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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. SO DID I!!!: Not here yet, but his friends are and that makes me jubilant! For the duration of the TMS banner, I am suddenly changing my avi in happiness and consolidation, though it will return to the Mid Tanks later. Behold Conqueror Chrom!
  2. Only 3 fully playable characters, out of 7 total.: Itsuki- Infantry Sword + Electric magic (and more- the same can be said for everyone). Touma- "Cavalry" Lance + physical Fire. Yashiro- Infantry Sword + physical Fire. Would've made a good GHB, since you do fight him. Has sole access to Counter- increases chances of being attacked and negates and counters close-range single target physical attacks for one turn. Counter is pretty strong and loved by his boss version. Mirage is the term. You're absolutely wrong on this, it mostly isn't liked, and I can understand why, even if I got over my rage period with this game and enjoyed it.
  3. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My pipe dream has come true! No Touma, but I. Am. HAPPY!!!!!
  4. Congrats on Xavier! The worst recruitment ever is done, and once is enough for a lifetime. The inability to alter deployment locations at all, despite FE3 giving you a cumbersome but extant method to do so, really starts going from "bearable" suddenly to "terrible" with Chapter 18.
  5. @redlightI forget exactly what the problem was, but it might have been making a BIN file for the game. I played through it once months ago, and now I'm nearing done with a females-only run.
  6. Good mods, in addition to size, make a big difference I'd say. I recall Devil Survivor stating that demons are summoned en masse using emotions gathered over the Internet. Truly, that seems unfortunately feasible to me.
  7. That is a zero, not an eight, her Str is 18, her Spd is 20. Speed - Weapon Wt = AS in this game. 20 - 4 = 16 AS. That would be Berwick Saga only, which I haven't played yet b/c I'm waiting for the translation to be finished (and I need a new computer). TRS uses plain old promotion items (four different kinds for different classes) with a level 10 minimum level to promote. A character will have an info page mention if they can promote, what item they need, and what they promote into. The maximum level cap is 40 in this game. An unpromoted character has a cap of 20, once promoted (barring Sasha to Pegasus Knight), their cap increases to "promotion level + 20". So a promoting at 10 gives a cap of 30, at 20 it's 40, and promoting at say 14 gives a cap of 34. Runan and Holmes have a level cap of 30 unpromoted being the lords of the game. Units that are prepromoted or cannot promote have a default level cap of 30. An Occult manual will increase the level cap of whoever used it by up to 10, not exceeding 40.
  8. No real plot connection I think. On gameplay, here is a screenshot of mine.: Does this look recognizable? Mastery is called Weapon Level on the SF section, the same stat for determining what weapons you wield in FEs 1 & 3. 1/2 of a unit's Mag is their Res in this game. No weapon triangle exists. TRS is fairy easy, other than a few tedious maps, far less trickery than T776. There is a lot of hidden stuff you'll miss if you go in blind, but the game should still be no more than a moderate challenge at best. SF, since Vincent alone can edit the non-Emblem Wiki pages I think, uses all the old, pre-translation patch names in the TRS section. Hence, it is a bit confusing, particularly because the patch changed a bunch of names to make things more readily recognizable to FE fans. "Gale" becoming "Vantage" is one such change, because they share the same function.
  9. I've started Luigi's Mansion 3. Mixing in a non-RPG into my lineup lightens things. I never finished Dark Moon b/c annoying ice boss, but I still enjoyed it. The charm of the little series is well alive, and I can see hybridity between LM1 and DM's styles. It's a slow crawl much of the time like DM as I hunt for every bit of money and gems (those few you simply can't find!), but the curious crawl is its way enjoyable in bursts every now and then. I like the technical improvements provided by the Switch, and the attention to minor details that inevitably and sadly get sucked into the Poltergeist G-00; thus the rooms are denuded of their character. Nonetheless, it reminds me how LM1 was partly a GameCube tech demo, in a good way.
  10. Oh, and if you want the Member Card, don't kill the Soldiers, but, catch and release works. The MC isn't that great here though. The Armors labeled "Leonster" and Civilians are what concerns the Xavier recruitment. Project Exile gave the civilians and armors names, to make it much easier to figure out who talks to who. Alliteration will guide you, but I recall they used one first letter twice. I forget which civy goes with which armor in that case.
  11. Strangely, her Chapter 16B recruitment tells you a whole lot more. From the old translation.: Silence exists, don't forget. It is nearly as good as Sleep on mages.
  12. JUST ONE MORE! ...And a verbose finale, I can't wait, but I will. Thank you.😄
  13. Obvious, use her b/c OC no "rules"/established lore to guide/restrain their weapon options to give her the hardest/leftover Color to represent. However, I'm sure that there is no shortage of possibilities for the 3H lords weapon-wise. I don't know 3H lore, so IDK what might work for EDCs' weapons. PLEASE have TMS on CYL this time, Encore releases in a few days!
