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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Weather for the month of April and early May was low 50s to low 60s (about 12-17 Celsius) with frequent cloudiness and rain for me. May has improved to high 60s and low 70s (20-23 Celsius) in the past week or so. This is where I like it. Thanks again! It's interesting to me. For the bolded, fear of the uncanny valley and the fact Realians are physiologically superior to normal humans? The cyborg moral conundrum reminds me of an unrelated issue mentioned in XCX. When the Lifehold Core is found, do you bring out of cryostasis those who committed suicide in their mimeosomes? I forget the specifics, but I can see the ethical controversy. As for XCX...
  2. I don't know if there were. 1700s Europe did have some German states in the mess called the Holy Roman Empire, most famously Hesse-Kassel, were known for making a living off of mercenary work. As for Medieval mercenary use in general, I stumbled on this in Civilization VI, taken from its entry on Hungary's Black Army unit: Medieval armies can be loosely classified between feudal and mercenary armies. Feudal forces were raised and commanded by nobles on behalf of their sovereign. Generally only the nobility had any significant experience in warfare, and long-standing laws prevented the feudal armies from being fielded for very long. Mercenary forces were generally seen as better-trained, but were more expensive to maintain. A ruler failed to pay his mercenaries to his considerable peril—mercenaries frequently switched sides or revolting against their employers over delayed or missing payment. The Black Army was a mercenary army, because it employed professional soldiers from within and beyond Hungary. Mercenary armies had to be really expensive (not helped by the Black Army having an unrivaled quantity of early gunpowder weapons and many cavalry), going off the rest of this entry.: Matthias Corvinus had studied the legions of the Roman Empire, and had conceived of the Black Army in similar terms—professional soldiers who acted at the direction of the sovereign, and who were paid through state taxes. In this case, the nobility and population were extensively taxed. An army as large and well-equipped as the Black Army was expensive to field. At its height, the Black Army was larger than the armies of France, and compiled an excellent record in battle and siege. The Black Army did not last long after Matthias' death. His successors were unable to sustain the taxation system that paid the army, and it gradually declined in quality and size. By the time of the disastrous Battle of Mohacs, Hungary's armies had returned to the old feudal model, and were utterly crushed by the Ottoman Empire, which was using weapons and tactics that would have been recognizable to the captains of the Black Army. Matthis Corvinus was King of Hungary (r. 1458-1490, the very end of the Medieval period/very beginning of the Renaissance outside of Italy), and is considered to be its greatest monarch ever or very close to it. Reading his bio, FE absolutely needs to make a character based off of him. In the past, I've tended to underestimate Pablo's force time and again, and yet insist on destroying it because the Warrior(?) in the pack has a Body Ring which I wanted to steal. If Aias isn't killed by the way, he goes back to Caellach: (Screen goes to Jehanna castle. Aias is riding up to Caellach) Caellach: “Hey, Aias.” Aias: “Caellach…” Caellach: “That was something awful. I never expected to see you get beaten so roundly.” Aias: “Yes. It was a complete failure. The Rausten knights arrived far more quickly then I’d anticipated. But it doesn’t matter, does it? Whether I won or lost? You were planning on abandoning me from the start, weren’t you?” Caellach: “…Yeah, sorry. I’m not going to let things end for me here. I want to rise… To climb higher and higher. I will not be chained to my past. I will not be chained to you. I truly apologize, but you die here. Good-bye, my friend.” (Caellach kills Aias) (Chapter ends) --- As for TRS, I can assure you it probably won't be your favorite. I had a loving honeymoon with it and still admire certain aspects, now I'm struck with a certain... emptiness of not being able to use all the stuff it gives me as I wish I could. Since it was released between FE5 and FE6, I think it's a question of whether you'd be less willing to return to and bear with Kaga-isms later than you would be now. Fortunately, the headbanging gameplay Kaga-isms are usually less severe in TRS than in FE5, but you still have 'em.
