostly)

  7. Just now, Dayni said:


    Here's a link (Calf's a name not given in the game, btw). There's a bit on SF that was translated from one of the books that gives a bit of story involving the guy, but other than that nothing much to bring up.

    That clarifies it. Those translations confuse me. Not to menton the story explanation isn't very good in FE4. Hope FE5 is better( I know both games had manuals explaining stuff)


  8. 12 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

    FE9 is bland and overrated, FE10 is alright and I'm biased for it because it was the first FE I played (it's my fourth favorite overall after 6/7/8).

    Though the games themselves aren't as overrated as Ike is.  

    Part I was okay, Part II was pretty good character development for Elincia, Part III on was annoying Ike worship up the wazoo.

    Also Blood Pacts are a stupid way of trying to get your protagonists to fight each other.

    I respectfuly disagree about the blood pact, I thought it was pretty deep and dark. And yes, the Ike relation with the laguz is a worship lol. I can't manage to like Ranulf in both games. He appeared from anywhere in PoR and suddelny is important, while all of the grail mercenaries wich had charisma are forgotten( due to possible permanent death, wich sucks, I think that is a problem in all Fire Emblem games). Then on Radiant Down he comes as a best frind and is showed everywhere, when you actualy want to see the other characters. Yup, part III was not so good, but that's just it.

  9. 1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

    To be entirely fair, the newer games have none of the severe data storage limitations of the older cartridge games. GBA games were limited to 16 MB of ROM data for most of the system's lifetime (later games could go up to 32 MB), and SNES games were even smaller.

    For comparison, I believe the limit for a 3DS game card is 4 GB, which is equivalent to 256 copies of a GBA Fire Emblem cartridge.

    That makes sense then. The cutscenes and long dialogues in the Tellius games helped a lot. Would be nice to see that on remakes.

  10. Just now, sirmola said:

    THat sounds right. You must have gotten the NP version then. I think the startig menue was translated. It's things like the battle preperations and inventory menues that are not. And here i was gearing up for a lengthy trubbleshooting session

    That sounds troublesome. Hope I don't acidentaly drop any item LOL

  11. 9 hours ago, sirmola said:

    As for translations, this game does not have a complete translation. THe one everyone uses translates all story text, but leaves menu options giberish. It's still compleatly playable, though (you soon learn what combo of kanji, glitch characters, and random letters represents what. (there is also a patch that ONLY translates menus, but no one uses it.) The patch can be found here: http://www.romhacking.net/translations/1046/ Note that there are several versions of the game floating around (the NP version, and the ROM version, with or without headers. confusingly, rom files can be eather version) useing lunar ips (or a similar ips patcher) try the various patches at the download link i gave you untill you find one that does not break the rom. they all give you the same result for different starting rom files.

    OK, so I downloaded the patch. Downloaded some random unhacked rom that I found on google. Downloaded Lunar ips, clcked the NP patch( Honestly I have no idea what are those) and the game worked in english. starting menu is english. Did everything right? I didn't try the ROM and the H-ROM ones.

  12. What's wrong about FE10's story? Honestly Telius games have the best story, they showed a lot from the characters, you get to like them. There is a lot of mystery in PoR, then on Radiant Down you get some really nice plot twists, and solve the mystery that had in PoR. It's just not like the gameboy ones were they throw you a bunch names and countries and explain thinking you will remember all the details , this has been a problem since the SNES games( although the games had manuals showing more of the story) . Only FE7 was likable, because the lord trio was likable! And we had a pretty awesome vilain with a deep backstory with another character. Also, the GBA games lacked complexity. They were good, but only as a standard Fire Emblem game, that is mostly suited for newcommers. I really missed the skill, though I liked them and the new classes in Sacred Stones. Overall, Radiant Down is my favorite. It's a definitive improvement over PoR, more balanced classes, more diversity, huge chapters, parts (wich means you had to use pretty much everyone at some point), huge maps with huge yellow command troops, it felt like  a war. The complex maps, the ledgue , makes some maps really unique. Sad they ditched a lot of stuff in the 3DS games.

  13. 10 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

    A certain thief gets a special promotion in a certain gaiden chapter. It's not game-breaking or necessary, but I find these units really nice.

    There's a lot of Gaiden chapters in this game. Thankfully, most of the time, the conditions aren't too difficult to achieve. Just be aware of fatigue though.

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    Enemy dancers are a thing. I didn't find them too problematic though.


    dancers, oh god


    10 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

    A certain thief gets a special promotion in a certain gaiden chapter. It's not game-breaking or necessary, but I find these units really nice.

    There's a lot of Gaiden chapters in this game. Thankfully, most of the time, the conditions aren't too difficult to achieve. Just be aware of fatigue though.

      Hide contents

    Enemy dancers are a thing. I didn't find them too problematic though.


