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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Just to explain Altena for you, she's Leif's elder sister. She was around the age of ~3 captured by not at all by intention by Travant- think Naesala on a wyvern with his archenemy Quan as Tibarn on a horse. Rather than kill Altena though, Travant raised her as his own daughter alongside his son Arion, with her not remembering her true parentage. She thus became a princess of Thracia, a kingdom that is sorta-Daein and sorta Kilvas. Unlike Leif, she inherited the holy brand to use the Gae Bolg. Travant acquired the Gae Bolg at the same time as Altena, and intended to have her fight with it once she grew up. In FE4, Altena can be recruited, and in doing so she betrays Travant, having learned the truth of her origins, joining Seliph and Leif. Altena uses the Gae Bolg like her father, but being raised in the southern Thracian Peninsula, which is very mountainous, she has no experience with horses. Instead, she like her adoptive father and brother rides a wyvern. To the right is Arion. They're close to each other, even though Arion seems to have known the truth that they weren't related. Again, just a basic explanation, in case she ever comes into FEH.
  2. It's probably not a direction continuation of Bravely Second. There is a post-credits teaser for a sequel to Bravely Second at the end, but this probably isn't it. Maybe they thought that, since it'd required an understanding of BD and BS to start up "Bravely Third", it would be better to make a totally unrelated game until they get to porting Bravely Default and Second to other systems. Think of "Bravely Default" now being the franchise title, not just "Bravely". Sure it makes Bravely Second seem weird, and good heavens if they decide to make a direct sequel to Bravely Default 2- "Bravely Second 2"?😅 They were kind enough to feature decent demos on the 3DS. Though the first demo was devoid of plot and characterization and kinda gave you absolutely no direction in gameplay. The second demo- Ballad of the Three Cavaliers was better, giving you a little and inconsequential prequel episode story to Bravely Second. Maybe they'll offer as good or even better a demo this time. I stuck to the Skell the whole fight, even though I know some people manage to fight the thing on foot.: It's boring attempting to complete Shulk's Affinity Chart with that 30 Challenge Battles node. And it reminds me how little Noponstone you get for so many costumes. Why does Obsidian Dromarch have to cost so much?
  3. Same, I used just everybody in my respective house. Though I didn't abandon anyone, everyone, even the statistical eunuchs were given my devotion. TBF, I spent every free moment in battles, so no one was ever underleveled.
  4. So, Britain will finally be certainly leaving the EU, no doubts about it. Or at least England, who knows if the rest will opt for the little union over the European one the long term? What lessons are to be learned from last night's crushing defeat for Labour? "Don't stick on the stick shift of an issue?" "Don't lead with a Marxist of anti-Semitic controversies?" And, what does this mean for domestic politics at the west end of the Atlantic pond?
  5. Apparently, the dislike count on the stream began to suddenly rise when no Smash announcement was evident.
  6. I'm guessing it's an entirely new world, that this isn't a sequel to Bravely Second, or Bravely Default. I don't recognize any place they showed. Maybe there will be silly cross-dimension cameos, but otherwise I'm thinking this will have nothing to do with the world of Luxendarc and Tiz, Agnes, Ringabel, Edea, Yew, and Magnolia.
  7. I'd add you should farm Vampire Bride Marion in Uraya a little first, and make 5 Treasure Sensors for Poppi. Having Adenine helps too. Marion gives Gold Chips, which increase item drop rates and can stack on all active team members, the drop rate boost includes chips/cores from Driver Combos.
  8. Nyna can come for Valentine's, her weapon is a legendary box of chocolates thats been gilded. Handing it to enemy inflicts magic damage, and hurts her too.
  9. Sothis I would guess with a blindfold on is b/c she's House-neutral, and upfront. She is there the moment you begin the game, and picking her means FEH can't be accused of favoring any house from this. Breath user and green hair help too. Green goes well with the holidays, and Breath I guess is rare for users and strong in FEH.
  10. Is Zephiel on the naughty or nice list? I like Elice getting in in some way, only 4 chapters if that and 2 DS prologues of screentime over four games. So little for the sister of the main character. I give her pity.