  3. Artwise, I did like how much attention they gave to XC1 SPOILERS I'm sure that was a human dying here, but I've seen images I can't find in the past of the 100% Reploid bosses and lesser robots in Japan spewing red liquid (not actual blood I'm 98% certain, but that has to be what they were aiming to imitate) after being Z-Sabered in two. North America couldn't take the sight of blood, or any form of the word "death". Thanks! Making superhumans to process data faster, totally believable to me. Considering the two Navis in the 7th Dragon 2020 games are entirely organic versions of that, with drastically reduced lifespans. So on a spectrum of mechanical to organic: androids, Realians, cyborgs, and humans? Or is Realian more human than cyborg? The techno-anthropomorphism is real in XS, and I can appreciate it. Every Xeno game has had a drop or two of it, but XS seems to have taken it by far the furthest, followed in a distant second by XCX, which XCX SPOILERS!... MOMO is Japanese for "peach", so her name could merely be that. But Xenosaga was made while Monolith belonged to Namco, and Namco made this 8-bit game in 1989: Wonder Momo. An arcade beat 'em up. Pure coincidence far far far far far more likely, but I leave a little room for potential inspiration. TBF, the game's full name is a mouthful! Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier Exceed is one of the longest game titles I've seen. Eight-nine words is a lot. Taisen is Japanese for "War" or "Wars" (the word is both singular and plural, like "sheep" in English), hence the franchise being called SRW, the three games that left Japan chose to leave it untranslated. And OG is short for "Original Generation", referring to its placement in the SRW multiverse in the part where licensed mecha animes don't exist- only Banpresto original characters and mecha ignore that Reiji, Xiaomu, and KOS-MOS aren't "original".
  4. Horror and SRPG? Can you really blend the two together and play a map immersed in dread? Or is fear relegated to the cutscenes and story? "Immersive dread" is what come to mind when I think of horror video games, not that I've played any because I'm more quantitatively more chicken than KFC sells over Xmas. Bleakness, darkness, post-apocalyptic, these aren't inherently scary I'd say, and I'm operating on horror = scary, but I'd be fine with them predominating in an FE. As I would gothic and copious amounts of fantasy undead done either in serious low fantasy or more cheery and colorful high fantasy.
  5. I used to like Selena, but Camuses need good reason to be loyal, and plenty of chafing at having to do the bad. The good reason for loyalty in the past is extant for Selena, generally speaking and ignoring the nitpicky details. But the Fluorspar does not have reason to stay loyal in the present. Selena not chafing at all is the second problem. Eldigan at least could see six months of Grannvalian occupation of Agustria and might have seen that Grannvale was in no rush to leave, and possibly cynically and correctly seen they had no plans to depart after "restoring order". In that case, he's fighting for Agustrian independence, setting aside its current monarch is a douche. Camus himself in retrospect did a relatively great amount of chafing. But it took BS FE to get that point across I think. As translated in the Archanean Chronicles version of BSFE in FE12: The game does divide your army in two from the start though. Even if you can unite them and push in a single direction (or abandon a side and send the second group to the center, which you could've otherwise saved for after pushing towards Vigarde) in three turns tops. Although, I could point the same problem at Conquest 22- the final Sakura battle. Defensive Stance everyone to the left and it's all easier. And other non-mandatory split path battles can be made easier throughout FE, if less efficient, if you opt to congeal for strength in numbers. I never at Gronder 1 or 2 in 3H sent anyone to the east side and barely anyone to the center, I poured them to the left. Nor during the part 2 indoor Edel fight on BL/GD did I ever go any direction in the castle but west. Now, if we looked at Thracia and its unadjustable deployment slots and in the case of Chapter 24, walls that mean the groups can never unite barring Warp/Rescue, we could have a solution to this "nah, I ain't gonna divide and die" problem. But it isn't the best solution thats for sure! The simple inclusion of strong incentives to divide up from the very start- without pure turncount being one of those incentives- with FE6 and beyond flexible deployment positioning, is the best answer.
  6. I got back to SRTOGSEFE, and after a boss fight related to Alady wherein the boss fled via teleporter afterwards, something entirely different followed.: Next character to rejoin will be Axel & Alfimi I'm being shown, followed by a boss battle with W03 Pete Pain and or Nacht and Abend. Reiji therefore will finish the playable cast.
