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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. It'd have to be Return to Dreamland, I never played Epic Yarn. I appreciate distinctive and creative aesthetics in video games, but I have a very Aspergerian aversion to buttons IRL, and although I never said it out loud it's a stupid and petty reason as to why I never played it. The game is still pretty and I hope it's fun however. Would this mean Evangelion existing in the Super Robot Wars franchise since '97 betrays the anime's original spirit? Thats as lighthearted as it comes. Sounds very deserving of sympathy indeed. I do remember someone say something that connects these two points, about one moment in the show where a shadow cast on a wall takes the shape of crucifix, not to indicate divinity, but to emphasis the burden on the person's shoulders. This interpretation can find solid backing in Karelian I think. Since misunderstanding what love is and being disillusioned with the concept is what drove him to evil, and his willingness to seek redemption for his sins is founded on seeing the light of love shining again as he once did, but no longer could after the tragic moment that changed his life. Well, thank you for it.🙂 It was an interesting read, I can see the passion.
  2. Though, can't you call his blunders arguably intentional? Considering... (I'm gonna spoiler it anyhow if it's 100% unnecessary) Izuka as a mad scientist figure obsessed with their own research, makes me want to believe it laid the groundwork at IS for this dude.: I miss you Caulder/Stolos, and Advance Wars on the whole too. Please come back.
  3. Those eyes, no wonder that cursed figurine is cursed (no need to repost it), I'd want to carry a few four-leaf clovers if I walked passed the actual her. Beside the eyes, there is something to be said the sleekness of her Episode II body, the Episode III body isn't without merit, but it is busier. I can feel the mimeosome being a play on Xenosaga more strongly with the prior swimsuit pic you provided. KOS-MOS and presumably a couple others in that pic- human it would seem, yet android at the core; mimeosomes- so android, yet only temporary vessels for real humans in cyrostasis. I know next to nada about Evangelion, but isn't like the main hero there utterly pathetic? You can't call Fei the most cool, collected, confident and cocky protag around either. Maybe I overemphasize it- he does come through in the end and fight and willingly and devotedly helps others for the rest of it obviously- but Fei registers in my mind for how hesitant he is. Though with all the weight of the guano over his head and in it, he has no shortage of reasons to be less than a perfect hero. Fei is the most special of Xeno protags from what I know. That specialness could've meant he was the strongest hero from the start of his respective game. However, were it not for Fei being so special, and all the antagonists knowing it from when he reached the age of four, Fei wouldn't have had it so rough, being most special is as much if not more a curse for Fei until shortly before the final dungeon of a loooong journey. Specialness =/ perfection and worship by everyone. Shoujo focuses less on action and cold world-oriented plot and more emotions and relationships if I understand it right. Fei's psyche and romance with Elly I can see catering to that crowd. Shonen... Grahf and Ramsus would satisfy them? And, JessieCannon caters to the "I want a priest shooting his dad" crowd. I shall admit on the surface level I'm disinclined from playing those games, though I'd never make such harsh statements- to each their own, not going to be one to judge, I proclaim neutrality. Furthermore, I'm not one able to take the high ground, not presently: +No shortage of brief-but-plentiful cut-in animations that emphasize the at least partly covered woman's bust or posterior. None of which I've included because a screenshot cannot capture jiggle physics, and because it is just isn't necessary to get the point across. Though none of this of this stuff arouses me, I came for laughs, admittedly some of it verbal innuendo (or not so covert as the above line I consider an essential addition to the canon of English literature shows), very flashy action-ish but really turn-based combat, and the Super Robot Wars atmosphere in general (KOS-MOS is nothing more than a side attraction I bring up here due to this topic being 27.3% Xeno and growing). +For cutesy, I love Kirby, always will, and no one shall stop from purchasing Kirby games to the day I die. You can eat the boss-annihilating Hammer Flip if you disagree. For me, it's the flashback of a Nopon holding a firearm with the intent to murder that breaks reality and forces the great computer simulation that is the universe to reset itself and resume from where it left off.
