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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Some of us monolingual folk still admire that you're able to speak coherently in multiple languages at all. Not all monolinguals are complete masters of their sole tongue either, mastery is a term that should be reserved for the writers big and small of good literature (and maybe some other arts, and even comedy). And then the super polyglots blow us all away. I can't find the source anymore, but I remember one professor whose work on Qing China I read said they know English, Chinese, Russian, French, Manchurian, Mongolian, and I know the list had to be longer. They were even in the process of learning computer programming languages- thats as difficult as real languages to me. Somewhat related, I read Japanese gamers don't like their video games entirely in Japanese. Because it's been the case since the day games were invented, it feels more natural for a game to have some English. It can't be an easy dream to achieve, many will fail. For "travel" means "money", and money means having a job. Yet unless you're a freelance journalist, an ambassador, maybe a work on a cruise ship or for an airline, or in another niche profession, having a steady job conflicts with constant travel. --- Writing out a detailed list "things/improvement you want to see in sequel/remake" tends to feel embittering to me, even if I'm not embittered with the game. I want to do it, but I have to stop myself from doing so. And partly it's disappointing because either you know it won't happen, or if there is a chance of the sequel/remake happening, there is absolutely no certainty it will happen, resulting in a feeling of dashed hopes by having jotted any down at all.
  2. I wish your country luck, for its sake, yours and your countrymen, and for the sake of having a more functional democratic republic be a shining city upon a hill through this pandemic. If you want, you can ship that 20k here, because how could it possibly get worse schools unreadily reopening?
  3. Was the third empire of Mexico the one led by the brother of the Austro-Hungarian Emperor, who was placed on the throne by Louis Napoleon, only to abandon his pawn when the US got over the Civil War, and thus leave him to die to Mexican opposition? I am impressed to see the institution of feudalism in the New World and its survival after the French Revolution. Can you go north and bring that half-a-country-stealing big bully into vassalage? Poke Polk onto a pitchfork! Although this isn't anywhere near as weird, I feel this is an appropriate time to say that while XCX isn't the s*** it has the shit.
  4. Partly, I had in mind a review of a game I read called "Hero must die.again". The premise was that your totally typical JRPG hero saves the world from evil, but takes a fatal wound in the process. He is kept alive by magic, but only for five days to see the world he is leaving behind. Because the world is saved, you have nothing you have to do, and you start with super-strong stats and endgame equipment and lots of money, although as time progresses the main hero starts getting weaker as the resurrection spell fades so you have to rely on others. The game ends with a proper funeral, how many people show up depends on your choice of actions- but you don't have to care about that if you don't want to. It's sounds weird, a little thought-provoking on life and how you want to be remembered, and it's a Nippon Ichi Software-published title, they seem to love their strange and obscure RPGs. It looks and probably plays very cheaply and generically, it started as a mobile game, so I'd never seriously consider buying it, but the open-endedness is a neat concept a far better quality game could use (and in a different way).
  5. I didn't think Greataxes were the worst, they're offense-oriented so thats great. I thought the worse weapon type title went to Shield Hammers, but maybe that was just me being biased towards evade-tanking over HP/guard tanking. You never heard of the FE spinoff where you play as the Moirae sisters? You should try it. You're don't play as mere humans, nor gods in the form of humans who have yet to awaken to their godliness, the trio of main protagonist are downright deities and who have known it and lived it since time immemorial. As the overseers of Fate, you have nothing to fear, for nobody, save that one arrogant "king of the gods", is above you. Because of this, this SRPG is very open-ended, although eventually the other gods as decreed by fate will war amongst each other to the point they all die except you, thats the arbitrary end point to this game. Until then, do as you want. Assist the cause of a righteous princess against an evil empire, or do the exact opposite, or help the princess and then kill her right after liberating her homeland. You could hasten the coming end of gods, and eradicate humanity too if you wish. You can take a human form of either gender and start a peasant rebellion, or become a merchant and turn a second-rate guild into a global monopoly on the trade through covert plunder and murder of the competitors, or you can seduce and all the mortals you find pretty. Whatever you do, is Fate, and hence inevitable and impossible to stop.
