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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. True, and an Armor unit isn't a bad addition for variety's sake. I guess one could add Rickard as well to the list of maaaaaybe characters. And if Malice, who is a sexy sword lady, comes around, her 100%-Not-Historically-Accurate-It-Was-A-Decorative/Ceremonial-Item-Not-Worn-In-Battle-Horned-Viking-Helmeted father Dice has a very slim chance. Or at the least, Dice's helm would be a good accessory if something like it doesn't already exist.
  2. Maybe I'm a little shotacon, but I WANTED to like Jubello. The problem is the le petite dauphin is... well he doesn't have very much character. He's quiet, kind, shy, scared, and maybe lacking for motivation and direction, in contrast to his twin sister, whose tomboyish assertive personality is something of vibrance to cling to. Lena came in SD with nothing except WARP, THE STAFF OF GODLINESS KISS MY SKIPPIN' ARSE NAGA. If she isn't getting it, who would- a Deirdre dressed as empress summoned seconds before the newly possessed Loptous!Julius ripped her apart?
  3. Yeah, summon two elementals of the buff or buffs you want and always keep them around, use the third elemental slot for discharging every subsequent elemental. Gameplay-wise, I like that Melia blends the offensive and supportive spellcaster roles into one simple package. Yes, you can have say two Earth spirits active at once, the buff will stack twice. And you can summon a third and discharge it too. If you mean "Can I cast Summon: XYZ twice in a row without having to wait for it to cool down after the first use?", no. But that's what Summon... Coffee! (just making fun of the British accent) is for.
  4. I sorta like Julian, even though Archanea is lacking in the characterization department (where Julian does relatively okay), and this is a good "objective" move. He, Lena, Kris, and Eremiyah are all justifiable picks for the continent. Like Kris or not (I don't hate them, but I don't care for them either, my opinion on HoLaS is undefined), they are important to FE12 and the rise of the "avatar" unit. As for what remains in Archanea of value (leaving off Elice because of her duo cheerleading): Nyna Medeus Gotoh Xane And is this it? Even factoring in Awakening Enemy Pity General, there aren't any other Archanean NPC/villains worth adding- Lang and Jiol are weak. Some playables like Lorenz, Jake, and Arlen might stand a chance, but the story-important characters are almost exhausted. The non-Nyna females left are Marisha, Malice, Yumina, and Midia, the rest of the large cast is men, often of little and or generally dull character. One more banner, maybe two for Archanea realistically speaking? Who will be remiss at no Frost?
  5. If you're in for a protracted fight, then Sharla is good for her healing. But given the near-instant automatic HP regeneration after every battle, wandering and fighting ordinary enemies doesn't require her if you kill everything fast enough. And with Sharla, she's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy, in that she has limited offense, which means you can't be as fast with the kills, which means you get into longer fights where the heals become more valuable. Everyone in the game is perfectly usable, Sharla included, so play as you will. Villains in the Tales, judging from what I've played, aren't usually the best. Going on a rough spectrum from worst to better: ToP- Never finished but Dhaos is simple b/c very old game. ToG- Never finished but the plot in this game is safe and super-duper dull, and the villains are unfortunately the same. ToV- Not one consistent villain. The 1st arc ends with a grunt. The 2nd villain is blander than blandest blandness yet the game tries to make you feel actual anger towards them for a reason other than boringness. And the 3rd is a nice person- but they and the third arc overall doesn't belong, it's not the story that should've been told. ToSDotNW- Ehh... I'm not sure what to make of them. ToAb- Its central villain is dry despite an in-principle tragic backstory, though his underlings are of varying quality, one of whom I actually like. ToS- The main villain winds up being a ginormous pity magnet, who never could've gotten their dreams fulfilled despite a massive amount of planning, time, and effort going into making them happen. ToS was my first Tales, and I guess I like them. The minions are a generic bag however. ToX- I like the setup of the final villains, but I don't like one of them, even if the other is very likable to me.
