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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Be ripped to shreds by a pack of hungry bull sharks Internet for preserving this line.
  2. I did a check of the accessory list, only the Beast/Camo Hood offers aggro reduction. And Aux Cores provide only Arts Stealth and Auto-Attack Stealth (yet, Aux Cores are a chore to forge says the person who made XCX XX-quality augments and unnecessary level 60 Skells + Ares 70). Though in tandem with an aggro boosters on Morag/Tora (I leave one of their accessories open to an Agility boost though), it could be enough. Looking at the Wiki, it's World Tree Drop. And if the Wiki is right about its availability, then the World Tree Drop should be easy to get. One from a random but easy quest that opens in Chapter 9, one from a chest in Chapter 10 within probably a 10 minute walk of the final boss, and if you want to farm them, your picks are Kurodil or some 94-96 Behemoths who might not even appear until after the final boss is beaten or sometime into Chapter 10. No wonder I don't remember seeing them.
  3. Not to mention the historian in me sees "Chinese Virus", and thinks "this sounds like what they called Chinese/Japanese immigration to America in the late 1800s- the "Yellow Fever"". Nobody but a historian or wise Asian-American aware of their heritage is going to draw the parallel, but I'm still concerned the Coronavirus will revive that xenophobia. Furthermore, I can see, if everyone were not racist and immune to becoming to some degree racist, I might approve the term "Chinese Virus", since in such an ideal world, nobody would see that term as meaning anything but "virus whose origins lay in China". But, America has: outspoken and public racists, people with less/unspoken nativist inclinations, people with unconscious racial biases, and people vulnerable to xenophobic influence. For the sake of opposing the first, terrible group and keeping the latter three from moving closer to the first, the term "Chinese Virus" must be eradicated.
  4. Well, that means Nyala, and next year it's Fomalhaut. Just those two and a bunch of weaker Imperials, I forget what most of them look like and are named though. I recommend finding an underground fallout shelter and hiding there until some modern samurai, psychics, punching destroyers, hackers, knife/gun-toting agents, and pop idols save the world. Or to use a term less contemporary Japanese and more European historical, Philip V of Spain. The king loved monogamous sex, but was deeply religious as Spanish monarchs tended to be. His lust and Christian devotion came into conflict, it led him to constantly worry he was going to Hell when he died. His second wife Elisabeth Farnese sometimes told him "not tonight" so he'd come quivering to her the next day willing to approve whatever she wanted politically. Philip V's anxiety and depression, which shouldn't be entirely mocked, you have to wish he had psychiatric counseling, led him into an odd life of being asleep in the day and awake at night. This must have bothered Farinelli, a famed castrated singer who for years was forced to sing eight or nine arias every night to soothe the troubled king. If someone stripped the mental illness from this, I would love to see this unusual but real person's eccentricities copied in a video game or other form story. You could go either way. I ended up playing as Morag a lot with a full set of tanking Blades on her, damage ones on Zeke, and accessories matching their respective role on each. I sometimes ran into issues of Zeke attracting too much enemy aggression from all the damage he was dealing, thus leading enemies to go after and kill him. This was a greater concern when I was fighting multiple enemies. If you do want to improve his offense, there is a great accessory, so I thought, for the job. It isn't available yet for you, it won't be for some time, but the Male Loincloth provides a 50% to boost to all damage dealt. The only requirement is that the active Blade must be of the opposite sex for the boost to take effect. Fortunately, Pandoria is female, and so are a lot of other Rares, so it isn't hard to get the buff. And don't worry about the idea of Zeke in primal underwear, the Male Loincloth does not change his appearance at all, only Japanese XCX has things like visible loincloths. First, Nihil will always activate in RD. Second, do not move Ike. Why? Read the terrain data! All the floor looks like ordinary tiles, the Tower of Guidance has many tiles that magically increase Def, Res, or Avoid. The BK is standing on one that gives +10 Def, and so is Ike IIRC. Don't move Ike and let the BK walk over to him, you should be doing much more damage then. Third, stop, hammertime! You can use non-Ragnell weapons on the BK, and if you have a Hammer, you can abuse the fact he doesn't have Nullify to deal effective damage on him. Or if you want to avenge Greil with touch of irony, bring out the Urvan if you so wish.