  14. I still haven't played 3 out of 4 of my Xmas games yet. I'm waiting for the next Bloodstained update sometime this month, but I've just been really really finicky on my mood for starting LM3 and DQXI. Nonetheless, I have found the mood to a TearRing Saga females-only playthrough. That has included 41 turns spent arena grinding for this. 40 is the level cap. Her Skl, Spd, Lck, Mag, and Mastery are all capped. With that Salia Codex there, her Str growth is 25% with a 1 base, and her Def is a 23% growth with a 0 base. She learns Astra at level 40, which she will never reach normally. That is very bizarre, but because it is so weird, I decided to go for it. And once I revive her, I intend to arena grind this girl up too, Lina.: A level 1 Cavalier who joins in Chapter 26 of 40 (less than it seems b/c Holmes and Runan are always apart. She only has 6 chapters at most of usability left. She has Paragon, but even then, she's not exactly worth training. Why? Because she has a 10% Str growth. The Salia Codex buffs that to a mere 20%, still bad. 10% Def growth is not as bad relatively speaking, but still bad too for someone who needs a lot of training. The rest of her growths are good, but a 10% Move growth (tied with Leonie and the highest of the very few characters with a growth here) is her one truly unique thing.
  15. Has an avi about to karate chop/swipe something away.
  16. It's Nihil. Aka a joke of a skill, useful only in a tiny handful of niche situations.
  17. Cool! I'll have to see this on a third TRS playthrough (probably males only, which will justify putting Sasha with Holmes, no need for +3 Lck then). No wonder she was feeling sick when Holmes went for his Marlon pick, the game was hiding her b/c I didn't have Sasha. Now how does brown and brown make blonde, and brown and blonde make blue? Really though, Holmes is a Sage grandchild? Part of the Octavus family? This is unbelievable. He just doesn't fit in with the rest personality-wise. Him and Kate being half-siblings is even less believable. And Raphael as a stepdad? Maybe Lisa should've taken little Holmes with him when she left, fewer daddy issues that way. Nevermind that'd stop likely him from going privateer and budding up with Shigen. And for a picture guide to some playable character relations.: Cousins: & & & & & & & Married/Marries a Sage descendant: to to I'd prefer if it was Shigen getting the sage shaft here, well, from Holmes's perspective. Shigen better with Sierra. to to to & to Robert to
  18. I’m playing TRS for the second time, and I wanted to write down the genealogies of certain characters because it seemed interesting, but confusing. This should clarify it for anyone curious. Tell me if there is anything I need to add or got wrong. Sage Genealogies, my main interest that got me making this. The Six Sages were fathers and their sons (son-in-law for Eisenbach & Alfred) who used magic to help the physically-oriented Six Heroes defeat the Gerxel Cult and surpress Witch Dragon Kranion during the Ledan Crusade ~15 years prior to the game's start. The Crusade was when the Gerxel Cult (but not Canaan) tried to conquer the shattered Kindom of Leda. Official governments of the surviving kingdoms refused to help, leaving men of all backgrounds to fight Gerxel on their own.: Sage Eisenbach of Canaan, killed by Gwenchaos in Chapter 4. Had two daughters. Hid Enteh at Mars Temple after Nolzeria (?), where he had rescued her and taken the Ring of Reeve. His children.: Selene- Mother of Sennet and Nayfa. Married to Arless 1st Prince of Canaan. Died in a fire 15-14 years ago arranged by Karla, acting as a royal concubine to Emperor/King Bahanuk. Sylphis- Mother of Mel and Maruj. Married to Sage Alfred, descendant of the lost priesthood of the Leda Earth Shrine. Sage Octavus of Salia, killed by Gwenchaos at some point. Had four children.: Sage Andre, the eldest child. Died fighting Gwenchaos to free Enteh from his clutches at Nolzeria. Had one daughter, Renee. Good with Fire magic. Rosa, mother of Rishel and Meriel. The second-eldest child of Octavus. Married Narith, son of Sage Maios. Committed suicide when she found out eight years after the fact that Maeve/Enteh had been imprisoned by her husband. Claris, the third child of Octavus. Mother of Verna, Martel, and Frau. Married to Robert, brother of King Dagnell of Salia. Entrusted with the Ring of Reeve after Nolzeria. Said to be a talented mage by Rishel, but failed to get any of her daughters to learn magic. Lisa, mother of Sasha and Holmes. Married first Admiral Vals of Granada, but left after five years and married Raphael, King of Welt. Once a great Pegasus Knight. Sage Maios of Reeve, killed by Gwenchaos at some point. Freed Enteh when he returned to Reeve after eight years. He had two children.: Narith, a Sage skilled in Light Magic like his father. Watched over the Water Shrine. A little mentally unstable already, the birth of Enteh and her Brand of Yutona made him insane, and he agreed with the bad King Badoum of Reeve to imprison Maeve/Enteh in the Water Shrine. Banished from the Water Shrine after Sage Maios’s return, he went on to directly serve in Badoum. Began hunting Zoans as heretics and having them put in camps to labor, be tortured, and ultimately executed. Died in some way, perhaps conflict, trying to capture Runebade Yoda in Yr. Hated by