  6. The romp of plentiful questing is being fun. Though I remember a slew of these little stories, they're pleasant all the same. I got Lao to 4 Hearts, I haven't unlocked the dog for the Barracks yet, so I haven't done his HtHs at the moment to see that'd get me to 5. After ditching Lao, H.B, and Hope, I changed my teammates to Irina, L, and Alexa to train them up. The first mission I completed, which was slightly hard, got me my Orpheans, all five of them. I hadn't done the mission to build the water purification plant at Lake Biahno, and I knew that'd almost definitely be required before I could get the Senirapa Water quest for the multiplication of the Orphe, so I did that next. Next mission was a crazy lady (95% certain she's a Definian if my memory is right) who was poisoning Ma-non and running a fake cult to draw them in. The sight of a Ma-non drinking poison to commit suicide because you've discovered they're poisoning the water and they cannot escape arrest except by offering themselves to the fake deity they've been tricked into believing isn't Nopon serious-absurdity, but it's encroaching on that turf. Completing a few more easy quests, I reached one where I had to slay a lvl 24 Cinicula on a bridge. It was difficult, I could rip off about half its HP, but everyone except Cross would soon die and alone I'd fall too. I'm noticing that even when my companions aren't that underleveled, they're dying rather quickly now, even the tanker ones. Faced with a roadblock, I got Alexa a little more Class Exp nearby to learn Maximum Voltage. I gave her the Ramjet Rifle, set and leveled the appropriate Arts and Skills, gave her gear with TP cap boosts, took control of her and fought a few nearby enemies to get her TP to over 5000. With this done, I entered battle with the Cinicula, waited for Secondary Cooldown to go into effect, activated Overdrive and followed with Hair Trigger-Furious Blast and Power Dive-Maximum Voltage and then used Overwhelm to get my TP back to 3000 for the extension. At this point, the fight became a blur that was over reeeeeeeal fast, one minute of Overdrive broke it. I swapped back to Cross and went into the cave where the quest demanded I go. As I'm opening a treasure chest all by its lonesome, to no surprise to me it turns it was a trap and Vespers descend on me- I accidentally used Overdrive, but 5 enemies + Lightning Cloak + 5 AoE hits of Stellar Ray meant an instant 50 count and hence a very successful Overdrive. The cave being a crowded place, when I aggroed an enemy I didn't want to, I intentionally aggroed more enemies and used Overdrive, and the above tactic worked again as I destroyed them all in a fast sustained Overdrive. And random tidbits I found.: One BLADE said the Ma-non told them without explanation that the space around Mira was "small". How could space be small? My layman's guess is Einstein's physics in play, that an object sitting in the fabric of space-time distorts the space-time around them. If Mira's "phenomenon space" -as the Ganglion might have called it- is "small", which the Ganglion stated too, then I suppose Mira relative to its size doesn't emit the distortions it should for the average planet of its size? Density could play a role in this, the denser an object is the more space-time distortion it creates, maybe Mira isn't a very dense chunk of space rock. The Ma-non said they left their children on their home planet, that explains the absence of young ones among them. They produce few offspring as well. The individual Ma-non who said the above called themselves long-lived, but the Affinity Chart from what I noticed showed the oldest was 53, not really that long lived, about the same or shorter than a human. Given the age of some of them helpful ones I've seen so far, they reach professional-grade intellectual capacities a couple years sooner than humans. The Ma-non find big human bedrooms over much smaller sleeping pods weird. The Ma-non on the whole are all but stated to be atheists, deities one cannot see and prayers one cannot determine the efficacy of defy reasonable thought. The Ma-non long viewed eating as chore because their food is for nutrition and not so much taste, Earth food is almost a form of entertainment with its rich flavors, excess calories, and lack of nutrients. The Ma-non Ship we encounter is utterly minuscule in size compared to the main (for the pleasure interstellar travel and possibly commerce, definitely not war given what is known) Ma-non fleet's spacecraft. And although they're very different from the Orpheans, the Ma-non share not only in a love of a logic, but in a lack of societal hierarchy. There are no true leaders among them, Ma-non leadership is ad-hoc.