  4. Compared to this lazy portrait change: The FEH artwork is better on a logarithmic scale. Now where is the mainline SMT or Warriors game where he deserves to be?
  5. I wasn't imagining KOS-MOS to look so human. I had unspokenly imagined her armor was built into her and was irremovable like a turtle's shell (don't let cartoons fool you- you'd kill the animal if you tried). Gotta hope for the growth spurt then with what little time remains if Rex doesn't want to go down in history as "the Little Hero". But he's not the first 15-year old JRPG main protag I've encountered. A year or two on anime ages if it's under ~25 does say more than it would IRL. 15-16 shouldn't really be all that different in general character from 17, but that deduction of a year or two from the 17 "average" is to some extent meant to convey a more youthful protag (or character in general) in outlook, with 18-19 meant for a slightly more mature character, and 20-24 is "mature character". -Or so I sense things to be. I haven't gathered a sea of data to prove it. For the bolded...
  6. Minigames and like elements, no. Horses with HP and minor stat buffs, perhaps as much as a skill, maybe a character-exclusive horse or two, is good to me. Treating horses purely as equipment isn't a bad idea as long as horse management is quick and easy to understand. Deciding what horses I want to buy and equip people with should take no more time to digest than the amount of time I spend on purchasing and distributing weapons. 3H Battalions might be case "more equipment to manage is bad" but I think thats owed entirely to the UI around Battalions.
  7. Thanks! Using Brighid as the closest thing to Shulk stand-in (if we leave out the heels she wears they should be very close) to compare Rex against in that chart, it means that Shulk's canon height looks like more or less properly transferred into XC2. And if Shulk is about right, Elma sorta-kinda-maybe-in-a-way-yet-not-really could be height guesstimated, if it isn't already known. 4'11 is very short, not normally the height of a fully mature adult male. Though his journey and character development don't exactly deviate from the standard of a more grown JRPG protag, Rex can safely be branded physically a shota then (the very boyish wearing of shorts- well, a bodysuit that gives the impression of shorts due to the belt- goes with this). -But you needn't go wacko and call him "shotacon bait". -Or, maybe you argue that XC2 is simply a world where the average human height is less than in reality. Or, a tall person is seeing the real world as taller than it actually is- my own height aligns with Vandham's or Malos's.
  8. Elincia: “Pelleas is so fragile compared to his mother. Actually, they don’t seem anything alike. That Almedha is a formidable woman.” Tibarn: “At first I doubted her claim that she was the daughter of that useless old lizard. But even I had trouble holding her down. Me! She’s no ordinary beorc woman, that’s for sure.” There, I've found a potential Gauntlet user not a ragged 3H man.
  9. It said "freaks" in there, but I dunno about the original Japanese line. I haven't the faintest clue where this notion entered my mind, but my brain tells me it heard KOS-MOS in Japanese randomly once in a blue moon drops a "nyah"- the Japanese onomatopoeia for "meow"- into her speech. A very weird trait the English translation chose to leave out. If this, and I could be very wrong, is true, then the Car Ear Unit could be referencing this. Still does not explain the swimsuit and lingerie, but I'm not going to order a grand inquisition into it. Thats the same as adult Link going off of Ocarina of Time (IDK about every other LoZ game). And it happens to be the average Japanese male is... 5'7 (170 cm for metric users). No coincidence I'd wager, it makes the Master Sword and Monado Boys ever more the everyman in the origin land. A pinch of physical relatability. Now, if I could stand Adult Link and Young Link side-by-side (or hack Iron Boots onto Young Link and use the Lake Lab's chart), if it isn't already known, I could better deduce Rex's height from the comparison. If Melee kept their OoT size difference the same, I'd have a reason to boot up the old GameCube for the first time in like a decade. -Ultimate can't be relied on b/c BotW Link has an unknown official height.
