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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Oh. One of those no-Europe cases. I can say you're not missing out on too much, it's very limited by being on the DS, Shinshu Fields is broken into several areas separated by loading screens for instance. The story is simple, a tad cute, and supposed to be heartwarming, but you could feel it falls flat. It's generally easy, and the new partner mechanic felt too random in combat, yet you're ranked on it for your Yen reward. No more dojo with Old Man Viewtiful Joe either. My major nitpick with the story is (to speak of Okamiden SPOILERS!)... One of the neat things in the game was a unique NG+ weapon that consisted of two black crystals floating around Chibi, shootable as homing projectiles. Charging the weapon caused it to cycle between emissions of fire, ice, and electricity, providing you with a permanent source of them for spraying enemies with via the Celestial Brush. This brought this to my mind:
  2. Yeah, for Kenneth it's kill 1 or 0 of the promoted units (it varies based on difficulty or mode) in the northwest room, southwest room, and the Bishop-not-Kenneth for Harken to show up. Kill 2 or all 3 for Karel. For Jerme, opening less than 4 doors gets Harken, 4 or more doors gets Karel.
  3. With it only two chapters away, who ya choosin' in Pale Flower of Darkness? Or have you forgotten and aren't going to look up the 100% invisible recruitment conditions? Because Harken is from Pherae, and Karla is exclusive to Hector Mode, I like to thematically say Harken for Eliwood and Karel for Hector. Harken is superior in gameplay, but considering what you've thought of the difficulty so far, Karel won't make things tremendously worse.
  4. Macbeth- Murdered his king and usurped the Scottish throne b/c witches, albeit initially with guilt. Killed for usurping but the rightful heir. Iago- Tricked his superior Othello into thinking Desdemona was cheating on him to drive him mad. That insanity would have him removed from his post and Iago would take the prestigious military position instead. If Iago exists to make Corrin insane (IDK), maybe it makes more sense. I'd like to pretend that a beta version of Iago was going to be a usurping bureaucrat to justify the Macbeth name. It doesn't really matter, but this looks like Iago's BR final fight more than CQ's going off my memories. CQ's was the more memorable gameplay clash, but oh well.
  5. Shouldn't these be in the Unfinished Tier? I'm sure you haven't finished them, because the Tackles from your first rival battles haven't finished dropping the HP bars yet. 😛 *Is, well, actually I like all of Gens 1-4. And I stopped at Gen 5 whose plot I didn't enjoy but I IDK if there is any PokeGen I actually dislike.* Childhood bias says the slower the game is the better it was for me so it seems- Tellius and PokeGen 4 were both very fun for me. Quite high, I wasn't expecting this. Capcom needs to get out a sequel one distant day. Perhaps with a split-story, serious stuff for Amaterasu, more lighthearted stuff to wrap up the unfinished stuff from Okamiden. Although I'd rather Okamiden simply vanish out of existence. An Okami sequel would want to make the combat flow better and easier into the surrounding environment, those walls of smoke kinda sucked you out of the beautiful world. Considering Clover-now-Platinum was partly responsible for Okami, if Capcom teamed up with it again, they could up the fighting quality but keeping it on a Zelda combat difficulty level- not truly hard. Should dungeons really exist in a hypothetical sequel either? The dungeons felt a little out of it compared to the surrounding world. Not for me. I wouldn't be inclined to instantly return to some games, but I don't actively dislike any of them with a burning passion. I try not to go that way. Instead, I'm an ossified FE fan. Anything after 13 I entirely ignore the story and characters of and focus solely on gameplay, with me trying to forget about the details of 13 as well. I'm not against modern FE, I take a purely neutral stance on it, I won't throw negativity towards it or anyone who likes it. But, considering how I'm a little regretful of buying 3H (and Rev, but not CQ and BR), I question how much longer I can extract fun from modern FE playing this way. Though drop that pesky calendar and I'd be having more fun again. Are you forcing yourself to put this here? My impression was this would be much lower. -I won't judge. Tiering games is difficult for me, I'm too indecisive to sort things out very well. That, and I won't try to objectively-subjectively try to rank things clouded by childhood bias or other issues. My opinions exist, just as an unorganized sea of thoughts, congealing temporarily when experiencing pressure.
