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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Interesting change, you can't plan thing out so much, and the Dart Spellcraft, Ninja's Shippujinrai attack, and other things with priority can no longer exist now. I haven't played the demo yet, and although I semi-regret buying Octopath Traveler (full price at least), I will probably spring for BD2 whenever it comes out. I definitely preferred Bravely to OT, even if the latter tried to restrain hyperoffensive blitzes via the Break system. Then why isn't he the White Mage? I didn't know Canadians knew how to be violent. But he does rock the Black Mage attire, give him a gun if Hawkeye returns and he'd be set as some quiet old master of the Wild West. Some comments:
  2. Look where Cross's belt is. Thats the indicator, which quickly changes its reading of course as you move around. Not the exact same as XCDE's approach, it won't remind you which Arts are positionals and when they get their bonus (not that you need to, just select the Art and read its description) but it gets the job done. If FRONT/MIDDLE sounds weird (and the wording is less blocky outside of Japan), the "MIDDLE" refers to elevation, as in Above, Below, or Middle- meaning at roughly the same elevation as the enemy. Being Above or Below offers slight boosts to your attacks, as does being Behind them. Elevation only exists I'd say because XCX enemies can be more frequently bigger in size than XC1/2 for Below, and Skell flight enables approaching from Above. I hope they keep the enemy aggro indicators back from here on out. One should always assume anyway that enemies will assail you if you get too close. Adding hidden enemies or things like Zigs (massive vision range, makes sense b/c they're radars with laser projectiles to hurt you) are arguably better if you want surprises. Not the player necessarily should be subject to the unpredictable, even if death is fairly harmless and quick in XC. And looking for a good image which I found in the above, I didn't know the Black Knight had Skell artwork.: ...And My Wavitect, Eryth aurora, which I had long forgotten if I had noticed it before, is prismatic perfection here enraptured in a symphony of color with the shooting stars and the rest. Satorl is breathtaking too, but that goes without saying.
  3. Agreeing Engage the Enemy is out of tune, more electric guitar doesn't always make things better. EtE starts slow and soft, to gradually build sadness and reminiscence that climaxes in the violin resolution to take up arms and oppose it, more guitar undercuts the buildup. Positionals have been a bit finicky in the past on where the side ends and back begins. The indicator doesn't fix that (it'd be difficult to, given the size and shape of some of the many enemies), but being able to see it is certainly better than not. Steady QoLs and UI updates game after game are always a sign of progress. -Although, XCX did list your position relative to the targeted enemy, so it's more a step forward after one back?
  4. XCX text was even worse before I got an HDMI Cable for the Wii U, I needed to swap to Gamepad sometimes just to read stuff. Not to be nostalgic for the old, but could Reyn use a little hair thinner? Maybe the less saturated hair colors of the original made the same amount of hair look less domineering on the same amount of head, but now he looks to be 8.3% Gogol. Or Sun Quan's lost half-brother, which is isn't so bad (until Shulk reveals the future of Wu). I can bear with it, just a minor aesthetic critique.
  5. I just noticed, a weapon slot is listed in the Appearance section of the equipment page. It's darkened for Shulk, since he can only use the Monado, but that it exists at all says to me Fashion Weapon will be a thing for everyone else. An improvement over XCX, may this carry over to That Which Is Awaited Over The Precipice. The only way to top Fashion Weapons, would be Fashion Characters. I remember being informed Tales of Graces in its postgame lets you equip special Replicant Titles that let a character copy another's appearance, voice and fighting style including Arts -but not the original's stats or skills. Doesn't work in story scenes either.
  6. Well... One can have faith even if it turns out Nintendo is the Ethos. 2 1st party characters and 3 3rd party doesn't sound like a bad balance for a Fighter Pass.
  7. The map still looks so dull, not that I am opposed to utilitarianism, I've merely gotten used to XC2's more colorful one. Actually Armagon, is it possible...