  11. I might have a heard once or twice people actually rigging high end staff misses, particularly Hammerne. Why? Well for Hammerne, being a personal, it gives 8 WEXP a use, including on misses. Get Safiya to A now! is the logic. Staff accuracy being 60 + Skill * 4 means that getting 10 Skl will end any fears of staffs missing, except the very rare 99 miss. Vulneraries can't miss I think, juuuuuust in case you ever that paranoid.
  12. Final Special Holofigure get. Can't imagine the fun of doing this blind. 99- Blood Lobsters- blowing up in the 'LA sky... I stumbled on two quests I had missed as well.: The first introduced me to XCX's contribution to the magically powerful Nopon family- the "Divine" Nopons. They number four: Nopopon, Nupopon, Nipopon, and Napopon, and each has chibified angel wings attached to their back. And each is not to be underestimated as a spirit/god revered by the Nopon for they can shapeshift into fairly strong indigens. Divine Nopopon was going to discover the secrets of the origins of the Nopon on Mira, but alas, the stone they had magically transformed only revealed 50 Nopon life tips. Whoops, maybe next game I'll learn how the Miran Nopon came to be, my interest has been piqued now. The second was a battle tourney organized by a Wrothian. A diverse gauntlet of foes it was: Female Wrothian from a prior quest. Three big hippos that had been trained by a Nopon (a caravan leader I think). A female Cavern Clan Prone who had uneasily been forced into NLA but is now nonbelligerent to it. "Gwin"- actually a Definian concealing their real identity, Erios, one of the good few traitor Definians. An Autosentry built by an Orphe to defend the Water Purification Plant, and improved by the Ma-non who is forced to help run Factory 1.21. The lone Wrothian survivor of the Hundred Helions for the ~6 fight, complete with his shadow clone technique again. Lastly, the Wrothian tournament host, a three-time tournament champion. He brought out a level 90 Caladar- a Wrothian mecha. The hangar the tournament was held in was large enough for me to Skell him, but I took him down on foot instead. A nice reminder of the long journey behind me.
  13. I meditated this morning by turning on XCX and then watching all its panoramic opening sequences, which consist of, randomly arranged, but never repeating themselves: Primordia Noctilum, the southern and smaller half. Noctilum, the northern and larger half (although it seems to sometimes include the Divine Roost, but other times excludes it). Oblivia Sylvalum Cauldros NLA The Ma-non Ship in NLA. Chapter 12's location under assault from outside. The Samaarian/Ganglion battleship approaching the Pioneer Plaque from the opening. The Samaarian/Ganglion and Ghost clash over Earth with the White Whale escaping and the Earth being blown up from the opening. The White Whale slowly and intact moving in the atmosphere over Mira. The White Whale being attacked by the Ghost and crashing onto Mira, with a few seconds of the original Ares piloted by the Lone Hero fighting the Ghost. After the game went through all of these, my meditation was finished, and I manually flew from NLA to Noctilum in a matter of three minutes for the grand finale of Miran conflict- Telethia, the Endbringer. I set the time to night, for in the darkness the wing tips of the Ruler of Fates glow, and the Divine Roost itself takes on an ambiance worthy of the majestic creature. It circled in the sky overhead at the highest I could go, it was slow, it was graceful, yet it was fast than my Ares so I could not chase after it. Waiting at the lone northern peak, I let it come to me. For all its fury, for all its might, it would not harm me on its own. I had to pull the trigger, to challenge the incarnate god Guardian of Mira. Aghasura Cannon, named after a Hindu demon, fire. ... On the first try it was done, Telethia has been slain! Though it was by no means assured. It had me down to a few hundred over 1000 HP of 41000 at one point, healed back to 9000 by some chance Soul Voices. One more attack not of Ether, and it would have destroyed my Skell, and with it my chance of victory. It did use Soul Read, which took what I think was a few minutes to cut through even with an Agni Gatling (12 Hits) whose 40 seconds cooldown had been slashed by 68%. It had a minor amount of healing, and one point where it Toppled me for a bit, and another where it landed Sleep, but none of it held me back. I might have died had I not set up the two Attribute Resistance Probes in Noctilum, which gave me an extra 15% in all Attribute Resistances. So, Telethia is still the culler of the impure and weak, only the strongest are fit to take it on indeed!
