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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I just remembered this is true of one my childhood JRPG protags, despite me having had a village from the game listed as my location since late November. Kalas is Japanese for "raven", and is certainly on the abrasive side. Why want a car in red, with an electric engine, and side airbags, when a car wasn't made to be colorful, safe, or concerned about the environment? A car was made to get me from place to place, I shouldn't care about its color, safety or what fuel source it uses, cars were never invented with any of that in mind. Now I want to count the support chain totals per game. But, this is going to take some time, I'll PM you the results later if you're interested. So far, I've counted 141 for Binding Blade.
  2. I LOVE IT! I NEED THIS! MORE MORE MORE! It's almost Conqueror!Chrom tier for me, it's oozing style and I like it! Makes a good contrast to the white and holy Hero alternative. Minor correction. British = of the Isle of Britain, or of the United Kingdom. Wales was conquered by England and has since been in union with it since the late 1200s AD. Although with hundreds of years of this union being premodern and pre-mass media, the complete assimilation (though the Welsh language endures to this day b/c national identity for some) to a single language and homogenization of dialect proceeded far slower. I've watched several seasons of The Great British Baking Show and a good documentary on Scotch whiskey (which reminds me- I realized there are no alcoholic pouch items in XC2- thanks for being underage Rex). I can say that there are far worse accents XC2 didn't use. Normally I set my TV to no higher than 10 on the volume for most things, some of the accents demanded I crank it up to 18 or even 30, it can be so hoarse and they cut their wor so shor.
  3. Ah yes, the hard to hit Sage b/c they're on a gate with no weapon. Well, he had a weapon, the great Bolting, but he gets the worst day a boss could have b/c Kishuna shows up. Even worse, Matthew steals that shiny IliaBank (all that merc money has to be properly managed) Platinum Card he had finally built up a good enough credit score to qualify for last week. What a pitiable man, at fate worse than the dude's red bane or that of the old guy who gives out free Luck in the ruins nearby.
  4. Nils's scarf would be nice, but neck accessories are a "no" if I remember. Could ya convert a scarf to a headband? Or a... headscarf?
  5. Sue's mother is Sacae itself. It's possible to make babies with nature, all you have to do is lay down in a remote, pristine place and open all your senses to the environment. Eventually, nature will know you, take you, embrace you, and wash itself over you, at the end of the experience so brief yet endless, you'll awake. You'll discover a newborn clad in its surroundings, in Sue's case the sod of the plains, within a three-minute walk of current location, they may cry to indicate their presence. Genetically they will be 50% yours, 50% numerous nature-induced mutations (enough to make the chromosomes equivalent to that of a total stranger in degrees of consanguinity) in the other half of your chromosomes which the child inherits, including the possible conversion an X to a Y or vice versa for a male nature-copulator. The child will be no different from an ordinary functional human, but nature will not pay for child support. I want a game with this in it. Maybe a Rune Factory- now you're a ~17 year old amnesiac farmer-warrior who definitely remembers that that is their baby. Dating as a young parent would be a lovely little twist. And personally, I'm LynxEliwood > LynxRath > LynxFlorina >>>>> LynxHector.
  6. Torma, Tibetan Buddhist butter sculptures. To the Sage of the Shakya Clan! To the liberator from suffering! Cheat your way to Nirvana by buttering up the Enlightened One. ....I don't have much to add the main topic itself unfortunately. I only remember part of his Henry and some of the Gregor bond festival chat. The rest I don't think I ever saw. And I'm too afraid to be receptive to the new now.
  7. You're emulating it? Since the demo for the I & II remake doesn't release until the 20th of this month. True, no denying its some of the best in all of gaming. I don't remember much of Torna's UI since it's been so long since I've played it. But XC2 maingame's is a tad clunky, which I think inevitably stemmed from having 9/15 characters to manage. Though Torna's UI is much better simply for marking UM gravestone locations on the map.