  10. RIP Artur- Lucius 2.0 is the first ironman casualty. And casualties hurt in SS with its tiny roster of 33 excluding Creature Campaign. Try not to let more people die. Besides Secret Shops and randomized Valni/Lagdou treasures, yes, yes it is. Nidoking would be fine for Valter, it is ferocious and monstrous. Nidoqueen is too gentle and motherly, the only mothers Valter likes are the ones who get to watch how he sadistically tortures their daughters, they can offer themselves to his inhumanity instead, but that'll only delay their daughter's(s') twisted death.
  11. Located a shop in Exceed that sells top-tier healing items for high yet affordable even now with a little grinding prices. The best revival item is Kushua's Parfait, shouldn't it KO you first? It's out of the way, but I must come back here later. KOS-MOS rejoined for good now, leaving Reiji and Axel & Alfimi left unrecruited. I was expecting this from where the heroes were headed, and there was this: Not bad, not bad at all. What a better way to reintroduce the mascot of a series whose subtitles were directly ripped from works by Friedrich Nietzsche? He loved his will to power, though continual sickness and eventual insanity beyond all recovery dampened his ability to exert it. Her starting equips were updated from the Prologue: I caught this during her rejoining conversation, snippets included: The anti-Gnosis android's lack of personality might honestly not be a bad thing. Currently, the talking crew members stand at: Alady, Neige, Haken, Kaguya, Aschen, Suzuka, Xiaomu, Kyon, Katze, Anne, Dorothy, and Koma, 12 people not including KOS-MOS, and it's feeling claustrophobic, despite a few more characters destined to join. Yet, I'm impressed that Banpresto and Monolith Soft showed it was possible to replicate on a smaller scale the SRW tens of playable characters with no shortage of mandatory banter aspect in a standard JRPG. And yes, it appears this is equally Monolith Soft's hard work and not merely a legally-required mention b/c KOS-MOS usage. The MS logo appears upon game startup right after Namco's and Banpresto's. Since from afar it appears that Monolith alone was responsible for Namco x Capcom, the gameplay SRPG predecessor to Endless Frontier, their central role (Banpresto I presume wrote the story, characters, character designs, and music, and left the rest to Monolith) in both EFs makes logical sense. And it makes me feel better about KOS-MOS, because if they're gonna slave away on this, they better get something that stands for the company in it, dare I say they could've pushed for more. One neat trait of the big roster of playables and Assist characters is the battle music. There is no singular non-boss battle theme. Instead, the game checks which playables and Assists you've assigned to active duty in the party and randomly picks the character theme of one of them. I consider this a total SRW move, a conversion of everyone in those games having a distinct in-battle theme that they use against anything not a boss and even bosses if you're Elzam. Luminous and nimbus, I feel as if fluffy white clouds were injected beneath everyones' skin like silicon implants. Besides the painted-on faces, I was totally fine with the darker, slightly more "realistic" colors. I'm flexible however and will adapt to the new. Scene that precedes this moment is classic. Need optional minigame based on said scene in next Xeno, and keep them v-balls lively.
  12. Not sure, but I've read Japanese doesn't really have a good way of saying saying "brother/sister" without a reference to age. If Julius ever referred to "his sister", it'd might have included "older/younger" tossed in, and I'd lean towards "younger" for male-gender bias myself. Fallen Heroes is an eh idea after its first running, the third is overdone. Avatars to me are one individual with two genders, not two individuals, so Morrin needed nothing here, because Morrin is merely a plumbing swap of Forrin and no more. But this view is not shared by IS, and their list of canonical dragons is limited and they refuse to Breathalize non-Dragons on Seasonal via silly stupid noncanonical magic stuff. Sunscreen with a value of SDF 90 turning Fiora into a dragon would not be a problem to me. -Provided said sunscreen never showed up in an actual mainline FE. Leave the absurd to FEH, let it vent off the most excessive frivolities and keep the core more serious with measured side humor. If they wanted to make a terrifying Julia, they'd have used her ending-only "happy" face, that was poorly drawn and I fear it. I get the Cipher reference with Ike and I partly find it amusing, but not entirely. Formorti!Lyon is a genuinely distinct Fallen worthy of the altization, and since the actual Demon King speaks in it and not Lyon on Eirika's mode at least, this could be considered a brand new character. Ashnard has been absent for faaaaaar too long. 2/5 good, 1/5 so-so, 2/5 bad. So I cast my own judgment.