  14. I'm going to say it's because there is so much emphasis on the Greil Mercenaries. That is the one explanation I can think of, they didn't want to use the class, because you have this group with the class name in its title. Why aren't all the mercenaries of Greil in the mercenary class? Now, I don't see this problem with any other class, we have plenty of "Knights" groups throughout FE, and despite having a knight class there is no mixup. Only SS, remember, it's Nomad Trooper in Elibe. And from what I read, Ranger in SS is called Forrest Knight in Japan, the same as Beowolf's promoted class in FE4. FE9 Ranger had a brand new class name in Japan.
  15. Greil was a Hero in PoR. Ike is also a mercenary, what does the proper Mercenary class promote to usually? Or maybe it is a holdover from Beta PoR having Elena be the adopted daughter of Duke Persis? Maybe.
  16. I'm not quite sure, since I haven't fought Telethia myself yet. Lore-wise, they share in being worthy of being the absolute strongest enemies in the game.: Telethia and Pharsis, a Yggralith, both belong in the Megafauna category, they are the only things in it other than the two online Yggraliths and Telethia Plume. Telethia is the protector of Mira, supposedly never defeated in combat. While the Yggralith according to their Enemy Index entry are interstellar beasts that stuck planets dry of all life before moving onto the next source of nourishment. Looking at them statwise: Pharsis- Telethia: Looks like Pharsis is actually stronger, but slightly less HP and Evasion (which you do have to spec for if you want to actually hit Telethia). Pharsis can heal itself, while Telethia will force you to miss ~100 hits because of Soul Read (Telethia Plume has basically Endbringer's arsenal I think, but toned down), so both have stall tactics to drag out your victory and ensure their success. It's close enough on this front I could see myself losing to both. But perhaps I'll find Telethia easier, I need to. And if you need a visual for Pharsis, here is one and a video (a success on foot I can't possible achieve without more farming).: Most other superboss contenders are: Gradivus the Headless Emperor- which has the highest HP in the game- 100 million. But it has 2000 less in the Attacks than either of the top two. Leva'el, the Terminus. A Xern with double Luxaar's Xern's HP, the ability to spawn allies, and a countdown insta-death. Nardacyon, the Shadowless is a Ganglion Skell with probably the most Evasion of any enemy in the game. Vortice, the Deific Blast has the level and stats, albeit not really any tricks. Luciel has its Topple obsession. All of these are intended for Skell, though you can win against all of them on foot if you have the setup. Dadaan, the Strongest Prone is actually pretty easy. But since it only appears after Chapter 12 and drops Reflect augments (something only superbosses do- all but Nardacyon, Vortice, and Luciel of the above names drop them), it should count. While you can if you kill it fast use a Skell to win, it is intended to be fought on foot, because he'll warn you if you're in a Skell and use Absolute Demolisher 2056 to insta-kill your Skell seconds later. Lugalbanda, the Wanderer-King is also exclusively for on-foot fighting because it hides in a narrow cave. The path to it is marked with a trail of Suid (think XCX's replacement for Armus) corpses. I only won against it by going hyperoffensive and killing it with one Blossom Dance, since it is very strong and can easily win if you let things go on. Lugalbanda drops Reflects and appears post-Chapter 12 too, and this SPOILERS should make it clear why:
  17. My bad. See the below reply for what is notable about it. Thats this guy's gimmick, endless Topple. Everything it has inflicts it, no other XCX baddie loves Topple this much. Luciel the Eternal. Yup, and now I've all the augments I think I need for the battle. Its Ether attacks cannot scratch me, but mine shall land and destroy it. The threefold Aghasura Cannon will blow it to bits, and between the cannon's firings the Agni Gatling fists shall rain upon it. -Is what I wrote earlier, but I just tried fighting the second strongest superboss, Pharsis the Everqueen, with the only difference in my setup being that I used Gravity Res augments instead of Ether b/c thats Pharsis's primary element. It destroyed me twice. Its non-Gravity attacks killed me too quick, and once it dropped low enough on HP, it us I did take out Luxaar's Xern though and finish Sylvalum's survey. I was too impatient to farm for some Beam Res augments, which led me to lose half my HP in one attack, but I squeezed in the second Aghasura Cannon I needed to kill it before it could kill me. Unfortunately, part way into my grind, I decided took a break from gaming, and then went I came back went to go and farm normally some materials for an Augment to save Tickets for other things, plus get more BLADE Medals for more chances at Tickets. Before I did this, Yggralith Zero had 2.7 million Reprisal Points- each is a lifebar, which once all drained by the players of XCX, causes YZ to retreat before its 4-day time limit. You can drain as many lifebars as