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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Does anyone know where the latest datamine info can be found? I think the TT final map is in it and I eagerly want to see it, since I heard they datamined the final map boss to be...
  2. The standard battle theme is lowkey good, thats good. Raindrop Memories is fairly good. As for Kiria, it being Reincarnation is fine, but I like The Labyrinth more, it's actually a good song if you ask me. Feel I'm eh on, but Dream Catcher can make me smile, if it's absurd enough to that, I don't mind it so much.😃 The one new song, the best song, and a couple others, they went all out, I like. And for those who can't stand the music, be glad they spared you the accompanying visuals.: Better than this "God Thoughts of Arcadia" I've heard people praise.
  3. ...May I ask which TMS tracks they picked as a non-player of FEH? And quit calling TMS an "idol game", it gives the impression of it being a rhythm game with career simulation elements to me. It has no rhythm, it has no career simulation, it's a full-fledged Atlus JRPG featuring FE elements with a modern Japanese entertainment aesthetic and some songs, thats it.
  4. The statlines follow the generalities of TMS, I see.
  5. Has a rather nice Awakening kids image in their sig.
  6. This being a wholly separate mode would prevent you from coming out of this Abyss Mode severely overleveled for wherever you left off. I wonder if there will be some minor gifts or other bonuses for the main game for finishing your trip to the Abyss. I hope you can reload the same finished Abyss data for multiple files on separate routes, for those who want to be one and done with it.
  7. WHAT? Claude just gets a special pigeon no-one else can ride/there aren't any others out of nowhere? No major reason? As for the bolded, since I've almost finished my second TRS run, I'm reminded that Runan and Holmes both promote when they get new old (it belonged to their dads) armor too. The difference is they get it only after happily liberating their homes (and Holmes gets a 14 Mt 80 Hit 7 Wt 30 Uses sword that negates all enemy Def too, anyone can use it).
  8. I don't understand why the lords needed two special promotion classes, and yet the weaker one takes far too long to master to get the very not worth it Graduation Music skill. There probably could've been a better gameplay way to express the same story sentiment. I say this having done nothing but battles between each chapter nevermind Edel went WR and Dim Pally.
  9. I liked Leif's uplifting theme playing here, if you take it as "just hold out a little longer and help will arrive". Hopeful in desperation, not triumphant. I like how the destroyed walls look here too, it's really driving home the point that Freege means business. No chipping away a small section and squeezing a few soldiers through, they're bringing out the battering rams and bulldozers.
  10. It can't be "long and storied" without ...but we all know Square is keeping this cadaver in a top-secret vault for some godforsaken reason. Elma as an Assist Trophy, well it isn't playable 😒. But sometimes, you have to shut up and accept reality, an AT is fair. Barring a future Smash game if XCX2 has been released by then, is recent relative to New Smash's development, and Elma still occupies the leading role, but this is undefined variable atop undefined variable. Blade KOS-MOS would be a way to squeeze her in, if a little forced that she can't be her full XS self. Though she is a quintessential crossover character after so many appearances. And, whilst I know she has some gunplay and R-Blades(?) on her arms that sorta resemble Elma's Dual Swords + Dual Guns style, she would be done a great disservice as an Elma Echo and her vice versa. More likely, either KOS-MOS or Elma will have to settle for being neither AT nor a playable character in any capacity. Not every franchise can be as lucky as FE and get a new character for every game in every new Smash SoV don't exist, nor Jugdral.
  11. Only Elma could evoke any particular fondness and cheer in me. However, she has very strong competition in Rex & Pyra for a Xenoblade slot, far stronger than she is b/c Sakurai named Rex as a failed desired inclusion, and XC2 is much more popular and recent than XCX. Understanding why Rex almost certainly will triumph over her makes it hard to be angry at him. And, I do like Rex as a pixel person as well, he's a good kid. So, I feel guilty and sorry for wanting Elma to shove him off a cliff in Theosoir, even if in this metaphorical sense it's the only way she could best him. I as an assumption rule out any possibility of Sakurai squeezing both of them in, each DLC slot is too expensive for two Xenoblade reps.
