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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. RD "Supports" do in a number of instances have individualized growth rates: 02 is the standard, 00 is fastest, 01 is fast, 03 is slow, and 04 is slowest. Shinon is 03 with Ike, but 04 with Soren. To put that in context, NasirxSoren and Oliverx11 different people are the only other instances of 04s. Don't forget to check Shinon's litany of lines with former friends online when its time for Ike to put a steel sword in his spleen.
  2. I have a few thin memories of Snap, a sequel at last is delightful. It isn't exactly the greatest gameplay, but a short, relaxing experience is still good and has a place in this day and age where all gaming sensibilities can be catered to. My one major concern is cost and content. By modern standards, Snap could seem in retrospect to be overpriced for what it was. Will Snap 2 have substantially more content, or will it be cheaper than full retail price? I would maybe get this later to rekindle my heart's old fondness for Pokemon. But I wouldn't go for it right away. Though on-rails this be, a beautiful Pokemon world is what I want and in the absence of a hypothetical "Pokemon Frontiers"- an open-world game- this could suffice. --- And Nopon having high HP is fine to me despite their stature. Nopon are small and squishy, but that doesn't preclude vitality, and they are lively. Riki doesn't get Medium Armor without a linking either, and his natural Heavy Armor access is locked behind a 80-90 something quest boss, so he is nominally a "high HP, low defenses" character. He doesn't have anything to attract aggro either.
  3. I have a few thin memories of Snap, a sequel at last is delightful. It isn't exactly the greatest gameplay, but a short, relaxing experience is still good and has a place in this day and age where all gaming sensibilities can be catered to. My one concern is cost and content. By modern standards, Snap could seem in retrospect to be overpriced for what it was. Will Snap 2 have substantially more content, or will it be cheaper than full retail price?
  4. I bought some key lime gelato, because hey, it's summer, citrus is summery, and limeade has become a favorite beverage of mine. And I have found the universal ideal of "tartness". Once it was laid on my tongue, each tastebud was enraptured in purest sourness and nothing else. My mind cried out "The pucker! The pucker!" in fear of my face's writhing to come, but it never did. The frozen delight soared to the boundary between blue sky and dark space, so close, but not one nanometer over the threshold, I remained in Earth's gentle grasp. It was the optimal saturation of my palette, and not the slightest more. When the thin leaf of pale green melted away, I felt as though I had gone underwater on a free-dive for some ten minutes, sitting on the seabed in brief meditation before my return. I was in no hurry to return to precious air above, though I knew I would need it. I breathed heavily but not painfully upon resurfacing, I was exhausted, I thought myself a fool for liking this. But I was not dissuaded, I could take more, I wanted more. I could dive and dive again for a while, and return only rarely and mildly cringing from the repetition. I can't eat much of it at once, the flavor is too strong for that. But I am amused by how balanced the tartness is, it's indisputably real Key Lime, not a limp Persian Lime, it's greatly enlivening, whilst averting the danger of becoming practically inedible because the sourness kicks my senses over the edge. One pint of the stuff should happily last me a couple weeks. --- I'm not aware of whether the DS or PSP versions are translated or not, and I'm playing this as much if not more to satisfy my curiosity into the La Gias stuff as the SRW gameplay. I'm getting used to it, I finished the "kill 3 enemies simultaneously with your very weak MAP attacks, or a magic nuke goes off". That mission, and ones where you have to drop a low-max HP enemy to a very low % without killing them yes, I know Mercy exists, but it isn't perfect are things I'm happy FE hasn't ever tried. Though because Crit rates and damage formulae are far, far simpler in FE, they'd be a lot less problematic than in SRW. Heavy Cybuster reliance due to maxed Armor is working for now, I'm thinking I'll invest in Zamzeed b/c it has naturally high Armor as my second main unit. Given that I've read they much later added Masoukishin II, III, OG Dark Prison, and Coffin of the End, none of which I think are translated I realize I can't actually fully understand the subseries. But I shouldn't need to, I'm assuming the decades separating Masoukishin I from the rest means the ending will be very satisfactory. And, Dark Prison remains sinfully superb in its 16-bit original (did Shu not have it before Gaiden?) incarnation.😎
  5. Hard to say, from a gameplay perspective, a bunch do defy their original intention of "good early, bad later", but I do like viability throughout the game too. Character-wise, Titania is nice, the best I suppose, though Seth the mild Silver Knight is quite intelligent and thats good. Eyvel and Dagdar, if he deserves to count, are good people too. I wish Raquel from TearRing Saga could sorta count- except she's an optional recruit in Chapter 4, thats no Jagen. Amazing bases, not bad growths, Paragon and other skills. All is balanced around an oath against killing fellow humans- any fatal hits she deals leaves them with 1 HP or misses. Thus, Raquel is great for training weaklings. Alas, she is too strong for what a Jagen in principle should be, she lasts marvelously to the endgame, and she has no objections to the slaughter of monsters, which she does all too well.