  6. I got doing one of these out of my system (not my video, I don't have the means to record/screenshot my own stuff): I stupidly failed several times, because I wasn't patient and didn't wait for that crucial Soul Voice. Removing all resistance (though not immunity) to any debuff is powerful, but debuffs need stuff to help justify their inclusion on the palette, and that also includes their role in sustaining Overdrive. Though even after a successful Control, I got tail whipped dead several more times, Servant Sacrifice isn't guaranteed to work. In addition, the "Concentrate Fire!" order I set to a 31 Grex beforehand to distract the AI didn't mean they stuck to shooting it until it died even if I changed my target, not good because Control will break due to damaging the Controlled. I should've set the AI to the command where they stand around me and do nothing at that point.
  7. I don't mind Tibarn leading the third group with Elincia, he gets a lot of time in Part 3, basically equal to Ike, Ranulf, and Skrimir. And Elincia only co-leading is fine, it's the subtle fruit of character growth if you ask me. PoR Elincia couldn't have done that, she was inexperienced and insecure, the same of herself prior to the Lucia "sacrifice" in RD. You can't say she has more experience than Tibarn, but she has gained enough confidence and engaged in actions that shows they aren't on different planets as national leaders go. Skrimir already gets a character arc, one it took me years to notice, and it isn't anything revolutionary. But he does go from brash musclehead to calmer and willing to listen to strategy. Not shabby for a deuteragonist. Ike sending away the GMs to help the LA but leaving on a personal independent mission, it'd be a fine idea. Though is it in Ike's character to put a personal mission over something for a greater good? Setting that aside, it'd give Titania more of a chance to show leadership, and Soren without Ike around would be... I'm not sure what, he's too cold to change that significantly (even though he perceptibly did after PoR), but it could affect him to a smaller extent. Oh, and to make Ike less lonely, why not tie him up with Bastian a little? Bastian can't take forever to find Izuka, why not have him lend Ike his and Volke's investigative services a little for the BK?
  8. If you don't mind reading it in English, I'll sell you my copy, it makes a good footrest. I don't know if all Arthurian literature is like it, but boy it was dry. There were some good parts I admit, but it was very long, and it isn't an entirely cohesive work, it's basically an anthology of so many Arthurian stories, albeit not all of them. And Gawain is a less honorable knight than elsewhere in the canon here. It starts with Arthur well and good for say two big parts if memory serves, and then turns to other knights for the bulk of the book, Frenchalot du Fanfiction chief among them of course, but Gareth comes to mind as another. I disliked the Tristian and Isolde segment, because Malory lost the third section of his French sources, so doesn't it have a resolution. You've got the Holy Grail quest of mostly LancesGuinevereAlot, Galaperfect, Percy, and Bors the Only Had Sex Once. And finally it wraps up with the demise of Camelot. I'm mixed on the paragraphs where they consisted of nothing except naming off "Sir A, Sir B, Sir C... Sir Z, Sir AA, Sir AB...", they're dually absurd. Le Morte D'Arthur does contain the world's first Same Turn Reinforcement, a "Sir Brunis Sans Pites" who several times rides in out of nowhere, jousts at someone, says his name, and flees, never is he caught. I want him in FE.
  9. Don't feel like chiming in too much right now, I got exhausted chiming in all I did on PoR But, there wasn't anything major you missed in Sothe's two PoR supports. The Astrid might not be great, but it's not bad as I see it. The Tormod has Sothe being plain antisocial through the very short first two parts, but the A does have one good line: Sothe: "He’s (Muarim) like a father to you. I understand why you don’t want to cause him grief. I also have…someone…who is like a parent to me." When I read this, I realized a conversation yet to happen for you in RD might be quietly referencing this, a slight "parents talk" shall we say?