  12. Has traffic circles that are an alternative to four-way intersections in their name.
  13. Finally a release date on these characters, I'm interested in them from a gameplay perspective. I'm in no rush to replay this game, so I'll wait until others have tried out the 4th wave before I buy. Tell me if the new fights are fun, tell me if and when I can start using these characters in the main story. I don't care about narrative, and they could have the personality of moldy drywall, I am entertained by their usefulness as 3HAW-01 through 3HAW-04 alone.
  14. Correction, a Session skill doesn't have to be a weakness to trigger another. As long as the Session skill isn't Nulled, Absorbed, or Reflected, it will be followed up on if possible. The game takes Nulls, Absorbs, and Reflects into account when stringing your Session skills together, so this isn't a worry. The only exception is the Pierce glitch, which is avoidable by just not teaching Pierce to characters, though its improvement Penetrate isn't glitched. Made it through Chapter 1's boss again, on my first try no less. It was a real mean fight on my first playthrough, but now that I was very conscious of its behaviors, I was able to survive without incurring a single KO. I wonder if Chapter 2's former menace will end up being the same?
  15. I prefer kettlecorn, but now is not a time when I want to snack on it. This isn't a light schadenfreude moment for me. The one little light that I place any hope in for Smash and could possibly get me to buy it at all has a four-letter name, and very stiff competition from a 3 & 4-6 duo-trio.
  16. From what I've seen them do in some games: Stab (in multiple directions) Slash (in multiple directions)- Yes, if it doesn't have just a needle-like tip, polearms can slash, the naginata is more slasher than a stabber I think. Use the blunt end of the polearm to pummel your enemy with a quick bash. Spin Slash Throwing it as a javelin. Pole vault- highly unrealistic, but Smash threw realism out the window from day 1. Yoshi putting eaten enemies in eggs anyone? What can swords do? Stab (in multiple directions) Slash (in multiple directions) Spin Slash Hey look! The sword can do less stuff than the spear! But Counter and energy shots and Dolphin Slashes? Nothing about these are inherent to swords, they're magical fantasy touches spears could get too. -This has nothing to do with the Byleth reveal, I just wanted to respond to this from yesterday.
  17. Well, if on the very rare chance I buy Smash U, it just isn't for me in general- no interest in playing online how it is different from the CPU except harder? no local friends- then I'll be able to skip wave 1 DLC. DQ Hero alone wouldn't make it worth it, B-K is semi-interesting to me, but they're an old friend I haven't seen since I was 10, and I don't have a great desire to reconnect. Though to make it clear, I'm not angry at Byleth or anything, CDE wouldn't have done anything for me either. I'm someone who knows who wouldn't interest me, but I can't think of almost anyone who would excite me.
  18. We've had BHBs with little chemistry before, ElinciaxNephenee had almost no chemistry behind it. Tsubasa does do a song and dance number with Kiria once in the game and it looks like Encore is giving them another, so they could Bound Hero together. Tsubasa gets a song and dance with Eleonora too, and Eleonora does a one time guest appearance on Microwavin' with Mamori, for other little bondings. More than ElNeph ever had.
  19. Yeaaaaaah TMS vs. 3H... 👇 🐜 or, ☢️🚀 👯‍♀️ 💥 ⚰️⚰️ If you thought pre-multiplier VGs were overkill, 3H vs. TMS would make them look like a petting zoo. And there will be an Illusory Dungeon with this? Nice. Hope all the selections are good, even though it might not have "Black Rain", which I like. "The Labyrinth" is really great too, and might show up.
