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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. WRONG! SO VERY WRONG! I WILL FIGHT YOU TO THE DEATH IN LOPTOUS'S ARENA OF CHILD-FIGHTING OVER THIS! Do you seriously think it's possible to traverse vast swathes of an entire continent in a single day? How severely unrealistic that is. Most FE narratives take roughly a year to finish, I can't actually think of any that doesn't barring a timeskip. So, why do you have this erroneous that it's a single day? Well, blame Genealogy's unique formatting for that. How about we go back to Chapter 3 for a moment, and pretend it was a normal FE: Opening narration. Show perspective of Chagall and Eldigan. Flip to perspective of Orgahill pirates. Flip to perspective of Sigurd. Go into a base camp to do preparations for the next fight. Go to the prep screen, with maybe a little new dialogue before it. Start the battle to conquer Madino, with maybe a little dialogue placed right before the battle begins. Sigurd seizes Madino, battle ends. Sigurd hears that Chagall isn't at Madino, speaks with Claud. Chapter "3-1" ends. Player is given a choice to save their date. Now it reads "Chapter 3-2". Player choses to start Chapter 3-2 when they feel like it. Chapter 3-2's opening narration unfolds. Perspective of Deidre, gets kidnapped. Perspective of Chagall and Eldigan Perspective of Sigurd, who realizes he must mobilize and intercept Eldigan before he can reach the less-defended Agusty. Base camp at Madino Castle. Leave the castle to a prep screen, possibly with some additional dialogue before you get to it. Leave the prep screen, possibly a little more dialogue. Chapter 3-2's battle starts. Now then, would you tell me that 3-1 and 3-2 took place on the same day? I would hope you wouldn't tell me that if they made no indisputable statement saying it was the same day. I severely doubt there would be a such a statement. Why would you tell me 3-1 and 3-2 took place on separate days? Because of structuring, the pause between the events of 3-1 and 3-2. You don't see the sun set and the moon rise, so it could very well be a single day. But you're not so foolish to think that, because the break in gameplay leads you to think there was a break in fighting more substantial than that. And that would be right. So, what is Genealogy's problem then? Simple, two things: Its battlefields cover entire countries, it's a scale unmatched in other FEs. There is no save-and-quit return to narration and preparations break. When you don't see the passage of day and night, it's easier to think that an entire FE4 chapter is taking place in a single day. Which is simply not possible realistically given the sheer amount of land being crossed. Jugdral would have to be the size of Fiji to somehow fit both 10 and F in a single day, which is preposterous. Without the break in narration, it seems as though the enemy is reacting spontaneously to developments else. It seems as though Chagall could see alllllllllllll the way to Madino from Silvail with the naked eye. No, he can't. In another other game, if they placed his ordering of the Cross Knights to move out the start of the subsequent chapter, you'd think he was doing this at least one day later, and that it'd need maybe at least another day to get the Cross Knights to travel far enough to seize Agusty. They couldn't include such a narrative pause in FE4 as is, how would they? Do you want them to drag out these drawn out maps even more with time spent on enemy turns waiting for an unassailable enemy scout to gather intel, and then get to get back to the their castle and then take another turn for the baddie to digest the information? Would you want FE4's turns rebranded as "days" with a brief passing of the sun, moonrise, and cracking of dawn again? -Actually, that isn't a terrible idea. Break FE4 down to bite-size, and you have wouldn't have this sorely mistaken notion. The size of the maps, besides being unwieldy in the gameplay, created a fault in perception it seems. Same, replaying FE4 for changing up the children sounds great, but having to sit through Gen 1 again is tedious. If only there could be a "Branch of Fate" like Fates, where you can recustomize Corrin but skip Chapters 5 and beforehand. Except now it'd be for retooling pairing and item inheritance.
  2. It isn't her fault she can't wait until the meat is cooked and has to eat it raw! -Said Ilyana. Also, Orsian only has blood in his mouth because he has one heckuva bitten tongue from all his name and axe name tweaks. He can't help it he has had to try to familiarize himself with so many words for the same things.