  8. I don't see the problem with an ARMS representative. It isn't exactly the same as 'Plant, but there are many one-off/dead franchise 1st/2nd party characters in Smash, and provided this is the only one in the 2nd pass, it's not excessive to me. Add I dunno, Issac, and then it would be too much. Add Rex & Pyra, and ARMS is still fine. 1 ARMS, 1-2 1st party living franchise, and 2-3 3rd party additions sounds acceptable to me. Though I don't have SmashU and don't have real desires towards almost anyone being added, so the big 3rd party paradise of which others dream every time they sleep is merely quaint to me.
  9. Not sure why the Peg Knights were added to Hector Mode, maybe to make Hector even easier to train? Or to spice up the early chapter a little? Money shouldn't be a problem later, but I do tend to spend most of mine right before Dread Isle, even if I buy too much for a mere 2-4 chapters. Using Dart may hinder that b/c 25k in funds when sold, from the Ocean Seal but if Rath doesn't work out, you'll have every Orion's Bolt to sell. And, Silver Card, which is Hard Mode exclusive and I don't get that. -Though now I remember exists, and best Peg sis must be recruited. Sothe and Ike making love and standing besides their two daughters is an image most can bear. Merlinus resting his head on Hector's pecs as Eliwood strokes his hair, is to our ageist minds with a narrow conception of beauty an abomination that must be destroyed!
  10. Well (actual spoilers in here)... In other words, they've realized the best ship deserves to be enshrined as what it is? Sure Melia is important, but they can't hide the real reason is fan demand. I assuming they'll remove the quest to put a pound of armu manure on her grave then. The name of this interests me. Does it mean it's set after the ending? Is it set sometime during the main game? Does it refer to the future for Melia and all related to her, or is teasing some XC3 set in XC1's world (or, it could be called XC1-2 to use FF's direct sequel numbering system)? If it's the last, I'll be slightly annoyed.
  11. A High Entia city not Alcamoth on the Left Shoulder? Or is it Alcamoth and we just don't see the Eryth Sea below? Brilliant! Makna gear forever! -Unless I change my mind. Everyone looks good, I was a bit uncertain how the slightly more "anime and cute" stylings of XC2 would play out. But the Wii graphics prove much too dated to withstand the change, and the spirit of them is preserved plenty anyhow. No worries of a less manly Dunban, not that I really had them. Call me a cheapskate and decry my status as a Xenofan, but I'll let you go Pathfinder on this for me. Commence a thorough survey on release into the wild and report back with everything that has changed in the landscape and what new features and content have been added.
  12. There should be a very long demo of DQXI available. I skipped the demo myself, but the save data carries over to the main game, you're basically playing up to the point where your group reaches 4 playable characters. Dragon Quest is the grandmother of all RPG franchises, it factually invented the genre, and it has its old traditions (and 6/11 mainline titles originated on the NES or SNES). But, XI has done a lot to make it modern and streamlined, and whatever is old about it, was done with a lot of love. -Or so I think.
  13. I wouldn't go so far as to call them "mini-rallies". Trump does not like press briefings, he loathes the criticism of the journalists, and the sycophantic praise from Pence and other public officials (although they might just be trying to avoid antagonizing their employer so they can do their job despite what they really think of him) is likely not enough for him. He is only doing these because he has been forced to, he can't do his beloved rallies with thousands of his adoring base for the time being. He is trying the make the most of an unfun situation for himself. If he can't sweep Coronavirus under a rug as a hoax, as he originally wanted to, he'll admit to a temporary crisis, and during it claim himself the savior. Yet as his desires to prematurely reopen the economy despite the Coronavirus still raging indicate, he'd rather have the markets return to normal ASAP for the sake of his re-election chances and get back to his rallies, at the price of human lives and inflicting additional suffering. He basically admitted as much today. Yes, Biden and Sanders have been sidelined for now, which I can understand the perspective as this benefitting Trump. But, I don't think his poll numbers deviated from where they usually were when this crisis had just begun. Not sure where they are now, but considering Trump is the "teflon caked in grease + base" president, it can't have deviated very much from where it has stood since his presidency began. Democratic morale and passion? Those I can see having taken a hit, even if Biden clinching Super Tuesday and the Tuesday thereafter meant it was just a victory march and residual resistance that remained.
