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Posts posted by Rapha666br

  1. 50 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The AoE special skills are mostly useless in the arena due to their long cooldown. That's what people mean when they say the AoE skills aren't good.

    In PvE missions, it's an entirely different story because you have much more control over your match-up, making it easier for you to charge up long-cooldown special skills.

    If you read my last post, you would know that I mentioned a way to charge It in one battle. Making It ready to use on anyone you want. I think that is far from useless. Don't let the big numbers fool you.

  2. 10 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    It just depends on what you're playing. If you're in the Arena, then AoE Specials are generally not that useful because of the long charge time. They do allow you to brute force enemies that you otherwise would not have ORKOed sometimes, but you could pretty much do the same with Moonbow a lot of times.

    With low SPD and Quick riposte, the AoE skill is ready for use after being atacked by a foe that would double him. With that huge atack, he can even take out red units easily as It ignores weapon triangle. Moonbow would probably be used on a oponent( and wasted on a counteratack) he can already kill on the last hit. Of course, It really depends on your oponents. If you don't have any blue units to ORKO, then Moonbow would be more useful. Just pointing my opinion, people HEAVILY underlook AoE skills with a killer weapon.


    EDIT: Confused Moonbow with Luna. With cooldown of 2,  he could use Moonbow (with -1 cooldown) on both counters using Quick riposte. So, take my comment as If you were talking about Luna.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Lyrai said:

    Hmm. I myself have a neutral 5* Eliwood and is using Fury. His speed would then be pretty very high for a cavalry unit, but also a glass cannon at best, so Desperation might be nice. Eliwood even has 1 BST above Eldigan too.

    I used 20k feathers on Eliwood myself (because he's our main lord~), so you can join me :D

    I will probably join you, but his DEF worries me a bit. He looks good to take on those anoyying op Ninos in arena with that move and RES though.

  4. Is +SPD -DEF a good boon and bane for Eliwood? I know the recommended is -RES, but I really don't have any better unit (with a proper to boon and bane) to unlock potential, and I have 23k feathers right now. SPD is really needed when you have a +4 atacking sword, and his DEF isn't really good amyway, unlike his RES wich is amazing. That +SPD -DEF is hard to ignore, so I think I will invest on him. Or maybe wait for Zephiel. I don't have any good cavarly or armored unit yet. Sugestions?

  5. 1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

    @Rapha666br My goodness, a triple post. Something wrong with your Internets?


    Training up Sharena as my bonus unit this season. I've been planning her team for the past week, so I'm ready to put it into action.

    I don't know what happened. Tried posting once on my Android browser. Didn't work. Reloaded the page and postes once again. Then edited. Not site How the third post happened. Please someone delete two of them ( not the edited one )

  6. 9 hours ago, Falcom said:

    I don't have Alm but my sister does so I wanted to try training him. My thoughts:
    -He definitely can hit hard like a truck (just not as much as say Chrom or Laslow, I think)
    -Surprisingly, mediocre defense but really good HP
    -Not so surprisingly bad resistance
    -Decent speed

    If you couldn't tell, Life and Death can be good to further maximize his damage output. Fury can also be good. Either way, pair that with Moonbow, Luna. However, Draconic Aura is perfectly fine. Windsweep is fine. If you so wish, use swordbreaker (for obvious reasons). His C slot passive is up to you. I've heard people use Savage Blow or the typical Spur/Hone Atk/Spd.

    I don't even think you have Alm (or do you?) but there ya go. ;P

    I have him, but I don't how those sugestions would work with his b skill windspeed.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

    I don't know about Alm as I don't know his stats nor have battled him (asides from the paralogue).

    Regarding jakob, @eclipse has one with seal spd that functions pretty well as a strong debuffer. Add a buff or savage blow to chip enemies if you're in the mood of investing on him.

    Thank you so much, I just teached mine Seal spd 3. I think I will give him Spur atk 3 to help other units ko debuffed enemies. Not sure about his A skill yet, or even his special.

  8. 6 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

    @Korath88 Wow, that was fast.

    Still, good to confirm that we'll be getting Gaiden characters...

    I'll see what skills the Gaiden chars have before I decide whether or not to try for any of them. Thanks for sharing!

    @Ether That's great news, thanks for the info!

    @Rapha666br That's Alm, not Ike. We're getting a Gaiden/Echoes banner. Ike'll probably drop in late May or early June, after the Echoes promotion is done.

    Facepalm, that was Navarre in the botton right. Ignore my original comment.

  9. 8 hours ago, Darrman said:

    The ending glitching up is probably the most infamous bug in FE4 translations. Almost every patch on the market comes to a grinding halt during the ending sequence, and the dialogue is not translated. If you want to read the dialogue in English, then use the Project Naga translation: the ending is in English, and the thread is here.

