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Posts posted by Rapha666br

  1. 5 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    Even ten, one more will come from an accompanying quest. 34 orbs after all—in addition to my current 18 (32 and 20 now)—a nice amount to blow on an interesting banner whenever we have one.

    Just saying, I had 120 orbs saved for a Telius banner. But I wanted some quick New caracters for skill inherit and Eliwood 5* , so I burned my 120 orbs and ended up not getting a single 5*. 32 orbs is nothing.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    I have a +Atk, -Def Cecilia. At lv. 40 4-stars, she caps at 42 Atk and 17 Def. 42 Atk is pretty respectable but it doesn't land OHKOs and she can't guarantee ORKOs except against lance armor units and some axe armor units since she caps at only 23 Spd at lv. 40 4-stars; she'd have a hard time doubling anybody else aside of perhaps having Spur Spd support or similar and that's usually against staff units. At the very least, she can at least deal nice burst damage on those she can't OHKO or ORKO.

    Gronnraven tome is nice on her but Cecilia, even having WTA, is ORKO'd by almost any Brave Bow archer who gets the jump on her during enemy phase due to her pathetic Def. Her 27 Res doesn't mean much either when fighting against anti-cavalry mages, including those who have WTD against her unless she has a significant level advantage. Most encounters, assuming she actually survives, usually puts her low enough to use Escape Route to teleport to a spot adjacent to any ally.

    Cecilia (+Atk/-Def)

    Lv. 40 4-stars

    34 HP

    42 Atk (using Gronnraven and Atk +2)

    23 Spd

    17 Def

    27 Res

    Good reply. I am surely keeping her at 4 stars after this. I think she has been only easy to level because Magic damages hard anything lol, so she can finish off enemies easily like any other tome user. she is the only decent tome user I have ( I had Robin 3 stars, but sent home, I think I regreat this). 

  3. 11 minutes ago, r4v1sh said:

    Oh yeah, I may have exagerated a little in my comment, since I expected a little more out of my two Cecilias. But I believe she will serve you better as a 4*+1 that's already trained than as a 5* that you will have to grind up.

    Yeah, I will just keep her at 4 star LV 40+1, she is still good enough, until maybe when I get one that doesn't have -ATK. There are other priorities at the moment anyway(+SPD - DEF  4 star Nowi), but I also really wanted a ranged Magic user, I still have no good one.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Brand_Of_The_Exalt said:

    Well, she's rather good in Atk and bad in speed, so -Atk/+Spd is clearly not optimal. If you really need a green tome right now, and you're sure you want her to 5*, I'd recommend waiting until another Cecilia with better IVs shows up. 

    Sucks that she ia already LV 35+1, well, at least she is worth 600 feathers If I get a better one. I will level her to 40 anyway, keep at that and save my feathers. Honestly I am asking this because she was so Fun, easy to level and I like her art. Her movement and range helps A LOT, and she deals good damage, even If It is just one hit, and her +SPD helps her not being one round killed.

  5. I got 2 4 stars Cecilias in one summon, merged them ignoring stats( my mistake) and now I have LV 35+1 -ATK + SPD Cecilia. Is It worth It to rarity up to 5 stars? She has been quite easy to level up, I had no problens, she does her job done, but really, -ATK is something you don't want on a tome user. What about your thoughts?

  6. On 16/02/2017 at 0:03 AM, SavageVolug said:

    Awesome idea Jayvee94! Reminds me of the side quests in Blazing Sword. I would love to see a compilation of all the various mechanics from the FE games and bring them together into one game. The dungeon crawling of Gaiden, the ledges mechanic of Radiant Dawn, staves heal healers once per turn ect. I would like beast units to be more like laguz except we can walk up and command them to attack even in human form and they punch or kick the enemy. On the laguz note I would also want every laguz to learn Formshift once they reach a specific level (let's say level 40 for example). I also want greatswords to return as well as poleaxes both with the feature of dealing bonus damage on cavaliers. In terms of buffs, I would rather see skills like resolve return to the game instead of the rallies, in regards to the stat reduction skills I'm not sure how I feel about those. I don't hate them, but I also don't love them either. I want shove to be an automatic feature for all mounted units and all foot units provided they are of a high enough constitution, same thing with rescue. However I would like to see all mounted units learn the skill Saviour, in regards to the pair up system. I enjoy battling one on one without relying on the pair up system so I would enjoy having the option to turn pair up on or off where it's there if I want it but I'm not forced into using it either. 

    ''ledges mechanic'', yup, that's what I mean.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I'm pretty sure when you select Anna, you'll see blue squares next to all of your other units and can simply drag her to one of them.

    I wouldn't know from first-hand experience because my Anna ends up straight-up dying rather than being left with low HP, but that's what I'd assume considering how the AI uses the skill.

    So, you encontered an 5* Anna in the Arena? I have seen the AI warping before, I was like WTF, there is no distintive animation, It looks out of place.

  8. 12 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

    Yup, this is probably the best way. You get to save a village, have Dew- the master of dodging axemen- stay there, have Aideen escape towards Sigurd, and there, job done. Also, no need to really worry about Aideen, if you make her go as far as she could- iirc, she will just have to pass through a thug destroying a village by the time she gets to your party, and Kinbois and his henchmen are pretty much dead by that time.

    Anyways, good luck!