  10. Small XCX Log: Also, I checked to see my Affinity with everyone at this point in the game, for comparison with the glacial XC1. There are 18 characters Cross has to bond with, but I don't think this matters as much as there being no Affinity to build up between other characters like in XC1. So far, just before I begin Chapter 9 with no-HtHs completed, I have 4 Hearts with Elma, Lin, and Lao. Everyone else except the newly recruited Nagi (and the yet to join Celica and Mia) has 2, which could be higher on some and lower on others were it not for my equal opportunity constant character rotating. 2 Hearts isn't great for HtHs, but it means I can get about half of the Signature Arts for Cross, and thats nice. --- I played the first's DS port, and the games do get only better in the gameplay department I'm informed as the franchise goes on, but I didn't like it, it was disappointing actually. The main story doesn't demand a ton of grinding and could call for actual strategy. But the postgame is basically all grind for stupidly high numbers that exist only for the sake of higher numbers. Disgaea is not from this earth, it's from the Heaven of Hardcore Grinders, only they need apply for it. The story for the first game is alright though, I once saw someone say it's the best in the franchise, a balance of touches of seriousness with a lot of farce. Hm? The one piece of the Arthurian canon I've read- Le Morte D'Arthur- had Gawain enchanted to grow stronger as the sun rises, and thus weaken as the sun goes past noon. -- I have Yoshi's Island on my 3DS as part of the old "Ambassador Program" free titles, but I dropped it because of a certain enemy I still have a childhood aversion to. I'd like to think myself above pettiness, but here I say this. On the NSMB front, I never finished any's 8th world except NSMB2, much less the special world, I made it to the last stage in each game however, and I had fun nonetheless. I did like New Super Luigi U, the time limits were a thrill.
  11. I pray it doesn't look like this.: Congrats to obtaining the financial behemoth that is the great traditional symbol of the American Dream! May the house be your lovely and relaxing abode for as long as you want it to be.😃🏡
  12. Yggdrasil Leaves tend to be rare in DQ. As for resurrection spells, Zing and Kazing exist, and I know the main character eventually learns the former. Zing has an annoying 50% success rate though, Kazing is guaranteed thankfully.
  13. Worse than Luxaar? Yeowch! (Although Lux' has a fig leaf excuse of being but a mountain to climb, behind which the Promised Sequeland and its True Villainest of Villains lay.) Sometimes you get those bad rolls with Thwack/Kathwack. I feel for ya. It feels less accurate than SMT Hama/Mudo, but those you can more easily totally block out.
  14. *Looks up picture of her* ...I see. Although this very short odd moment in Frontier comes to mind: Why is Candy in her swimsuit part of the intermission for the quiz contest held in Winter? And I'm reminded, I forget if it's only during the summer when she is in her swimsuit or not, she'll sometimes say to you the one word "Pervert..." with a tear in one eye of her portrait, no remarks from her or Raguna before or after the statement, it's a total non sequitur. Does she think you're into her? I wish I could find a video of that so I could screenshot it for future perv-shaming use. Thankfully, Candy is not on the marriage list (but she is innocently cute), though I'd say the Irises look a little underaged, enough to have some hesitancy in marrying them.
  15. I just grabbed the first thing I saw, checked to see if it was the real deal, and that was it. Blurriness be darned. Dare I wish Mana was Kyle's blood sister so she couldn't marry him? -Not possible b/c amnesia protagonist of course accidental incest aside. I was fine with the all the attention Mist gets in 1 and Frontier, but they throw Mana in your face to the point she may as well pop out of the screen and force a ring on you. My memories say they greatly turned it down with Shara thank goodness, and Raven can sorta steal some front-page shipping from her too. The option to play as Sonja instead of Aden after the story is over helped out Tides of Destiny to a degree, even if SonjaxAden themselves are the OTP. Having an actual female protagonist option from the start in RF4 must've wonderfully gotten rid of the need for an OTP so the game could have a "main heroine". The other options, which they show you of five for all of two seconds in that opening trailer, are: In order: Cecilia, Alicia, Rosalind, Dorothy, Julia, Yue. Lastly, it looks like someone got a last minute hysterectomy: Ray is a guy in the game (and doesn't have that mild endowment), the one who pursues Rosalind's heart. But this and his soft physical appearance overall suggests "he" may have been a "she" at some point in development. Was it late to have an unused wedding portrait as quality as the above ingame non-wedding ones?