  6. No, but I saw someone on TV bake focaccia, looks very simple to make, and yet very tasty. I'd like to bake a whole lot, but I'm wasting these days of nothing doing nothing. *Sigh* Being busy makes you miss being unbusy, but being unbusy puts you in no rush to do the stuff you wanted to when unbusy. Should nudists be forced to wear face masks nowadays?
  7. You forget the part where he sends an innocent man to jail by mentally breaking them to the point they confess to crime they didn't commit. The actual criminal was Kellam himself. But, once he commits so many illegal actions, he develops a giant ego that people start to remotely believe Kellam could've done the crimes, the breadcrumbs gradually led up to the point where the real detectives catch him gloating about doing evil and his powers of being unnoticeable come to a crashing halt forever. And as the TMS fan here, Tsubasa acted once in the role of a detective. That counts, right? It's close enough to the real thing.
  8. Agreeing here, Eyvel I'd be inclined to say more than not shouldn't even be Briggid. Her survival is unexplained in any true detail and it only weakens Belhalla. But like both blonde warrior women. Well, Marcia was popular in the Tellius fanbase, but she is that supersaturated Lance Flier category. Nasir maybe? White Dragons breathe light breath, that can fit in Blue. Better than Gatrie for the job unless GM unification is a high priority. Nasir spends a good deal of time close to Ike in PoR too. And I love Sephiran, so I definitely want to see him in soon. His wife got in before him, thats a little odd.
  9. The common denominator between them is their legwear- really tall boots, and the majority don't wear tights or pants. Technically, you could expand this artwork to contain: Melady, Clarine, lgrene, Juno, Shanna, Thea, Louise, Fiora, Farina, Florina, Vaida, Leila, L'Arachel, Vanessa, Tana, Amelia, Eirika, PoR Marcia, Mia, Lyre, Katarina, Norne, Cordelia, Flavia, Cherche, Sumia, Sully, Hinoka, Tsubasa, and Eleonora. And maybe some more I missed, with a few more on top of that if you included those with tights or pants too- as they partly did here. But, the fan who drew/commissioned this was a Kaga diehard who wasn't so interested or outright antipathetic in any game to come after he left. Despite more than triple the games, Finn appears to be the only man to copy this feminine fashion. So either he's daring, oblivious, or too concerned about defending his young liege and daughter to worry about what others think of his style- thats hu-manly there! -But lets not make a serious prolonged FE gender critique from this. --- To be on topic... Yeah, I see the cases for Lucia, Ranulf, Bastian, and Volke, and Matthew and Leila too. But don't forget Micaiah and the Herons! *In a court room* Defendant Li R. Mann: "I'm innocent, I was visiting my friend's place on the rainy night before the murder happened!" Leanne: "&!%@$# )(:"{{ ...Lies!" Reyson: "We see the depths of your heart, the shadows you've been cast upon it say everything!" Defendant: "My heart only cries at your accusations!" Micaiah: "How the anger swells in you at our revealing of the truth. You and your friend rode in the darkness with a single-minded obsession to see her strangled to death with your own hands! The evidence Sir Bastian has gathered corroborates our powers- the injuries on her body do not correspond to a hanging as you framed it to be!" Defendant: "DAMN YOU TO HELL!" ...On a more serious note, Lyn can track humans, maybe she has a place in forensics?
