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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. No one cares about petty rivalry ya fogey! But if you want to prove you're badass, go and get all 140 ranking points in Berwick Saga. And, you must accrue and spend the 317000 Gold for all the furniture by Chapter 5's end, or else I legally change your name to "Juste B. Eautiful" for the next ten years.
  2. And yet, they lack their iconic high Res. SF oddly lists Pegasus Knight- but only for enemies- as an Advanced Class with better Stat Boosts. Maybe the enemy version is intentionally innately different and stronger than the playable ones? I got the impression over three runs that Wyvern Riders don't seem common among enemy ranks. Pegasus Knights got buffed to Wyvern-esque Str to compensate?
  3. I can understand the naive, not-into-politics (very understandable) person's want of everyone to just get along. It's genuine, well-intentioned kindness. It's just that politics aren't always a sports match where both sides are people of equal goodness in practice (barring any and all players who are/later come under criminal investigation). And thus, the naivete becomes problematic. There are instances I (in my own naivete perhaps) think there may be a sincere clash of two not entirely worthless/wrong virtues. But, the modern American political situation is on the whole not that, it has a good and a bad/evil. If you had any thoughts of shedding a tear for McConnell when he got emotional on TV for failing to repeal Obamacare, I'm sorry, but your most wonderful human capacities to sympathize were sorely misplaced. Working across the aisle can't happen until the wrong side of nominative history has had the life scared out of them and in shock they turn Democrat for a few moments until they reconstitute what the Right is. The only way to scare them like that, is to ride an election to full Democratic control of Congress and the Presidency. Which in a way invalidates the need to work across the aisle afterwards, but it could be a little helpful later if the Republicans are sufficiently scourged of their reactionary ways. And yes, for that, the masses of Republican voters need be converted. And as swords and auto-da-fes are antithetical to Democratic values, conversion must be done in peaceful ways respecting their humanity, but nonetheless criticizing individuals' instances of wrongful belief (especially those who engage in active advocacy) and positively encouraging them to move towards ones more beneficial for the world.
  4. The Rover class of EOV suddenly springs to mind, though there is the III Wildling too. Whilst I wouldn't quite invent multiple animal weapon types, having some sort of mechanic that does encourage specialization in only a few pets would provide customization and balance to some good variety. Affection and individualized experience (perhaps distributable only at base like BEXP)? Ideally, it'd be best to mix in some independent stuff the pets can do, and some stronger stuff that requires the owner be nearby or use their turn too. If we transplanted a Healing Hound Rover into FE, you could let the dog do backup healing when your one staffbot needs some aid. The advantage here is that the dog wouldn't take up a separate unit slot on the prep screen apart from its owner. So you'd get the dog to heal and a decent archer in the Rover themselves. But, when you need a mini-Fortify or anything other than a basic Heal, you move the dog and Rover close to each other for a powerful cooperative Combat Art/command Skill.
  5. Enjoy! πŸŒ±β˜€οΈπŸŒ§πŸŒ½πŸΏ & πŸŽ£πŸ‘πŸ§Άβš”οΈβ€οΈ I'm thinking I'll hold off until a sale down the line. Or, I'll wait and see what RF5 turns out to be. RF has done console games before, but now it's going to be a numbered title and the first new game in 8 years. I'm hoping this will equate to significant improvements.
  6. Add an underground city? Or extend an existing town(s) down there? I am reminded of Pokemon Colosseum's The Under- a mine deep in a canyon where the miners started living rather than return to the surface, and thus they formed a town. I'd rather drop Sandgem than either of those two, it's a little nothing town. And if you're going to toss out Solaceon, well you're still going to have to keep the ruins for the Unown. Celestic should stay to represent "old traditional" Sinnoh, and it is Cynthia's hometown. 'maxed Arceus could reference its Diamond Pokedex entry: "It is described in mythology as the PokΓ©mon that shaped the universe with its 1,000 arms." Please no Fighting typing from this. I'd rather its many arms not all be primarily oriented towards fighting. Make one hand an open palm instead, thats the Hindu-Buddhist iconographic way of saying "have no fear"; and is of course commonplace in the Western and Islamic (I think) worlds as a positive sign. Another open hand with fingers pointing down would be good, it's Hindu-Buddhist for "bear witness to my acts". These would be benevolent gestures befitting the Pokegod.
