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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Forgot to vote on this the final day. Civ 6 has been too addicting for me. Oh well, not like my picks mattered. Though I'd have gone for something like Rafiel, Pelleas, Forde, and someone else, maybe Knoll.
  2. The best part of the former Yugoslavia began plans for an emergency mass migration just in case conflict were to break out ever again in the Balkans. They largely stayed out of the ethnic conflict between the rest of the former Yugoslavia constituents, mostly b/c Slovenia was small, distant from the rest, and protected by the buffer of Croatia which was busy being murdered by and in turn murdering Serbia. But they don't want to gamble on peace in the region ever being eternal for them. Slovenia was going to discuss the entirely peaceful emergency mass migration plans with Alfonse, but Loki and Plumcot interfered and cast a spell that made the Slovenes appear to the Askrians as if they were barbarians wearing blue body paint and bearskins, shouting obscenities in spoken binary code. It took a few battles for the spell to start slipping, the true situation be made apparent, and a resolution reached.
  3. I only played FE6 first time early last year, and not on Hard. I was not in the mood for tolerating weakness, and essentially wrote off everyone unpromoted but Alance, Melady, Rutger, Deke, Sin, and a blessed Lugh as untrainable without excessive effort. I was being overly harsh methinks, but I'm curious how difficult it is to polish up weaklings in FE6. Not to mention how they keep warm. Sure, the wings might let them graze on the hardiest grasses on the highest mountaintops and never trudge through snowbanks, but how do they stay warm? Thin, long wings made of flesh with blood coursing through them sound perfect for death by hypothermia. As they lack thick body hair or blubber it looks like, my only speculative answer is their blood contains copious amounts of organic antifreeze.
  4. Is this Chapter 1 or 2? Are you counting the short Prologue as the first dungeon? During my ongoing Lunatic playthrough, I found the start of both the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 dungeons to start difficult, but as I got through them and leveled and made new Carnages, the fights got easier. Prioritizing the right enemies to kill helps, but it's still tricky at the very beginning. Touma can Carnage Unity the Wind Spear and equip it to mitigate his weakness to Body (Flux's element, aka "Dark") in exchange for gaining an Elec weakness by the end of Chapter 1. Don't be afraid to run from fights if need be, or save frequently, or leave the Idolasphere to heal often (a vending machine drink heals equally well as a more expensive meal). It'll smooth out as the game goes further along and more skills and playable character become available.
  5. Decided to start my France Cultural Victory plan on an Inland Sea map, thinking it'd have plenty of Rivers to make Chateaus along. I started next to a real nice river, but then it dawned on me there were fewer than I though. I was playing on King difficulty, the first "hard" mode, just to see if I'd like the challenge the lower settings lacked. East of me I discover Peter the Great is one of my opponents. Going for a Cultural Victory, I thought I'd have no problems keeping him happy. But, his random agenda was Devout, and I was not generating Faith since I wasn't playing for Religion. Still, he praised me for Science and Culture, so I could keep him in check. He then built a city that forced my Settler to take a far longer route around it to get to this river I wanted, annoyed, I traded Open Borders with him. Later, he criticized me for not having enough Science and Culture, not good, but I'll spring back! I later noticed Horsemen and Crossbowmen gathering near a city of mine. From my time with Montezuma on my first Culture run, I could tell this suggested war was approaching, 110 turns in to this play, Peter declared war. Possessing next to nothing in military forces, I gave up. My first attempt at a harder difficulty play, and I lose miserably. Peter the Great with Devout as your next door neighbor on the higher difficulties is probably one of the absolute worse combinations you can encounter when you start. The 8-30% Culture/Science/Faith boosts, extra Settlers, and 20-80% Production, make it nearly impossible to get ahead of the AI. My only option was probably to destroy him, but I couldn't going for Culture.
  6. *Yawn* Not sure who to put on today's docket. Maybe... Coirpre, for a Gen 2 Genealogy unit, Gotoh (him or Xane, Xane would be too hard to add to FEH as anything but a plain old Sword Infantry), Nasir, and Tine.