  10. I find Selena Fluorspar in a way better than Brunnya. Brunnya has a nice moment where she says "these Etrurian nobles are spineless dregs of humanity, let them die" after acting all diplomatic "Bern supports its allies to the end" in front of them, and she has the Ghosts of Bern "all who have families, return to them before we wage this battle we're destined to lose" moment too. But, I can't like her, because she never tells us why she loves Zephiel so much and that annoys me. Selena is another female mage general, but different from Brunnya in an important way. We know how the Fluorspar got to love her emperor and it's an endearing yarn, but this Camus shows none of the true hesitancy in doing her job that a Camus should have. If a Camus has no hesitation induced from being able to see wrong in what they're doing, then they're just another evil enemy general. Brunnya walks a nice walk twice but has no background, Selena is lacking for good acts but has a solid backstory. -But maybe this is just me liking parallelism. Thank you for this information, and with the exception of no Briggid, Dheg, Farina, or Duessel, and maybe someone else I love I'm forgetting, I mostly like these popularity lineups. Sephiran might go Mythic, he absolutely should equal to Altina and Bramimond in power. But Tellius has Ashera and Dheg too, they might have to put the greatest mage in Tellius on a banner because the continent has too much Mythic. There is no realistic chance they would use his two names for two versions- one Creiddylad and one Ashera Staff. So just give him Creiddylad and throw Miccy the Ashera. -It couldn't move me to play this game again, but I still like seeing a good display from the other side of the store window.
  11. Leanne and Athos then. Leanne is perfect for the angel to top the tree, or Rafiel can be it instead, Reyson is too skinny in dress and not pretty enough for it. Ashera is a third angel topper pick, but you better be nice when she can see you- she's an Elf On The Shelf who'll turn you into coal. Athos would make the best Santa. But his student Pent would be great too. Or Lorenz, Dagdar, 6Bartre or Dozla- but Dozla can be the head elf too. Frost becomes Father Frost for a Russian styling b/c his name. Don't even waste your time trying to convince me that Edel is the perfect Mrs. Claus, Mrs. Claus don't exist. Befana the Italian Christmas Witch does, and Niime has a monopoly on that role. -Except for Micaiah for a young Befana, and maybe Sara if the touch of lavender doesn't make her hair not white enough. Shinon and Garret, the first reluctantly the latter willingly, are Krampus. Gonzalez plays the role of the Abominable Snowman in the Bolway Theater production of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Red and Green Cavs as Christmas Lights of course. Kieran and Sain shine the brightest of them all, Forde's is a bit dim for lack of effort. Thinking of Sain, I for some reason can't help but think of Gatrie dressing up as a giant star to top the human Christmas tree comprised mainly of people in a choir. But Gatrie can't sing without murdering your eardrums, so he's told all he has to do is stand there and illuminate the not-so-silent night with his joyous for the world smile. Inigo dresses as Jack Frost, wanting to nip at the ladies' noses. To help with that, he tries to drag Owain, dressed up as literal mistletoe, with him everywhere. Anna dresses up as Lucifroz, and runs all the corporations trying to get you to betray the Spirit of the Holidays and spend all your money on unnecessary gifts and decorations. L'Arachel probably trampled you on Black Friday, she didn't mean it, but she had to get that on sale and what luck she swiped the last one! And yes, bringing your horse into a store is allowed- so she says and no store manager will argue with her. Fjorm, Gunnthra, Ice Loli, Ninian, Flora, and Felicia dawn the Northern European fashion for girls- lit wax candles in their hair. They sing a few songs you cannot let go of and out of your head even if they're dated by this point too. Oswin and Gilliam stay low-key as giant Christmas balls. Yarne is the Gingerbread Man and he hopes you cannot catch him. Would Camus make a good Nutcracker, or Aran? Rolf and Tauroneo star in Home Alone. Marth and Caeda star in 25 days of Hallmark Christmas movies, yes, all of them. Jubelo, Ricken and Nils participate in a movie about choir boys. Jubelo is worried about when his heavenly voice will break, Ricken wants it to happen already and doesn't like his squeaky voice he says, when he secretly does, and Nils is mixed about it. Ashe and Tobin are their post-puberty choir companions who helps them get through the anxiety and stress, and Shigure is the conductor of the choir. Claud is the bishop who bestows the boys with gold, silver, crystal, and Dragonstone bells after their splendid Christmas Eve performance. Arvis plays Scourge in the Bolway production of A Christmas Carol. "Bah humbug!" becomes "Ba humburn!" in this version, and every time Arvis says it, the nearest Christmas decor instantly turns to ashes. Little Julius plays Tiny Tim- except the walking problem is replaced by periodic momentary Loptous possession. Jakob doesn't dress up, he is head chef for the Christmas dinner, Lowen prepares the Christmas breakfast, and Mitama is put in charge specifically of the fried chicken. And lastly, here are the Fire Emblem Rockettes!: ...Sorry if I took this too far, but it's more fun to me than villain talk. I love the holidays. Promise I won't do any more, or put it in a more appropriate place instead.