  7. Despite criticizing the optional grind earlier, I went ahead and did a bunch anyhow in Bloodstained. All of those soulless quests are done + I have a slew of maxed Passive Shards that formed grey duplicates. I then decided to try fighting the Millionare's Bane after losing my first test fight. About fifteen seconds in, it started up the slots and got 777, I had no clue what that meant. Money I could collect began to rain from the ceiling and the boss killed itself, earning me its Shard and material drop. Yay.πŸŽ°πŸŽ‰ I used its item drop to create a Rhava Velar, which is stronger version of the Rhava Bural I very luckily obtained from as a random drop earlier in the game. Both of these are direct clones of Symphony of the Night's Crissaegrim, a sword whose very rapid swings with freedom of movement and good Atk made it broken. The Rhava Velar is just as busted, I almost effortlessly ripped through the other superbosses with this ultimate weapon. I should have the remainder of the game done in an hour tomorrow.
  8. The co-Lords and their Shaman lovers of TearRing Saga- the not-FE by FE's former director made in 2001 that basically is FE in all but name.: Runan and Enteh. Holmes and Katri.
  9. The sequel learned from the first's ginormous mistake and didn't repeat it. -Not trying to convince you to try it. The idea of behind Default's error wasn't bad, it was just terribly bloated in execution, and made more for a movie or novel than a video game perhaps. The writing behind the mistake did not help in the least either. I was specifically referring to antagonist confrontations here. I must've misread mention of this into your post. As for peacetime, well Tales is beloved for its Skits, but I can very clearly tell their sudden stopping of all others things when they happen is one annoying very hair short of what you want. And I can envision some but not all Skits transitioning into what you desire. So close, but so far. To stay more directly on topic, I will say that I think I'd prefer an original game, if with a more properly traditional FE setting, than a crossover for an FE RPG. Hopes and disappointments about the FE roster in case of a crossover would be unpleasant. Yet! If the RPG franchise being crossed with was to my liking, I could dismiss FE roster qualms. Xenoblade x FE would be fine if it was all 13-16 FE, if I had playable Dunban, Elma, and Morag to look forward to.
  10. My error. So much more reasonable to deal with, poor Raydrik. So many Hammers in Thracia that could kill you even with a lite super weapon. I don't get why they didn't give his sword 2 range, a sword able to cast Jormungdar from afar would perfectly fit into Jugdral. We have Fire, Wind, Thunder and two Light magic swords, but no Dark.
  11. I heard the game has a 4-character limit on who can use personals. G&M still have means of fighting Raydrik, no Nihil on him results in Luna being able to bypass his 30 Def and Atk-halving. The 2*Atk crits of Jugdral if they exceed 60 Atk can do the job, but a Hammer can only do 4 per Crit.
  12. It's a turn-based RPG. Action Commands don't change that fact, and they're great in adding fun and liveliness to the game. In a way, I consider them a reminder of Mario's origins as a platformer. Platformers need reflexes, and Action Commands add them in a way that isn't always something you could do in Action or Fighting game. Won't disagree with this. I can totally see this problem, I hope you haven't played the Bravely games then. They're fun to me, but they've this problem to a "t". I felt the slowdown in Second by the time of Chapter 5. Though with XC2, mid-battle shouts of relevant dialogue could easily be drowned out by SPINNING EDGE! DYNAMIC SPARK SWORD! MEHMEHMEH! TOPPLE-WIND! BURNING SWOOOOOOORD! ...And don't forget the battle music. Subtitles and temporary disabling of anime battle quips would be necessary.
  13. Had an excellent world at least. I skipped on Color Splash due to controller issues I never fixed despite having the part for it, so I can't judge that (I hear it does make a measure of improvement on SS's faults though). But we all know the "general" reputation of Sticker Star, and SPM wasn't quite what came before it in the world department either, I did like the Underwhere and Overthere though. Point being, it's been nearly two decades since TTYD, the magic dev crew and mindset behind it could be well and truly gone by now. -Assuming you consider TTYD the high point of the series. Setting aside XC2, RPG often try to have good narratives. RPGs aren't Interactive Novels or pure Adventure games, that are boom or bust based on narrative and narrative-esque immersion. However, compared to a lot of genres: Fighting, Platformer, Action, MMO, FPS, Shump, 4X, Strategy, RPGs can be very narrative heavy. Can be- Not every game in the genre tries, Etrian Odyssey is a pure gameplay experience, FFV leans on gameplay over plot, but a larger number of RPGs try telling a good story than do than a significant number of other genres. In an Interactive Novel, gameplay is diminished in favor of plot. In a 4X like Civilization, they'll never try to write a grand tale of how Gandhi nuked Peter the Great, who had neglected his army in order to construct Broadway, but Peter was avenged by his ally the Incans, and all of them failed to realize until it was too late that Australia had converted the world to Zoroastrianism. RPGs can give you the choice of one or the other, or both. There have been failed plots intend to be good aplenty- see a recent fiasco in FFXV (I'm not actually judging this game myself). And, not all, more like none, are above fair and reasonable criticism. But a failure to do good is not the same as not having made the effort at all. A positive for them though is for we the noobs who want to play something action-y like a God of Soul Devil Bayonetta Dies Twice, but who wouldn't want to play such an intense game on its "mommy mode" (to use Kamiya's term for the easiest Bayo 1 setting), can play Musou instead. Musou is easy by Action standards, it must certainly be much more gratifying to earn the catharsis of godly destruction of countless mooks and bosses the hard way. But, not all of us are willing to put in the time and effort to attain that. Musou offers the same catharsis on its Normal setting much easier than an intense action title on its standard setting. Not only is it easier, but they tone down the button inputs and thus let us see the flashiness of the playable characters easier. Yes, some people might see me lumping Musou with their cherished crazy hard 3D Action games as sacrilege. But it isn't, they share a genre and simply cater to different tastes. Not even necessarily different people, perhaps the blindfolded Pure Platinum'er of Bayonetta 2 would like a spiked seltzer and Battle of Hefei Castle right after work.