  8. Possibly, but not certainly. Not every PoR support is perfect despite many having no more than 3-4 supports each (which seems to be more a limitation owed to rush/limited resources than intention). In fact, there are few bombs, which is pretty inevitable in any game. FE6 looks to average 4, sometimes 5 each. FE7 seems to average 5 as well, but you have some 3s and even non-lord 7s tossed in too. FE8 seems to be usually 5, but with 6 for non-Renais royalty and Gerik. And yet, one of the terrible supports can be found on in KnollxLute, despite Knoll only having 3, and the same is true of Haar- 2 supports but the Makalov is bad. Being on the average doesn't equate to quality either, since MarcusxIsadora and MarcusxHarken seem redundant. Nor does being above the average doesn't mean guaranteed quality- HectorxFlorina is a very bad love story. I wish there was an easy way to determine how long the average support is. Do I count the words- which is very tedious, or do I count the number of times the dialogue goes from one character to another? In both cases, I'm ignoring content thought, which is not easily converted to statistics despite being the thing that matters the most. I sorta want to figure out what the ideal support length is. Neither so short it feels unfulfilling, but nor so long you want it to end. Must a support finally end totally fulfilling, or does tantalizing you with a slight lack of finish so your craving more also suffice? The 1-2 remake is getting an eShop demo in a few days.😉
  9. Berwick Saga tried this actually for all stats not Weapon Skills, with character-by-character variance on how tight the stat floor/ceiling is. Growths being very low there means it might not have mattered all much though. I'd like seeing this, or a fixed growths mode like PoR, or even SD dynamic growths implemented again. Make it optional of course, but it'd be a good idea indeed to roughly balance the game around it. Sounds like an NPC escort and protect to me for a map or three. I wouldn't mind. FE doesn't really do city/fort sieges much or historically accurately, other than say Thracia with Tahra and maybe Leonster. Admittedly, it's b/c sieges were slow and not the best idea IRL, and you'd rather hope the enemy city just surrender in hopes of being spared from rape, murder and pillage you'd inflict after starving them out and slinging incendiaries and diseased bodies inside the walled city.
  10. I distinctly recall Hugo stating offhand the Ardainian Titan was starting to get a little old. So not lush I'd think, but savannah or vast plains wouldn't be a bad environment to imagine. The plains of Central Asia (and maybe the US Great Plains) aren't the most verdant and fertile of lands, hence the history of mostly nomadism and low population size and density that didn't make cities and settled agriculture anywhere near common as it was in other places. Savannah would be more fertile; Ardainian imperial Scots, soldiers, steel and steamworks in an environment where you'd expect to see zebras, elephants, giraffes, and Unique Monster hippos that you accidentally aggro and get OHKO'ed by. Quite the novel picture. By the way, this reminds me of one detail I've been meaning to ask you about XC2's plot SPOILERS.
  11. I get what you're saying, it looks more like a cheap prize you'd win at a carnival/fair. Maybe it's just the design of Revised Movie Sonic, maybe its the actual materials, not sure which. Referring to Torna? Again, it was great, I actually played it before the main XC2 story and loved it. It being bundled with the awesome DLC gifts for the main game- Corvin>Torna and Elma and all the plentitude of items was even nicer. Admittedly, I do not have a totally clear idea of how I'd change/improve Torna, and I acknowledge implementation of some changes would be difficult for various reasons. Nonetheless, let me, in spoilers to be conscientious of those without the game who may wish to play it, list a few my criticisms of incompleteness and possible suggestions.: So... I admit my criticisms aren't too strongly defensible. And that while I'm saying I like that Torna doesn't overstay its welcome, I probably partly think that it'd be more complete as a longer and slower game. -- And I quickly finished off the Risky Boots mode in Shantae. Again, it's that short, but it's fun. Friends to the End, not quite so much. Why do they only share 3 hearts sans two uses of Rottytops's brain eating? I get Shantae is very easy b/c excessive health, but why'd they suddenly have to remove life extenders and items altogether for this mode? The gem leveling system with you losing gems and levels whenever you're hit, is not the most enjoyable thing if you're not great at action-platformers.