  13. Owing to the oversize, low manpower, limited healing and excessive enemies of this map, Orson absolutely helps make this less tedious. If you're willing to forgo some (obviously not all) EXP on the other three, he is worth using out of sheer convenience. Invisible implied armmmmmmy! But yeah, I'd hazard his invisible army amounts to no more than a guerrilla force. By no means should he have remotely considered going after the enemy's capital, which ya know would be under heavy and elite guard. Renvall ain't far from Grado keep judging from the map though- either the same or less distance than Taizel the site of Chapter 12. Ephraim might not be downright savage, but he is one heckuva rooster, cockiness on full display. Hector may be more boorish upfront, but who knows whether he'd agree with Ephraim's choice here? I like the Gemstone titles, but "Moonstone" can be less awesome if you've too spent too much time with Pokemon. Clefable and Wigglytuff are not things Valter would want to be associated with. Notice that Orson does not appear after the battle, he must've abandoned his post then and there. Notice too how extreme Valter's army is confronting Ephraim, and he is stuck on a peninsula, noooooooo realistic chance of escape, and yet he does. Ephraim's "theme"- the map music of 5x- was, in a tradition going back to FE4, recycled for the Arena introduction of Shadow Dragon. The addition of pause-unpaused clapping kicked it up a notch I felt. FE8's Arena intro I never really put much though into identifying, but I can safely say on quick analysis it's FE4 Prologue map theme.
  14. I'm not one to be overly concerned about voice actors. It could be a tad jarring to go the entire maingame with one voice, and then suddenly hear one that has differing nuances, yet won't be a serious detriment to me. Besides quality, my main concern in the VA world would be if the Japanese tendency to never voice a character again if their original VA dies became the standard in English voice-acting too. It's popped into my head that was there was one wasted opportunity for KOS-MOS in Endless Frontier. XS has player-usable mecha, Endless Frontier features a handful of Banpresto original mecha greatly scaled down to size, the Fee-Kleid (Fairlion) has been reduced to about 3 meters/9 feet tall it was expressly stated, and the Phantom (Gespenst R), Nacht (Alteisen), Abend (Weissritter), and Arcgain (Soulgain) should be about the same size. All of these (except Arcgain) can be controlled via voice command and summoned in battle for an Assist attack or flashy Overdrive. So, why didn't KOS-MOS come with whatever she is supposed to canonically pilot? It wouldn't be a Banpresto original, but Banpresto and Xenosaga are both in-house Namco, no evil licensing fees (unless intra-company fees exist b/c the separate studios/subsidiaries want money). She's a hyper-advanced android, so she'd have zero issues manipulating the mech and shooting and slashing stuff on her own simultaneously. Her very existence in this universe is an anomaly, so why would they need an explanation for how her mech came along and was magically shrunk down with the cockpit removed? Later of course, Monolith would put Siren on remote control, and even before that, I remember a certain cutscene, not carried into gameplay unfortunately IIRC, in XC1. I've never heard anything of mainline SRWs featuring the XS cast either, which is weird if the mecha are of sufficient quality to be included. Do they not seem interesting enough for you Namco?