  5. My 2nd EOV team is fully kitted in ultimate equipment now. The Zombie Dragon did kill two characters via Curse damage, which I blame for nearly causing me to a second Formaldehyde, but otherwise it was easy. Lamia, the second strongest superboss remains, and checking its arsenal, it's menacing: Poison, Petrify, Insta-Death, Panic, and grunts that attempt to Bind me every way (besides Lamia herself having a triple-Bind, a counter for killing her respawning minions, and the ability to lower your resistance to Binds). All my favorite shutdown tools in EOV turned against me. I'll take a few days after Lamia before NG+ and giving my third team a try, which is going to be heavily dependent on Poison Bomb for offense in the first two Strata. This was from last year. Don't worry! The boss can summon reinforcements for about 40 turns. But, they're always spawned adjacent to the boss in a group of four. 4-5 is considered great for last minute training for weaklings. You can prep anyone for the final battle if you take your time and feed kills to them. Or, you can go for a bosskill with Tibarn to end things quickly.
  6. Fates I would guess just throws extra emphasis on the idea of retainer than other games in FE, even if some are always present. Consider that on CQ/BR you get 41/40 units. Of these, four are royals, and each has two retainers. Corrin has two retainers in Jakob and Felicia too, right? And the princes' sons each get one retainer to boot? Thats 12 retainers and their 7 lieges, one short of half of either route. But wait! Orochi and Yukimura on are supposed to be Mikoto's former retainers? And Gunter and Flora on CQ are more retainers for Corrin? And what about Kaze? Over half of BR and CQ are made of royals and retainers. I do not deny the possibility of creating unique backgrounds and personalities with more retainers than a convention of dentally-challenged teenage geeks, Fates already proves this guess. Nonetheless, Fates might be considered upper class-heavy in terms of societal diversity compared to other FEs. You'll still have plenty of loyal knights, but the Fates concept of "retainer" sound to me to be a dedicated aide/servant for a single notable person. I would consider, to name some examples, Franz, Callion, Bors, and Rody, to be loyal knights, but not outright retainers. Melady I would assign the retainer label to for sure, certainly Marcus, I would say Wolt, but I wouldn't say Lance or Alan. Kent? Maybe and possibly normally, but absolutely and more if you go and A him with Lyn. I must agree, casting off that limited dynamic at last was a boon to FE. Considering everyone who the lord talked to was often static in characterization, and the lord themselves could be rather static, it wasn't the most flavorful of approaches. FE7 began the process of allowing others to reap main story importance in a way they generally had not and could not before. Supports are lovely, and an entertaining intro is fine, but continued central narrative relevance, though difficult to possess, is oh so sweet a fruit.
  7. I've got a relative on the cusp of finishing their internship (well, something with a more professional name) at a hospital b/c students are being forced out of working there. I would presume b/c they want to focus entirely on Coronavirus and critical healthcare services and don't want nonessential potential victims on the premise either. Said relative is also far from their home and will soon have to give up their apartment due to the lease expiring.
  8. FINISH FIN-ISH! GO GO GOOOOOOOOO! I totally understand your frustrations at not finishing a game you generally enjoy, if with some issues, I've done that dozens of times myself. I'm really bad at it and have to force myself to completion, if I ever do. I even own a few games I've never played. I'm not sure what the normal solution is for this problem however. I just can't pin one down. I wish the dragons did more though. Besides Naydra, they just fly around waiting to be shot at, right? In my semi-creative musings of a Zelda Mode, I proposed making them the protectors of the Sacred Realm. In the universe where Link is playable, besides Naydra getting covered in Malice, they successfully protect the parallel dimension from the Calamity's corruption, it remains pure and does not need saving. My Zelda Mode alternate universe had the Champions and Divine Beasts doing their job, but the dragons failed and the Sacred Realm got corrupted. Zelda having been injured and Link doing the evil trapping, means she has to save the Sacred Realm and dragons, earning new magic powers in the process.