  12. How about a memento for your experience? First Pokemon, now Sonic, thank you and thank you not Build-A-Bear. This ain't worth $29.00 minus optional accessories.
  13. "Ben-yawn" has every right to be pretentious, they're the superpower of Tellius, and only the second of two (Rigel and Nohr counting is dependent on whether that they fight well but can't feed themselves constitutes superpower status- the USSR ran into food issues I think and nobody debates its Cold War superpower status, so maybe Nohr-Rigel deserve to count) true superpower countries in FE. Leila did have an unused set of stats in FE7 as a Thief, they were quite good.: Leila Class: Thief (F) Affinity: Wind Weapon Ranks: Sword S Notes: — Base Stats/Caps Type HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Thief (F) base 15 2 3 8 0 1 2 5 Stat addition 9 12 13 12 8 11 13 0 Base stats 24 14 16 20 8 12 15 5 Thief (F) caps /60 /20 /20 /20 /30 /20 /20 /20 Growth Rates HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res 80% 70% 65% 0% 55% 30% 40%
  14. I think the last two 4-final stages are infinite reinforcements, but 4-5 is not. I did grind there once, I think there are about 40 turns worth of reinforcements if you leave the boss alone. Took me no more than two hours tops to get through Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero's Risky Boots mode, the stages that is, I still need to collect all the Dark Magic and Genie Crystals. Still, the mode is quick fun, and easy if you allow yourself to use healing items. And, this is a nice screen to return to after every completed stage:
  15. I don't consider Torna it's own game, a few corners were cut it felt to me, especially after playing the main game. Torna doesn't feel like a complete, independent game even if a prequel, but neither is it the usual 3 hour story DLC. It's in a limbo of being 3/4s of a full game, a great DLC effort like few others, but it just falls short of being full. I don't mind a short game, there is no problem with that. And I still like Torna. I wish DLC went on sale. I've seen one game do this, but not many. Maybe I'd buy the 3H DLC then. But, Civ 6's $49.99 DLC and $8.99 interest me a lot more.
  16. How many times has that Fates point been rehashed? I tire of it. It's the same thing every time. ...Moral greyness doesn't matter to me besides being an avenue to make someone possibly more interesting. And, a certain kind of mundane greyness I want to see probably will ever get into FE. Namely, a lord who uses deadly force to put down a rebellion of violent, but starving, famine-suffering peasants, because the rule of law must prevail. Meanwhile, the lord aggressively negotiates with local merchants to sell grain to the government at a below market value price, which the government will later distribute to the starving peasants for free once they've been quelled.
  17. And Roman Domination complete in 308 turns. A little tweaking got me one the Australian city with Niter. After that I gave up on Canberra and marched north, the Aztecs declared war on me and after eradicating their initial offense, I promptly advanced on them. For the first time, I used Bombers as part of my invasion force. On anything less than Steel walls, they 2-3HKO a city, with awesome range and each city naturally being able to hold a single air unit, Bombers are unbelievably good. I razed a useless Aztec city and conquered three useful ones with three Machine Guns, two Infantries (one was destroyed), and a Great General escorted by an Artillery. I relocated my Bomber to my newly taken city and continued a pattern of razing and conquering cities I needed to possess to get my Bomber in striking distance of my next target. Hopping through Brazil, I took the capital and crossed the sea unopposed to Persia, able to bomb a coastal city of Persia from Brazil, I only needed to take it before Pasargae could be mine, it took 3 turns. Australia and the weak Nubia declared war on me at this time. Australia declaring war was good, they didn't get their production bonus, which is good since they had already finished two of the Science Victory projects. Steel walls made my Bomber destruction slower, but making two Bombers for my Australia offensive fixed that. Curtin fortunately had no one defending his capital, just a handful of flies pestering the heart of my empire. One Mechanized Infantry and some bombings beforehand seized Canberra. Well, Curtin did have one defender, a Jet Fighter. Fighting Brazil, Persia, and Australia, I learned Fighters, even the basic Biplane, is very strong, possibly even OHKO deadly for a Jet. AA Guns and Mobile SAMs don't help very much, at least individual ones. Yet, the enemy never set their Fighters to Intercept, so my Bombers were never damaged by them and safely could do their job. Thank goodness Fighters only have 4-6 range. I stole most of Australia's Spaceports with my three city sweep, ruining any remote hope of winning before I got my Domination. And thus I ended up with a back door directly to Krakow in range of the two Jet Bombers now in my new Aussie holdings, no need to wrestle any other Polish cities after all. Either Jadwiga was still at war with Amanitore or she was preparing to invade from my cities from my south, her capital was defenseless. Shortly before making peace with Persia when it was done sending antiquated Knights and Immortals at me, I invaded China, a frail easy empire of small cities if there ever was one. And in one, two, three, Xi'an was vanquished the same turn I took Krakow. The world became mine, my first victory on King difficulty. Now I'll relax on Civ 6 again and finally try DQXI I think. Still haven't played it though I got it for Xmas.