you can muster within a 15 minute battle against YZ before you're forced to retreat. The more RP you drain, the more Yggralith Gold you get at the end when the Global Nemesis goes way, Ygg Gold isn't very useful though. Again, 2.7 million RP. Hours later, it's 700000. How did two million RP vanish like that? Hackers from what I've read is the most likely explanation. I thought I'd have days to grind RP, nope, I didn't even have a half-hour left. I rushed to do more Ticket farming, but then I instantly saw how after one 4-minute fight, the RP had gone from 700000 to 300000, and then another two 4 minute fights later, it was gone. The Telethia Plume- a level 30 version of the true thing thats weaker than YZ and gives out half the Tickets in the same time was still up, hackers leave it alone. But it'd feel like a chore after YZ, so I did a few fights but then stopped. I'm done with Ticket farming, having barely but successfully put together a full set of augments that will hopefully let me destroy the Telethia. It'll be months before I have another half-day to try the Yggralith.
  18. The SF calculations page is wrong then, I thought it seemed off from when I played Thracia. I couldn't and didn't double check. When carrying an enemy or ally, Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Defence are halved. If the carried character’s Build is more than half of the user’s Build (Build +5 if the user is mounted), Movement is also halved. Weird, SF usually doesn't have mistakes like this.
  19. This is dependent on Con. Every other stat is always halved, if Captured/Rescued unit's Con > half of Capturer/Rescuer's Con (+5 for mounties) then Move is halved, otherwise it is not. It's the translation. Some people don't like it, but it was done with a certain mindset of who is going to play Thracia, this was done to cut on down on assumed flipping to a website to check what scrolls give what boosts. It's a very easy one to unlock, just save all the villages in Chapter 2.
  20. I was at ~85-92% for the various regions of Mira, But when I saw you said, this, I took a moment from what I was doing to go and fill in more hexes. Primordia is now at 100.00%! 🎖️🎖️🎖️ As for the rest: Noctilum- Two hexes left. Both in the Divine Roost. Oblivia- One hex. It's related to one of the Affinity Missions I left for a minor narrative-characterization finish to my XCX playing. Sylvalum- Luxaar's Xern must be destroyed. Beam Res and Mechanoid Slayer augments should make that possible it looks like. Cauldros- Lionheart is the lone Affinity Mission whose initiation point isn't in NLA. Again, I just wanted to save it for later. All six areas of NLA: 53-80%. NLA's low completion is explained by me having barely done any Heart to Hearts. But it isn't a problem because I maxed everyone's affinity already, I'm just choosing to end things on a peaceful characterization note, rather than battle. It isn't super challenging to fill in all the hexes in these in the postgame. The Tyrants that you must slay to fill in the survey includes not every level 60+ "superboss" that'd annihilate a player without proper strategy/Augments even if they had a freshly crafted 60 Skell/Ares 90. But, the absolute strongest superboss in the game is required for the Miran survey. Not required for the survey either are the super-extra secret Tyrants. What am I talking about? Tell me, could you find with no guide of any kind, nor any readily found if at all extant hint in the game, the Tyrant that only appears in the skies above Sylvalum during Spore weather? -Though putting it on the survey wouldn't make it such a secret, because you'd know it could be located in a very well-defined area. And it is possible you'd then hear a clue from an NPC that'd tell you its hex, name and its appearance conditions. By the way, this is one level 92 superboss's set of attacks. It was the last thing I had to do to 100% Primordia. It very nearly destroyed my Ares unprepared to to survive it.: Art Attribute Category Hits Range Effect Appendage Homing Stomp Physical Melee 1 Circle around foot Topple Feet - Tail Swing Physical Melee 1 Circle around caster Topple Tail - Drill Stomp Gravity Melee 1 Circle around caster Topple - - Dino Mortar Thermal Ranged 1 Sphere around target Blaze, Topple - Yes Multi Dino Mortar Thermal Ranged 4 Multiple Topple - Yes Inferno Missile Thermal Ranged 6 Single Topple - Yes Roar Physical Ranged 1 Sphere around caster Thermal Res Down, Topple - - Thank you! They didn't skip for flash on these, especially Akhos, though I wouldn't have thought Obrona's so playful. Cressidus has a TP Beast Ganon semblance to him too. I think I picked the bottom option on this one. And though I can't remember all HtHs, I do recall liking the one where Morag and Brighid try to cook. The contrast of strict military language with the unserious situation of cooking lent itself to good humor. That went a bit out of my comfort zone for me to enjoy (and the Sophie one earlier is so juvenile), but I can understand the funnies from these. I can't exactly remember my favorite humorous Tales skit, though the ToS2 one where Raine and Genis Prism Stars on Tenebrae I do remember.