  6. It's generally considered the best of them, so not a bad deal. Hopefully it means you'll enjoy it. Personally I think Shantae gets a tiny bit too much cult devotion, but it's quite enjoyable. -- I've downloaded the Super Robot Wars Gaiden: Masoukishin- Lords of Elemental, the SRW spinoff where Masaki got his backstory and the entire La Gias thing was set up. The visuals and animations are expectedly dated, but the gameplay this early in the SRW franchise leaves a few other things to be desired. Everyone having fixed weapon loadouts and very limited ammo/energy for attacks of practically anything except melee range, means I have to really careful with my weapon use and choice of upgrades. Resupply exists, but I've only seen one Elemental with it so far, and they've shown up only once. No Mobility stat? Having Cybuster but no great evasion is odd, and it means I'll have to pump all of my cash into Armor instead. Dodging is waaaaaaay less viable here than the OGs, where some units could see consistent 0-30 hit rates against them. Overall, the early maps don't feel hard, just not what you'd think they'd be for a beginner. That my non-Masaki characters keep changing every mission with no choice of my own means I'm not inclined to invest in anything right now except Cybuster. Shu has yet to show up, where are ye, oh badass of the Granzon?
  7. I don't think it is, I'd say it's less about good writing, and more "introduce the player to the world through Ike". It's not the most egregious example of this protag stupidity for the sake of gameplay/narrative tutorial that'd be "Whats an airport?" but it is a case of it. Skipping Anna's video tutorial on Visiting seems to be a culprit behind it, or other tutorials maybe. They're very slow, but are they good tutorials? -A question you may wish to investigate, but probably not because they're boring.
  8. Correct, item inheritance is reversed with Briggid's and Ethlyn's children- mom gives to son and dad to daughter. Kids cannot inherit weapons they cannot use at base (barring Caipre and Forseti), so Erinys can't give a Silver Lance to Phee, but she can give a Brave- Peg Knight being only B Lances. Thats one fortunate set coincidence. And looking at the wiki, it appears this is new to XCDE. There was no orange-yellow Orion version in the original game.
  9. No, not at all. But FE4 Gen 1 growths are on the lower side of all FEs. Erinys's total growths amount to 190, the lowest in Gen 1. For comparison, FE6 Marcus has 185, and Alan & Lance are 290/285. Fast-forward to Awakening and add class growths to character growths for 400+ per person.
  10. The shade of green used in Joshua's shorts makes it look very cheaply made, like bargain bin nylon. I don't mind eclecticism of appearance, it suits Joshua, just fix the green. Masked Marth is highly unusual here, why doesn't Lucina just wear a mask-shaped hair clip if she want to reference it? Or is she hiding a serious facial sunburn from forgetting to lotion her face yesterday before dozing off? -This said, I still approve of a nudist's reimagining of PoR where the Black Knight conceals his identity with only a mask and thin, deep black leotard. So who am I to judge on Lucina's choice? 🙂 Selena is a simple, mature beauty, so I give her the highest points here when it comes to the visuals. Although, besides Rhys (and Lucina who I leave unjudged), all the characters here, are ones I'm rather disinclined towards. Mia is above the "underbaked RD additions" tier in Tellius characters, but not by much. Lute doesn't rank much better among her fellow Magvelians. Joshua's supports are devoured by gambling and his princely side is... almost nonexistent. If the man were elevated to equal SS narrative status with his fellow Magvel royals L'Arachel and Innes, maybe he'd amount so something more substantial. Selena is too unhesitant to pity, a Camus should writhe and suffer with indecision, they should seriously brush against their shackles, Selena never as much as nodded her head.