  7. At a certain point in the franchise, they swapped over to adding a measure of story substance to the fanservice battle I believe, but I don't know which game that was. Wow, the guy certainly couldn't have been that old (*checks* he was 39). RIP the Mythbuster young trio's nerd. May Paradise be Confirmed for thee. --- I opted to prioritize getting the three remaining characters I hadn't yet recruited- Alexa, Frye and Hope. Alexa and Frye were fine, I took a relaxing stroll along Primordia's northern shores and mostly waded from sandbank to sandbank in their chain into Primordia Waters, wherein the lvl ~36 Ganglion forces led me to swim around the island onto the final stretch of sand after which a little more water and then stepped onto the beaches of Sylvalum. The enemies around Seabird's Peak don't exceed 20, and many are peaceful and avoidable, it's a welcoming front door mat. Then you step through the door to this world concealed from the outside by colossal blue curvatures of rock, greeted by two nonaggressive (on-foot) Oc-Servs, beyond them, the unearthly world of Sylvalum. I didn't have to stay there for long, neither Frye nor Alexa required me to get as far the shores of Lake Ciel- effectively three steps into this bizarre world. Their missions were done fast, all I needed was to keep in mind that wonderful Xe-dom monitoring the ashen sands for big metal objects and the Aeviters in hiding. Hope on the other hand... why do they force you to go to Cauldros to recruit her? For the sake of one Nopon, as if there weren't Caravans in three other regions where this could've taken place? Yet, I wanted Hope, now. I had two option, and the first was to run through Sylvalum not enjoying its scenery and risk dying once and again and again during the sprint. The second, was to swim from Sylvalum to Cauldros, thereby avoiding all enemies. There is a tiny bit of low-leveled territory in northwestern Cauldros near where I needed to be where I could go ashore. I chose the second possibility, I warped to the entrance of Sylvalum, hopped in the waters to the west, and spent a good... 15 minutes? Swimmmmmmmmmmmmming at sprinting speed along the edge of Sylvalum. Boy it was tedious, thank goodness the Wii U Gamepad meant I could watch TV during my foolish undertaking. I found two packs of level 60 Duogills in the waters near the Cavernous Abyss, odd because who would normally encounter them? I should've waited until I got my Skell License that was now available for this water crossing, because Skells hover over water waaaay faster than humans swim, but I didn't want to get Skells yet, I was impatient and Skells shrink the world and make combat more cheesy. After too long, I crossed into Cauldros and gave Cross, Hope, Lao, and H.B. a break from setting aquatic world records, I reached the Far Isle of Tzu'o's lowlands, protected by Ganglion- but their levels were single digit. Not finding the shore I thought was around to board the mainland, I swam back to long slope with some lvl 12 Petramands on it and entered from there, passing carefully by a 25 Zig and finding some 13 Caecuses up there. I looked in the magnificence of the lava lakes and I could see the White Phosphor Lake to boot, with Trueno sitting over the teleporter to that free Reflect Ether Augment. I surveyed the area below for the safe Caravan of kind Nopon I needed to visit with lvl ~36 enemies around it, and jumped down to the location. After a quick chat there, it was a hazardous dash past strong enemies to my targets- some 13 Caros, which were so out of place- a huge 40 Caro came within six feet and almost ate me, were it not for its sight blocked by a piece of stone debris. The enemies were slain, and as I headed back, I aggroed the same Caro I was almost seen by before and luckily got back to the Caravan. I returned to NLA afterwards, and the most-poorly located mission in the game (or close to it because of its early availability) was completed. With everyone able to tag along now, I feel better about tackling more quests now and completing more exploration. I'm not sure, but mass Nopon arrival in NLA still doesn't look possible, maybe the Orphe are in the works tho. Gotta hope so tomorrow.