  14. Voted no. 1 in a 2004 FE7 poll. Not a whole lot though, TMS Encore edition has so far sold less than 20k in physical copies in Japan. 3H probably accrued that many in 15 minutes I half-jest.
  15. Absolutely see your point here. RPGs are often known for their narratives, and even non-RPGs/interactive novels/adventure games like an immersive world. I would say less "brazenly disrespect" as "outright ignore", but thats just me and a preference for gentler terms. Or, perhaps it's more than that. Like the difference between amoral and immoral.: Amorality being without regard for and or against morality. Neutrality in morals. Immorality is consciously acting against morality of some kind. "Brazenly disrespect" would require acts of blatant rejection of "FE"- however one defines that in this case- which I don't see. TMS is "amoral", not "immoral"? TMS is a double orphan in this aspect, since it doesn't exactly represent SMT themes either. I don't recall Kiria torture-murder-dissecting humans in the name of Chaos or Yashiro brainwashing humans into Law fanatics. And since Persona I'm aware usually has psyche stuff involved which TMS doesn't have, so it might be considered a triple orphan actually. And aesthetically, Male Byleth is Vincent from Catherine. Okay so they took some hair dye and increased its volume on closer examination, but it's close enough for me as an inside joke for one.πŸ˜… More seriously, the non-combat gameplay of 3H is being what is and the school setting in particular, were things that did not sit well with me. But, if you married those same things to non-traditional FE gameplay, maybe I'd be more receptive, but only maybe because I have no interest in post-2 Persona. Life-sim is just not appealing. But, marry CDE to an SMT alignment system though with me still as B, and maybe I'd give them the time of day. But can Sothis turn out to be Masakado or Lucifier or Gabriel then? With them never returning to loli form after they reveal their true identity?
  16. Still, this doesn't raise my miniscule hopes of a sequel very much. International sales, please be good! And seeing Shibuya 106 from this angle and with this lighting is unusual, considering how you see it ingame. For a very brief moment, the tall, rounded tower with big orange numbers atop it, made me question if someone had juxtaposed Kiria in NLA in front of BLADE Tower. You won't hear a "Dear Lord NO!" from me on that fantasy, Reincarnation would be salvation and liberation from the suffering of the NLA Theme. I've done a little ballot stuffing on CYL4 Day 1, Touma (official ballot), Yashiro, Niime, and Asbel. When I can vote again, Sephiran (official), Julian, and two new others will be getting votes.
  17. It still is a solid JRPG, the modern Japanese entertainment stuff is aesthetics and narrative alone. There is no career management of idols, there is no rhythm game stuff at all, there is nothing from a purely gameplay perspective that says "what you'd do in an idol game". You have every right to hate the narrative/world choice that TMS made, it's very understandable why people would dislike it. I was a raging hater of the game when the first real trailer of what Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei actually was emerged. But do not discredit the JRPG gameplay, that is solid Atlus style. Technically, there have been JRPGs with grids in their battles, which FE would like. But not a lot of games, and not exactly done with great nuance.
  18. If they lack an origin game portrait, that might explain it. Altina doesn't have one, so what would they do? Crop the one CG with her in it? Use her FEH art. I've cast votes for Touma, Yashiro, Asbel, and Niime so far. I intend to never vote for the same person more than once, even focusing all my votes on single character would do far more for their lone place in the rankings than one vote for many more. I personally want to exclude fewer people I like that aren't in, thats all. Even if you don't have additional devices for ballot stuffing, you can still vote twice. If your internet browser has one of those modes that doesn't keep your browser history when you're done, you can vote once in the mode and once outside of it. Or so it's been going on the first day for me.
