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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Is there a chance of them having access to magic, perhaps have them shapeshift upon "death" and spend the centuries healing in that form? The shapeshift would have to be to something innocuous. In the old, very basic, shtick for the second Game Boy (no Color) Castlevania, Dracula turned into mist for over a decade when he was defeated and his castle crumbled away. Mist might not be appropriate for your setting, dust or a splatter of blood might be suitable instead.
  2. My original PS3 died sometime after I made it to Chapter 3, and I never started another file on my second PS3 to try going through the whole thing. Compared to the very easy Chapters 1 and 2, 3 was a major difficulty spike from what I played of it. I did like the Dress-sphere system, since I like having jobs to play with. But I was concerned I wouldn't get Lady Luck later due to the minigame required demanding too much quick wit from me.
  3. No problemo! Cloud is easily misunderstood by anyone not familiar with his original unremade game. I blame it all on Sin's toxins. Well, I mean, I know the "evil religion" cliche done poorly can often be a JRPG problem, and it's FFX's handling specifically of religion which bothers me. Maybe I'm showing bias here because I love Tales of Symphonia (which comprised one of my very first not-Mario/Pokemon JRPGs, FFX came waaay later), despite its religion having problems too. (And Amalthus is evil too, I can't hide that.) I will acknowledge that FFX did try to balance organized evil with Yuna's/summoners' devotion, shared by the masses of Spira. Having a failed attempt at balance is better than none at all. Other than religion, the dedicated romance scene between Tidus and Yuna being an eyeroll, and a minor nitpick of Kimahri being fillery, I didn't mind FFX's narrative actually. Perhaps Wakka's mindset is a bit too stereotypical "warm but close-minded rural". Oh, and maybe I'm little mixed on Seymour, or maybe I've just realized his voice is weird and his hair defies all logic. Otherwise I was exaggerating. As an aside, I would've gone serious for X-2 instead of relaxed had I the choice, but I can respect their chosen direction. Not so much Rikku's X-2 redesign, but Yuna's is pretty fine.
  4. I'd cut it down to Jin > Cloud -if I were you- when considering the original Cloud, it's only fairness. The edgy emo "Nomura Cloud" is not Cloud (says someone who has never watched Advent Children or played Kingdom Hearts) as I saw him in FFVII. He did crossdress once in FFVII to save his friends, why would an emolord do that? Cloud in FFVII is badass, and a bit cocky for it, but he's still always kind to Tifa. And, to go into major FFVII spoilers: Jin is nice, and "FF is overrated" is perfectly fine to believe.* Yet, original Cloud, if you understand who he really is, actually a good character. Of course, that requires playing VII in all its aged glory to near-completion first. Thats a turnoff I totally understand. I am not biased towards FFVII FYI. Gameplay favorite FF is V (and Tactics Advance 2), musically it's VI, but I guess Cloud might actually be my favorite main protag of the franchise, even if I'd want it to be Terra. Lastly, I'd like to retire in the tropics of Spira, but first I must thoroughly cleanse the planet of bad plot. *You better never play VII in German, the English translation is already flawed. I heard the original German translation is as coherent in that game its 3D graphics are beautiful by modern standards.