  9. Elibe's duology are the only games to do so I think. SS didn't have the reduction going on memory, and I know Tellius didn't. EXP curtailment (and stronger enemies demanding more levels whoever you use) seems more effective to me as a way to avoid using too many units, although reducing unit slots works against prepromotes too, lower EXP not mattering for them so much.
  10. From my memory, it's the Dragon's Gate- Legault's recruitment chapter, Unfulfilled Heart- Pent & Louise's recruitment, and the final fight, and maybe Sands of Time too. But perhaps I'm missing one or two more, like Kinship's Bond. On Hard, the reduced deployment slots mean I usually bench Eliwood and Lyn. The only reason I got to FFO Linus on Hard recently is rigging restore points at the New Resolve arena. If I want a nice sword user, Raven and the Pallies do that better.
  11. Again, Bartre can survive with a Swordreaver or even a bow equipped and the bare minimum of stats he can have at that point. 7 Def vs. 22 Atk - 2 WTD = 13*2 < 32 HP = Recruited! Just in case you feel like dropping him early, you can promote him early to no ill effect. But, he needs to be a lvl 5 Warrior or higher regardless of pre-promotion level, don't forget that. You could go for Geitz if you want to find a decent GBA Warrior, but that'd mean giving a whole lotta levels to HEL. And EXP gain on Hard can be a bit limiting for that.
  12. St. Patrick's Day Sonic gets 5 points for being consistent with his modern (Sonic Adventure and beyond) artwork. But, it gets -31720 for looking worse overall than a Shamrock Shake someone vomited. Unusual, a small West African country isn't what first comes to mind a destination, but at this time, it's a reasonable choice I guess. Africa remains open to travel, probably due to a lack of Coronavirus currently but knowing Africa is postcolonial poverty and chaos, it'll explode there before long, while the rest of the world is shutting its doors. I don't know your reasons for going there, nor too much about the country, but have fun if you do! I did take some courses in African history, and Ghana was the first Sub-Saharan African country to gain independence following World War II in the early 1960s. Under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana attempted to modernize in an African socialist style and to support African independence and unity efforts across the continent. Of course, it didn't exactly work out. A walk around Temperantia might change that overleveled perspective! Fortunately, this titan is very open and very limited in how much is mandatory to see. If you had the Expansion Pass, you could bring the difficulty back up if you wanted to. It adds Bringer of Chaos (Hard) difficulty, which you can turn on or off at any time. And if Bringer of Chaos is too easy, you could use Custom difficulty. Custom lets you adjust a whole bunch of specific parameters to tweak the game's difficulty, you can make it easier than Easy, or more brutal than Bringer of Chaos, or anywhere in-between.
  13. Tingle is an Assist Trophy, or at least was in earlier Smashes. Kooloo-Limpah! And then a random effect among several is chosen to happen. Maria Renard: First appeared in Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, Richter's origin game, at the age of 12. After being rescued by Richter, you can play as her instead of him. She is a distant Belmont relative with talent in magic. She later reappeared at the age of 17 in Symphony of the Night, she became playable as a bonus character in the Sega Saturn port and some other versions of Symphony of the Night after beating the game once. Left is her Rondo artwork, right is her Symphony. Maria uses animals for most of her weapons. Her basic no-MP/Hearts attack is throwing doves at the enemy, which return to her after traveling a medium distance. The doves became white owls in her Symphony of the Night rendition. Her other animal companions, used for her MP/Heart-consuming attacks, are the Ssu Ling- the four guardian animals representing the cardinal directions, seasons, and elements in Chinese mythology: Suzaku (Feng Huang)- the Vermillion Bird/Phoenix. Seiryu (Long)- the Azure Dragon. Byakko (Baihu)- the White Tiger. Genbu (Xuanwu)- the Black Tortoise/Tortoise & Snake. The names in parentheses are the Chinese originals, Maria's companions use the Japanese names. Huang Long the Yellow Dragon and master of the quartet also exists in Chinese, but Japanese takes on the Ssu Ling usually, as in this case, leave it out. More specifically, Maria uses throws phoenixes on an upward arc as her weapon against airborne foes. She sends on the dragons on a long straight line in front of her for a fast distance attack. She tosses electric white cats on the ground for multiple hits against anything big and stuck on the floor. And she can hide beneath the turtle shell to block/greatly reduce incoming damage. Maria has the Guardian Knuckle technique too. She manifests a clone of herself clad in a purple superhero-ish outfit for a few moments to punch the enemy. Supposedly an anime reference.