  8. I wound up exploring nearly all of Noctilum as I tried to reach Dead Man's Gulch for Chapter 6, got Phog trained up in Class Rank and Gwin almost fully trained as well. Cross mastered Blast Fencer and has become a Galactic Knight. Although I enjoyed the Knife+Raygun, I swapped over now that I had a good set of Arts unlocked to the Photon Saber + Psycho Launcher combo. For both, I've picked Ether weapons because I've equipped Core Crusher, a Skill from Psycorrupter that increases your damage output with all Ether attacks by a hefty 50% at a minimum (150% with full investment invested). Its one price is not being able to damage and break appendages, which is not a big deal if you aren't farming enemies for materials, and very few enemies resist Ether so much that the strong passive boost given by using Core Crusher is not a net positive. it reminds me of Metroid Prime 3's Nova Beam- a high frequency energy wave that bypasses the external to irradiate dead the core of the foe. I've combined it with Ether Boost, Supreme Sword for the sake of more damage via the "Starfall combo", and although Overdrive wouldn't need it, I've equipped Secondary Accelerator for the vast majority of battles where OD won't come into play. I wish I wasn't limited to 8 Arts at once, in both my Mastermind and Galactic Knight builds, I've chosen to emphasize raw damage-dealing Arts over the support these classes offer. I want to try Brainjack + Servant Sacrifice, but this won't work on Tyrants and any event/boss enemies I assume, and I don't want to have to swap out the Arts and Skills depending on the situation, so I stick to a raw damage palette with some more reliable defensive support. I'd like to go Astral Horizon + Astral Heal too, but nobody ever wants to play the healer. Not saying every Art in XCX is a winner- hi Dispel!- but enough Arts and Skills are good that I feel a little limited for all my great options depending on my weapon load-out, which is a good thing I guess. The Psycho Launcher Arts are cool-looking yet not as good as most Photon Saber ones I'm sad to say. My current setup is Starfall Blossom-Starfall Blade-Starfall Rondo-Starlight Duster-Lightning Cloak-Stellar Rays-Jetstream-Astral Protection. It's first half Saber and second half Launchers at the moment, but Astral Purge could soon bump off Lightning Cloak because it cools down faster and Overdrive likes that, and when Doug's 2nd AfM becomes doable, Jetstream will go for Phenomenon's Ether Resist Down effect. In the postgame I won't do, I could ditch Astral Protection for an Astrolibrium Reflect build too, it's less management than that needed for an effective Astral Protection one. Photon Sabers aren't aesthetically dull either (just not as somewhat eccentric), I love their futuristic look and the grace of the Photon Saber Arts, the Longsword by contrast feels more often like brute strength- a fencing foil versus a hefty claymore. The combination of lightweight Photon Saber and hands-free Psycho Launchers gives a sci-fi vibe I really enjoy, and I dislike it that both Yelv and Doug, the fixed Blast Fencer playables, both trade the standard Psycho Launchers for bulky Rayguns, why no orthodox Blast Fencer? My Knife+Raygun setup BTW was Smooth Recovery-Beam Barrage-Absorber Skin-Black Butterfly-Subterfuge-Slit Edge-Ether Blast-Full Specs. Spam very fast to recharge Slit Edge, and when I got Secondary Cooldown on Beam Barrage, I used Black Butterfly for some damage and inflicting Ether Resist Down, popped Full Specs, and followup with Beam Barrage and Ether Blast for great damage that can hit multiple foes at once. Subterfuge is there just because Debuff Resist Down is in general good- but it can be used before Black Butterfly to improve my chances of landing Ether Resist Down. Absorber Skin is okay for helping keep NPCs alive in the main game, and Smooth Recovery is a very weak heal- currently about ~ 230 HP when people have 2000+, but it does target everyone and grant Evasion Up to sweeten this diluted beverage. While I should be saving credits for Skells, I spent some time fashioning Cross, Lao, Elma, and Lin. For Elma, she's still wearing her signature Grenada Light Wear, but one tier up from base, which changes the color from red to a dark and bold purple; she has white-rimmed glasses on because a lady in glasses kicks asses. Lin I was going to upgrade to the next tier of her stuff to get rid of that bland white color, but I didn't realize the oddity of Sakuraba Light Wear- it comes in two designs for women, alternating every tier- first tier is Lin's default attire, the second is Irina's. I didn't want to dress her up as Irina, so I went for Cross's casual BLADE Wear but in a bright green