  12. I tried out the four Shantae-in-a-costume modes in 1/2 Genie Hero, they're simple, and like everything repeat the same old stages. Ninja and Jammies are fun, but Officer changing up the music and reinventing the levels a bit with the switch blocks is definitely the best. Beach is just a much worse Jammies, slightly faster but stronger attacks with a similar projectile attack and floating ability, but now you're subject to the horrors of running out of sunscreen! Looking up all the game completion CGs: I am saddened that everything except the main game and slightly Friends to the End, keeps the art the same and only changes the clothes the character(s) are wearing. I would've liked to seen people not Shantae in jammies, space police, and ninja wear. And, on all the costume modes and Friends to the End, I can't for love of Bolo get past the sandworm chase stage! It desperately needs a checkpoint, the chase is too long to have to redo the whole thing every time. And why don't these modes let me increase my Heart capacity? The main game and Pirate Mode were too easy (hence Hardcore existing for the main game) with all the health and restoratives you could have, but only 3 Hearts from beginning to end for the arcade-y modes is too restricted for those who'd appreciate more leeway in the later stages and bosses.
  13. Too hard to read, but it's there on the VI image. Why, he's even putting his name on this: Commercial vs. noncommercial, modern art can sell for big 💵, even if the artist wasn't focused on profiting from it. It's art regardless of how much it sells for, and whether the monied buyer truly appreciate it as art or is simply conspicuously consuming it as a status symbol. And, while I stand by "it very much depends on the game" and will force you to admit some games are art, sure, I'll admit gaming leans commercial.
  14. Ah yes Macbeth, Or, The Tudors Are Dead God Save the Scottish Stuarts Patronize Me Please Jammie Majesty! I'd say high art vs. commercial product & possible "low art" vs. sport, is very much dependent on the game in question. But yes, games can be art, and high art to boot. To the Moon is higher art, the typical Western or Japanese blockbuster with a nice-for-a-game narrative is commercial/low art, Street Fighter and Overwatch are sports. Usually, the higher end artsy stuff doesn't get the attention of mainstream gaming though- so I guess. But, neither do more artsy movies- see all the films nominated for Oscars that year after year that the masses and hosts joke that they never saw.
  15. What do you mean? Those unending thunderstorms over the Perun River Valley will be no problem for my Pegasus Knights, they don't wear any metal anymore. Their bodies are covered in the finest Belcon skintight rubber armor in the world, behold how it protectively clings to their every curve! My Armor Knights are sad the Tescoi Cage Armor is enemy-only though, it's very blocky, but it would spare them the drop to 1 HP every other turn due to lighting bolts that strike them over anyone else. Speaking more seriously, weather was kinda sorta brought back in a small dose in Fates. Dragon Veins and Fuga's Aeolian Hell are weather. CQ C10 sorta had a nice weather idea, you could do it with rain creating mud instead of a water recession clearing canals. Though considering weather mostly reduces movement in theory, maybe it's just mostly tedious.
  16. Being an ordinary FE fan is fine. That vid was from an LTC, albeit a run that did not appear overly rigged if at all to succeed, so a normal player could actually learn something from it.. LTCers are very analytical players, more so than most would be. As for the snow, it turns on and off at the start of a turn in fixed intervals: Appearance – Kenneth’s Map Turn 1: Snow Turn 5: Clear Turn 10: Snow Turn 15: Clear Turn 20: Snow Turn 25: Clear Turn 30: Snow
  17. They're relatively minor oddities, Merlinus is easy to keep alive and if he dies no big loss- the Castle Caelin chapter automatically gives him to you later too if you missed 13x. Most probably skip 19xx, ranking is entirely ignorable if you don't want to play by it, weather isn't exactly commonplace, Kishuna is at most on 3 maps. By contrast to the Jugdral duology or Conquest's frequent map gimmicks, I'd say Blazing Sword's quirks are fairly mild and ignorable. May I not be too biased in saying so. Actually, you can do it in 5 turns on Hector Hard.: All hail the Rescue chain! You're right I'd say in the map being a bit empty, but being a Seize makes it optimally much faster than the Jerme version, which is a Rout over a sprawling map. The Rankings agree with this- you have get seven more turns for 5* Tactics in Jerme's than Kenneth's, indicating it's expected to be slower.