  16. Super Mario World was uneven, if it wasn't a castle/fort, I was usually good, albeit sometimes using the madness of Cape flight. And for Super Mario Bros. 3, I save stated before every boss tussle for the sake of checkpoint, and after every level- so I wouldn't have to retry the next one shorn of my power-up. I've alright with platformers, more a casual player of the few I do own. But I did survive Shovel Knight's four different modes (though I never played the very last stages on all for all the DLC ones- just me being lazy), and Mega Man 1-6 with some save state use for additional checkpoints. A hardcore platformer fan would've balked at my use of every health upgrade given and the pitfall rescue in King of Cards. --- Yet another XCX log: -- I picked Bianca, she had the history and chemistry and was somewhat guilt-tripped onto you. Nera could've been told by her dad she to go live in a convent and she passively would've gone with it. Nera has that bard NPC Crispin Burns who marries her if you don't too, whereas Bianca might get an okay NPC husband sometime in the unseen future. If I ever did a second playthrough, I was actually going to pick Deborah, who didn't exist in the Super Famicom original version, she was added as a bonus in the DS one. She is cruel, but I wanted to see if, as I've seen a few people say, she has some aspect of a good character beneath it. Then I can envision your thoughts on this.: I do entirely understand your above rationale. Although I will admit despite how much the video I posted shoves Mana at you, that I was a sheep and let myself be shoved off the matrimonial cliff with her, though my heart was in it not and I can name at least two females I would've rather picked. Isn't this the second life-sized Gundam they've built? Japan's priorities, aligned towards constructing humanoid weapons that are highly impractical because the all-pervasive particle that the anime invented to justify manned machines doesn't exist IRL. Sylvando is totally my favorite in the DQXI cast. Often made me laugh, yet he was written with a good serious side. Sure the resolution of his little personal problem was a bit fast, too ideal and free of the bumps you'd expect from that in reality. But for a game that doesn't go ultra-serious, it is acceptable escapism into fantastic optimism as basic as light always eventually overcoming evil.
  17. Casinos tend to have useful items in Dragon Quest, but V's is probably the most broken. Later games toned down the weapon offerings, or made the good stuff only available in later casinos, not the first one available. And that whip? The Gringham Whip is by tradition almost always the strongest whip in a DQ game. Not as strong the Metal King sword and I don't think whips can deal critically, but it does hit every enemy in a group, making it a bit better in random encounters. Don't feel bad about abusing a casino though, I've done it in DQs VIII and XI, mostly for money in the former via selling Prayer Rings, and getting some other varied stuff in the latter. Roulette in both of these games is great for racking up the tokens, though you need to amass a few thousand first as necessary gambling startup capital.