  11. First inflict Break, then inflict Topple. This is required for the first two Face Mechon fights. For the rest of the game it won't be needed though. You'll have to rely on Monado Enchant for the least fun area in Xenoblade, but then Mechon will go on hiatus for a while, and when you have to fight generic ones again, you'll be able to purchase weapons letting non-Shulk characters deal normal damage to Mechon without the need for Enchant.
  12. Have they ever used injured arts for the teaser silhouettes? I wouldn't think so. But the silhouettes look to be in pretty awful poses. -More so the one on the left, I can somewhat envision the one on the right crouched in a defensive pose ready to draw a katana.
  13. KOS-MOS is referring specifically to Reiji, Xiaomu, and Saya. They are from an Earth, and the way they talk about it in Endless Frontier, it seems NxC established that Reiji and co. are from the exact same dimension as Xenosaga, only thousands of years in the past- their Earth is the Lost Jerusalem. Flux- the dimensional portals of NxC- appear capable of crossing time in addition to space, so KOS-MOS, Shion & MOMO time traveled (no T-ELOS, this was released after Ep. II, but before III). It's odd Monolith would declare this, because it makes a silly crossover... more awkward to declare non-canon to XS. Yet how can anything where a Mega Man (Volnutt) and Heihachi from Tekken and Klonoa show up (via entry from other dimensions) be anything except not-canon to XS? I choke on the jest of labeling it "Xenosaga Episode 0".
  14. Actually, it's from the opening: This game was co-developed by Monolith, so why not use it? This little convo was snipped out of the usual JRPG "night before the decisive battle, let's take one last moment to breathe easy and prepare for tomorrow". A hot springs was in town and Kaguya's royal father was paying, so why not? There was a boss battle before the final boss here, the android W03 "Pete Pain" chose to self-destruct, but to help the heroes by breaking that wall by T-ELOS's head. W03 was weird- he wanted to destroy Haken and Aschen, but on failing his mission- dying- was programmed to obey them? The Peter Pan who was definitely not a woman acting as a boy who matured without puberty made no sense. I captured this line, because I remembered what you said of T-ELOS not liking the hollowness of KOS-MOS's personality. Was this written with that in mind? And for the ending itself: Oh, and if want to get in the mood as you read the ending stuff above, this is the track they play during most of it after the escape from Aggradheim.:
  15. Super Robot Taisen: OG Saga Endless Frontier EXCEED is completed! There is a bonus dungeon, but it's NG+ only so I don't feel like it. I had fun, more of the stuff I enjoyed back in the later days of the DS era. The final area was practically a straight line, and the final boss was "easy" factoring out its extreme offense. The ending was great though, entertaining with the usual relaxed charm of the game as a whole. I do want to go back to Namco x Capcom, the origin of this gameplay style- except it's an SRPG. But sticking to Macbooks mean I can't run PCSX2 without trying to run Wine. And even if I did, PS2 emulation is intensive, so even with a new Macbook, I'm afraid it'd cause my computer to overheat into a puddle of silicon. And the cost of getting a better computer isn't worth it. Speaking of NxC: I screenshotted the Xenosaga trio's every line in the ending, I can post that later, if desired.
  16. Agreed! In fact, I tried to make a similar call out to everyone a minute ago but I forgot two people, sorry in the LtPW topic- bad idea. If we remain in the unstable spatial anomaly that is LtPW... I fear this will be our fate.
  17. 15 minutes ago it was 7569 pages, then in a few minutes it shed new posts and contracted to '68. Then it regained the posts and went back to '69. Then it contracted and shed the new posts again. Just a minute ago as I was typing this line it said "24+ new posts", which eventually brought it back to 7569. And then it contracted yet again, and then added again! @Armagon @DragonFlames @twilitfalchion @Benice @Lightchao42 @lightcosmo @Acacia Sgt @Falcom Knight, why don't we take up @Shrimperor 's suggestion and transmigrate our discussions into the "Teehee topic", minus the mandatory "teehees"? If we do not relocate from this unstable spatial anomaly soon... I fear this will be our fate.