  7. So much Guts! Strike and Soul/Valor don't matter if I Alert/Guard every time I wail on him, Focus is mitigated by Strike, Alert means I have someone use one weak hit first, and restoring his energy won't matter if its impossible to non-tediously deplete his supply in the first place. But Guts x4 means he effectively has triple HP in Neo Granzon form. If buyable SP Regenerate isn't a thing there or there is a time limit on defeating Mr. Shurikawa, then I think I'd drop Alpha Gaiden at the end.
  8. Looks like I'm forced to take a break from Civ VI. The update for the New Frontier Pass on Switch causes an error message for any and all Civ games I try to start. The game will always tell you what they are, except when the proper phase of a battle to reveal them hasn't been reached. It won't say "kill X aliens in Y turns" if the aliens are supposed to be unexpected reinforcements. Regarding permadeath, it doesn't exist. It's a Game Over if a battleship is destroyed, or certain characters die on a given map, usually when they force-deployed b/c plot for that battle revolves around them. For everyone else, it's FE Casual Mode- if they die on a map, they'll come back the next totally fine, but you can't revive them mid-map. Destroyed units cost a minor fee to repair, but it's negligible unless you end every battle with half your mechs trashed. If by that you mean "do bosses cast Spirits?", no, practically never. If you mean "are endgames bosses hulking HP sinks that take two turns and every drop of your SP to kill?", then yes. From what I've read, the absolute worst didn't come until OG Gaiden, where the non-true final boss is hair-pulling durable. After that, I get the impression they scaled back final boss HP.
  9. Add Warp Field and ?????? HP, and you have a recipe for "takes everyone casting Valor and spamming Zeal on the few with it and maybe you'll 1-turn the final boss. Thank you. I just finished flipping through it all. A kaleidoscope of content, developer interview, artwork and sketches, script, basic information about NPCs and locales, storyboard and timelines. There is even fan commentary, and if I understood it right, a comic strip where Dunban wanted to show someone his pubic hair?🤮 Too much information!
  10. If Nintendo isn't doing an E3 replacement presentation, then I hope they freed up anyone who was planning to reveal a Switch game to do it at this event. Besides SMTV, I'd like Atlus to show me what these silhouettes are: This was released in July 2018, I think it's time to raise the curtains on the Etrian Odyssey successor. --- My current play record stands at 80 hours of DQXI (still need to do the postgame). 120 hours of FE3H, 205 hours of XC2 + 35 of Torna, 120 hours of BotW, 75 of Octopath Traveler, 50 hours of Tales of Vesperia, 60 of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana, and 490 hours of Civilization VI- I should swap to Online (double) speed from here on out. If you do, I'd pick Ryusei's route first in the first Original Generation, I think it's slightly easier than Kyosuke's by the end (in the beginning, Kyosuke might have it easier). Ryusei's route post-shared midgame meetup battles is canon to OG2 as well. But choose whichever you wish, or use the two save files to play them side-by side. Every SRW tends to have some hidden goodies- weapons, parts, and mecha, I'd point them out for you if desired. Of note, the true final battle in both OGs requires you obtain a certain number of Battle Masteries- special conditions you must fulfill on a given map, which are found in the menu. The number of Battle Masteries affects your "difficulty" setting, stay on Hard to the end and you'll get the true final battle. Other than Repair and Resupply Modules you can put on pretty much anything that can equip weapons and the jets and battleships too, SRW doesn't have much in the way of constant healing. You do have the Vigor & Guts and Trust & Faith Spirits (spells) that cost some SP to use, and placing a unit in a battleship for a few turns heals them for both HP and EP too, if lowering their Will (needed to use the strongest attacks) by 10. Some rare terrain passively heals per turn too. Original Generation 1 is fairly easy, OG2 raises the difficulty (or at least makes Def tanking quite inferior to dodgetanking) and visual quality too. As long as it goes a bit more sci-fi. Monolith can do other things, but sci-fi is a liking of theirs. Part of me still wants Fire Emblem on Mars, and I'd trust Monolith to do it. Although being reminded of Atlus makes me think the Imperial and it's Drive Blades would be awesome in FE. How to make Armored units better? Why not try inventing one that has big Def on the enemy phase, but on the player phase can with a Combat Art halve their Def and be forced to attack after the enemy, in exchange for a single hit so strong it'd OHKO 90% of common enemies?