his son Rishel, Meriel, too young at the time, has not yet been told the truth of him. Had his children live in a mansion in Rimne near the Water Shrine before Maios let them visit the Shrine and meet Maeve when she was 10. Elena, Queen of Reeve, was not told of her daughter Maeve/Enteh’s imprisonment by her husband or brother in advance. Died of a broken heart with Maeve’s “disappearance” shortly thereafter. Genealogies of the Six Heroes, AKA not so interesting.: Duke Gramud of Razelia. Married to an unnamed woman of direct descent from Carluon, although the connection is unexplained. Father of Runan. A sworn brother to Arless, died to Gwenchaos and Muse at Nolzeria one year prior to the game’s start. Admiral Vals of Granada. Married to Lisa, who divorced him after five unhappy years. Fathered Holmes with Lisa. While on a sexual escapade using the alias “Valentius”, he sired Attrom on an unnamed woman. Prince Arless of Canaan, eldest son of King/Emperor Bahanuk. Brother to Princess Reshe of Sophia (but born of Canaan), and Princes Barker (father of Princess Stephanie) and Julius of Canaan. Married to Lady Selene, daughter of Sage Eisenbach of Canaan. Had the twins Sennet and Nayfa with her, but she died and their children were presumed dead. Led the now-dissolved elite Black Knights of Canaan, which Silva, daughter of General Barbarossa and mother of San, was a member of. A sworn brother to Gramud, died to Gwenchaos and Muse at Nolzeria one year prior to the game’s start. Temujin, Warlord of Erial. A Cult of Gerxel member (and Zoan?) who betrayed during the Ledan Crusade and made the mere fortress of Erial into a powerhouse of a fiefdom, one of several that formed with the collapse of the Kingdom of Leda. Father of Katrina, and through her the adoptive grandfather of Sennet and Nayfa. Yoda the Runeblade. Blood father of Julia. Adoptive father of Shigen since he was no older than ~3 (perhaps rescued from Gerxel on the last will of Shigen the Elder?). A Zoan who overthrew the Reevan labor camp for Zoans on the Isle of Yr and made it an independent country. Frustrated Sage Narith’s “heretic hunting” to the point Narith died in some way from it. Raphael, King of Welt. Descended from General Sutherland the Great, founder of the Kingdom of Welt. Married Sage Octavus’s daughter Lisa. Father of Sasha. Random other geneological(?) bits.: It is suggested that Xeno, an orphan of unknown parentage, looks like Tia. Suggests without further explanation that he is in some capacity Ledan royalty. Raziel “Lionheart” is brother to Queen Maria of Salia, this is his claim to the Salian throne that Holmes and someone else mentions. Apparently, it can surpass Katri’s and Robert’s Pegasus daughters’ claims to the throne, not that they want the throne. Plum, as the daughter of Lionheart and Lan, becomes a Princess of Salia at the game’s end. Yet, with the passing of the Salian throne to Lionheart, unless there is at least one drop of Yutona/Salia’s blood in his family history that led to his birth (or Renee’s), and with 4000 IIRC since Carluon that seems plausible, but it is not confirmed. Therefore, it is possible that the Brand of Yutona has been extinguished from the main branch of the Salian royal family, for now. And who knows what Katri and Holmes have planned long after the ending? And two questions I have: And what was Nolzeria again? An attempted peace-treaty between Canaan and Reeve that Gwenchaos turned to a bloodbath resulting the nuclear-esque annihilation of the city and all present? I know Enteh was his means to the end. What about Meriel, Enteh, Rishel and Blahd? When and how long were they there?
  19. Fairy with short shorts: Fairy in thong (top): Fairy queen with bust: ....When is a mod going to start pulverizing people into pixie dust for too serious/toxic/off topic? This is nice conversation sometimes, but the fruit then rots odorously.
  20. Correct, I think. I recall no such changes any earlier. Correct. Binding Blade wasn't 100% Smooth QoL FE yet. Still some edges. Hell for you 'cause it's your next game! Ironmanability rank -2.
  21. My sentiments. I can't judge Sw/Sh due to not having played myself. The era of third versions is past, much as the era of old fighting game things like: Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Street Fighter II: Champion Edition Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers Super Street Fighter II Turbo Hyper Street Fighter II Online connections allowing for patches and DLC makes enhanced versions, on the original release system, that are mostly the same game utterly obsolete.
  22. TearRing Saga is mixed. Ordinary reinforcements are NA, but when baddies use Summon staffs, the summoned monsters move immediately. Mogall self-division wastes their turn. There are two instance I recall of a tripwire, but neither doesn't causes reinforcements. Instead, the second makes an enemy flip to your side, but they are surrounded by baddies and get 1-2HKO'ed, not good. You want to kill every enemy you can before tripping the wire so you can rush to the rescue easier. The first tripwire causes otherwise entirely happy to leave you alone enemies to attack you. A separate tripwire in the same fight by moving too close to the seize point too can stop you from recruiting a character.
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