  5. Yep, first thing I did in the postgame was craft one of those things. Farming the Mortifoles, Aeviters, and Viragoes probably took an hour or something, but it was insanely worth it. Makes Overdrive possible for anyone to do with ease. Stack it with the TP Overdrive skill from mastering Astral Crusader for 350 TP once you're in Overdrive. Two uses to be precise. Opening "treasure chests" and in the case of Mechanical (which opens some chests too), setting up FrontierNav sites. Chests are the primary source of BP for leveling Arts and Skills, which is important, and it gets you a bunch of Casual Wear, money, a few so-so but free Augments, and the vast majority of your Probes. Yet, chests not being that major, all you really need to do is get Mechanical to 4 ASAP and then use a guide for the appropriate Off the Record mission later. Since if you don't have the proper level to set up FrontierNav sites, you'll find your quick travel abilities greatly curtailed. I like Field Skills myself because they add a bit of complexity to interacting with the environment you're supposed to explore. But, don't tie it at all to a gatcha system. There are much better ways to handle it. If it wasn't tedious to obtain, I'd rather have gear that gives me the "field skills", not unlike Breath of the Wild and its temperatures and flame/electricity immunity. But make this gear more "key items" and not stuff you must absolutely wear at the cost of visual customization and or gameplay combat stats. Were there any good romances in Xenosaga? No significant details necessary, I'm just curious. As it stands, I'd say Monolith has written four-five good romances from what I've played, excluding the romance unrequited. And I know you can't believe it, one of those romances is not BartxMargie, that one is transcendently bad! Stay spicy my friend. Not that I have anything against Shulk. I'm not sure how I'd rank Rex vs. Shulk myself. Fei aces them both of course. Elma vs. anyone is TBA for now. KOS-MOS is -HEY IT'S KOS-MOS CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?🤩🎉 And Shion "accidentally" wandered into a dimensional anomaly in a far corner of the universe and became lost, and as a result her existence was in a half-hour distorted to the point of annihilation from not only the present, but the past as well, as if she never existed at all. On Rex, before I even played XC2, I developed an utterly irrational dislike for Rex based on me getting too attached to the Torna cast and thinking he would... . Well I'm not sure what Rex would do, other than be overly perfect or overly destined or something and thus trample over the Torna cast in some way, or dragging down Mythra. In practice, Rex might have elicited a few eyerolls from me for generic pep and overconfidence or something, but I came to like him, not great, but he had enough charm to overcome his flaws. To be fair, I do have some likings for shota characters and gentle males, Genis and Jude are two Tales characters I like, Lugh is likely in my top 5 Binding Blade characters, Sephiran is my arguably favorite Tellius character and Rolf in is the top 10. Albeit not all shotas or gentle young men appeal to me- Milton was mostly a bother in Torna, Emil is ToS: DotNW is bit too pathetic, and Bravely Second's Yew is eh to annoying for me (but Tiz is my boyfriend I killed Agnes and brainwashed him).
  6. If you have access to Smithsonian Channel, they made a 50-min documentary on the Spanish Influenza of 1918 last year. I watched it today b/c why not get educated about past plagues? Certainly you could find out via other ways what the last "once in a century" pandemic was, but this informative enough for the layperson without being overwhelming. We're lucky, because the "Spanish" (actually 🇺🇸 in origin) Influenza was much deadlier and faster, able to kill you in one day. And, as slow to respond as many governments currently are around the world, because of patriotism and World War I, it was considered treasonous for anyone to publish information about the influenza because it demoralized the populace. So we're comparatively much better on the information and action front, even if we have some "should not be happening" things akin to US President Woodrow Wilson sending US troops off to war in boats packed liked sardines. The Spanish Influenza took the lives of an estimated 50-100 million in the course of 1918-19 globally (20 million in India), after which it suddenly disappeared. The victims were unusually younger adults too, not so much infants and the elderly, so in this regard it differs for the worse from Coronavirus (not that old people dying is fine, it's just more expected and not so killing of future potential).