  14. A low-hanging fruit I had to swipe for eventually. 100% certain someone else already took it, ate it, digested it, the seeds inside the fruit germinated in the manure, and is now a healthy sapling. But I'm the first to bite it here! -I do not mean to make light of the pandemic. Though, a company wanting to spread cheer when this is all over by making a video game, could be tasteful by me. One where a young lady sneezes at the workplace and an evil doppelganger composed entirely of virus emerges, which she must defeat not with a sword or explody magic, but by creating the ultimate pharmaceutical. If she does not, the world will be ruined by her nasal excretions. Atelier? No, this is Apotecaire *Insert name here*! I've played a bit of Shovel Knight: King of Cards. I was not expecting it to have an actual card game, and it's mandatory? Mayhaps these "cheats" will let me cheese them if thou must. I needed 3-4 tries to best Black Knight, no cheats used or cards bought. The platforming is in shorter levels, but it still is good, even if Specter Knight has been my favorite to play as.
  15. Time returns to its cyclical nature, to how humanity perceived it for most of its history. It was only in the 1700s and 1800s that time as we know it became seen as a thing you could "waste" and tried to structure and divide down to the minute. I've been reading some of my favorite history book again from college *sigh* I need to do more reading, even if I don't know whats the best in the various historical fields. Honestly, the number of new video games I want at the moment is very low, so maybe I should, for once, consider buying a few tomes, or, a good library card- not that I can use it during this lockdown. I want read something comprehensive on Tang China, I don't know about this era which modern Chinese academia considers its favorite. Southeast Asia would be interesting too, and maybe Brazil, or some environmental histories. The Airparif report said that just two days after the self-confinement began, it registered "a 20 to 30 percent improvement in air quality in the Paris metropolis, after nitrogen oxide emissions dropped by more than 60 percent." I finally started a bit of a third EOV run, even if I wasn't exactly in the mood today. I spent a good hour being very picky about what my new team looked liked. Should I have cared so much about tiny slivers of eye color? No, but it was fun.
  16. And 2020 and 2020-II both have their final dungeon and battle be in space after you've ascended the Tokyo Sky Tower. It's there where Nyala/Fomalhaut were watching everything unfold, and telepathically tell you about themselves and call you cattle coming to be eaten as you approach. I do enjoy 2020/II & VFD for the aesthetic difference overall. Sure, the Mage class and Fortuner classes in VFD are pure fantasy, but I felt the Destroyer and especially the Rune Knight and Atlantis from whence it came had enough of a science veneer (laser swords) to fit into a modern and loosely sci-fi setting. I haven't gotten to emulating the original 7th Dragon for DS yet, I question how it's QoL might be, but I believe its more pure fantasy.
  17. Now that I think about it, how many dedicated sci-fi JRPGs, with a visual lean towards the "spacey" subgenre, are there? Besides Xeno-, Star Ocean has been pretty poor/dead for a long time, and the same applies to Phantasy Star. I'd like more, given how omnipresent high fantasy and mixed-medieval fantasy & sci-fi (IRL modern-ish or more fantastical) games are. Oh, and Super Robot Wars in the SRPG world, but mechaaaaaaaaaaaaa, while fine, is too in one's face- sci-fi isn't just about mecha it's just the most important part you say?. In particular, I'd want Atlus at the moment, when it finally makes this EO spiritual successor it teased once, to go full sci-fi with a sequel for it, I wanna see what classes they come up with. And how sci-fi could influence the designs of the stratum. Fire Emblem on Mars is absolutely another idea I'd enjoy. I would be fascinating to see if fewer melee weapons (by no means guaranteed in a sci-fi game) and more range as result shifted FE combat in a fun/new way. It'd mean revamping the visuals and names of all the old classes that'd survive the shift too. But, I'd like another well-alive ordinary JRPG game/series too. At the moment, maybe the place of spacey sci-fi in gaming is other genres, like pure adventure/exploration? I don't really know.