and pink recolor- it feels summery and watermelonlicious. Lao's signature skintight Skell Wear looks cheap and feels bland sorry to say, so I ditched the skintight pants for a skin-showing chest in the form Meredith Light Wear for him (except on the head like with Lin, I used a headset for headwear you don't notice much). My other reason for Lao's attire is he is a Javelin user (although it's his Sniper Rifle sharpshooter talents that he is known for ingame), and men's Meredith Light Wear reminds me of the retiarius- the Roman gladiator type which wore only an guards on one arm and shoulder for protection and used a trident and fishing net for weapons. Cross was going to wear a dark brown with highlights of a dull yellow tee with shiny red pants, but I couldn't get over my doubts that they didn't go well together. After seeing no better casual wear to go with the tee, I changed course and they wore full white with orange highlights Medium Grenada Wear, including on the head, her sea-green hair was hidden away because I'd seen it plenty and Cross has no emotions, so it this wouldn't affect my feel during cutscenes. She looks like a professional astronaut-turned-warrior now, her laser sword and mind-controlled guns beside her. Chapter 6's two battles were fairly easy, even if Elma got KO'ed right at the end of the second fight. The Tainted are made out in their brief moment of story as being too dangerous even for the Ganglion to handle, but in gameplay they reside only in Dead Man's Gulch, which is a small area and thus none of them in this confined space you must visit exceed level 30. That's weak, the postgame should've added a superboss Tainted where the Vita was. Narratively, *sigh* they aren't a bad character to me until I'm reminded of that, and Luxaar makes his first abhorrent showing, but overall, I picked up on a lot more stuff on this second seeing of events, that's good. -- If it's just boss refights, that sounds like XCX Time Attack missions. Several story bosses (but not all- no Zu Pharg or final phase of the final boss battles) + the Rexoskell and the not found anywhere else twin Neilnail mechs can be fought in it. Winning gives you materials from them which can be used for various high-end Skells, Skell Superweapons, and Augments. A level limiter is in place and Skell use is always banned, but you can otherwise bring anything. Yes. Usually it happens in the colosseum at the end of the toughest team challenge. Abyss for instance has you fight Mint from Phantasia, Philia from Destiny, Nanaly from Destiny 2, and Reid from Eternia. Nothing is said or explained, you're just thrown into a fight with these assorted characters. It's a very tough fight too.
  9. I understand all the conniptions people are having over more fantasy stuff in Civilization (and every other issue Civ6 has), but I am beholden to the presence of the Crawling Chaos.
  10. I admit I haven't played XC1 in forever, but I remember people online hung her AI like Chuchu. The issue, so it was claimed, was that she'd cast her elementals and then sit there and do nothing, not discharging elementals any (unless you used the concentrate attacks command).
  11. Except AI Shulk is kinda bad, and AI Melia at least in the original was downright unintelligent. The other characters are mostly good though, a bit better with the "focus attacks" command I will add. And AI Reyn doesn't use Guard Shift or Magnum Charge well I think, but that's understandable. To name some XCX AI faults I've noticed: Shadowstrike!...Right into the enemy's face. Positionally challenged at times- they don't always blow it. Other Arts bonus damage conditionals they've frequently failed to use properly too, no Cross you have 1000 TP, use Full Specs before Beam Barrage, not after! The AI won't use Trash Talk for taunting enemies unless you're engaged in combat with multiple ones because it has AoE. This may apply to certain AoE attack Arts too, I'm not sure if I've ever seen Elma use Violent Streak when there was a single enemy. Power Dive's and Hair Trigger's Supercharge effect is likely as bad as Magnum Charge on Reyn. I haven't tried it on them, but the Speed Demon Aura is probably worthless for the AI. I don't think it can sprint in battle. I don't think the AI ever waits for Secondary Cooldown, I don't think there's even an option to command them to do that. When in Skells, never forget to order "Leave the Binding to me!", the AI can Bind, but it never fails to fail the QTEs to keep them in a Bind. Thankfully, it never fails to perfectly succeed in the QTE on Skell destruction, so they won't ever consume Skell Insurance which was bad idea in retrospect I think barring a fall into the Yawning Giant.