    Just completed the chapter. Recrituing Ayra was a pain in the **s, but fortunately my mounted units could pass her untouched, Sigurd did all Alone. Unfortunately the Village on west was Destroyed, there were too many troubles to bother going there early.

  9. I'm going to up Anna to 5 star after this arena season. I don't really have anyone better to use the feathers, maybe Nowi, but she is fine at 4 Stars. I have 4 star Chrom, but Lucina 5 star already replaced him.


    My team: Lucina 5*, Anna 4*, Nowi 4* and Olivia 4*


    I'm curious about that Anna's axe warp skill, how does that Works? You need to atack to use It?

  10. On 16/02/2017 at 11:23 PM, CappnRob said:

    A visual guide!


    Push A to bring up the menu,


    Select "Save"!


    Choose the file you want to save to! Bam, that's all there is to it! Remember you can only save at the start of every turn before you move anyone. I suggest keeping one save on the top file on turn one in case you have to restart the chapter.

    Wow, that's peace of cake. You diserve a medal for showing pics.


    16 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

    Once you get back to this part, have Dew and Aideen go through the forest OR you could just go below the forest/ along the beach and then immediately go north towards the village that is nearest to the home castle (the latter "escape method" sort of costs less turns, for me at least). You could also have just Aideen escape alone and have Dew save the village and stay there (as it provides 20+ avoid), seeing as how Dew is the master of dodging axe men. And there's also a church right below so he could heal himself if he gets hit. Make sure that if you're going to have both escape, then the axemen should not reach Aideen, and instead reach Dew, just to be on the safe side.

    I think I will Just let Daw in the Village stealing Gold like hanhnn said, while Aideen escapes Alone to east. Hopefuly she is safe until my army reaches her.


    Thanks all, you are all amazing!

  11. 2 hours ago, NoMommaGarchomp said:

    Assuming Adean walks her max range every turn, she won't be caught.


    Leave Dew the Thief on a Forest tile to make big money. Fighters can't even hit and each bandit nets about 1k gold IIRC.

    Too late, I felt for the Village bait and I got stuck. Had to restart the chapter. Great, no one here warned me that I can't restart a chapter...Sigh

    Had to restart from my last emulator save state system on prologue... I nearly rage quitted. And I had to load state again after someone called my phone and messes my emulator auto save( playing on Android). I Will have to complet prologue for the third time...Huh...


  12. 9 hours ago, Locked Apple said:

    Fair enough, and as a side note, the second status screen occasionally shows what unit someone can talk to. I forget if it applies to recruitable enemies. 

    My main gripe is with story spoilers and this game in particular messes story with gameplay quite well. This site's page does a pretty good job on mechanics though. Only take my comment as a recommendation, not a command.

    I don't even remember the characters' names yet, so I didn't get any major spoilers yet. Only Fire Heroes spoiled me Sigurd's son lol. 


    On 14/02/2017 at 3:47 PM, CappnRob said:

    He asked for a guide, so I gave him a link to SF's general page. If he wants to go in blind or not is his choice. Hell, I went into FE4 knowing about the generational skip and knowing who all the kids are (thank you based Sigurd's Pants) and I still had a blast of a time playing it.

    Yeah, it's OK dude, It would be my fault If got spoiled. Thank you so much for the info.



    Thank you all for the help. I will try to play for now without help, but If I need, I will let you guys know here.

  13. On 14/02/2017 at 3:09 PM, Koumal8 said:

    Are you REALLY spoiling the whole children and time skip thing to one of the few lucky souls who (it would seem) was about to play FE4 completely blind?

    Really, with the exception of secret events you don't really have to worry about pairings too much: characters almost form the best ones on their own and the game is more than beatable with subpar children. And should you find yourself fond of a particular pair for whatever reason, disregard every "pairing guide" you might have read and just go for it!

    I kinda agree with you on not spoiling everything, but I still needed help to understand the pairing mechanic, as the game doesn't seem to havy ANY tutorial. And Lucky soul? I will take that as an aconpliment ?


    On 14/02/2017 at 9:13 PM, Locked Apple said:

    I'm in agreement with this. When did people become complacent with spoiling everything about a game before they start?

    My advice: play blind. If you get stuck on a chapter look up a map guide but don't fret over getting everything the first time. The game is still beatable. But try to train everyone even very weak allies. If you enjoy it then by all means look up everything the game has to offer.

    I always try to do as much as I can in my first playthrough, as I am not really sure I will have a second. I do play "blind", I plan my own moves, strategies, choses the units I want( but this time I Will use everyone to some extent). But If I see an recruitable unit that I don't know who I should use to talk to( as sometimes, the game doesn't leave any obvious clue), I will look through a search.

    The only reason I am asking for help here ( I never asked any help about another Fire Emblem game), is because I am clueless about the game mechanics and features.

  14. 53 minutes ago, Roxachronc said:

    Believe I also hate how obviously they wanted to make things like Ryoma OP and Roy just a one trick pony(best counter to greens and an ok match for other lords), like Raijinto having the ability to counter everything, Falchions recovering HP and dealing bonus damage to Dragons, and Roy getting that +2 Def/Res crap, if it was at least  a +5.


    On the good side there seems to be an incoming new version of Roy so it maybe gets something good, but seriously it appears that in EVERY entry of any game Roy appears it needs to be below the other lords.

    We got Melee Roy in this game then Lol

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