  18. How else is one to explain the hubris towards conquering the Deccan Plateau? Aurangzeb's folly stems from expecting too much of his purely human countrymen, and from acting as though his draconic nature was more than half. Dragons yearn to survive, not to have pride and ambition, if he was truly dragon, Aurangzeb would've recognized the Deccan as not a true threat to his realm, and therein preserved his empire far better than it was to be with such fruitless territorial gain. --- Kevlar- poly-paraphenylene terephthalamide is the scientific name- was invented in 1965 by Stephanie Louise Kwolek. She was born in 1923 in the state of Pennsylvania, to parents who were Polish immigrants. Her mother was a seamstress, her father a naturalist. Kwolek wanted to become a fashion designer, but her mother warned her she would starve with the income of that profession. So, she got a degree in chemistry and became a chemist at DuPont in 1946. Her research focused on new polymers, created by cooling and condensing substances. Discovering liquid crystal polymers, she realized they could be spun together to create extremely strong and fire- and corrosion-resistant threads. By the time she died in 2014, she owned 17 patents from her decades of research. But how peculiar it is that her most remembered discovery/invention is the one that combined the love of the natural world she gained from her father, with a measure of the love for clothing that she developed from her mother.
  19. I had considered once or twice in the past few days: "Well, Coronavirus will be with us for months, hurricane season begins in June- if not very strongly. What if a hurricane hits? Homes will be destroyed and people will be forced to seek shelter, in places where they will be forced to huddle in groups well-exceeding 5 people." So, I hope the best for you. Even if it sounds impossible to imagine how you'd create a shelter spur-of-the-moment (which is all the few days'/a week's warning is) that wasn't a petri dish.
  20. Unless you're a Muslim woman in India stuck somewhere, probably rural, where there is no "enlightened" safe zone of religious tolerance nor gender/sexual freedom. Then you're persecuted by your government, and denied a say within your religio-societal group due to a harsh male monopoly on power. No, India was in the Scouring, and ruled by unemotional dragonkind. It's a lie that India for millions of years continentally drifted as a giant island/Australia, the truth is that it India has drifted dimensionally for that same period of time, returning to this world in almost the same spot where it last left from, but not exactly. The passage of time in Elibe relative to our world is 4.9 years per 1 second in our world. When Britain established its first colonial possessions in India in the decades after Shah Jahn's "death" (it's complicated, but he didn't die), they outlawed dimension drifting, and the prohibition has never been repealed by any Indian government. And before you say "Jahn would never waste his time and effort on an extravagant tomb for a wife", you would be right. Humans think it's a tomb constructed in this world, it isn't, it shouldn't surprise you humans got it wrong, all so wrong. It's a countermeasure created while in Elibe to prevent dimensional drift from ruining dragonkind's cause. The Taj Mahal is directly linked to the Dragon Temple, and any dragon can instantly phase-shift from our world to Elibe from it. The copious precious stonework of the Taj is not really gemstone and minerals, it's fragments of draconic wisely conserved as dragonstones from many generations of losses against humans. They and everything else about the architecture was intended to maximize the transdimensional link. When India was abandoned by the dragons in increasing desperation, India was conquered by humanity, and some bigwig deemed the now-vacant Taj beautiful, gave it a new name (what the dragons called it is now lost to us), and insisted it was his through eternity. -- John Spilsbury, apprentice to the British Royal Geographer during the reign of George III, invented the jigsaw puzzle in 1767. He took a map, placed it over a piece of wood, and carved the wood along the borders of the each country. He then had students reassemble the pieces to teach them geography. He then made a thriving business of dividing the world so people could learn to reunite it.