  18. Completed the Spy Games Affinity Mission as necessary for Chapter 9. It's an AfM without a playable character associated with it, but it requires little thought to recognize it's an AfM for Maurice Chausson. I like it that an important NPC gets one, as does Tatsu, Vandham, and Ga Jiarg & Ga Buidhe. As with his introduction long ago, there is a hint of shadiness to Chausson here. His stated willingness to do whatever it takes to ensure humanity's survival, leaves me wondering how far he'd go. if the Ganglion had wanted humanity as slaves instead of eradicated, would Chausson try for that over war? Would he if the Ghost, who are an impenetrable enigma, wanted humanity to transcend into some other, radically different existence, would he decide for everyone that that would be better than trying to oppose the Ghost? By the end of the AfM, that dubiousness is set aside, Elma emphasizes that he isn't a corrupt man. And Chausson does actively support coexistence with the various Xenos, which is a good thing. But "not corrupt" does not rule out my doubts, he could be squeaky clean and spend 21 hours each day at his job sleeping only the remaining three, and it would not prevent him from ideologically advocating for a peace at the price of some of humanity's humanity and freedom. As an old politician man, Chausson isn't a vibrant NPC, but when X2 comes, I could see him in a decent grey or villainous role. Maybe he'll stay as is and this is all a nonsensical red herring, but I'm keeping my eyes open. The mission itself is carefully going into lvl 50+ enemy territory and getting some data from a building, with one lvl 30 fight. It's supposed to be stealthy, and Nagi if talked to gives you a nice tip here for the approach., but I didn't see the opening he suggested and instead did several Shadowrunners to get to the target building, the enemies right around it are actually very very few. But I can definitely see this mission making some people frustrated. --- And, savestates are wonderful for fixing some old game inconveniences or difficult moments. I do not regret using savestates in every castle and fort in Super Mario World, those were diabolical on my reflexes. You bought a Metal King Sword? Thats the strongest weapon in the game. Don't use it unless you feel like "Oh, I need to cheese" if you care about difficulty. This said, you can change your equipped weapon mid-fight without wasting a turn, so in case things start going too far south in a fight and you want to rip apart the boss on the first try anyhow. -Later on, it won't be so bad though, the main character's ultimate exclusive weapon is only 5 points weaker, so by the end, you can equip it without shame.
  19. Believe it or not As you can kinda tell from this image, Kaga more or less used this same idea for most of the third and second to last chapters of TearRing Saga. And, the 2nd to last (not sure about the 3rd, I warpskipped it because the game was dragging 38 chapters in) has warping Gaiden-style Witches (and a few more Witches near the boss that bizarrely never warp at all). This said, your fan hack is probably far far worse than this, but this chapter's darkness gimmick was no fun to me.
  20. That definitely would've lead to problems, not just for the pacing of XC2, but for Torna too. Although Torna could be longer, in ways it could've benefitted from that (and more resources) you could argue, fitting it into the base game says to me that it would've been less than it currently is. We wouldn't have gotten every little line and scene of characterization, maybe no playable Team Hugo and less gameplay overall, less of Torna itself would have been seen. This giant flashback would've had to have been shorter and more streamlined overall unless Monolith was trying to break the "world's longest JRPG" record. Making Torna optional DLC gave it room to breathe and grow more -so I would speculate. Thinking of dated quirks of Xenogears, the water level puzzle in the one of the Anima Dungeons was visibly hard to understand because poor graphics IIRC. And the Tower of Babel- the whole "when the game decides to get you into a random encounter, it stops you from jumping, but not moving and falling beforehand"- that mix was not good. --- I've got mad Skillz. I made this only to discover I could've almost done it in Tiermaker in less time. And curse the near-indivisibility of 94! If I wanted to make a collage/poster with no black filler space to the right and an equal number of icons in every row, I'd have to get rid of a few of these.