  7. I have absolutely no interest in anime, but this sounds too funny yet gender-equalizing to not ask more about.😆
  8. There a slew of reasons for PoR's easiness.: Enemy stats usually aren't that good. Your frontline units are fairly tanky. Mounties got buffed from GBA with post-attack Canto. BEXP dumping exists. One massively overleveled unit can break a game, BEXP doesn't stop you from doing this. The hardest difficulty was left out of the international version. Which still wasn't that difficult I believe, lots of enemies, bulky enemies, but BEXP dumps can still break things. Marcia, with only some luck, I recall seeing survive a pack of Chapter 24 enemies by herself.
  9. A franchise with yearly releases from a small company sounds like it's bound to run into bumps in quality. Of course, skimming an LP of the very first game in a long franchise could always make you more appreciative of the later titles. For something like this franchise, which sounds very menu-heavy and wanting of good QoL, I can envision the origin of it all as being sheer clunk. With Bloodstained done, I'm back to Luigi's Mansion, floor 8 was less fun than I was wanting. I usually think I'm good at LoZ-tier puzzle solving, but once in a while I hit a small roadblock I can't figure out on my own and it really annoys me. I didn't realize you could vacuum items with you through the TVs, and no hints you could do that made me quit the game in frustration to look up what I was supposed to do. The Polterkitty hunt too was annoying with the timing to flash it before it could hurt me. And the earlier royal ghost battle took me quite some time to figure out what to do as the boss kept attacking me. Still enjoying the game though. A Religious Victory in Civ 6 with Harald Hardrada is done, fun. And now I'm hankering for a second Culture win, I was debating either France or Brazil for the win, but I'm leaning France now, even if Pedro II's biography made him seem like a real nice guy. I keep window-shopping the DLC for Civ 6 in the eShop, it sounds great. Nubia, Khmer (Thailand) & Indonesia, and another 16 playable empires (+Eleanor of Aquitaine for France or England, and Chandragupta for India) from Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm. In addition, plenty of new mechanics get added to the game, including natural disasters and Diplomatic Victories, some base game leaders got buffed too- Qin Shi Huang seems soooooo weak in the base game and Gathering Storm fixes him by buffing the Great Wall improvement. BUT, there is one little problem, the DLC is $49.99 USD. And that doesn't get me Nubia, Khmer, or Indonesia. They're another $14.00. $63.00 sans tax is an entire new game! I bought the base game on sale for half of that. Still, the premise of having 41 different civilizations to play as sounds awesome, and I can't bat the allure of that out of my head.
  10. Take as long as you need, I'm waiting to get a new laptop before I download Berwick Saga. My current one can get hot running SNES/PS1/DS FE games as is, so jumping a major console generation makes me concerned what this old thang can handle. Take a few months to finish the translation, and go ahead and rewrite all the text so it forms Onegin stanzas afterwards.
  11. For realism, it does depend partly on what the thing in question is trying to do/be. In FE, I'm fine without 20% (whatever was the norm of the WWI world) of my army dying to disease. FE doesn't try to be realistic in that regard, nor does FE ever try to pride itself on being very realistic. Realism, as others have said above, matters more when it is promised. The making and breaking of promises can seriously impact one's thoughts on things. A promise is an expectation, an expectation is hope, hopes that crushed can be worse than no hopes at all. So promise me good political drama, and if what I get is no politics or botched politics, I will be more critical of it the same kind of product sans political drama. A book/movie/TV show/game that makes no promises of any kind might sound ideal then, but why try it when makes no offers- promises- to me?
  12. How would it be squeezed in canonically? 3H is peculiar in that you can't simply insert it wherever, the entire game is on a calendar. Does the subterranean world due to a black hole-capable infinite energy generator create a distortion in the passage of time causing it to pass faster than at the surface? Or, does this explain what happens on the nothing days between weekends for earlier chapters?