  3. It'll be called "Larcei".๐Ÿ˜‰ And this gives me an interesting joke idea they'd never do- Shannan and Shannam on the same banner, with near identical art. I remember Wei Yan had a weapon called a "Double Voulge" in Dynasty Warriors. Here is the Wikipedia page for what a voulge is, this might explain the name, minus one letter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voulge And it's probably the Venin Edge, which he does have in his second and final gameplay appearance in FE5. But it's based on the PoR model.: And a little random, someone said Osian's artist drew a robot in a bara gatcha.
  4. I'd take Cornelius too, I like the Pooka Prince. Speaking of beasts, why not Ingway? Osian's axe being called Vouge? I think NoA forgot an "l".: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voulge
  5. What is Mercedes doing here? Pretty female though. Fairies are pretty different for FE.
  6. The game needs any good collab it can get after the lackluster 7/10 reviews, how I wish it had done better. Though perhaps Witcher just wants to spread itself everywhere and it has low standards for collaboration. DxM did get a Eureka Seven collab too, so the game got something anime mecha. -- After doing a little searching I checked to see how Gold Chips functioned and went and got 9 of them from Vampire Bride Marion, plus making two Treasure Sensors Skill RAMs for Poppi (Alpha can't use it for some reason), and I gave Adenine to Rex for her drops-boosting passive, the only Rare Blade to get it. Reading online, I wasn't sure if all this would stack, or if it'd even work on Smash drops. The clearest thing I read was that originally, all item-drop boosters stacked, but then they patched it so only the three Blades currently in active fighting gave boosts. Then they patched it back, so that all nine Blades in one's current party contributed to item drops. So, how did things work out for me? This greatly increased the Legendary Core drop rate with every Driver Combo against the Ardun! I got a Legendary + Rare about 60% of the time, maybe even higher. Not 100% for sure, but still pretty incredible. And I had spare chips that were better to swap everyone back to when the Core farming was done, not that Nia's healers were all that bothered by the Gold Chips, they have a nice enough Block Rate that I can keep 'em on. As belated as this is, I will say that I really like the Driver Combo system of XC2/Torna. XC1's system of Break-Topple-Daze isn't as good, since Daze felt like an afterthought, with Shulk's Daze Art having a long windup that make it possible for the Topple to end before it landed the Daze. XCX got rid of Daze, and made the Break replacement Stagger only helpful for inflicting Topple, it isn't actually mandatory. Unless you're using a Raygun or Assault Rifle, the Topple Arts are locked to costing TP too. That might have been done to counteract the Topple Lock strategy of XC1, which was fun but could be broken if you knew how to do it. Bind for Skells was a novel idea. But, XC2 figured out a better way to mitigate Topple Lock, just don't let Topple stack with itself. Launch lets you get more time with the enemy helpless to compensate for the brevity of Topple. Smash deals some nice damage and gives money and a chance for Chip, Core, and Aux Core drops. The Driver Combos extend your Blade Combo durations too. All in all, it's great, and I hope X2 borrows from it. So, after 70 minutes as I simultaneously watched the NYC Christmas Tree lighting and accompanying musical performances, I just chose to call it quits early on the Ardun. How did I compare for Core drops? Well, I had 99 Rares and 25 Legendaries when I spent an hour on the Ardun before, this time I had 99 Rares and 99 Legendaries. A massive improvement. Then I spent these in the hunt for Zenobia. I devoured about 30 Rares and 8 Legendaries from getting Gold Chips from Marion. I had went through about 20 or so more Rares to replenish my Truth Booster supply to better my chances with the Legendaries. After 33 Legendaries, Zenobia at last came! Now all the Rare Blades are mine! Barring the NG+ ones, but I don't feel like retreading all the steps of the story right now, so I don't intend to go for them. And because...(SPOILERS!) So, next up is freeing Shulkykins and Fifi, maybe on Easy if I have to. And then it's tackling all the remaining Blade Quests, Heart to Hearts, and maybe some of the superbosses and other Land of Challenge challenges too.
  7. Yes, Seliph is boring. Just as the narrative loses its ambition after Gen 1, so too went its main character, he's a worse FE3 Marth in demeanor, except FE3 Marth has an angry face. You can say Seliph has had a harrowing life, except it's never felt nor touched on, which is felt with Leif. Micaiah likewise we get a better feeling of a precarious past than Seliph, even if it too could use more (but who wouldn't benefit from more?). And Micaiah struggles, Seliph has only a painless tour de force through the southern and eastern half of Jugdral.