  21. Only in North America. I don't know why, maybe Nintendo of Europe thought "there is no chance this older game will come our way, so why have these teasers towards it?", but for whatever reason, the Roy & Zephiel scenes were outright removed in the European version, so I've read. You see that old SF emoji thing, and how the grin exists only on half of its face? Look the Fighter combat sprite, and pretend its ear is the half-grin seen here, except not happy, or nice-looking. Because the character of Fighters is burly and not so nice. The Hand Axe posture for some reason is particularly associated with "Fighter grumpiness" to me. I have a hard time re-seeing this after I realized the mouth was an ear, but it I swear I saw it, and didn't stop seeing it until... I forget when, but it could've been after Awakening or even Fates. So a decade of this mistaken notion. In a slight defense, I was young and impressionable to fantasy. And in a second defense, how many other GBA sprites have ears? Pirate and Bandit and thats it. Agreeing on this annoyance. Talons Alight would be fine as a forced Gaiden of False Friends. And as distinct (and not in a bad way) as Crazed Beast is in gameplay, it is very filler, if very apparent why it's Hector Mode only too. At least Talons Alight has connection to Kinship's Bond's enemies, if not the most compelling or in the slightest an important connection. And @Jotari I consider Reina to be Jagen-ish. Not exactly, but she is old among the playables, early, prepromoted, and her total growths are unusually low when you look at everyones' total growths in Fates. But Reina can cling on as useful from beginning to end through high Spd and just enough Str (with a good weapon, maybe a Str Tonic, and a OS or DS boost) to score medium durability ORKOs throughout the game. She's balanced, because her though she combines these things with flight, Reina is hopelessly fragile, and her Skl combined with the inaccuracy of Yumi (her preferred weapon) leaves her hit chances somewhat shaky. Reina has Darting Blow for that otherwise unassisted guaranteed PP doubling throughout the game, but no Archer access barring Morrin's love means no Certain Blow or Quick Draw, which would make her PP offense so good, Takumi, Setsuna, and Mozu would be practically obsoleted. I might be wanting to make Reina a Jagen because I want to have a very balanced one in a post-FE6 game, where the idea permanently became being realistically able to use anyone from prologue to the epilogue. Yet I think I have a feasible Jagen case for her.
  22. I actually mistook the ear visible on GBA Fighters for being a really off-centered and grumpy face. Agreed on Jeigans specializing in Skl, nobody can break the game with a super Skl stat, yet it still has some usefulness. HP/Str/Skl I think is a good spread for a Jagen overall, if you keep their Def and Spd in check, they can't do supreme ORKO enemy phasing and thats good. One strong, guaranteed hit is nice niche. Though, I do think Reina is fairly balanced, if perfectly usable to the very end of BR and Rev, with her Spd emphasis and average Str. As for Birds of a Feather, my strat for Eliwood's group is to rush Marcus to the southern hill at the very end of the map. Once Marcus secures it, Eliwood is placed atop it, and the bandits and boss are now forced behind a chokepoint to fight a red-haired wimp whose WTA and +30 Avoid terrain lets him safely reap a bunch of early EXP. If you skip Lyn Mode, the Tactician doesn't exist in Eliwood/Hector Mode, at all. I hear it was possible to skip Lyn Mode even on a first playthrough in Japan if you used a GBA link cable to connect FE6 to FE7. So, the main story of FE7 had to be written without the Tactician in mind. You needed to use a link cable too, if you wanted to see the extended epilogue scenes with Roy & Lilina and Zephiel & Jahn without completing FE7 8-11 times.
  23. Not sure of the circumstances behind this rumor, but I am aware that Hindu nationalists like discrediting Islam from having made any positive contribution in Indian history (and, as of this year, declare all Indian Muslims noncitizens to eventually exile/imprison/kill the hundreds of millions altogether). This smell like it could be one of the Hindu nationalists' erroneous rewritings of history. -- Flipping through one of my favorite history books from college, one set of statistics of many about Europe in the 1600 and 1700s. Britain: 400 books published in the 1630s. 56000 books published in the 1790s. Russia 87 books published in the period 1725-1729 300 books published in the period 1796-1800 Anyone want the brief excerpt from a sample work of French literary religious pornography in the period it provides?
  24. I'm only partly familiar with Shimomura's discography: Super Mario RPG, and the entire Mario and Luigi franchise Radiant Historia And the small handful of tracks (in a sea of ACE+ and Manami Kiyota) she composed for Xenoblade Chronicles. I've never listened her famed work in the Kingdom Hearts franchise, or anything else she has created. The thing I most distinctly remember of her style is her violin use, or whatever stringed instrument predominates in "Time to Fight", "Lofty Mount Pajamaja", and "Where the Winds and Feathers Return". Considering Mario and Luigi and Radiant Historia are very different atmospherically and thus demanding of different music, I think she can definitely compose for every kind of scenario FE might conjure up. If she isn't busy, and is willing and capable of expressing her passionate artistry, then sure, I'd welcome lady Shimomura as FE's latest composer.
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