  12. Completed the "Vandham Affinity Mission". I wish the commander was playable, but it's because he isn't that he is allowed to deviate from the standard body forms everyone else shares. After that, I completed Lin's first AfM, and then Lao's first- which is needed for Chapter 5. I passed up a great chance to test infinite Overdrive against against its beefy boss, but a test battle against the weak but durable Oskar, the Summer Squall Tyrant and a fight during Doug's first AfM confirmed beyond all doubt of Elma's out of the gate Overdriven strength. During Doug's AfM, I took some time to explore the northern areas of Noctilum, which I continued doing when I followed things up with recruiting Boze and Murderess, on the latter, I opted to let her keep the reward money and thereby skipped the battle. Not sure if that was the best course of action, but I chose disengagement because I wanted to be calm and credits aren't worth a whole lot in XCX. If you seriously mass buy stuff, you can burn through your cash, and Skells are costly, but these are fringe scenarios. Boze's mission ends with the first of a survival-type battle, where enemies infinitely spawn and victory is surviving until the clock in the upper right runs out. I haven't engaged in a great deal of exploration so far, and I thinking of skipping on Alexa, Frye, and Hope until I'm done with Chapter 6, I don't want to explore everywhere at once. And for the same reason I think I'll leave a whole bunch of the missions undone that are currently available. I'll finish up Noctilum right now because I need to for Chapter 6, but central and eastern Oblivia are on hold, as is Sylvalum and Cauldros. To save space unless desired, I'll box some of exploration commentary:
  13. Xenoblade Chronicles Xtreme Beach Noponball- Have fun using your favorite humanoid characters dressed for sun-cess (everyone has multiple obtainable costumes too) as they volley your bestest Nopon buddies over a net. If you get bored of having Tatsu spiked into sand, don't worry! Other furry ball-based sports exist, such as: Footpon, Basketpon, Dodgepon, Water Nopolo, and terrestrial Nopolo with everyone riding anything between a young Armu and a Millesaur. All courts are set across the beautiful landscapes of Bionis & Mechonis, Mira, and Alrest. Do be careful not to send XC1 Bana into the White Phosphor Lake on Cauldros Court No. 3, that counts as out of bounds. Optional court gimmicks exist, one being an immovable Gogol sitting smack dab in the middle of the court, forcing you to slam around them or else risk failing to get Muimui onto the other team's side, or you may enrage the Gogol and find one or more of your team members temporarily incapacitated. For beginners, I suggest putting Reyn or Hugo on a team, as their Xsports Arts will force the redirection of your opponents' attention towards them, preventing your competitors orienting themselves towards striking the Noponball into your blind spot. For advanced players, try Jin, his Xsports Art is a temporary and powerful increase in all athletic parameters, but it'll leave him reeling from exhaustion with a parameters decrease immediately afterwards. And yes, KOS-MOS (XC2 version) is unlockable with greatest all-around stats in the game.
  14. Don't know why I felt like responding with this, but I did.
  15. It'll come before you know it. It's far simpler than in Pokemon (DQV predates that franchise by 4 years, but not SMT), no typing or other stuff to worry about. Some monsters do have magical resistances and weakness, but it shouldn't come into play that often- the one noticeable case being your first mandatory monster recruit and the lava dungeon boss- don't bring 'em for that. You won't always have a full team of humans to go on, so you'll need to train a few reliable monsters. Though when you can go full humans, it's fine- I got through the later game that way. Make an exception for Bravely pretty please. Being able to freely at any time set it to zero encounters, constant encounters, or anywhere in-between is supreme quality of life but what is quality of satan is the second half of BD.