  19. This is supposed to be the events that unfold in Genealogy C8 after seizing Connaught, civilians fleeing Manster happened then, so it was replicated for this. Or in my case, Dagdar. He could survive a hit, but Jormungdar being very heavy meant he had enough AS to trigger Charge/Accost/Confront/NoA Give Us An Official Name Finally!. I very much appreciate that TearRing and Berwick Sagas changed this into a command skill, so it'll only trigger when you want it. Binding Blade is going to be something of a sea change next week. No more to so much gameplay complexity stuff, but now enemies will be very strong. The sad thing is, that status staffs are staying and the Thracia strat of counterstaffing won't be viable, fixing the status with Restore is so less fun and much more bothersome. Same-turn reinforcements staying will also bite, but it takes a while before FE6 gets bad with these.
  20. Weirdly, despite being a big Nintendo fan with like 20 Wii games or more, I never personally owned Mario Kart Wii, I only ever borrowed it from a casual gamer cousin. But, that made my limited time with it even more treasured. Growing up, I had SMK, Double Dash, Super Circuit and weirdly DS (I dunno how I got it), and I really liked DD. Never had 64, yet again, only through a cousin did I ever play it at all, which leaves the game with a thin former mystique for me.
  21. No one would say Super MK it's the best Mario Kart around, it has retro charm to it and invented the franchise, but thats it. The Super FX Chip was no true 3D graphics. MK is a franchise where I think you can say it's only gotten better with time. Although I think there are some who prefer MKWii over MK8 on a technical level. (F-Zero seems a bit split over X vs. GX.) This is unlike Super Mario Bros. the 2D platformers, where I see people not really ever caring for the New SMB games. And they instead put SMB3 on the golden pedestal ~65% of the time, and the remaining ~35% of the time goes to SMW.
  22. From what I read in some reviews: Now, we say race against the clock here and, true to Atelier series form, there is a time mechanic at work in Atelier Ayesha; however, more than at any point in the long-running history of this franchise, it's lax to the point of not really being a huge factor – unless you're really taking things way too slowly. The basic setup in terms of the time limit is that you've got three years to solve the mystery at the core of the game. Every action that you take – travelling to-and-fro across the game world, running errands and crafting essential equipment – eats away at your time, as is constantly indicated in the top corner of your screen. It's a system that's always played a big factor in Atelier games and it was a brave decision on the part of developer Gust to relax this element, as it's one we feel makes Atelier Ayesha a great jumping-in point for anyone who wants to dive into this sprawling series of twenty-one games. First off, the time limit – which has always been a central facet of these games and which was loosened up considerably for Atelier Ayesha – is even more relaxed here. Tasks and assignments must now be completed in four-month blocks and, as long as you manage to take care of the story-pertinent task fairly rapidly, you'll always have a ton of free time left over to mill around collecting materials and hoovering up whatever side-quests you need to before handing in your final report card for the month, levelling up and receiving that sweet, sweet end-of-job stipend. [Escha and Logy] As well as being the first Atelier game to feature a freely-moveable camera whilst out in the wilds – something that really makes it feel much more modern – this third part also switches up some of the standard gameplay loops of the franchise, this time completely excising the time limit which usually sees your characters having to complete their various tasks and missions within a set period or fail. To be fair, the last two Atelier games had made it so lax that it wasn't really much of a challenge to keep within your allocated time, but by completely removing it here, this entry allows players to relax, taking all the time they want to explore its various locations, gather and discover new resources and battle monsters. [Shallie]
  23. Whats even weirder, is that I've ignored the wooden hill entirely on several runs and have instead focused on the left flank. And yet, I've seen troops from the eastern enemy army just sit on the hill turn after turn after defeating the opposition there, some taking constant damage as a result. Yes, you have the high ground you evil Lions/Deers, but is Little Round Top strategically essential when it is on fire?🀨
  24. They included the Prologue boss and its possessed human for the TMS selections? Thats Brigand Boss bad. And the other villains + two sidequest bosses are nearly as terrible too. Gharnef is spoilers as well, but it isn't like anyone plays TMS for the plot. Maybe b/c TMS has such a tiny cast they wanted to include filler? Yet, I have a fire growing in my heart for TMS Gangrel, the flying head with the buzzsaw collar of doom is glorious. And, Excellus's metal boobs are right on display in his little CYL4 portrait square. Touma got my first vote if you can't tell.
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