  15. Serafew I felt was a bit challenging, the enemies around Joshua didn't let up fast enough for me to be to be not concerned that bandits would spawn behind him and raid a house. Sending Seth instead of Gilliam up the back alley to the left and around Joshua that way should've mitigated that concern I admit in retrospect. Most aren't Druids though, the ones nearest to Lyon are, but the rest of C17 has Wyvern Riders, Heroes, a Berserker, Cavs, and even Valkyries. Chapter 19, the very last human enemy struggle, has similar or greater variety in classes. Chapter 16 is commandeered by Orson too, and I would imagine those troops have been with him since Chapter 8. There is this line however: Soldier 2:“I don’t care. I’m here for the money. As long as I get paid, I’m happy. But on the subject of rumors, have you heard the stories of the secret treasure? There’s supposed to be some fabulous wealth hidden in Castle Renais. I tell you, if I find it, I’m gone.” This could mean that by the time of Chapter 16, the good and noble knights of Grado have died or betrayed or surrendered, and that 16/17/19 are scummier grunts. Valkyries in enemy ranks would visually be sorta opposed to this notion, but gameplay-story segregation would excuse that and why this scum is stronger than the honorable stuff you murdered earlier. I have no hard evidence for this possibility, but if Lyon was willing to elevate Caellach and Valter to Gemstone rank, who is to say he didn't let the body of the army experience an influx of the bane of chivalry too?
  16. Coincidentally, when someone commented after my fight with her on her having a rivalry with KOS-MOS, she refuted the claim. Something along the lines of "Rivalry? I don't engage in that petty human behavior, what I have against KOS-MOS is nothing like that". Interesting. And a touch saddening to hear, but it's better than making much out of something was never intended to be a molehill as I've been expecting. My memory of T-ELOS in the first Endless Frontier game could be summarized as follows: Shows up at the bottom of a pyramid near a interdimensional portal now non-functioning wanting to kill KOS-MOS and you fight her (and Aschen makes one bad joke about forcing her to TEL-LOS (tell us) what she knows). You fight her again later alongside a totally unrelated android named W05 Cardia, whom T-ELOS I think had no affection towards- it was an alliance of convenience and she ditches Cardia leaving her dying after the battle. A third fight against T-ELOS I believe, but I forget exactly when. I want to say it was in the final dungeon prior to the point of no return, though I'm not sure if I'm confusing that for a Saya battle, or if you fought both at once. If three fights sounds excessive, it is part and parcel and Endless Frontier as it is of Super Robot Wars in general. Villains do die eventually if don't become heroes, but they have a knack for retreating and coming back the next day no problems. Not that you're meant to destroy them every time they show up in the usual SRW. KOS-MOS to speak of her, doesn't do anything significant or noteworthy in the first EF. The most memorable thing in my mind being correcting Xiaomu when Reiji threatened to spank her a thousand (or more, I forget the exact number) times and Xiaomu said "it'll be the night of a million spanks!". KOS-MOS must've ran the calculations on the likely rate per minute of spanking and concluding it would not require an entire night to be spanked the number of times stated by Reiji. Thats Mental Arithmetic Lv. 3 right there. In both Endless Frontiers, KOS-MOS gets lumped into a trio with Reiji and Xiaomu. I get it, they aren't OCs and they know each other from Namco x Capcom, but it treats them like they came from the exact same world, the so-called "Substance World". And, albeit without having played NxC to know if it spins KOS-MOS as being from the same dimension- just very far into the future- it sounds wrong to lump them so. ...Whenever I get my chance to emulate PS2 games, I'm starting with NxC I've decided. Might sound weird, but I want to slide into XS via the crossover door. NxC features playable Shion (paired as a combat unit with this MOMO I've yet to meet in EF), and I want to approach her unorthodoxly, knowing pretty much nothing about her as is besides being KOS-MOS's creator. I eons ago read a few minor and vague comments that Shion starts off unlikable, seeing her in a lighthearted crossover might provide a better first impression. And the naive optimist in me wants to like Shion.