  16. The truth is it isn't remake, it's a radical reimagining of the same story, and it probably will only deviate more from the original with every subsequent part. And for that reason, I don't like it one bit. Although I didn't really care about VIIRemake, I would've gone more conservative, adding modern quality of life features, embellishments to enrich the world and characters, new twists to enliven the combat, and replacing the hideously aged graphics. What they've done is Nomura's love for half-baked narrative nonsense. It's gonna feel dated and maybe tough at times- it was originally a SNES game- but it is held in rather high regard within the franchise, and is the favorite of the one of its founders. Theres a reason it over the other DQs got turned into a (bad) movie last year. Frequent use of Party Chat whenever you have human characters around is how you'll be able to see more of their charm, because you won't see a lot of mandatory lines from them. Use it in towns and dungeons, use it specific places in towns and dungeons, use it after talking to specific NPCs or seeing specific events. For combat tips: A Slime Knight is a very good early monster ally- almost a second MC. A Golem once they appear later are great through the very end for damage. Although it's more luck-based, getting a Heal/Cure/King Cureslime is awesome for a healer. Buying a boomerang for the main character is a good idea for mowing down enemy mobs. Swap to a stronger sword if you have one when fighting lone foes. When it comes to recruiting monsters, not all can join and it is random based on a fixed % chance for each species, but it can only be the last enemy you killed in a given battle. Enemies pounding on the physical damage? Apply Buff/Kabuff, which can stack several times, Insulate doesn't stack but is essential against enemy Breath attacks. Consider casting Sap or better Oomph if you need to deal more physical damage. --- Finally got a new computer, and someone is unhappy I'm dragging my feet with using it. The one I am guiltily using right this second is eight-years-old and I have to double-click in via an edit box the letters right of "F" in its row on the QWERTY keyboard because crumbs got under and destroyed their functioning. And yet, I don't seriously mind that typing issue because school is over for me and I haven't had to do any serious and heavy writing since. But it infuriates them to see me put up with the typing issue. But, I'm more invested in this heavier hunk of still-functional computing because I'm lazy and think that transferring everything I want/have to will be a hassle, more than the typing issue. The occasional overheating is my bigger issue with old faithful, but it isn't bothering me right now either.
  17. Hold down the shoulder buttons on whatever controller you're using, if the characters turn around, you've done it. You'll get a message if you can't run away, but otherwise after a few seconds you should escape. But don't be concerned if you can't get into the "classics", not all gamers need be video game archivists and historians, the same way it is not mandatory that anyone who enjoys cinema sit through Citizen Kane, Dr. Zhivago and other black and white junk from Hollywood's "Golden Age".
  18. For Dragon Quest, the modern ports of VII and VIII remove random encounters, but every game beforehand sticks to them even in their modern rereleases. Of older Tales, I've only played Phantasia the originator, but it wouldn't surprise me if all 2D Tales have random encounters. You can run away in FFVII. And VIII lets you get Enc-None (Encounter-None) fairly early even though it's very missable. But if you dislike random encounter that much, no point in trying to like these games then.
  19. Would Americans en masse (or at least the swing/battleground voters) be in the mood for the next administration *prays its Biden and not another four excruciating years from now* to deliver proper legal punishment to the most corrupt American government ever? I believe it should be done because the damages dealt to this country's foundations are severe and that must be made clear and the perpetrators punished. But, for other Americans, would it come off as vindictive, or divergent from what they want- a return to a good normalcy and fixing all that has been broken? Send the Justice Department after Trump's kleptocracy, but keep it firmly in the background. Focus on socio-economic reform (with a lesser dose of restoration of prior international relations- but Americans don't care about internat very much) and put that in the main spotlight. The commutation itself is partly I'd say because of the Supreme Court victory in the precious short term, and an attempted distraction from COVID-19.
  20. How about they come of out left field and a few days before this NH, IS announces the next FE and throws a far ahead of actual release teaser banner at us? 😉 No, it's not likely if you assume they've been concentrating on a 4/6 Remake, and hence have plenty o' characters in already. Nintendo is short on new games though for the future and I hope August fills in the void with awesome announcements.