  13. I went rigid, two tiers, no resets. Call me old-fashioned if you want for the preference for simplicity, but I am open to the other systems. ??? There is no such thing in TRS, not really. There are a couple characters whose fixed promotions differ, but this is no different from Jugdral where Macha promotes to Hero and Mareeta Swordmaster, even though both are Myrmidons. And, Raffin does have his missable promotion from an already promoted class, Bronze Paladin, to Wyvern Rider. But thats it.
  14. The combo attacks are called Sessions. Special Performances are the command skills that consume SP. For instance, Itsuki and Chrom have Empty Wave, obtained simply by making one new Carnage for him. They're usually quite good, hence their limited usability. All Special Performances cost 1 or 2 SP, and the max you can possess at any time is 3. Your current SP is shown in the upper right corner in blue, with a bar beneath it that fill as you use more skills and for each hit of a Session. Unbuyable items called Claptracks can be used to replenish 1 SP, if you need it for a boss or something. I did take down a group of Savages on my current Lunatic run in Chapter 1, but for the first two chapters, I wouldn't advise it unless you quickly save beforehand. Savages scale with your current level, and I think they get replaced for stronger ones every 10 levels at either '0 or '9, so to make things slightly more manageable, wait until ~'8 before fighting them if you want. Savages become much easier with certain Special Performances later. Kiria's Pastel Power and Eleonora's Mass Destruction (with a Skl-boosting accessory to up her chances of fatal damage) are the best ones for Savages. If you don't want to fight a Savage, the game will always let one of your characters act before any of the Savages do. Enemies once in while drop Smoke Machines, which are later buyable, these are 100% certain to escape consumables, carry some in case you bump into a Savage and use one on your mercy turn. The mercy turn can randomly go to anyone, but if you want to fight a Savage encounter and are relying on a certain Special Performance to win, keep that character in the Sub-Cast, not the active trio. That way, on the 2/3rds chance someone not Itsuki is chosen, you can swap them in, which doesn't waste an action. Savages always reward you with Detritus, which you can later trade for permanent stat-boosting Incenses. Trading 100 Detritus will lead you to then have to fight a little battle which will let you Radiant Unity Locktouch for Itsuki, making Treasure Keys no longer needed for certain chests and giving an increase to enemy drop rates. The pay-to-win grinding DLC for the Wii U version is already in TMS Encore for free (check this "Hall of Aspirations" I think), and is an easier way to accrue Detritus than Savages. Only the Command Skill that triggers the Session must hit a weakness, nothing else must. However, if a Session Skill is Nulled, Absorbed, or Repelled, or on the very rare chance of a miss, the Session will terminate there. The game will never trigger a Session that is terminated prematurely due to Nu/Ab/Rp unless it is the only way to continue it from the prior hit. Never teach anyone the Passive called Pierce though, they didn't fix the glitch around it. It's supposed to make physical attacks ignore Resistance and deal normal damage, but in Sessions the game wrongly thinks it works against Nu/Ab/Rp too, which it doesn't, resulting in Sessions getting terminated early. Penetrate, a stronger version of Pierce which is an endgame Passive for Touma, works totally fine and won't ruin Sessions though.
  15. Baking, it interests me the most, is easiest, and sweets are delicious. And, I'm interested in figuring out if I can convert fried chicken and waffles into a pie consisting of savory chicken accompanied by breakfast potatoes as the filling, and a maple glazed latticework on top substituting for the sweet waffle. If diplomacy consists only of big problems you can't solve, and small problems that will naturally resolve themselves in time, then whats the point to diplomats?
  16. I squeezed in a fifth vote for day 4, I gave it to Dagdar. With Day 5 comes votes for Azelle, Tormod, Skrimir, Melady. -Or so I'll do when I wake up tomorrow morning, doing it the night before what should be the next day feels weird.