  11. Though if Gareth is named after the heroic Arthurian knight, it'd make him one of Gawain's little brothers.😛 (The other all younger than Gawain brothers in Le Morte D'Arthur being Agglovale, Aggravain, and half-brother son of accidental incest between mother and uncle Arthur- Mordred.) Dheginsea in North America, Deghinsea in Europe. Not sure why the change in Europe. It's only right, she wasn't significant enough to: miraculously survive, come back to life a zombie by sheer force of will, or have a dimensional parallel self stumble into the world; in Awakening itself.
  12. I thought I read he survived the Earth Cradle and went on to make Ouka Nagisa clones in Dai-2-Ji? Screw the dude if he did, the tragedy and epicness of the Earth Cradle did not deserve to be ruined. List of Super Robot Wars/Taisen games that been fully translated out of Rising Sun Runes into Creme Anglaise: Super Robot Wars (Super Famicom) Super Robot Wars 2 (Super Famicom) Super Robot Wars 3 (Super Famicom) Super Robot Wars EX (Super Famicom) Super Robot Wars Gaiden (Super Famicom) Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden (PS1, Alpha Alpha 2, and Alpha 3 have not been translated) Super Robot Wars Judgement (GBA) Super Robot Taisen Original Generation (GBA) Super Robot Taisen Original Generation 2 (GBA) Super Robot Wars A Portable (PSP) Super Robot Wars Original Generation Moon Dwellers (PS4 ) Super Robot Wars V (PS4) Super Robot Wars X (PS4) Super Robot Wars T (PS4 and Switch) Super Robot Wars OG Saga Endless Frontier (DS) Super Robot Wars OG Saga Endless Frontier Exceed (DS) To explain the bolded, Original Generation 1 and 2 were officially translated into English and released in North America. Unfortunately, sales must've been so bad that they didn't do the same with the PS2 Original Generations 1&2 port or Original Generation Gaiden or Dai-2-Ji Original Generation. They're called "Original" Generation because they don't feature Gundams or Getter Robo Mazinkaiser or anything else from anime- the OG games are all original characters Banpresto invented as a "glue" in the usual SRW games over the years + a few more original characters like Latooni (but Arado and Seolla aren't). To explain the underlined, these games were not released in North America. They received official "Asian" releases, which includes English as a lingua franca of sorts for Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. The English isn't exactly native-speaker quality I've been told, but its more digestible than Hiranjikata for some of us. Due to the PS4 and Switch lacking region locks, they're import-friendly barring the price. To explain the italicized, Endless Frontier and its sequel, these are not traditional SRPG SRWs with everyone piloting giant robots. They're JRPG spinoffs with NamcoxCapcom combat set in another dimension within the Original Generations section of the multiverse (because Dai-2-Ji I think said that all SRWs are in a multiverse). The first got an official North American release, the sequel was fan-translated. Everything else is fan-translated. I started with the GBA Original Generation games, and I haven't actually gone for anything else yet other than the EFs, but I might eventually. The Original Generation (not Endless Frontier) games on that note have what I've considered a unique take on the crossover premise (although on second thought, I assume the MCU has introduced everyone to it). Rather than have people cross dimensions, everyone is native to the one world (or one set of dimensions in the case of Axel and Lamia), entirely apart from the dimensions where their original games take place. So to put this in FE terms, pretend Tellius, Valentia, Grannvale, Fodlan and the rest were all continents on the same globe, and that was the natural history of the world. Everyone treats everyone else, not as an exotic outsider from another universe, but as another ordinary human being, Marth would not ponder who this "Ryoma" is, but knows him as the prince of another kingdom over the seas, with which Altea engages in normal diplomacy. Everyone in Original Generations goes through roughly the same story beats as their original game- Team SRX fights the Balmarians with the psychic-infused R Series of robots. So for FE, it'd mean Eliwood, Lyn and Hector would still clash with Nergal and still get Durandal and Armads. However, these characters do not exist in vacuums, they'd eventually team up with and have plenty of casual banter with all the others, even if they start in bubbles that themselves can be semi-mixed. For instance, Bullet, an Alphaverse character, is put into a group with the Impact duo of Kyosuke and Excellen. In FE terms, this would be like having Ephraim working alongside Chrom in the Shepherds. I like this approach, and wouldn't mind if more games tried it. Because it can move past the "ooh-aah" of exotic first encounters between reluctant dimension-crossers, it could produce more flavorful interactions. No guarantee of it, but I'd like to trust in the potential.