  8. That's promoted Hanbei if you don't recognize it, his unpromoted self is pretty much the exact same as SW3. I like the outfit, it doesn't mimic the Perfect Link Pokemon too much it also sets him up for getting Raikou. That, and Raichu's expressions pair so well with Hanbei's. My issue with it is that it's "Baby's First SRPG", only one Move per Pokemon was a terrible idea, even if you can bring six Warlords each with one Pokemon into every battle. The kingdom-building simulation aspect of it is too simple too, and slow. There is one only battlefield per kingdom (of 16, one per Poketype at the time), and the enemy AI is very basic, more blows to the SRPG gameplay. The many stories after beating the main one don't really do much for showcasing the personality any of the Samurai Warriors characters, since the stories have very little story to them. They de-aged five of them into kids as well b/c Pokemon, left out certain details- like Ginchiyo and Muneshige being married, and toned down certain characters, namely Kotaro and Nobunaga, to be less loving of chaos and war. Maybe the lack of character is because Pokemon has weak/simple characters, but thats no good excuse. I like the idea of the game, but a Pokemon Conquest 2 would have to really step it up. --- I toyed with the Ardun a few times and got to 83 Rare Cores and 25 Legendary, with two Lck accessories on Zeke. I started by Justice Boosting Zeke for T-elos, since she is supposed to have a very high rate, I got her in 4 Rares.๐Ÿ˜„ It took me down to 36 Rares to get Godfrey on, even though I was aiming for Newt, both of whom I got on Morag as intended. Newt was obtained at 16 Rares and 20 Legendaries. Zenobiaaaaaaaaa! I ran out and had to go back and grind for more Cores, after another hour of Ardun, I had 99 Rares and 25 Legendaries again. And yet STILL NOTHING! Why?! Her acquisition rate is the same 0.25 that Vale, Newt, and Dahlia have, which is higher than KOS-MOS's, why does Zenobia still elude me? I'm going to have get grinding again later, oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I wish I could set an autobattle feature to "perform Driver Combos, get stuff". Speaking of Newt, not what I was expecting for the Fire Katana. She looks like a twisted Dark Morag who lusts at the chance to destroy her other half. But I'll give her personality a chance once I'm able to be carefree with Zenobia obtained.
  9. Lyn is the third wheel, but I will echo that I like Eliwood and Hector. Hector does give a little vigor through contrast to Eliwood. Having someone on the surface far worse a character than him, let Eliwood be a little more free to be not quite so mild. I did kinda like Holmes and Shigen too, since it is of fairly recently memory for me, though Holmes and Katri is pretty dang bad. I find Seliph-Lewyn lacking, because Seliph is so safe a lord, and Lewyn's personality plummeted in Gen 2.
  10. Understandable, I was expecting this. The rough edges around the interesting ideas are rough, even if a certain optimism in me thinks they could be smoothed out in a remake I set myself up for disappointment saying that. And yeah, emulation makes things always a bit less regretful than buying it. Thats a silver lining. The Manster Escape I think inspired Path of Radiance Chapters 5-7 (which I do think aren't quite as thrilling, if infinitely more accessible to compensate). This is just my interpretation, but Tellius is inspired by Jugdral in some ways, and both Thracia 4-7 and PoR 5-7 involve fleeing from the enemy to safety. The difference is that Tellius stayed away from Jugdral's sharp faults and benefitted from some much appreciated modern updates. -- Can't believe it took me this long to realize how to screenshot on my Mac, even though it was only one web search away. I finally have access to these images I was surprised to not see available in better quality on Bulbapedia:
  11. Digital Devil Saga, if you're interested in trying something new in SMT, is a duology released after Nocturne on the PS2. It features Serph, a classic SMT silent protag, but also his talking comrades Heat, Argilla, Gale, and Cielo. They gain the power to turn into demons- their Avatars- made visible by the symbols on their bodies called Atma. Together with the mysterious girl Sera, they venture through a land known as the Junkyard in order to reach Nirvana. DDS has some vibes of young adult dystopia, that kinda popular youth literary genre. So it's more alive than Nocturne for sure. No alignment choices for affecting the ending, just one fixed narrative. Not trying to force it on you, just explaining it to provide you with a possible way to try SMT more. I'll admit the games aren't flawless for various reasons, but I liked them.