    I wi


    6 hours ago, sirmola said:

    As for translations, this game does not have a complete translation. THe one everyone uses translates all story text, but leaves menu options giberish. It's still compleatly playable, though (you soon learn what combo of kanji, glitch characters, and random letters represents what. (there is also a patch that ONLY translates menus, but no one uses it.) The patch can be found here: http://www.romhacking.net/translations/1046/ Note that there are several versions of the game floating around (the NP version, and the ROM version, with or without headers. confusingly, rom files can be eather version) useing lunar ips (or a similar ips patcher) try the various patches at the download link i gave you untill you find one that does not break the rom. they all give you the same result for different starting rom files.

    I will try downloading and see what I get, thanks for the help.

  14. On 23/04/2017 at 3:13 AM, Slumber said:

    I'll leave the translations to somebody else.

    But some general tips:

    - Capture every boss you can. Sometimes they lead to special chapters, and you can steal their shit. Never "release" bosses you plan on capturing. You can release everyone else.

    - ALWAYS make sure Leif escapes last during "Escape" chapters.

    - Those scrolls you keep finding increase(Occasionally decrease) your stat growths. For example, the Odo Scroll, the first scroll you can get, increases the total skill growth of whoever is holding it by 30%. They also stack, so they should always be in circulation among your units, or give them all to Leif.

    - Leif's Lightbrand can be used as a vulnerary in last resort scenarios.

    - Use Orsin/Othin. His growths are good, but his PCC is off the charts. PCC in this game is a special stat that determines the chance of a unit getting a critical hit on counterhits. Orsin's one of the few units with "effectively" max PCC in the game. If I recall, it's also a multiplier, so somebody like Othin, who has high PCC stars+Wrath, benefits more from high-crit weapons than other units with less PCC stars. He also gets a unique axe in the very first chapter that has 1-2 range AND a 30% crit ratio, meaning that he'll basically be critting nonstop. Orsin is a good candidate for scrolls, too, since anything that can increase his effectiveness is something you should work for. In the same vein, Tanya has an innate support with Orsin that boosts him even more, so she's worth investing in.

    - Despite everything I've just said, cycle your units and spread EXP around. Fatigue is a problem in the game, so benching your favorite units from time to time to let them rest will be for the better. Orsin, for example, has a buddy named Halvan. Halvan is also a good, very solid unit. Giving him some love will give you two very good units in the long run, and you won't be stuck in a situation where suddenly you're without this core unit of your team. Machyua is another solid Orsin substitute that you get fairly early.

    - Give all of your important shit to Leif and Lifis before you finish chapter 3(You can keep stuff like the Pugi on Orsin, but make sure you get your scrolls and stat items). Don't ask why, just do it.

    - Feel free to take a break if you get frustrated. It's a tough game, especially for new players. It can feel like a constant beat down if you try to push through, because if you feel like you've overcome the game's sucker punches, there'll be another one waiting right around the corner.

    - Make sure you keep Nanna alive at least until chapter 14, and make sure she visits a very certain house to get a very certain unit.

    I knew half of this as I watched some vídeos on YouTube, but you detailed way more and I apreciate It. Seems like I won't be able to do an unspoiled run as you mentioned another certain unit needs another certain one to visit a house to get recruitment. Specialy If there are other units to get this way, as the games not always show you How to do It( Ayra in FE4, and Hannabel too, huh...). I did do half of FE4 blinded though, after I got hang of the game.

  15. 20 hours ago, Dayni said:

    I see what you did there. :P

    -Also, those scrolls that increase growths also prevent the unit being criticaled (unless the enemy has wrath. Few enemies do). So they can also be useful for a unit who's holding the front line on an enemy phase as well.

    -You're limited on promotion items for most of the game, so you'll want to figure out who in your party should promote and who you'll either wait on or not promote at all (some units won't need to promote from their base class to be fair). Also, prepromotes are certainly useable in this game.

    As for translations, I used the one that's linked in the general patches thread. That one works to the end, but it is still buggy, and the preparations menu can be confusing.

    Aren't prepromotes like FE4? If so they are tottaly  worth It.


  16. So, that's it. The other day I was asking help to start FE4( I finished, and loved it) and now I want it for FE5.
    First of all, what's the best translation for FE5? And where can I get it? I am asking this because I played FE4 and it wasn't project Naga...ended up with a untranslated ending and bad translated weapon names.
    Any tips for someone who just beat Geneology of the Holy war to get into this game?
    I have read a lot about it already, the inifinite range staffs are scaring me...
    Anyway, I have already beaten Radiant Dawn, wich is probably the most complex game of the series( and probably the second hardest, Thracia 776 considered the first one), so I am not too scared. Any tips to get into, what should I do, when should I save, what I should NEVER do, would be apreciated.

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