  18. Now it's down to 7573 pages! The Big Bang of this topic is over and it's turning into a Big Crunch.
  19. Playing Belhalla would be fun, in a DLC-like fixed-units battle. In-engine battles aren't always good. Chapter 4 Genealogy and Mahnya's massacre comes to mind. I'm stuck watching the entire thing, waiiiiting several turns for Silesse to fall, despite units who were it not for the arbitrary denial of passage, would be able to cross into Castle Silesse territory and assist.
  20. I don't know whats going on, but I thought this topic hit page 7575 a few posts ago. It went back to 7474 though, and it did it even earlier as my last post noted. This topic is wobbling now, a quantum dilemma where identifying its position is becoming increasingly difficult.
  21. Fan translation error, or did the programmers fudge the assignment of Alady's and KOS-MOS's very last Mentalities? Does Alady look like a mother to you? If the error is in the programming, this is a minor net positive to your team. Soul doubles your damage output, and Alady gets the Soul in its Spirit form around the very same time he gets his last Mentality, so if you have him chug SP restoratives as needed, he can Soul up whenever he wants. KOS-MOS doesn't get Soul, just it's weaker sibling Valor, and even then only in the form of Star Action, which I'm mixed on. I'm at the very end of this game, I'd hazard the 2nd to last dungeon. Somebody is bothering me b/c it's been a while since they last showed up, they left behind a very good "present" thats left me wary why they did, and there isn't much time left for them to do stuff now. Turns out I was mistaken and this game takes place after- not before- OG Gaiden too. Because everyone has all their 8 Skills, 2 Overdrives, and 2 Specials now, I decided to make a few last-minute tweaks to their skillsets, and for a couple of them prepped an alternative set to their usual. I think I'll judge them all on the superficial style of their fighting, apart from their gameplay prowess or lack thereof.: --- I ran into an issue earlier with this topic. It showed a page 7575, but clicking it gave me an error that said it had no posts. And, prior to making this post, it later corrected itself to show there was no 7575th page. How many more posts until this topic breaks the Internet for a week?
  22. To be fair, PoR Ike has bases nearly identical to Roy & Eliwood, the Lords of Mediocrity and RNG Curse Magnets. Ike's Str growth is 5-10% more than those two, but it rests at 50% as does his Skl, and 50% is the most RNG vulnerable for better or worse of all growth values. 55% Spd is almost as vulnerable.
  23. Sorry for your loss. And I wish you the best, there is bound to be a turnaround eventually, you're still young.
  24. Actually: Pales is presumed to be red castle above "Akaneia", and dot 6 is Ylisstol. There might have been a little drift, but the two capitals don't appear too far away, it's possible they're in the same spot. Cities can change name with time. This is solely a nitpick however, I am in total agreement with your general point, despite some counterexamples like China's handful of capital shifts prior to the Ming dynasty. Rome's continued survival owes something to its spiritual significance. Having St. Paul die near the city, and St. Peter maybe somewhere in it (surprisingly, there is no absolute hard evidence in scripture or architecture to confirm if Peter ever as much as went to Rome, much less died in it, it's partly a matter of faith that people think he did) did a lot for the city. Although I was surprised to learn Rome was the spiritual boonies despite the big two saints' remains, Antioch, Smyrna, Jerusalem, and Constantinople were far superior in spiritual refinement initially. -I've been reading a general history of the Papacy. Can someone make an FE fangame that copies Medieval Rome? It'd require every third or fourth battle be suppressing mob violence in the capital, often with the prior battle being a liberation of the city where the same mobs welcome you with open arms. Be ready to familiarize yourself with the two rival elite families slitting each others' throats that change in name but not substance every so often. No wonder the Popes fled to Avignon at one point, the Medieval papacy demanded the selflessness of a saint and Rome was Hell. You'd find it hard to clear the imperial ruins and restore the aqueducts when a Hohenstaufen or the Roman people leveled the city and installed a new pope/antipope every Thursday.
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