  20. I've decided to start my Lunatic play of the Wii U version now with the FEH banner announced. Made it through the first half of the Chapter 1 dungeon. It was 2017 when I last played, so I can't remember how hard Hard was at this point. However, the short Prologue dungeon had me running to the healing light ASAP, since the very first battle drained almost all of my SP. Dodging and stunning enemies isn't hard thankfully. Prologue boss fight required I keep on top of healing, and I think a little luck was involved in the enemies not ganging up on the right character. Chapter 1 has me leaving for SP restoration a lot, but it's fine, except when I get into a fight with too many enemies at once, and Barbarians started by able to Session-OHKO Tsubasa & Touma. I'm amazed what little leveling does to tone this down, and the defense boost of that free Bracelet of Eternity significantly improved Tsubasa's survivability vs. the Barbarians. She'll be keeping it for the Chapter 1 boss fight I remember all too well. Lunatic requiring NG+ means I do get some carryover from the prior file, mostly information of things ahead in Carnages. But I do get the ability to reforge them from the start, letting me get a few skills I couldn't until a little later, namely Media on Itsuki I see. The shops sell everything from the start as well, even if the second Hee-Ho Mart vendor isn't present yet, and I can't afford the best storebought accessories costing 430000 Yen. Overall, maybe a bit harder than Hard I think, but no insurmountable challenge. I'm having fun on this replay.
  21. I permanently quit this game back in the Summer of last year. A combination of: Me finding a game I have to play daily with no end burdensome. I have issues finishing games with ends as is. My brain refusing to function with FEH, I don't want to think about my movements or enemy stats and skills. Normal FE I do use my brain, but it just won't cooperate with FEH. I want this to be mindless. Me being a massive rare resource-hoarder means I'd never spend Dew or Coins or 5* Manuals for fear I'd need them later. All my 3H runs so far have ended with me having 150000-300000 unspent Gold, and I can count the number of times I've used Relics on one hand. Thats how bad I am. The travails of the gatcha mechanic. FEH just doesn't suit me, no offense to it. Nonetheless, even as non-player who will never return, I believe I still have the right to be very excited by this event and to celebrate it. May it rain prismatic unicorn dung on anyone who thinks otherwise.
  22. *Rewarps in* TMS has costumes for its seven playables. Some might be readily suited for Seasonals. Here are images taken from an artbook of all of the costumes from the non-Encore version of the game. DO NOT LOOK IF YOU INTEND TO PLAY THE GAME!: Itsuki: Tsubasa: Touma: Kiria: Eleonora: Mamori: Yashiro: Summer alts for the TMS cast is entirely feasible. Summer alts are a FEH pastime, and all 7 playables and even Maiko have swimwear. Yashiro's might be a tad too short for FEH, and only Japan got the swimsuits, but we're getting VAs in this game and not TMS Encore, so whats another oddity? Halloween- For Touma specifically this works, because he a live-action superhero actor, so if you consider superhero costumes as sufficiently Halloweeny and you better if you accept Maid!Kagero as Halloweeny!, he works. In addition, Yashiro has his Dr. Schrabe costume (farthest to the left in the above image)- a little supervillain attire he wears doing an episode of a show with Touma.
  23. The villains are all lousy in a bunch of ways- not much screentime or any effort to make them more than one-note. Even if some people would probably love the aesthetics of a centaur-dark pegasus Aversa, or flying bladed head Gangrel. HOWEVER, there are three other heroes who aren't playable, but still counted among the crew of the 10 TMS heroes.: Uta-loid Tiki: Maiko: Barry: Each does have a three-part side questline, like the non-Itsuki characters. Each gets a trio of passive skills to help the others, and Barry and Tiki participate each in a Duo Art with Mamori. And, in the new Encore edition, Maiko, Barry and Tiki can now participate in Sessions (everyone ganging up on an enemy when hitting their weakness) using Sword, Axe, and Fire Magic respectively. Of course, Barry is an even harder sell than Touma and Yashiro.:
  24. TMS already has swimsuits for everyone not Tiki and Barry BTW. Summer alts would be easy to create for them, jussssssst to throw this possibility into the furnace come June-July. Not asking for it, only throwing out a possibility, likely remote. And Touma, Yashiro, Tiki, Barry and Maiko would be feasible-ish, they'd have a ton of freedom for picking Maiko, Tiki, and Barry's skillsets. Why did they make Kiria Red though? Her main TMS element isn't Dark/Body, it's Ice, which would be Blue in FEH(?). Her second main element is "Force" aka Wind, so Green. And, they could've made Eleonora a Blue Bow, b/c she packs Electrified arrows too.
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