  7. I wonder why Soraya Saga designed Gorg. The Antitype of All Xeno chose only a Rare of no story importance. You've said everyone could make whatever designs/personalities they wanted (barring the Story Blades I would think, and even then, maybe some are compromises between Takahashi and the artist), as long as the weapon and element were followed. I'd like some explanations why the artists invented the characters they did. XCX enemies felt beefy to me, but that was only because I didn't get a good grasp on things for a very long time, so I think. Overdrive mastery very much sped things up, everything not a Tyrant meant for foot combat probably died in 2-3 Starlight Dusters from my no-major-Potential-stacking postgame setup. At MAX, level 5 on the art, and waiting for tertiary cooldown, thats 21.6 seconds per Starlight Duster. Or 43 seconds to 1 minute per enemy. I dunno if that'd be considered fast though. Offensive Stance + Blossom Dance I'd think able to 1 shot everything on foot even without Potential stack. It'd take 10.8 seconds per enemy once at MAX Overdrive. Of course, this requires amassing 3000 TP or more to Overdrive first, not a very fast thing until you get Essence Exchange from Yelv's 2nd of 3 Affinity Missions. And then you have to get the Counter up. Oh, and from what I remember reading of XC1, the only HP bloat I recall people mentioning was UMs vs. common enemies. On GFAQs a kalpa ago (yes, I know the site's reputation), someone remarked that a standard level 30 UM has more HP than a level 80 enemy who has no name to bear. I tested the criticism afterwards and thought it was accurate. -- Weirdly, Act 5 Soma Bringer is easier than Act 4, maybe using a Water Atk-boosting weapon over in lava land is better than using it in the snowy land. That sounds like a "duh!", but the game didn't make it apparent to me how important elemental Atk may be. Next up is in the Act is Ring Tower, where it appears the shady Master Laban and evil Adonis, seemingly destined to become the vessel of an evil goddess along with his allies who are the "children" of said goddess, will clash.
  8. Heads up, the next location is a bit of an annoying downer in gameplay, the plot there is still good though. I remember his Heart-to-Heart well. I enjoyed it, it reminded me of reading Frankenstein the novel. The giant of horror legend is actually very intelligent, prodigal and logical even, he likes reading. He befriended an old blind man, but then the old man's children came and saw Frankenstein, and were so revolted by his hideousness that they forced him to flee. Mary Shelley's "monster" is only angry because people can't get past his appearance and hate him for it, especially not Dr. Frankenstein himself, who gets a -1800/10 as a "parent". The "monster" is only a monster as a reaction to others reacting to him. Well, the general consensus- your opinions may vary- is that XCX had well-written quests overall. It's all still fetch, fight, or both (though how much variety can you get in a JRPG? -And don't say minigames!👿), but the writing helps. XCX kinda needs the quest writing, since the main plot is short and lacking. You do get some nice world-building from it all. Plus plenty of casual clothing, and a few dozen holograms for a room in the barracks. Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country does do a bit better with the quest-writing too. Even if it is somewhat annoying that you're forced to complete them all for the sake of the main story. Not being anywhere near as big a world means you don't have to roam as many places, and being a shorter game means there are fewer quests overall. Fortunately, the Nopon are natives of the planet where humanity ends up.😜 My joke logic point was planet-destroying bomb > nuclear weapon. So if you really dislike something, wouldn't you want it at the center of the strongest explosion possible? It isn't like you'd seriously want an above-ground nuclear explosion either, that fallout dust migrates somewhere populated on the wind, even it's done in the middle of a barren desert. Same problem in XCX as 1, you sacrifice a copy of the collectible there too. The Pokedex idea is excellent. Tales has a Collector's Book for every item in its games too. Heck, just to slightly and lightly jab at Monolith using its prior works, Baten Kaitos's Gathering doesn't even require you to own every single Magnus, only to have seen every Magnus. This is because there is one lategame battle where Mizuti loses their mask, and only for that one battle. There are two Maskless Mizuti pictures, but the rules of BK's "one drop obtained per battle, minus Constellations and boss drops" means you can't grab both the Maskless Mizuti and the Mega Rare Maskless Mitzuti pictures.