  12. I'm not sure what really is there that is more character-driven, other than Persona. Of which I've only played P2 Innocent Sin, which is so dated in gameplay it'd be rather burdensome for most. I mean I could suggest Digital Devil Saga, which has a fixed cast instead of demons, but I wouldn't quite call that game as having characters bursting with personality. So I'm not sure that'd be a surefire bet. Or, you could try SMTIV: Apocalypse, they tried to add a vibrant supporting cast there, but I felt it backfired and they ended up being insufferable and disparate from the usual direction of SMT.
  13. Magnificent. Just magnificent. Fortunately, most of these don't seem to share an audience, other than P5 and FF7. Animal Crossing shares how many players with DOOM? Cue the PC mod that adds anime girls to DOOM like the Fallout mod and the Thomas the Train in Alone in the Dark mod. The Langrisser I & II HD remake is coming the West in March. A smaller title in many regards, but certainly worth consideration amongst SRPG fans, not that I've every played a Langrisser, so how good they actually are I do not know. *Sees that 6000 jumps thing and is suddenly reminded of Fiora's jumping grunt* As for the UM killings, Torna's addition of the gravestones to the map information was a pleasant touch. I'm gonna have to use the wiki to figure out where the remaining hit jobs must be done. By the way Armagon, I just finished hunting dinosaurs to get to level 99, and now I need to farm Legendary Core Crystals to finish out the four non-NG+ Rare Blades I'm missing. I recall using the Uraya UM in the parasite area, and also using the Guido UM who I had Tora solo-Driver Combo, and now I could try the giant Armu because I surprisingly had enough stuff to feed it to maximum size. Which of these, or another, is the best source for quick and consistent LCCs? And one of those Rares being T-elos obviously, why is her name not all caps like KOS-MOS?
  14. Cloud can be considered a "eulogy character", in a sense. Square can put out "good" gameplay-FFs, but their last mainline FF attempts at storytelling- XIII and XV, ended up being something of fiascoes with top notch presentation. Not to call XII a good story, it doesn't seem at all that way, and FFX is no masterpiece either in retrospect, or even FF Tactics. And yet, for an era or three, Final Fantasy captivated the world with both storytelling backed by presentation and gameplay. As someone who doesn't know who they'd consider as "fitting in Smash" that can be added, I won't cast judgement on who can't be either. Even if I don't see Sora b/c legal hurdles getting through, and even if I can't visualize *insert nitty-gritty Western gaming character* blending in, I won't say they shouldn't be added.
  15. I can accept these points. Tyrfing is a boss-buster, albeit not a final boss-buster, that is the root of FE's lord ultimates. Falchion, Falchion, Falchion, Tyrfing, Binding Blade, Armads/Durandal/Sol Katti. I'd call it almost something of an accident that the Siegs are more than boss-busters, and Ragnell in RD is what begins moving the lord ultimates away from boss-busters. Skip over the remakes, and yeah Chromion ends up being a more than a final boss-buster, and then Yato is only to a small degree a boss-buster. And does the SotC do anything notable against any final boss?
  16. Fair point. But I think I still have point of my own, in that the "average" player not expecting Arvis, might find themselves either lacking a candidate to slay him, or has someone who does, but doesn't realize it. Tyrfing offers a readily available option for all... assuming you trained Seliph enough and manage to have Palmark, otherwise, you're screwed. So it's not perfect. Also, Crits don't work, remember, Arvis has Nihil.
  17. 16 Wt ๐Ÿคจ Considering Arvis has 70 Atk that targets pitifully low Res, I think that is the point of it. Other units usually have a pretty hard time scrapping together that much magic durability. You making Claude!Ced lets you use an alternative, since he can muster 9x2 damage to Arvis, but that pairing is not at all certain. Okay, Ares is another option, a fixed one, but who else can you think of that can penetrate 40 Def/Res and survive a Valflame? I'm not calling it impossible, Altena or Febail might be able to muster enough HP to endure a hit, and the Barrier Ring exists to shore up durability, but you're still looking at threadbare survivals requiring lots of levels to proc the needed HP. The Barrier Sword won't work, since you can't break through the 40 Def at all, or only barely.