  14. @Johann Thanks for the links! The global statistics is interesting to me, probably since I have a degree in World History. I didn't know you were a professor on that note, the job that comes easiest to my degree, but which I think I'm not best suited for. Introversion and a doubt of being able to effectively communicate my wisdom to others being the reasons. As a longtime teacher's pet I wish I still was one, I give you my respect. I'm thinking maybe this is finally the time for me to try a bunch of out-of-the-norm recipes I've never gotten to. And I think I still have a few seasons of the Great British Baking Show to watch. That'll be a good backup in case I can't find good Parmesan, due to panicked people hoarding food, to try stirring up some cacio e peppe ("cheese and pepper" in Italian, pasta where you blend the hot water you cooked the pasta in with cheese and pepper for the sauce).
  15. FE7 was my first FE too, it came in an Easter basket. Got the Nintendo Power Player's Guide with it, I flipped through it pages again and again. Besides the assistance, it did have the official artwork of the playable characters posted throughout too. In particular, I remember how they juxtaposed Raven's art with Lucius's and Priscilla's to his left and right, a merry arrangement that was. *Checks* I still have the game guide right in my room. I need to reread it and see how outdated its advice is. I had, but have long since lost, the GBA Player as well. Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga was the title I primarily played on it. Now is there any way for an emulator to feature those old stylistic frames? True, Fire Emblem, even with Blazing Blade and Thracia- it's two smallest stakes games- is still ultimately in some way about saving the world. I would like a lower stakes, more personal FE. I was thinking, for a couple possibilities: Without Lyn Mode in mind at the time, of a displaced and disinherited noble who becomes a vassal to another noble. But this vassalage and fief is only as a stepping stone for the sake of reclaiming the grand estate that was taken away from them. Vengeance is their primary motivator, they don't seek to fight the evil world and aid the good, and they don't care who their liege is as long as they approve their claiming of the lost family title. Wars with those who aren't the usurper of lost estate, are primarily carried out to secure support and resources for their inheritance. Them assuming the very fine title of "Duchess of Pleasant Shores" might have some repercussions within the kingdom, but not international world-redefining ones. My problem, is that I have no knowledge of how Medieval European fiefdom disputes worked. Were they mostly peaceful, mostly violent, how much did the royal authorities intervene? I have a measure of understanding how Heian (~800s-early 1100s) Japan handled feuding, but not much more. I would want some semblance of realism. A second approach would be to play as mercenaries who don't end up like the Greils- unofficial knights in the name of one kingdom. For this, I was imagining the protagonists as fantasy Roma or Jews, an outcast minority in a world mostly hostile to it. The mercenaries in this case act as the defense force of the despised semi-nomadic minority against pogroms, and for the sake of generating additional income, fight from time to time in that mercenary role for those realms that hate them. The story could end on hope of persecution ceasing in the distant future, but it wouldn't and shouldn't require the vanquishing of a pure evil foe seeking to destroy the world. In both of these approaches, there would be plenty of room for branching paths in the Sacae/Ilia style of being temporary. Fake France is being invaded by barbarians in two directions, you wish to the kingdom's favor, do you fight the Fake Vikings, or the Fake Andalusian Muslims? Pick one. Regardless of which you pick, the battles you fight should not be the only important ones that happen, a smaller feel should mean you don't fight every battle in a war, and maybe even leave it before it comes to its end. A third approach is to copy Thracia 776's story-within-a-larger-story again, with a significantly greater emphasis on the personal and less on saving the world. The Tactician of FE7 has strong resemblances to another Intelligent Systems property at the time.: Ahh... the days when Max so very broken, and featured