  17. Heather, even though RD b/c no real supports doesn't have a lot of dialogue to flesh her out (yet nonetheless appears in two Base Conversations), and shows little but passion for women and some measure of dislike for men. When she is mean to Brom, she shows interest only in meeting Neph. Later, she criticizes Lubeck as keeping her from meeting Elincia, fawns a bit on Lucia, and is more than happy buying Ilyana food which she'll pay for by duping men. Heather never gropes a girl, but is very one-two bad stereotypical notes, she isn't a real person. So I heard (as in I have no source I can link), an interview with an RD dev team member said Heather is gay by choice. Now that sounds very wrong, but apparently it's something of an improvement over popular Japanese understandings of homosexuality: a fad for young ladies they later outgrown, and the product of childhood sexual abuse (which, so I was told, is implied with Japanese Niles). So, Heather might have been intended in good faith, but mass Japan just doesn't understand LGBTQs.
  18. Does your web browser have an increased anonymity/no history-keeping function? Chrome has Incognito, Safari has Private, just to name two. If you hop into it, you'll be able to cast another ballot each day. For today, it's... I guess Dheg, Hugh (it was him, Elffin, or Dayan), Linoan, and one real oddball pick- Geitz. Even with four votes, I'm feeling shortchanged. I need more.
  19. The Carabia accessory shop employee also bears a resemblance to someone else from FE: Hope you enjoy them both. If you need TMS tips, I'll offer what I can. -- I tried starting up Civilization VI again and continue my old Domination Victory try. I still don't have the heart to fight Gandhi, he has basically no army, and I could take his capital Delhi in about 20 turns, which is all I need from him. But, I can't turn my Crossbowmen on a fictional Gandhi without guilt. l'll try Religion with Harald Harada and Norway instead. Or a Culture with France or someone else.
  20. And, this is fiction, fantasy. IRL, you probably wouldn't want to like Shinon or Makalov. And, no villain would deserve any appreciation and all should be sent to jail or death row, or at least an insane asylum in some cases. Fantasy allows one to enjoy things they normally shouldn't, and for most people, hopefully that doesn't impact their IRL behaviors. But I don't know if there is absolutely no one sharpening a spear in their room, with quips from Valter written in blood on the walls, meditating as they try to identify a real world Eirika. -But I'd bet there isn't; I'm not trying to eradicate humanity or engage in vigilantism.
  21. Day 3 is Jill, Farina, Lena, and... Duessel. Itsuki being somehow in the top 20 is nice to me as a TMS fan, but it won't last. I know it.
  22. I did not actually watch that whole Deathblow video, but now I see Elly's first Deathblow is "Screamer". That is the same name as XCX's Sleep-inflicting Art, and the animation is vaguely similar, Screamer in XCX throws a large buzzsaw-like horizontal disk at the enemy.
  23. Super Mario World is fun, easier than SMB3, which works for me. The lone issue is forts/castles, the difficulty spikes in them like Mega Man's worst nightmares. And, I Iike this fan creation: Interesting. Jin's new last name is Uzuki, like Dunban, Nagi, and... Jin(?) before him. I did unlock every Deathblow in XG, even if Fei's last two are worthless b/c endgame grind and the final dungeon is pure Gear combat. Yamikei is basically how Fei contributed to accidentally ruining his life, so from a story perspective it's a must. The one foot Deathblow off the top of my head that I'd like to see with modern graphics is Elly's Aqua Frost.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nptFYk0jxcc&list=PL81361EAB941F0D3E&index=2
  24. It's still Weapon Ranks, now with Armor, Riding, Flying, Gauntlets, and Authority to increase as well (Authority let you equip Battalions, Gauntlets are a new physical weapon type, Armor, Riding, and Flying only unlock related classes and some skills). Except now every week characters via school lessons you can plan individually gain WEXP without fighting. Hosting Seminars and doing something called Faculty Training let you shower additional WEXP on the characters of your choosing. Weapon Ranks are very important in 3H b/c: Weapon Ranks are what alongside level and seals unlocks new classes. Each class give increased battle WEXP gain to certain Ranks when a character is in