  21. I didn't mean he invented the whole shebang, someone else may have created first Blood Pact. And no, Lillia is kidnapped right after his fall into unending despair, the CG in RD makes that clear. Lillia is at the altar where the Medallion is, maybe she had gone there to soothe it, only to collapse from chaotic energies. This line Reyson says that you might be confused by: ReysonShe was kidnapped twenty years ago, on the night of the Serenes Massacre. I...I thought that Lillia had been murdered along with my other brothers and sisters. I believed that until today... Says to me that Reyson before stepping into that room thought Lillia had been murdered in the Massacre, but starts by stating the truth he learned moments ago. The whole thing suggests that at this time, Sephiran himself didn't understand the Galdr of Release was bound to his Branded descendants, not usable by the rest of the Heron Tribe. Why this is the case is another minor unexplained fault.
  22. This would be excusable if there existed a way to exclude someone who should otherwise be under the umbrella of a Blood Pact. It wouldn't be an awful addition, a simple charm of protection doesn't sound difficult if you wrote the Blood Pact's coding in the first place and hence could write around its internal logic. But, Tellius doesn't say anything of the sort exists.
  23. Thats because Corrosion was buffed in RD, there, it depletes durability equal to the user's level, adding +20 for each prior tier. So Leonardo as a 9 Sniper would deplete 29 uses of a weapon, regardless of whether his promotion was at 10 or 20. PoR Corrosion is (20 if promoted + current level)/4, so at most it'll be a reduction of 10 uses- quite awful. I swear there are notes from PoR's earlier drafts that confirm there was to be choosing between Soren and Titania stated to be directly inspired by Augustus and Dorius somewhere, but SF is very very bad when it comes to finding them. I know it isn't in the Making of: Path of Radiance article, which is where it is said the base may have been planned to be more like the future MyCastle, and FE4 in its Making of article may have had unfulfilled dreams of MyCastle too. You mean what Ike and co. think at this moment without greater evidence? Because if you look carefully at the CG, somebody is laying at Lehran's feet during the defining moment when his psyche breaks. Given magic exists that can put people to sleep for two decades, and Seph is the greatest mage in Tellius, putting Lillia in a slumber and then bringing her to Ashnard never awakening a single moment along the way sounds feasible. 625-626 had to be a packed and short period for Seph. He: Fell into despair. Determined Ashnard would be his vehicle for global euthanasia. Dragged a Heron and his Medallion to Ashnard. Met Zelgius before Gawain fled Daein and then recruited him. And later I would interpret it wrote up the Blood Pact.
  24. Compared to 20/7 averages: HP is -2 sans Robe, Str is +6 sans Ring, Skl is -1.5, Spd is -1, Lck is -3.5, Def is -1, Res is on the average. So besides the Str, yours is actually slightly below the standard. But Str on a Peg is the one stat most wanting for a blessing. From what I know of its prior life as Clover/part of Capcom, Okami is somewhat heavier than the average 3D Zelda, but still within that oft-compared-to franchise's usual narrative ballpark. Viewtiful Joe is nonexistent for the story after the intro and before the conclusion. VJ2 I never played, but it appeared to increase the amount of story, but not by a whole lot.
  25. If you looked at the darned games and not the anime, although you could attribute a fraction of it to limitations of the Game Boy Color and Game Freak's initial lack of experience as GSC would show, Gen 1 was the Pocket Monster generation. Set aside Clefairy and Eevee and a few others, and the generation was uglier, more monstrous or at least plain and on the whole less cute than later generations. Symbolic of this is Gen 1 being the source of a disproportionate number of the Poison type Pokemon, a type usually defined by being less than heart-meltingly sweet. Gen 1 is the realization of Satoshi Tajiri's inspiration- of bugs crawling over a GameBoy Link Cable, not plushies. But, Pikaboobs has no place in vintage Gen 1, let Digiwaifumon have it. Though SMT wouldn't object were there a place for a tiger with cleavage, but I do not know if there is in any mythos. An abomination interpretation of Narasimha is the closest thing that comes to mind.
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