  9. True. Admittedly I've only gone through XC1 twice, but I was feeling underleveled at the generally accepted halfway point boss battle on my second run. Though in a way it was fun, because I was doing with minimal Sharla use this time (unlike my first play where I noobed Sharla into everything), and sticking to the men of Colony 9 made it more entertaining. I made a secondary point of minimizing my exploration to leave as much Location/Landmark/Secret Area AP/SP available for when everybody at last had joined. That further curtailed my EXP gain. Oh yeah, I didn't remember for sure if there was a quest navigator in XC1. The absence of one is a terrible flaw. A point of progress for XCX then, even if the guidance wasn't perfect in all instances, specifically collectibles and enemy drops (remedied by BLADE Tickets a little bit)- but hunting generic enemies and Tyrants was absolutely fine. There is still a measure of randomness in some XC2 collection point collectibles IIRC. But, probably much less than the prior two games, which is very good. Knowing Linka Honey is guaranteed at a certain spot removes unnecessary tedium of visiting tens of different collection spots until you finally find a source of what you want. Though, XCX (not sure about XC1) does geographically determine where you have a chance of finding something.: But, we shouldn't need fans to whip these guides up and tell us about this minutiae the game leaves unexplained. The salt I need for Vess's 100 Dumplings is in Uraya? Where in the whole darned thing XC2?! Next game, I want them to provide us with regional maps like this, or even more specific descriptions as to where each and every collectible can be found. It doesn't have to tell us right away, but as soon as we get one, we should know all the details about it. By the way Armagon, if you get DS emulation working better for you, besides the Rune Factories, there is one officially translated Atelier game for DS. Atelier Annie: Alchemist of Sera Island, I recall seeing it in a Nintendo Power issue long ago. Wikipedia says it's the second of the three DS Ateliers, but the other two didn't leave Japan, yet none share a world location. And, if you manage to get PS2 emulation up to speed again, the only other officially-translated Ateliers will be available to you. That is to say the Atelier Iris trilogy and Mana Khemia duology, both of which seem to be quite different stylistically from the Atelier you're familiar with. It appears the Salburg trilogy that invented the Atelier franchise and its successor the Gramnud duology, were "Titular Cute Girl Crafts", the Atelier vibe you know. But the Iris trio, just looking at the boxart, has more of a typical JRPG, Tale-ish appearance, if still about crafting and turn-based gameplay apparently. With the exception of Iris 3, there isn't even a playable alchemist named "Iris"! It's a generic bishonen dude who takes center stage. The Mana Khemia duology is "alchemy goes to school", and course, it forsook actually having Atelier in its name. But it still has those Puni things I oversaw some of you talk about. Perhaps, if a "History of Atelier" were written, Rorona would be called "the Restoration of Stylistically Traditional Atelier" after five years of deviation. -Just a tip from someone willing to walk up to the frosted glass window of a franchise, but politely hesitates and chooses not to walk through this particular door.
  10. From what I remember: Sheer quantity. It's tremendous. No Merc Missions to ease some tedium either. Reward is EXP, money, weapons, armor, and gems. EXP is often too abundant in XC1 and makes the current enemies a curbstomp due to the level curve, money is junk, you can get plenty and better equips from killing things. The gems might be nice though. NPCs, as listed by in their dot on the world Affinity Chart, have set times when they are present, otherwise they aren't. NPCs also move around a bit, a schedule of sorts. For a Social Sim game, this is fine, but for a bazillion NPCs? Not so much. You're not even told where the NPCs are located. A few quests might have major quality, but of those with stories, a lot are mundane and forgettable. I appreciate a little effort over none, but none of it is compelling enough to not feel like busywork. No Affinity Missions (XCX)/Blade Quests (XC2), which are usually (not always- "Fathers and Sons" in XCX is very bad) of a higher quality to some extent. Nonetheless, to build Area Affinity, you must do a lot of questing, you can't spend hordes of money like in XC2 to boost it. And you'll want to get the Affinities up a bit if you want the 4th and 5th Skill Trees (a set of five passive abilities you can unlock, most can be shared with other characters) of every character, which require Area Affinities at a certain level. It's only fortunate that the 4th Trees are mostly only okay for what they offer and the 5ths are endgame-only, so skipping them isn't so bad. Also, two of Shulk's Monado Arts are unlocked via quests in need of Area Affinity. But at least the final Area generates Affinity really fast, and it doesn't need more than like two stars of it to get the very good Monado Armor. How about you place them somewhere more appropriate for the Xeno- franchise? Like here: That thing in the middle? Planet Earth (Existence: 4.54 billion BC-2054 AD, R.I.P.). No true spoilers here, this is from the opening sequence of XCX.