  18. I get the impression that IS doesn't find him popular, at all. Gharnef was aided by having little remaining Archanean opposition not in FEH when he randomly rolled around. All the anti-Fates backlash, not without merit, and the heavy presence of Fates characters when the game began, has been working against it recently. This said, it might be approaching due to a banner whenever 3H isn't taking the spot. They've rotated through a lot of the old games last year. I'm happy Nils is here, cute and much better as character than his sister is. Leila is a fine NPC addition, Rath is fine, and Fiora getting a non-Seasonal form is good- but I want Farina in this game, the best FE7 sister. Heath is a character who I want to like, but he just doesn't stick on me personality/background-wise. Not helped by me feeling that he needs more Str and Def at base to counter his low Spd, he doesn't feel Wyvern-y enough. Comparing his bases with Cormag's in FE8, the little leads and additional promotion gains must've really helped him. And...
  19. True, I can see her faults, the bad growths that everyone prepromoted except Karel and Klein in FE6 gets. But for once, I'll agree with you and concur the overall bump in prepromote growths in FE7 I discovered was not the best idea. The not-so-hot Str when the Warriors and Berserkers get it high, and 'Zerker 30 Crit. The low Luck to mitigate limit dodgetank potential, the poor Def and HP (which Robes can fix) to stop concrete tanking. I think I have seen her overrated before, and I might be buying into that notion, even if I'm trying to acknowledge her major flaws. Does this mean she is actually "balanced"? Maybe, maybe not. Has anyone discerned many examples of what are truly balanced units in FE?
  20. Except what Axes do you need? The Iron is only 1, the Killer 2, the Hand and Silver 3, Armads 4 (and you're not using this very often). Sure it puts you off from using Steels, Halberds, Hammers, or the Brave but who will ever be touching one of those? You have little reason or need to if Killers work most of the time. 2 AS loss is not going to be substantial much of the time about what she can and can't double, because 18 Spd is a great base. Sacae will be a problem, but isn't that the case for mostly everyone? Looking over the enemy data here on SF for C21, unless an enemy type is supposed to be fast, like the Mercenary class, she shouldn't have issues even with the AS loss doubling non-"fast" enemy types (Seth has the same issue in FE8- Mercs impede his ORKOing streak even without AS loss on his part). Some promoted Pallies and WLs escape her doubling at base Spd too, but for a midgame prepromote without investment, that doesn't sound like a terribly unfair loss. Nobody complains that Raven has only 9 Con promoted, making him the same as Echidna.Though he is in an easier game with low enemy AS benchmarks to pass. Why, some people rate the GBA Peg Knights highly (who are similarly low Str and poor durability), and anything more than puny Slim crushes them more than Echidna is by the useful Axes. Yes, Perceval can use Killers better than Echidna, fact. But if you wanted someone to use Armads, Perceval will have to find time to swing Axes up to 150 times instead of up to 100, probably less in both cases b/c 2 WEXP on fatal hits. Given his much, much superior enemy phase, making up the difference sounds plausible, assuming you focused on Axes with him over Swords and Lances, which may or may not be practical.