  13. Sorry. It was intended to be something of a joke, combined with some random factoids. In retrospect, I wrote it too seriously by mistake. Would you think I'd think things like this would really be responsible for an unfortunate demographic decline? Nor do I believe Japan, or rather a tiny handful of its people, have a monopoly on weird kinks, no nation does. Nor is Japan the only nation with aging population issues, it's merely the leader in the trend.
  14. Deus mios! Simon Bolivar is broken! +1 Movement to all units (including naval, civilian, combat support, and religious) all the time at no cost or conditions and promoting units don't waste a turn. A special type of Great Generals he gets one of for every era and can be stacked with regular Great Generals. Unique Cavalry that gain mondo Combat Strength when grouped together. Haciendas for muy money and production. Alexander the Great has been dethroned, a new god of war has arrived. Matthis, Suleiman, Genghis, Shaka, Cyrus, Victoria, Gorgo, Tomyris, Gilgamesh, Montezuma, Amanitore, and Chandragupta are all crying to see this monstrosity. They have to work hard to try Domination, Bolivar merely has to breathe and he wins. The Mayans Gran Colombia is coming with on Thursday have serious weaknesses they have to overcome to thrive. Gran Colombia doesn't and thats insane, the movement bonus alone is incredible. Gran Colombia needs nerfs out the gate, maybe reduced Loyalty in cities to reflect Bolivar's empire breaking up in three decades. He'd have to play fast to smash the remaining enemy cities so his latest conquests don't rebel in a few turns. Banning him from standard Great Generals would help too.
  15. As long as Eliwood's last words to his son are "You and Lilina are... siblings", whilst unbeknownst to Roy, Lilina is obsessed with marrying him and would reject any factuality of sharing Lyn as a mother. Puts a comedic twist on incestuous relationships, one where one doesn't want incest to ruin the romance, having spent their life unaware of it and yet all that time crushing on their sibling, and so denies it exists. Though there would be little logic to it since FE is Europe + Hoshipan only, the internationalist I am would enjoy seeing wedding attire from across the real world used in future FEH wedding banners. Not sure what it'd look like, but variety is the spice of life.
  16. His "apparent age"- the age he was designed to look like but isn't necessarily, in PoR is 14, 17 in RD. My first reaction to the art, before my brain took a split-second to sanity process the information the eyes were sending it, is that Sothe got implants. Why so pouty Sooooooothe!-y Boy? The happy day is here and it looks like you were dragged into it.
  17. Set during their few happy days following the war against Yune, in the newly founded Kingdom of Begnion, a utopia to be free of prejudice. Set before the birth of their child, a momentous joyful event that wasn't, so it seemed at the time, that drove Lehran to attempt suicide and denied him one of the greatest experiences a human can have until he met Sanaki. T'would get my approval. But I AM a very biased person. RD compensated for bad romances by giving us BastianxLucia. A faithful, monogamous flirtation that never turned to vows and hanky panky, it's interesting. The base pose is aesthetically too simple, all the white and the sheer size of the attire makes it uninteresting and underdesigned. The attack and wounded art poses do improve upon it however. I can understand pure white and marriage going symbolically together, I don't mean to mess with tradition, but could someone have drawn the great big white more excitingly? I dunno. I will loudly object at the wedding as the vows are about to be exchanged and steal his heart from the bride regardless.