it. New spells, and most Combat Arts and some Abilities are locked behind Weapon Ranks too. Anyone can train in anything regardless of class, although everyone has their preferences and dislikes. Anyone use any physical weapon type in any class, except no magic or mounted classes can use Gauntlets, and magic can only be used by magic classes. All magic classes can use Black/Dark/Reason (offense) and Faith/White (healing and support) from the very start, even if most classes favor one magic type over the other. Although I haven't played it yet, Berwick Saga seems to have merged the Skill stat with Weapon Level and Weapon Rank. Accuracy and some proc skill activation rates are tied to the Weapon Skill stat. Separate Weapon Skill stats exist for each type of weapon and Shield a unit can use, and has a % growth random chance of gaining a point on leveling up. But Weapon Skill is not left growth purely to RNG growth by allowing frequent weapon use to increase Weapon Skill too. The issue with this game appears to be that as Weapon Skills are low when the game begins, accuracy is unusually shoddy on both sides of the battlefield. Although the revised usual round of combat rules means super high accuracy all the time would be too good for the player, because it'd mean enemies could never counterattack on the player phase. Weapon Level is okay. The problem is for most units it's a worthless growth stat b/c in the games that have it, few units ever have issues reaching the low bars set for using the best weapons. But, the bars I think almost had to be set low b/c RNG could largely lock you out of the best stuff. Weapon Rank isn't Fixed Weapon Rank aka FE4 you could consider on paper a balancer. But the execution served more to hurt the poor than balance the rich, it checked Nanna and Ethlyn vs. Edain b/c no Physic or Fortify for the former, but Dew was stuck with C Swords until his most troublesome promotion, Alec could never use a Silver, nor Arthur or Tine Tornado barring Lewyn as their dad. Fixed Caps Weapon Rank as seen in FE10 and 14 ended up being mostly a flavor move and insignificant. SS and S/A Rank weapons aren't very valuable for most of either game. Boohoo Marcia can't use Vague Katti, or Kinshi Knight Reina Waterwheel, it ain't gonna make a real difference. Universal Caps Weapon Rank works can work well enough. But, it requires, like everything, good execution. Units need join with appropriate and balanced Weapon Ranks. WEXP gain must be neither FEs 7 & 8 fast nor 5 & 6 glacial. Promotions must offer usable new Weapon Ranks from the start, but not too good like FE11/12 (but easy cost-free Reclassing is to blame just as much here), yet not as pitiful as Awakening and "non-late recruit child" Fates. No system of limiting weapon accessibility as in Gaiden/SoV is difficult to imagine elsewhere. Valentia is unique in everyone except Hero and Priestesses/Princess being mono-weapon type classes. The scarcity of weapons, almost an entirely fixed and small supply of specific weapons exists in SoV, means you can't give everyone a Brave Sword or Rhomphaia here, even if everyone could use one from the get go. Not to say I dislike this. And in Weapon Level games and some with Ranks, weapon usability is already mostly a nonissue, so why must they exist? -So one could argue. I'd be fine with fine with Weapon Level or the usual in Weapon Ranks again. The 3H system is unique, but I wouldn't want it every game, it's centralizing to an extent, and FE games should be free to try other things if they want to.
  25. I consider all video game difficulty to be a combination of, at most, three things: Information Reflexes (not applicable to FE) Luck Although, you could reasonably break information into two components: accrued information- knowledge, and the application of accrued information- wisdom. SF main site is a repository of knowledge, but it doesn't tell you how to apply it. This said, I understand your criticism. You're looking for a game where having information alone won't mostly shatter the difficulty. You're looking for a situation where you have fair amounts of information, but determining the wisest course of action using said information is difficult. Am I right? Also, Linoan's promotion was totally hidden too. The fan translation added the quip about sending someone, but no mention of who, to visit the church. I don't recall any other little tips being added by the fan translation.
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