  11. Try sleeping at the inn in Torigoth first, and changing the time to morning, say 5:00 AM, that might provide the spark for it trigger at the bakery. I say it's likely available now due to having enemies at level 38. Time of day once in a while plays a role in when quests are available, I think it's less so in XC2 than prior games. One Blade Quest for a different Rare does involve a Nopon "end of the world" cult, I say that unironically. Nopon can take the most serious of subjects and make them ridiculous.
  12. You haven't even gotten to the true initiation yet. For that, you must rip apart a live dinosaur (well, a bull, but inhale enough methane and you can't tell the difference) with your bare hands. The drunken group intercourse will follow immediately afterwards. -If this was the ancient cult of Dionysus/Bacchus.😛 And to comment on what you put in a spoiler box: Well that clarifies everything! Mostly, it appears a girl can once in a while be "ore". You probably don't need it, but here is a general guide to Japanese pronouns I found.: https://legendsoflocalization.com/personal-pronouns-in-japanese/ -- I've put a little more work into Soma Bringer, Act 4 is done. The plot, which isn't this game's strong suit, it's been said that was intentional, but nonetheless compels me to continue the game, is starting to give some explanation of the world's secret stuff. I want to put this game firmly in my Mono-log, and thus I want to eventually finish it. Besides the giant birds, the giant, well, giants were ripping through me though they were common enemies. However, since I died against a miniboss, it appears that even bosses do not regenerate HP after you die. Perhaps this means in a worse case scenario, I couldn't actually get stuck on a boss. Thats nice, because the small boss at the end of Act 4 dodgerolled to no end and the fight was very drawn out because of it.
  13. Dr. Fauci is the saving grace of this administration's response. A professional who is straight and intelligent with the answers. I'm a bit amazed that for all the presidential contradicting he has done, and how much positive spotlight he attained, that Trump hasn't indirectly fired aka "resigned" the man. But, Trump must realize this is a serious crisis, and cannot get rid of the man who with all his strength is keeping public worry about the federal response to Coronavirus under control. Fauci has become the indispensable professional, whose merit, at least in the extremely important task of PR at the moment, Trump cannot oppose. ...Does the man deserve t-shirts in his image, rhetorically speaking? Or am I singing too many paeans in his honor? -I know, I should save the singing for paeans and laments in honor of the victims, the nurses, the doctors, the rest of the medical chain, and every common human taking positive actions to assist in this crisis. DC better find a plot for a memorial or monument, probably the former technically speaking, in honor of every human belonging to one of those categories when all is done. We have no lack of memorials in honor of wars, why not one for doctors and nurses? Fighting a pandemic sounds like just as glorious a tragic cause. (But, the National Mall is full now, so I don't know where they should place it.)
  14. True... All speculation on my part, no evidence. But I need something to take my mind off discovering someone did two screenshots of fake bestiality with a Dalmatian in XCX.
  15. Whoops, my mistake then. ...Why do most Blades even look humanoid? Did the DEEP SPOILERS scene I skipped over cover that? And what about Blade personalities? How and why did they originate? I remember you told me the origin of Blades, but I'm not connecting the dots between their origins and their shapes and behaviors. To actually speak of a little bit of SPOILERS FROM THE VERY DAMN END OF THE GAME without our new cult member accidentally wondering into them too soon...:
  16. GET RID OF HER NOW! -No wait, don't, I don't want to see her sa- NO! GET RID OF- Keep her! ...Did you do her Blade Quest "Our Daily Bread" in Gormott? It should be easy enough at this point. The above will make sense if you do. Hmm... If we... Consolidate the Poppis as one, being only forms of one person. Ignore the NG+ only Rares. Ignore the Ladies D- & U- Teneritas b/c they're not original. Add Crosvin for being originals. Leave out 'buster b/c it's two different-gendered things and thats complicated. And ignore the Land of Challenge trio b/c they're not original. ...We get exactly 37 usable Story Blades/Rare Blades. Of these, if I counted right, 27 are females. So 10 are men. If we drop the Story Blades and count only the sidequest & gatcha Rares + DLC duo being counted, then the total is 28 Rare Blades. And of these, 20 are female to 8 males. I thought Roc was regarded as female in-universe?