    Alternatively, should your rom be prepatched with the old translation, you can try applying the patch in the post below. Be warned: though it may fix the traditional crash spot, it may still hang should Silesia not be inherited by anyone.

    Why didn't they finish the translation then? I think that playing the whole game Just to find out the ending is unfinished is anoyying. Amyway, is the project narga tphe best translation? The translation I played was underwhelming, weapons have unfinished names( steel sword is only called steel)

  10. XFQ246E.png


    ok, I finished the game for the first time( amazing game). but the ending got this weird text( probably because of translation maybe?) afer seizing the final castle and then froze on this screen. Is it a  bug or maybe it was a translation bug?

  11. On 05/04/2017 at 6:07 PM, Quintessence said:

    So finally did a deathless 7 win streak on the arena. Team was Alfonse, Klein, Karel and Nowi all 5☆ and lv. 40. Total points 4492. The last battle was quite frightening. At the desert map I battled a neutral Nowi with Vantage 3 and Bonfire, neutral Julia with Bowbreaker 3 and Reposition, Ephraim with Life and Death 2 and Rally Attack (why?), and a vanilla Lucina. Luckily the AI was dumb enough to make Julia stay still constantly repositioning Ephraim while Klein one rounded Lucina and Nowi dealt the incoming Nowi with Alfonse Spur Atk. The rest was Alfonse entering Julia's range swapping tiles with Klein, he sniped her and then Glacies'd ephraim. Hope rank stays high for the whole week.

    Also, supporting Team Subaki!

    Same here, I couldn't get a deatless 7 win streak until I got Klein. My team is Klein, Anna, Sharenna and Lucina, all 5 stars. Now using a 5 star Michalis instead of Anna. If you pair Olivia(wich already has hone atk) with Klein it gets even easier, but you get less points.

  12. 1 hour ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

    I'd say he's a pretty solid unit, plus he could be your bonus unit for the next Arena season if you don't pull any focus characters on the upcoming banner. 

    His signature weapon is, in my opinion, too good to pass up (16 mt Killer Axe hell yeah), but I'm personally not a fun of Blazing skills, even with a killer weapon, because there's a very low chance you'll ever get to use them in Arena (or by the time it's active, the match is already close to over). Instead I would go for a lower CD skill for damage (Ignis and Bonfire are great choices to utilize his monstrous defense) or Noontime/Sol for sustain. 

    His A-slot depends on your Arena BST range. If you're at the range where archers are relatively common, then of course Iote's Shield is the best option on him. However, if you're in higher tier Arena where archers are essentially nonexistent, I'd actually suggest replacing Iote's Shield with something to improve his tanking, such as Fury. If you don't like the self-harm of Fury, you could also consider skills like Defiant Def/Atk or Armored Blow/Death Blow depending on whether you want to improve his tanking ability or his offensive power. 

    For his B-slot, I would personally recommend Quick Riposte to make up for his low speed and allow him to double on enemy phase more. Alternatively, if blue or green mages are a concern, you could slap B or G Tomebreaker on him to prevent them from doubling him and then allow him to ORKO them on player phase. However, I would only recommend this if you don't already have a reliable way to deal with blue/green mages since his res isn't amazing, and you'd rather him tank physical hits than magical. If you wanted more sustain over damage, Renewal is also another option. Finally, Wings of Mercy is a fun utility option that works on just about any character, and it can be fun to teleport into an enemy's face from far off. 

    For his C-slot, this really depends on his team's needs and should generally go towards a Hone/Fortify/Spur skill that benefits his team. However, if you wanted a C-skill that benefits Michalis most personally, I'd go with Threaten Atk/Def depending on whether you want to improve his tanking or killing potential. 

    As far as assists go, just about any of the positional skills work, though I personally favor Swap. However, Reposition, Smite, and Pivot are all good options if you can utilize them well. In the end, assist skills are a lot less dependent on specific units and a lot more dependent on the individual player controlling them, so it's a harder question to answer since there's no "overall best answer". 

    Anyways, I hope all of this was helpful! If you have any more questions just let us know!

    Great reply. Personaly gonna keep his skills, and only fill the ones he lacks for now, since getting SP is also a thing. I am leveling him as 3 stars post level 20 to get lots of SP from level UPS First. Antoine doing the same to get SP?

  13. Are you guys using Michalis? Thinking of unlocking potential to 5 stars, using a 3 star one( couldn't get the 4 stars one). I already got an infantry sword, lance and axe user at 5 stars, but I need a flier  for those grand hero battles, and he is the perfect tank for it. Is he worth the 2,200 feathers? Also, what skills to give him?

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