  18. Though Shinon is backed by good gameplay performance in RD, if he didn't have that, would he have his popularity?
  19. I don't notice FPS differences, only genuine lag, so this doesn't bother me at all. (What problems did BotW have in this regard? I've heard complaints, but never understood them.) No, no PSP, and my ethical boundaries for emulation require it be a game which is entirely "dead" in availability and thus unable for the developer to profit from. Eternity alive on the PC stops me on this matter. Still, I've stalked enough CS topics to know it's okay, if not ideal, to start with CS. But I forget, should Xbell be played before CSII? Or was it Sky that really should be played before some "Divertissement" (which I was surprised to learn is a real word) in CS2? I welcome the opportunity to be initiated into a new cult. The Order of Chi Cielo Ferrum Heros, let the bull blood wash my naked body through the grating above, as I rip apart with my bare hands another live bull in front of me after drinking a half-dozen cups of fortified wine.
  20. The reinforcements don't start showing up until turn 7 through 10, and you can block the spaces they occupy if you have to. Though those same spaces are used by the civilians to flee. If you don't care about turncounts and wait until the start of turn 25, you can block out all reinforcements except the ones from the lower left staircase. That'd hopefully alleviate some pressure, making it easier to draw out the northern room. Vulneraries + 2 units able to survive 3 attacks a turn should make that more bearable. And, you could disarm Lithis or Lara and have them intentionally be captured to save someone from dying for a turn. I'm thinking it says something about how dead the Japanese PC gaming scene must be. Though it could be the portability of the Switch too. If the port is b/c NISA likes money, well, is it okay to ever show thanks to them?
  21. Holmes is around for a little less than half the game, since it's a SoV approach with the player alternating between him and the typical FE lord Runan. Holmes when drunk does get punched by Runan's also drunk old man advisor too at one point, so his jock-jerkiness doesn't go entirely uncriticized. The "Manster Escape", particularly Chapter 4, is very infamous. It does feel like a real flight for your life, no punches spared, but its challenge is sudden and unexpected so early in the game. Once one reaches Chapter 8, things mellow down though.
  22. If you don't mind an action RPG/beat 'em up, try Odin Sphere. You can change the difficulty at any time if you need to.
  23. Whatever happened to Falcom saying they were too small to port junk and that they were sticking to the Playstation- understandable- for most of their titles? Welp, I have reason to start up my old PS3 once again ignore FFIX, XIII, and Sonic Generations. My reason for not getting ToCS 1&2 is gone- not being able to finish the subseries of games. I don't mind emulating, so the Crossbell games will be no problemo for me. I won't have access to Chemtrails in the Sky b/c no PC, but oh well. Though not being able to watch and TV and play video games at the same time will be such a bummer to go back to once more. Please let this mean a Ys IX port is possible, I liked VIII, so another would be nice. I just hope it's a wee bit shorter. And that it doesn't leave me saddened and unable to return to it ever again.
  24. Interestingly, the Xe-doms have a naming convention for 3/4 of their Tyrants: Go-rha, the Guardian Deity Nu-rhor, the Dark Deity Gi-zho, the Iron Deity Du-rha, the Imprisoned Not sure why they didn't slap "Deity" at the end of Du-rha's name, an "Imprisoned Deity" would make total sense. --- @DragonFlames If Thracia doesn't work out for you (understandable), may I suggest giving TearRing Saga a try? Not calling it the best game ever, but it's a solid FE. It's easy to discount it as not being one if you haven't played it, but... does this look at all pleasing to you? Or familiar? Her Str & Spd are capped by the way. Never mind her AS, the Chu-no-ku/Gatling Bow is extraordinarily heavy, the price that comes for being a bow that naturally quadruples. She started at level 3. Not too hard (if anything it's on the easy side), no status staffs belonging to the enemy, some access to grinding if you want to train up people. Still dated in ways, support conversations weren't invented yet, but I found it enjoyable. My one reason for hesitating it as a total recommendation for you is that the co-lord Holmes, well the positive way to spin it is he is refreshingly different from all the goodie-two-shoes lords had been up to this point (pre-FE6). The critical way is to call him a bow-toting jerk. He's no pervert at all though he showed more interest in Shigen than Katri if you ask me.
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