  21. The B version happens to be worse: It's indoors. You still have invisible enemies, all placed in the center room. Arkis is now forced into being an enemy in disguise and you have to free Rina from her prison before she can recruit him. Enemies carry Thief Swords to steal your stuff up being hit, with no easy way for you to reclaim it. There is now a strong bad guy with a Brave Sword. The Thief heading for the move stat booster is difficult to stop. But I totally agree that either way, 26 is bad. The idea of running a gauntlet of enemies isn't terrible, but making them invisible and unhittable is going too far. -- Well, I'm one hex short of 100%ing Cauldros, just have to complete Lionheart. Shame I didn't actually explore it that much. I need to run around there later for fun. And finally the Yggralith Zero has returned for the first time in months. In every ~four minutes I can get ~800 Tickets, so for the next three days, I'll burn through the 95 or Blade Medals I've accrued or more and make everything I could possibly want. If you tried to make a level 60 Skell Superweapon through Tickets alone, it'd cost you nearly ~7000.
  22. https://pastebin.com/7kEh34SY Character Name - Part 1/Part 2 Female Byleth - 200% Black Eagles Edelgard - 30%/60% Bernadetta - 20%/70% Dorothea - 160%/180% Petra - 140%/170% Blue Lions Mercedes - 190%/190% Annette - 10%/50% Ingrid - 80%/80% Golden Deer Lysithea - 10%/10% Marianne - 170%/170% Hilda - 180%/190% Leonie - 150%/160% Church of Seiros Flayn - 60% Manuela - 220% Catherine - 120% Shamir - 160% Edit: DLC INCLUDING DATAMINE: Anna- 70% What do these numbers mean? 100% is the chest size of a generic female in a standard class. If a playable female is in a standard, generic class, their bust size is modified in accordance with these values. A model unique to a female character may differ from these numbers, like Edelgard's personal class. So Female Byleth, 200%, is double the size of a generic female enemy. While Part 1 Bernadetta has only one-fifth, or 20%, the breast size of a female generic. There might be a second factor at play too, though, that being the Chest Band/Width modifier, which determines the size of the entire chest to which the breasts are attached. This value differs among men as well. But I can't get a read on this. The above data in bar graph form for those looking for that: This tells us nothing of their actual cup sizes, and the models may not be reflective of the intended canonical breast sizes, possibly contradicting artwork. But this data exists and might have a use.
  23. Leaves me wondering if I've spoiled it for them having shown/told so much.
  24. And now Fire Emblem Heroes officially-ish declared it "Vouge" just a few days ago! The katakana for this weapon seems to have been tricky to get a firm read on. Wikipedia however gives definitions for both of those words: "The Bhuj is a type of knife or dagger from Sindh and Gujarat. It is commonly called an axe-knife, because the blade is fixed onto an axe-like haft. "...A voulge thus looks something like a squashed bardiche, or just a meat cleaver attached to a long pole. ..." Ronan is the Outlaw/Adventurer that came 9 games and 16 years too early.
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