  17. Who knows? But remember that once you get to E/H Mode, you can only recruit one of Wallace or Geitz, and Geitz is a Warrior. Is this pure coincidence? If Wallace was a Warrior, it'd leave Oswin as the lone playable Armor unit. So maybe instead you got Geitz instead of Wallace in Lyn Mode- but his backstory makes no good sense for LM. Did Geitz get a character rewrite? Was there going to be an LM choice between Wallace and Geitz? The world will never know. "Nishimura, who also worked as director on Fire Emblem, makes it clear that game would never have been released in the west had AW not paved the way." Aha! So it really is possible that the Tactician and Lyn Mode were directly copied from AW1! Same director for both games says it all.
  18. @DragonFlames Are you at all familiar with Pokemon: Battle Revolution? It was the last of Genius Sonority's trio of 3D Pokemon games. I owned it, not much substance to the gameplay, just a bunch of tournaments, usually with various gimmicks, with rental Pokemon available if you didn't import from D&P (no Platinum or HG/SS connectivity). Though it did have online battles, and fairly nice trainer visual customization- they even added the choice of three skin tones for the North American version so why doesn't FE let you pick in 12/13/14/15?. Anyhow, I bring it up, because despite not being good on content, is the soundtrack. Battle Revolution has the same Music Director as those the Orre duology, and listening again to BR's soundtrack, it is actually not half-bad, even good in some places. How about Neon Colosseum for a taste test?: Compensates a wee bit for the fact you throw darts at a spinning wheel to determine what Pokemon (of those that you and the other trainer brought) you get in this tournament. Pray to RNGiratina your opponent doesn't take all your OP Pokes and you get stuck with their crummy Skiploom.
  19. Thats the exact same problem in RF3, minus the Wettable Powder preventative. Can you be outside during a typhoon? Old Story of Seasons games didn't let you and the entire day was a 2-minute waste, but RF3 did let you go outside even during a typhoon. And the weather in every pre-RF3 game was fixed- if it was raining when you woke up, it'd be raining the entire day, but RF3 made it so the weather could at any time during the day. So, you could be going about your business, thinking the day would pass by just fine, and then at 12:43 PM see a typhoon suddenly strike for a couple hours.😕 Ah yes, the man in a cave with a bunch of Ludicolos and a Shadow Sudowoodo. I remember. I still have Pokemon XD in my basement, but, I had a second GameCube in earlier years at my grandparents house. When my grandparents died, the druggie parasite of an uncle of mine who lived with them quickly sold whatever games I had left there, Colosseum (and the bonus Jirachi disc) with it. I never finished Colosseum, for some reason, child me stopped at The Under and Lady Venus. I made it even less of the way into XD, not sure why. I think I got bored of grinding off the not-Power Rangers outside of the Lab, I did beat Lovrina though. Yet, I've still some lasting interest in Orre. Why no remakes/sequels Nintendo? Game Freak didn't even make it, you outsourced it to Genius Sonority, so no next main title delay. Agreed. One shouldn't be called a "Nostalgia Whore" or like terms, unless one makes statements to the effect of "This was the BEST GAME EVAH and it's PERFECT and YOU SUCK if you don't see it that way!". Having preferences for older things doesn't make you bad, it's being arrogant, rude, and intolerant that does. I've never heard either of these before, thanks for thrusting them into my ears. Is that really the final battle theme for Colosseum? It sounds... uplifting. Not what I'd expect for the last clash, it has notes of seriousness too, but the lightness is peculiar when you're facing off against the head honcho of a crime syndicate. It has snippets that would fit in an old-fashioned American Western too, specifically some dashing action scene on train going through a canyon. Given Orre = Arizona and the American Southwest in general, that sorta works. XD is similar. You're at Citadark, against a villainous organization who uses Shadow Pokemon. How is the music up in the sunny white clouds and sailing on the bright blue sea, and not enveloped by all-encompassing darkness that threatens to overcome you and swallow the world? They're so different from what I perceive is the norm for final battles. That doesn't make them bad, not at all, contrast is appreciable. And in the right setting, a game where the final battle was essentially post-victory after an earlier decisive battle, as opposed to being the make-or-break moment, this rising music would be perfect.