  18. I never saw the Japanese script or saw any articles on the topic, so I can't say myself. Not sure why they'd leave it out of the English, other than perhaps being aware of Stefan's remark Beast + Bird = no kids. Did they not think people would imagine a couple could marry purely out of love? Thats reality outside of the game. Within FEH however, time is perceived differently, the past, present and future meld together to an extent so it feels like January 2018 was three days ago. GREAT POINT!🤩 Gender equality on a bridal banner, who woulda thunk? Fantasy interracial romance too.
  19. Rafiel is here, great! And they've outright stated something you could sense was implied, but never directly said in Radiant Dawn proper- that Nailah and Rafiel were married. It surprised me when the Tellius Recollection artbooks said so. Micaiah has gone from nonexistent in year one to four versions now. I don't mean to criticize, but are they playing her too much too fast? Hinata in his appearance looks cute to me, and he is a FEH Fates release character who isn't female. He and Oboro Muramasa are worthy for alts from that criterion, the days of Fates excess bias in FEH are long past and they were never part of it anyhow. A few lesser AwakeFates chars deserve alts once in a while methinks. After Bridal for Special Heroes is... Swimsuits? Maybe that'll be when we finally discover Finn's abs?😋
  20. Glen has his moment, and does stuff for Valter and Cormag. But he feels like the victim of having six Gemstone Generals, Orson, Lyon, and the Demon King. So many villains to write, so little time for each of them except Valter. We never once see Glen on a battle map, he never confronts the heroes except for that one Eirika encounter before he becomes a kebab. Not to say fewer villains is an assurance of quality. Dying with a Silver Sword equipped makes me want him just a little in FEH as another "canon" sword flier. I used to wish he could join Eirika and Selena Ephraim on uncanonical second playthroughs, though his Creature Campaign stats would be too impressive other than low Spd for that.
  21. Platformers can be fun, I'm not the best at them and skip the hardcore stuff, but I like the thrills sometimes. I don't require every bit of handholding, I can sweat bullets and get through some of the worst on my own. Shovel Knight has been very fun, I use every upgrade I can get and I try to learn boss patterns to an extent, but memorization isn't my strong suit and I'd never try a Shovel Knight run where I didn't use checkpoints or get max health. I haven't used any healing decrees as King Knight however, only the random heart drops and crying, and a little guiltily the pitfall rescue armor- I wish I could split its pitfall rescue effect from the money loss reduction, because I use it primarily for the latter. Bosses tend to devour me more than stages in action-platformers. I made to the end of several MMX4 stages, it was the bosses who ruined me, and so did Chill Penguin the first pick of X1's bosses. Restore pointing in the transition room so I didn't have to redo the entire stage on losing all lives made throwing myself at the icy bird until I won polar bearable. After him, and the easier Storm Eagle because his weapon eradicates common enemies, the use of weakness-targeting weapons made bosses very winnable, until Treble & Obi Wan Bongo Bongo Sigma. Whoops. Yeah, I meant MM Zero, I was typing that near 1 in the morning. I do like the vibe of the Mega Man franchise on the whole. I wanted to get X2 and X3 on my Wii U, but I never got around to it. I might buy the first X Legacy Collection at some point.
  22. I'm not that bad at it, I'm semicasual with platformers, action platformers, and action games. I forget which enemies exactly, but some were tricky to not get hit by and did rather heavy damage. As for chips, I never experimented to discover those program combos the game mentions. I stuck to the basics of what worked, and I found myself often reliant on the good old charged Mega Buster. If the strategy to MMBN is "Get gud chips, delete the enemy with them before they fire three shots at you", then I didn't discover it. What I did discover was that though the platforming was gone, the spirit of the Mega Man franchise endured in the action. It was tight on the grid and I could feel the "hands in the air, three pellets shot, jumping over a Robot Master" of the Classic games.