  18. Genesis is accessible in Eliwood Mode too, in case you've forgotten. It's the only one of the three gaiden chapters required for the Nergal final words change + ending CG red boi can access. I'll help with some math, if you want it, you could figure out your own solution instead.: However, the bosskill ignores any potential comrades of Lloyd Irving joining in on the attack, and the fog.
  19. I guess this means with your mention of action platformers before that you haven't played Shovel Knight? I recommend if you haven't played it before. You can rather frequently find it on sale. No super invincible guide exists if you get stumped beyond all effort, but frequent checkpoints exist (and other than King of Cards, levels are few but long), and the only cost of death is money, which you can reclaim if you get back to where you last died. Treasure Trove edition gives you four different modes to play through too. I'm no platforming genius and I got through it just fine with some tight thrill, if far short of meeting the elite achievements. Don't worry, SMTV is only to be delayed for 13 months because COVID forces them for reasons of sensitivity to rename the Sick ailment and all associated skills, especially Pandemic Bomb. Sorry Mad Gasser! You're now using Happy Bomb 🌈 to inflict the Happy status, happiness is contagious and takes you out of a battle-focused mindset, lowering your stats. How much of an otaku who lives in their basement and whose failure to interact with real girls is directly contributing to the birthrate decline and aging and die off your nation's population and with its potential on the world stage are you? Anime girls is a yellow warning light, anime cat girls is a 5 alarm red. I think it sold kinda poorly in Japan (~190k copies), maybe b/c it's a Musou. And, it might be the case that Atlus isn't going to bring it out of the land of the Amatsukami and Kunitsukami.
  20. Because he felt it was his duty as a disciple of St. Paul and hearer of the voice of the angel Moroni to travel to the United Anachronpoleis of America in the 1st Century AD. To spread the holy word and convince the natives that His Kingdom was universal, he dawned the blue jeans and tank tops of its common people and sampled the local cuisine. When he first bit into a hot cheeto, or "chetokos" in Biblical Greek, he was convinced Satan had conquered this continent and began spouting the condemnations born of zealotry as he sought a glass of water. When he was instead given a peanut butter milkshake with a large side of Five Guys' fries, he partook of it anyway to have anything that might ease the fire in his mouth. The cool and sweet deliciousness was utterly sinful, the saltiness of the fries whose grease upon the brown paper bag was as prolific as the blood of the Passion was just as diabolical. Yet for He loved Man and bestowed even they who knew Him not good things, St. Timothy questioned his gut reaction the chetokos. To lose oneself in the addictive qualities of this continent's food was worth penitence, but the flavors themselves were blessings of the divine. So as long as the great many calories of their daily junk food were seen as a test by God to lead one astray and thus had to be consumed in moderation, Timothy decided the people of the UAA would be fine converts to the faith. Timothy himself began after the chetokos incident to grow his own chiles, for he loved the sensation of standing at Hell's doors and yet through the sweat and tears triumphing with shouts of "Zounds!". He invented a cultivar called the Holy Ghost Pepper, so powerful he was convinced none but the most pious could withstand its infernal might. As he had to test its intensity firsthand, he ate the smallest, most potent one he could find in a single bite. His entire body promptly turned red with the heat of Hell, but making the gesture of the True Cross, his red turned to shade of the fresh Blood of the Martyrs, and then he turned to snow white and emitted a blazingly bright light that left all for miles around him blinded with awe. The light vanished in a snap, and when their sight recovered none could see St. Timothy as he was no more, for he had become a dove and was flying off to Heaven. Where he had stood, a chile plant grew in the loose shape of a cross, its heat tempered down to what the laity could strive to overcome. And, all who had the seen the event were cured of any and all present and future heartburn and leprosy. Such was the significance of "St. Timothy Partakes of the Chetokos", as detailed in the hypercanonical letter 1st Chicagoans written by St. Mavelsudios, a UAA disciple of Timothy. For a visualization of this, you can go and see the Other Acts of St. Timothy Triptych which was painted by Michelangelo and Andy Warhol, it is currently stored in the Museum of Fine Arts of Prester John's Kingdom. If the full moon is pink, what happens to werewolves?