in a living IP. Advance Wars released on September 11th, 2001 (yeaaaaaaah a really bad release date). A half-year before Binding Blade, and 1 1/2 years before Blazing Blade. Advance Wars had a set of forced tutorial battles where *Insert your choice of name here* trained as an Advisor under Nell. Only after it you finished these did you the Advisor get to the main campaign helping Andy, Max, and Sami fight Blue Moon and the rest. I find AW1 overall to be, by coincidence or speculative intention, to mirror FE7 just a little bit. The Advisor and forced tutorial apart from the main story didn't appear in AW2, just as SS didn't have the Tactician or a Lyn Mode. The trio of Andy, Max and Sami loosely aligns with the trio of Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn. Andy wears red and is balanced, just as Eliwood has red hair and is balanced. Max and Hector are both blue-haired muscled brutes. Sami wears some measure of green, Lyn has green hair, both are the one female in their trio, and neither is about raw power. Although, in terms of balance and difficulty, AW1 is as unbalanced and brutally difficult as FE6 Hard, probably even harder. Bulgar rests right on the border with Bern. It's useful for nomads to have some trading posts to exchange livestock, game, and associated products with the necessities and commodities only a settled civilization can provide. I guess Bulgar arose originally as a trading post and grew really big from that. The huts seen in the very first chapter of FE7 and in the hell reinforcements battle and the gaiden chapter of FE6 look like yurts to me. You can pack up yurts when you need to, they're nicer tents. Sacae is a very big country too, whats a few scattered towns in a sea of open plains that we mostly don't see? If Sacae really is supposed to be the Central Eurasian steppe, then it isn't very fertile at all. It could support pockets of sustained agriculture in select locations, and it'd be helpful for the nomadic majority, but not enough to create the population density over such a vast space to end nomadism. It shouldn't have the trees or stone needed to build many cities either. I am not aware in the case of the Mani Katti if there were any permanently-settled sacred sites in Central Eurasia. I like to think that Marquess is used for the sake of distinguishing Lycia's nobility from Etruria's and Bern's. You don't see "Marquess" used when discussing any of their few nobles we encounter. Marquess indicates these are special nobles of greater independence and power in a special union with the rest. Sain in that one instance was just using common Lycian parlance I guess. Illustrations did exist in FE5 and 6. But 5's only appeared in the credits, and 6's in the Sound Test IIRC. So, you're right this is the first time FE ever used them to show the actual story as it happens. Prototypes of FE7 show that the CGs were originally going to be in full, bright color with a clear, not grainy resolution.: But, for some reason these more colorful versions were never finished, and they opted for the sepia-tinted pixelated renditions.
  16. Knuckles I see as having more to work with to differentiate him from Sonic compared to Tails, based on what I remember of Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Battle, and Sonic Heroes. I forgot BJr. exists, Eggman stands a chance of working then. And they have no shortage of "Egg XXX" machines to reference from decades of fail villainy and make a moveset out of you know what they say, the more the merrier!.
  17. And cold!😛 According to Zelda Wiki, the original version of Ocarina of Time called Twinrova in its German version, translated, "Hellish Witch Armada: Killer Grannyz". Fixed to their actual name and title in the 3DS version. -- I can't think of any franchise that hasn't been named already that could use better representation. And my personal inclinations are not to pick a particular one that needs it more than any other. I would say Sonic could achieve it without problems from me though.: Xeno is stuck in me being personally split in Rex vs. Elma (Rex will end up being chosen however). FE is already bloated. LoZ has its core members (but, Mario got Rosalina & Luma, so a flavor-of-the-year LoZ character should be acceptable). For Sonic, what objections would there be to Shadow Echo + either Tails or Knuckles (I'd prefer him) as a full fighter (or Eggman- nah, too complicated)?