  23. And now I'm done with Civ VI for a long while with an English Eleanor of Aquitaine Culture Victory (Pangaea map with high sea levels- Eleanor's best setup) where I made the Ottomans, Greeks and Mapuche all being wiped off the map from the power of the Court of Love. Dido was on the map, so I stood no chance of conquering the entire world without firing a single shot, hence the turn to a Culture win, but it was a fun way to play. The glowing pink crown- the mark of betrayal any empire should fear. A second Domination Victory on King rounded out my current addiction. The very long version of it: The short of it, is that I never built eight combat units myself, and yet had maybe 30-50 soldiers at my disposal. That is the beauty of Matthias Corvinus, you can seize the world without wasting time on creating an army yourself. You suzerain the city-states with sizable armies, levy them, upgrade the mercenary hordes for next to no cost, and set them loose on the world. Between Raven King and the Foreign Ministry, they will all have +9 Combat Strength and +2 Movement for forever, it never wears off. You can't form Corps and Armies out of these hired hands, but you don't need that. There is so much that can go wrong here: a rival swipes your suzerainty when you need it most, a city-state depletes its army and never rebuilds it, all the city-states get gobbled up by the city-state-hating AI before you can get to them. But when it all comes together, it feels indescribably sublime. Reading Matthias Corvinus's Civ VI historical bio, can FE please get a character based on the dude? The man seems perfect for FE, you don't need to invent stuff to make him interesting. He has many of the components for being an awesome character already. I've played Classic 1-6, and most 7. Never got far in 8 because JUMP! JUMP! SLIDE! SLIDE! I did complete X1 on the Wii U Virtual Console too, but I never bought 2 or 3 or got past a single boss in X4 which I had bought for a dollar on my PS3. I needed restore points for Sigma in X1, and I did use some restore points in Classic Legacy Collection as additional mid-stage checkpoints. I tried not to cheese too much on the platforming or bosses however (exceptions existed- Yellow Devil). I got the DS X collection, I regret it, Easy Mode Scenario only for me, otherwise too hard. Got BN1 on the Wii U Virtual Console, I got far I think, but I never finished it. The action is harder than I would've expected for a game whose supposed target audience would be young kids, some restore points in the middle of the Internet were called for from time to time.
  24. It was a warm day for my neck of the woods, yet not harsh and humid like yesterday was, the nice weather at last is here to stay.☀️ Early-mid Spring was too wet and cold, mid-May is the sunny turnaround. from mid-50 to low-60s at best, to high 60s now (for ye of Celsius, a jump from 12 to 20 roughly). And since I've family back with us for a time, we went into the backyard, started a bonfire, and toasted some marshmallows for smores.🔥😋 Cherish life's little moments. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️ Of all the things not to correct- this. They must know how terrible it is, the level curve is the worst thing about the combat. It's waaay too easy to get overleveled and turn everything into a missfest on you. Though, I did do a second run of XC1 once and I minimized the questing and exploring I did to conserve the EXP and SP for the later recruits. From what I remember, Prison Island's boss fight stayed challenging this way. And Sword Valley is always a difficulty spike, partly due to the absence of quests for once. Getting Arts manuals for unlocking the last couple of levels for investment do require killing certain UMs until they drop it. Though the contents of chests are determined at the moment when you open it, and the chests can endure upon reset. I remember killing a UM for a gold chest, saving, opening the chest, and resetting to reopen the chest if I didn't get the desired manual; refighting the UM beforehand if have to. So what you're saying is that there is no bonus? 😉 Money in XC1 is worth about as much as air conditioning in the winters of Antartica. It isn't overly important in any Xenoblade game, but XC2 gave you Pouch Items (and Sheba's crystal) for something to continually dump it on. As for XCX and money, store bought gear in XCX is perfectly usable and not so readily obsoleted like the XC1 stuff is. Skells are very expensive as well and they give you a very crappy Urban 20 as your only freebie Skell not the optional Dozer/Police/Excavator. Rex-recolored Shulk armor will be in the Land of Challenge then. Not sure what else they could've included as a save bonus.
  25. I've heard it said the very best Commons can be better than some Rares, if not as visually magnificent. I can see a Common Dark Ether Cannon outdoing Azami to name one easy example, Azami's 30% HP or less damage buffs aren't worth the danger. Getting Commons of the highest quality with a great selection of specials and passives is as much a gamble as a Rare Blade however, if not more.
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