  21. Thinking on the remaining chapters, the next's Lloyd version will be a dead Wallace, and you'll need planning for the boss KO. But after that, well hope you can get to Jaffar before he dies, and Ursula can move if low on HP? (maybe randomly regardless on the last turn?- sounds evil ironman or not). After that, I can envision a fun chapter or two, but otherwise it'll be smooth sailing, enough for Ironman to remain feasible I guess.
  22. A pitiable villain? There is but one whom I would choose. The finest mind and mage of their world, master of The Brave, kin to the singers of the Aria and Repose of Souls, family to the Dawn and Empress, the friend to the Wisdom of Ages, highest and humble servant to the Grasping Truth, Child of Chaos and she who arises after the Dawn Awakens. One of my favorite characters, in the top three, if not the one.
  23. Sonic 06, Sonic Boom, and the one I played a tiny bit of the first level of many years ago- Superman 64.
  24. No objections to resetting as you must I'd say, don't let a little underground hellhole of triple Luna Druids, siege tomes and status get you down to the point of scrapping a run entirely, you can't truly judge a game that way. And you're trying to do that beside ironmanning. And that reminds me, I think I once saw something on TV that said horses, assuming they aren't weighed down too much, are not slow in the desert. A caravan of pilgrims and merchants from Timbuktu to Cairo and Mecca laden with gold and salt? Camels for the long haul would better much better there, but if all you're doing in the sands is a quick battle before returning to less hot and sandy environs, a war horse is fine and outdoes a war camel.
  25. IV was my first, as I expect it was for many. But in QoL it's now comparatively lacking, and the absence of multiple save slots stops me from doing a second run of it, even if I want to try a Link team with a Dancer too. As for classes, Nightseeker, Imperial, Arcanist are the strongest three I'd say, though Imperials come late and are mostly for bosses. Sniper and Bushi are lackluster, but everything else their main job sufficiently. I'd separate SMTIV b/c it alternates all player actions, and then all enemy actions, due to the Press Turn system. I think I'd say I prefer selecting everyone's actions together and then letting the actions play out according to speed stats It feels better that way, particularly in case of extreme instances where a fast character can get more turns than a slow ones. And Dunban's Peerless aura, I don't remember if that ever killed me, but it is a weaker Mad Taunt aggro effect with a damage buff for Dunban. My old strat starting a battle controlling the guy was Peerless + every attack I threw on him, followed by Serene Heart during the subsequent cooldown period. For XCX, you had two Arts on foot (three, but one- Infuriate- was Cross exclusive and basically redundant with Decoy Round) that could inflict the Taunt debuff: Trash Talk on the Shield, Decoy Round on the Assault Rifle. Decoy Round was single target. Trash Talk was AoE- which might cause the AI to not use against a lone foe and to attract peaceful nearby unwanted company. The cooldown vs. duration of the debuff was 22.8 vs 14.0 for Trash Talk and 22.8 vs. 12 for Decoy Round at level 3. At level 5 it was 18.0 vs. 14.0 for Trash Talk and 18.0 vs. 18.0 for Decoy Round. Extend Taunt Augments are very easy to craft (not that I ever made on ingame) and very strong for boosting duration by 5-25 seconds. That pair of Taunt-having Arts (and some more for Skells) are the only form of enemy aggro control in XCX, maybe. The game didn't explain aggro at all in the manual, and there is a total absence of aggro increasing or decreasing passive skills when I think about it. So while I first went into XCX thinking the XC1 aggro system still existed, I think it doesn't exist at all now, just Taunt, I've read a few people saying that. A questionable move for sure.
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