  17. The third EF Exceed boss battle brought memories back to life- every boss can OHKO a person if they so choose. Never run out of revival items and return to town to buy more if thou must. The bosses that followed confirmed this. Random enemies can tear off 50% or more to boot. Without a designated healer role existing in this game, that sounds bad, but Spirits don't waste your turn, Suzuka, Haken, and Aschen all have Trust, Kaguya starts when equipped with SP boosters able to cast Love three times, and Alady and Neige have Vigor and Guts. Add in cheap and plentiful- if costing COM and having a limit of 15 each- consumable items and it's all manageable. On the very positive side, Forced Evasion is now predictable! Baddies can only do it when you've maxed out the Enemy Gauge, no more casting Soul on Reiji only to see a Forced Evasion waste the SP I had spent for a powered up Battou Ougi Shinra Bansho. And if someone is low on HP I could use Forced Evasion myself if I save the FP Gauge for it. Overall, the battle system has received some good touchups from the first Endless Frontier with no downsides. And,
  18. Made it the beginning of the second Prologue chapter of Endless Frontier EXCEED. The opening movie includes Xiaomu experiencing bust envy as an utter non-sequitur in the middle of its duration. The first Prologue was fun, the new duo of Alady and Neige is fine, Kyon is the first Assist character after she's done being the first boss, and Katze fawns over Alady shortly into when their first meeting. All good stuff with fun and not difficult battles is entertaining between expose of an anime soap opera trying not too hard to provide grounded direction to the absurdity of everything. For the second Prologue, Aschen opened it with her old habit of coldly delivered insulting names, which I smiled to see yet again after so very long. Henne teams up as my second Assist character, good. Three minutes after the chapter's opening exposition was done and I could start walking around, this: The last of the seven characters to join in the first Endless Frontier becomes the fourth of ten here. Her personality is the dullest of the heroic bunch by about 3.7 million lightyears, but I still appreciate having her on the team.
  19. She looks like a loli to me. And we can try to estimate her age using what we know, so I wouldn't put her at being anything past 13 at very best. I don't know anything about her post-OG2 personality either, but EXCEED, operating on the premise the fan translation is good, will now provide me with a glimpse at what became of it after her There Is Absolutely No Way She Could've Lived Or Ended Up In Another Dimension Without Several Dozen Mecha And Two Battleships Noticing Death. I'm hopefully wishing the personality doesn't pander to lolicons too much or worse, I discover I am one.
  20. Question- What is the first thing you say when you see a giant beanstalk? While I do take some issue with the gratuitous cut-ins during special attacks, especially for Alfimi because she is underaged and I liked her character in OG2, I laughed carefree at the first game's infinitely irreverently innuendous script. I can still do the same for the sequel I think. The first game is nice lighthearted SRW anime narrative turn-based RPG, using the combat style established in Namco x Capcom and later reused in Project X Zone from what I know. It was fun, if a little repetitive. You're a puppet! You're a puppet! You're a puppet! Why the s*** did you get to join the heroes in this game and I gotta die for Vindel, Lamia? Beowulffffffffff! *Code: Kirin* Yes, Axel was not likable at all in OG2. No wonder I read he underwent a personality re-rewrite for the PS2 version and the later OGs.
  21. I only now discovered that Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier EXCEED got a finished fan translation last October. I know what I'll be emulating starting tomorrow. I own the first and have always wanted to try the second. And, relevant here, it has overrated KOS-MOS, and T-ELOS, and maybe some other Xenosaga character, judging from the very end of this all attack animations video I just watched.: KOS-MOS seems out-of-place though, her attacks are too plain compared to everything else. Nonetheless, a translated DS game with KOS-MOS in it, what a novel idea. And, is it normal for her breasts to be briefly exposed during D-Teneritas? Or was that a fanservicey SRTOGSEF modification does that mean a PXZ3 with Pyra and Mythra (but no Rex of course- the Aegis don't need 'em) would do the same?