  21. I'm definitely more in the "strong resistance, but not her own physical strength" camp. Eirika's act of defying capture by Grado at every turn is strength. Grado is relentless in trying to get her, and she, not to crush Grado but to find her brother, marches directly into their freshly conquered and occupied Renais turf. She even makes to inside Grado's border proper at Renvall. This must be oh so annoying to Valter, the finest army in the world he works for can't catch a naive princess and her small troop. Afterwards, her mission to Rausten-turned Carcino & Jehanna, is not a big military campaign, she doesn't test herself against the same supposed huge Grado army Ephraim does. Her mission is a more peaceful one not showcasing strength so much, and she likes peace anyhow. Now, I do not claim that Eirika is a weakling and that Seth and others did all the work for her. I can buy that she might deal the final blow to Lyon or Formortiis. She, by virtue of being an FE lord, generally has to have some above-average measure of martial talent. But on a shonen power tier list, she is probably one of the weaker lords, at least no stronger than say Marth, and like him, if you forced the emotions out of her she could prevail in a duel vs. a big baddy. Yet, just as I don't seriously believe in the Zephiel vs. Roy CG as reflective of the real thing (even if IS wanted us to believe that), so I think Eirika would need the power of friendship/"4 on 1 garbage" to prevail over someone like Valter.
  22. At least it isn't Merlinus and Roy, now thats an awful contrarian dynamic. And, I felt they gave Seth the somewhat weaker side of this argument: Seth: “But… The Grado army outnumbers our own by a tremendous amount. We have talented soldiers, but that counts for nothing against those numbers. Currently, we have some ready reservists in the rear, protecting our supply convoy. What good is defending our convoy if it comes at the cost of losing the front? We must abandon our rear guard and strengthen the van, or we’ve already lost.” Ephraim: “This is enemy territory. We cannot surrender the convoy!” Seth: “But, Prince Ephraim…” Ephraim: “Seth, I know you only want to improve the odds of our success. And I know you make these suggestions in part to protect me from harm. However, I have no intention of changing my mind in this. I would've expected Eph to want a strong van at the expense of the rear, he seems aggressive enough to want it. Also Seth, given Eph likes to plunge into things his own spear first, how, if you really meant to, would you be protecting Eph via the vanguard strengthening?
  23. Incorrect.TMS is by Atlus, which owned by Sega. Reads to me like a generic statement of caution, not outright and sincere worry. Better to temper expectations than to state "The mobile gaming is market is a bottomless goldmine, and we'll making some big Nintendoooooooooooough!".
  24. My problem is more his name. Arcardo? Maybe it's a real name, but to me, it sounds like misromanization of "Alucard", given Japanese has its L/R thing. And I don't think he is worthy of the name. She can also show up in Etruria, Sacae or llia, and Bern's almighty castle, she must be hiding something from us. Maybe her backstory is a lie and she is actually a ghost of a great thief inhabiting an unassuming young girl's body, with plans to reestablish their plunder empire forever. Or, she is the young heir to Elibe's premier travel agency, a spoiled brat who if she ever gets caught, mommy lovingly bails out via bribes to her captors. What, Echidna not good enough for you? Crappy growths as most FE6 prepromotes do have, and fragile. But good Skl and Spd with Swords as a backup for accuracy, Killers are only -2 AS for her, and B Axes at base gives her a good shot at Armads.
  25. As someone pointed out in the Pokemon section, that new Pokemon Home service? Read the Terms of Service carefully.: See Article 12, Sections 2 and 5? The former someone suggested might be b/c they rushed it out before they could do adequate debugging b/c Game Freak. The latter section I have no idea why they did that, but I'm feeling things are ready for some phishing!
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