  20. RF3 is the closest to 4 of course, so it's the best and easiest to turn back to, it's still relatively "fast" in combat. RF3's biggest issue is being too short, and bad weather being a randomized bother for farming in some seasons. For DS emulation, I haven't run into any real problems on this seven-eight years old Macbook. Other than the computer running hot sometimes, some audio issues on Binding Blade, and some save state-induced funky screens on Persona 2, anything and everything SNES/GBA/PS1/PSP/DS I've played has worked out well. I tried to get back into Soma Bringer a few days ago (I wish multiplayer worked, sharing the journey would make it more fun), and I did not notice any hiccups, despite being actiony along the same lines very generally speaking as an RF. I'm using DeSmuMe, which I think you said before you're using. That seems to be about the best DS emulator around doing a quick look, though others exist (MelonDS seems to be an okay alternative). There might be ways to adjust Desmume's settings to improve performance it sounds like, but I'm totally unfamiliar with how. And I see OpenEmu has added Dolphin/GameCube support, I'm tempted to play Pokemon Colosseum after decades of longing, but I won't even try to run it.
  21. XX/1 Marcus: HP 31 Str 15 Skl 15 Spd 11 Lck 8 Def 10 Res 8 Con 11 10/1 Sain: HP 28 Str 14 Skl 8 Spd 11 Lck 7 Def 10 Res 3 Con 11 Decimals rounded down if < .5, up if >= .5. Usually I hear a 13/1 Sain over a 10/1, squeezing a tiny bit more LM EXP into him. But unless you're obsessed with an extra point of Move and better Javelin performance, I agree it's best to not early promote a Cav, particularly if one Cav is already screwed and you're not wanting to take chances regarding how Lowen turns out.
  22. Oi, that was sad *SPOILERS you've just clearly seen* ... Speaking of 7th Dragon 2020 before, how about an Ex Skill showcase instead?: All 3D models used here are the defaults for the class, except for the gun & knife using Agent, the classless Lucier models were used for this. Well, compared to every RF before it, the bachelorettes of 3 are much wackier, equally anime, but definitely more in-your-face with silliness. I can understand how it'd be a turnoff for some.
  23. There is no obvious tell in Sofia's voice as to when she is speaking opposites, though her tone and facial expression can give some contextual clues. The red is only there in the text to make her easier for the player to understand. For everyone actually in the game world, they have to guess when Sofia means the inverse.
  24. I'm not familiar with the specifics of any FE's plot "ensemble-ing" after Awakening, but I do very fondly remember RD's early Part 3 war room meetings. Those felt so good. According to an old SF page: I still sorta appreciate having these unvisited places on the map, adds one sand grain's worth of world building. A version of the RD Tellius map is also dotted with many unvisited places, knowing where Geoffrey's Delbray and Sephiran's Persis are is a nice touch, but what was the point to naming three settlements of some kind in Goldoa? Also, random beta Chapter 10 Lyn Mode image: A little small this pic, but notice something odd?
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