  22. Finally got around to completing a Domination Victory again in Civ VI Gathering Storm. A Seven Seas on King as the Ottomans (I scrapped the True Start Europe run), I had a great starting location, got up all the cities I wanted, built my economy, assembled about ten Warriors which I half-off upgraded into Swordsmen and then Janissaries to avoid the population loss. I waited until I got past a Dark Age where a key city of mine needed everything I had to stop it from bleeding Loyalty (and even then I staunched it so late it's Loyalty dropped into the 30s and sat at 0 gain/loss, rendering it unproductive), and then through a Heroic and two Golden Ages, began and ended an endless war. First a small but terrain-heavy China battle, then Arabia, which I thought would be easy, but they got Renaissance Walls up in time and Bombards- the only remedy to them- are very weak, upgrading to Artillery fixed that big time. The Arabian slog was followed by a fairly painless Hungarian conquest, and an easy Russian where the army consisted of unemployed Great Musicians, Artists, and Writers. I limited the conquest of the Maori to their capital with one Battleship Army and a Destroyer, Loyalty stacking a Golden Age and an incredible 24 population mitigated the need to raze or capture any other cities to avoid revolt. I had a lone Barbary Corsair raid Kupe's coastline during this time, I never realized how strong pillaging is, and the Barbary Corsair can do it multiple times per turn- the Ottomans are a near-perfect war machine. Need to play Archipelago with Norway some time for the most pillage-fun. I had the Janissary + Artillery Army sail over to fight the Zulu and upgraded everyone to Infantry and Rocket Artillery, and at the start of my second consecutive Golden Age had a purchased Bomber in position for a short war using a second army of Infantry, Rocket Artillery, and a Machine Gun I had assembled. On turn 277 Tenochtitlan fell, maybe five turns into the Aztec war, and two turns later I squeezed in the capture of Ulundi, Domination achieved. For two war-oriented Civs, neither the Aztecs nor the Zulu had any real army to fight, the AI is stupid. Instead, it was mostly city defenses and lots of Encampments, the Zulus get a cheaper unique version, and them uselessly spamming them explains why I got just two Great Generals over the entire play. And with that, I've won every victory except Score (who cares?) and Diplomatic (which is eeeeeeh I'm coming to think, but I'll try for one again eventually) in Gathering Storm. I think I can take a break from Civ VI now. Next time I want to try to mix some war into my usually peaceful playstyle when it comes to Cultural and Science Victories. Persia seems perfect for that.
  23. I'm rather fond of the Vigarde and the Gemstone Generals talk, it's wonderfully grandiose, FEs 6 & 9 would've benefitted from the like. A talk amongst all the villains in such a way can only be good, even if the villains themselves aren't up to par later. Vigarde's title stated in the Prologue was the "Silent Emperor", it's feasible from that he doesn't do long speeches. Terse and to the point, no frivolous language. I'd say no, it's merely a postgame for the sake of having one in FE, complete with those bonus characters. But as for monsters, I assume they'll always exist in Magvel, but with the Demon King's body permanently destroyed at the end of SS and the soul imprisoned again, the quantity of monsters should decline to roughly what it was prior to Grado Sacred Stone breaking, to a few strays in remote and inhospitable places and a bunch more in the still-contaminated Darkling Woods. I'd assume that monsters are incredibly rare, and if you live outside of Rausten, you could go your entire life without seeing one. Sounds to me like they were merely trying to hype them up, and did so without featuring a single truly menacing monster in the first fight- a Bael could've conveyed the feeling better. Like FE6 (or were these Sound Test only?), I think they're ending-only.
  24. @Armagon Thank you for bringing this to my attention, all looks like good stuff. Chain Attacks are replaced by absurd Nopon antics? Umm... okay. Can this stay localized to Future Connected? XCX2 with this would make me a little queasy. And the idea of seeing these attacks during a serious boss battle is a just a scotch too jarring in general. Recruitable Nopon are acceptable to me however. Outside of Tora and Riki, they have not pulled their weight in the field of combat, two good heropons do not salvage the lack of wartime prowess of the rest.😛 Their money obsession does makes the plausible that you could write some Nopon as so wanting of money they risk life and limb as mercenaries, top one of them off with a real gruff non-falsetto voice and a pint of the blackest draft when you first find them at the bar. They used to be lovers in their first life you know. Nopon manufacturing firearms again, I like. As ridiculous as they looked, I liked the Nopon Commerce Guild making modern hi-tech weaponry in XCX, and a certain flashback scene in XC2 is sooooooooooooooooooooooo weirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd. Splendid! No more surprises is great except you can still stuck with the surprise of ailment spikes. Now to delve into SPOILERS!:
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