  21. Started up Chapter 8 of XCX this morning. Chapter 8 is purest spectacle and I love it, I want it tenfold three days a week in X2. To put my commentary in spoilers due to length and detailed talk of the chapter's plot content.: Following the thrill of Chapter 8, I went to the Barracks to complete Nagi's first Affinity Mission. I took a leisure ride to Northpointe Cove and met with the Defense Secretary, this mission has no fighting nor gathering, and that was fine, because I really wanted Nagi. More XCX log unrelated to Chapter 8:
  22. Meanwhile, XCX has Repair, which heals for at most 9% of a single character's HP. Although maaaaybe a Knife, Shield, or Photon Saber can make a healing build work in Overdrive, use the fast cooldown and stack Potential for spamming the one you have of Smooth Recovery/Mindstorm/Astral Horizon + Astral Heal. But why when you can kill everything in OD? Interesting, I wasn't aware of this. The trope of friends turned eternal rivals, this would've needed to seriously amp up Reyn to work, and invent a strong reason for the turn of a human to misanthropy. As I am with other beta storylines, I'd be interested in seeing a completed version of this that would never happen. And, a few low-key board were chill, the Etrian Odyssey ones were very useful for me. But if it's popular and got women of any sex appeal, stay away. Thank you! There are little things I could art critique here- Sagi's expression is slightly off to me, and why did they choose Mechonis for the backdrop? But it's much appreciated. I won't call either BK perfect by any means, I can readily list flaws for both, but they are my first experience with Monolith and I loved the world. No need for Hearts, story progression and sometimes completing a quest or sleeping at a particular inn, but I think thats it. Only in XC1 and XC2, XCX went back to the usual American, with the exception of Celica who gets posh British. And Shulk's and Fiora's voices are selectable for Cross, they're labeled "Classic". The reason for British VAs in XC1 is because Nintendo of Europe localized it, Nintendo of America didn't think it would sell. NoE had to turn to local talent then.
  23. I remember one XC2 Spike instance- the Land of Challenge fight against a Tirkin totem pole. I think it came from its Enrage and I didn't bring Corvin, so the carved wood was seriously chopping down my characters as I tried to hack at it. Spike damage endures I suppose because it's tradition and might have some notion of a good idea in it, but Monolith understands the fan backlash so it limits how much it is used, too much. At least it had a game where it was cruel, Time Bomb sounds deadly, but XCX gives to next to no enemies. Never considered healing to be that amazing, way more plentiful than XCX for sure, but broken? I admit to spamming Corvin's first Special a few times, and loving the Special heals as a whole (Crossette's was early salvation), but because the number of Arts that heal and do nothing else (excluding HP Potions) was limited to one per Blade, I didn't consider it overly plentiful.
  24. Correct on the guy's name. As for the setting up of probes, I don't remember how hard hitting 100k is. *Checks my in-progress file*, I'm at 57925 Credits with Sylvalum and Cauldros still almost entirely unmapped and the vast majority of Scenic Viewpoints and Unexplored Territories not found. Research Probes are a lot rarer than Mining Probes, and they're best saved for probe locations with 2 Sightseeing Spots, and a Research Probe in a site with even one Sightseeing Spot is better for revenue over a place with none but a higher letter rank on its Revenue. You can add Boosters and Duplicator Probes in nearby spots if you have to just for the duration of the quest. I get this, I never saw the movie he's a reference to, but the quest line is a little quirky. And it tells me just how far Mira is willing to go to be a roach motel, that interests me personally.
  25. Yeah, looking at the Wiki b/c I've crowned myself the Master of Mira here, it lists four species of enemy: Arenatect, Gerrid, Duogill, and Scintiure as having either Counter or Proximity Spikes. And 7 Tyrants, 1 later story boss, 1 final battle enemy, and the Yggralith Zero. None of those species are either that common or something you're forced to fight (Mira's size and lack of linearity makes only the most common enemy types anything you'll have to battle), and of the Tyrants, only Caspar, the Unhealthy Eater is realistically killable before the postgame. To add to this, mitigating Spike damage is easier in that you don't need to use up Gem/Augment slots or Skill slots for it alone. Every Spike deals damage of a specific attribute, so equipping gear that provides resistance to that attribute will cut back on the damage received. Since the attribute of the Spike probably tends to be a common attribute elsewhere in that enemy's arsenal, that resistance should come in handy during the entire fight. No wonder I never noticed Spike in XCX besides Yggralith and Endbringer, it was really scaled back. There are four Auras in XCX that let you Spike the enemy for a change, but gradual damage like that is something I've never considered relying on. Why go slow and steady when I can go fast and heavy?
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