  18. Divine I say! Let me thank you with an upbeat Polonaise.:
  19. Well, the colors and facial expression are very close. And Monolith has been as much or more blatant with its copying: Zohar-Lifehold-Aegis Core shape, Khan-Dickson, Citan-Jin(-Dunban-Nagi?), Vanderkamx2-Vangarre-Vandhamx2. Though, I am hesitant to the Water Element (I forget her name, but it isn't Dominia or Seraphita, this one is the one named after "Cherubim" IIRC) and Brighid are more than visual coincidences. In the case of Khan and Dickson, you have the genetic and adoptive-ish father figure respectively of the main hero, which cements the visual similarities beyond the point of coincidence. Considering what little we get of Khan's personality doesn't align with Dickson's, personality matching does not inherently mean intentional parallel. I don't see anything to further tie the Element and Brighid. But could we have a true resurrection of the Elements come XC3? It can but doesn't have to be all female, the original Elements was 3/4s men. --- I stood corrected about the 6th Stratum, the first two floors were simply the deceptively easy part. The rest? As unforgivingly deadly as I expected, every enemy formation could potentially 1-2 turn me gone. For the superbosses, Primordiphant was easy, and Dryad took 5 turns; bosses are weaker than random encounters, not what you'd expect. I haven't done the other two I want to fight yet; I used my old first play team to help grind Ental and EXP to get the second crew its ultimate equips and leveled for its try at the other two superbosses I will fight. This is feeling unfun, but I like the idea of having a perfectly armed team before moving on to the new playthrough.
  20. No, the passage of time flows backwards for me with a chronoinverter, so the following precedes the request for consideration, and is therefore not the following. That, and the quirky edutainment of his kids show overrode what the actual content was. Is it okay to wear furs, if the furs are live furry animals attached via velcro to your body?
  21. I find this a little questionable because of the boxart: Could someone back in '96 look at that and think "Sigurd" in the forefront person? Possibly. And, the boxart doesn't have "this boy up front is the son of the guy in the back who dies a violent, tragic death halfway into the game with most of his friends" written on it. I wonder how much the back of this box and the manual said on the 2nd Gen matter, if anything.
  22. Lord of Spirits vs. Aegis, hmm... *Weighs the options when it comes to who to side with, regardless of who would win or lose (Mythra is probably canonically stronger)* My apologies, but if neutrality is no option, then don't try to kill me Mythra, and I won't try to kill you. Now don't force me to pick between Jude and Rex. Trumpet? Pffffffff! I play the Saxoflare card! Technically, Lyude's weapon is just a weird brass gun: But, all of his Magnus are brass wind instruments, and all his finishers have musical terms for names.
  23. Does the input in water to produce toilet paper outweigh the input of water used in daily use of a bidet? Sustainability and human hygiene.🧐
  24. This is usually my preference, except if I have/need a certain team for boss slaying. For Tales of Symphonia, I always remember I made one team for going through a dungeon, the second for fighting the boss at the end. For Xillia I rotated out whoever most recently gained a level. It's more fun changing things up in a game where it's a viable option than sticking to a single team. --- The 5th Stratum boss was surprisingly easy on Advanced with mid-60s characters. I did have someone die on the last turn, but otherwise, if narrowly in some cases, I managed to avoid a single casualty. Aureole Oracle came in handy this one time, it negated the boss's most damaging, telegraphed and scripted attack. I should be able to trigger the 3rd Stratum superboss's Combustion carefree too, since Aureole should be able to convert it to healing. It's amazing how fast you can get through floors if you have them pre-mapped b/c NG+, it didn't take long to get to F28. Even on Advanced, the 6th Stratum enemies aren't too strong so far, surprising for the no-holds-barred final "optional" stratum, weird, because my first run found the 6th Stratum's enemies far more brutal. Is a Chain team with a Dragoon simply better at managing the 6th than a Binds/Ailments team with a Botanist? Soon, I'll begin grinding those six-eyed freak clones for money and EXP, I need the levels before trying the superbosses. Except for Primordiphant, I delayed on that and can do it now. Finishing up this old EOV run won't take much longer. Might not bother Formaldehyding the conditional drops if I don't need them for some superbosses.
  25. Not a big fan of online classes. No commute, but I'm someone who thrives and cherishes an ideal classroom environment. And, sometimes they just felt watered-down. But, they are good for anything you don't love as a subject. --- Now these are pleasant things.
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