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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. This reminds me of Bravely Second's monster entries. Besides an objective description of the monster, the four playables would write a little conversation of like 5 lines between each other about each and every monster. Their text is color-coded, because each character called dibs on a different pen color for scribbling in Yew's journal. The only problem is you'd have to grind a whole bunch of any monster not a boss to unlock the full dialogue. - I do approve of the idea wholeheartedly though. Imbue the game with a little more of everyones' personalities and add an extra pinch of flavor the beautiful world at the same time. But, you can only see one journal entry per region per playthrough? I'd be a little conflicted about whose to choose, even if Internet means I could look up the rest in three minutes. In addition, this sounds like this could be a lot of writing (though given XC1 and X put up with hundreds of Collectopedia entries, I think they could do it). How many characters and areas does Ryza have, and how long are the entries? Looking at XC1 (Numerical and Name SPOILERS): XC2 would be... (Numerical and Name SPOILERS): This doesn't address whether certain areas should have two entries. Like Gormott, should Torigoth get an entry separate from the wilderness around it? For an XCX sequel, going off the basis of what XCX1 was like, there would be too many playable characters to have each of them write entries. Furthermore, there are only five regions in the first game, so using them as the object of the writing focus wouldn't give you very much. Instead, being that XCX is distinct from XC, I'd propose a different focus for this kind of flavor writing. Assign the writing to either landmarks (Probe Sites especially) or plain old locations or base camps or scenic viewpoints/unexplored territories (so, anything but the region itself). And make the writing read more commonly like impersonal and objective research data, but it doesn't always need a cold, humorless tone.
  2. What Pokemon Gen hasn't had at least one horribly "uncreative" design? Although I don't know Gen 6 or 7. And Gens 3 and 4, maybe they didn't? But this is much a matter of subjectivity barring Seel and Stanler. Just started up Persona 1, the thing that began it all b/c historical curiosity, and ooooooof the artwork is horrid. It has aged like a fungal infection. I'm not sure if I'll be able to put up with a game where these portraits are in my face all the time.
  3. Edelgard not being able to fully benefit from her Hidden Talent is the fault of dividing Reason into Black and Dark, which wasn't necessary. Magic weapons outdoing spells themselves when it comes to all but range (which might not even be a significant case if Thyrsus works with them), is itself another gameplay fault. Perhaps KT thought the limited uses of magic weapons would curtail them enough? -And, I don't think KT, or IS, designs their classes/weapons/units knowing their failures in practice. They build them around some naïveté that should've had a place for Magemgard. Whilst I like having a Halberdier for once in a while Dimitri too, him having a horse would've been more symmetrical. Edel is Armor, Claude is Flight, if Dimitri was Horse, then it'd leave Enlightened One Byleth as Infantry- all class types would have a lord. Doesn't this game let you buy infinite Hammers and Horseslayers at some point? It even has that cheaper and weaker Mace buyable in infinite quantities I know. You can't run out then unless you run out of money, and in this game, if you run out of cash. This would also require you not train any mages and their long-term infinite spells. Meaning you didn't play with any notion of strategy in a strategy RPG. You DESERVE TO FAIL if you got to that point. Draug, the very first Armor Knight ever, had only a 10% Def growth, when everyone else in FE1 Chapter 1 had 20%, barring Jagen and Wrys. They gave Darros and Ogma's Fighters 40% and 50%, and Julian, Palla, and Catria all got 30%. But, no Armor Knight in FE1 got more than 20% Def growth. And, FEs ever since usually, until Awakening and Fates, had Def growths be overwhelmingly lower on average than most other stats. A 30% Spd is glacial in GBA FE, but it's almost unrivaled to have 30% Def. Shall I mention how FE12 when making Kris made the Def boosts always give less than picking it for another stat? Noble's Child (Skl and Spd) gives +2 base and +5% growth, while Clergy's Child (Def) gave +2 Def with no growth. Likewise, the Def Present 5% less growth boost of a boost than of the non-HP options. And the Def Future gives 5% less growth than everything but Res again. Not to mention Def traits boost only that stat and no other, despite every other stat other than HP being paired with another, so your total boosts are in a way halved (even if you're not likely using both Str and Mag when you pick a Str & Mag trait). So yes, FE has disliked massive Def before, and it dislikes it again. Because too much Def all fear would lead to a "Tink!"fest, a big, glorious stream of high Def units Tinking everything. I liked Fates, Effie and Benny were such good Armors. Effie had a big Spd growth that almost compensated for the class's poor base, and she had big Str too. Benny on the other hand had no Str, but Wary Fighter meant he didn't care about Spd, and he actually had moderate/good Res, a dual wall able to take hits but with the price of not being able to deal them so well- not unheard of in the Pokemon metagame, but a rarity in FE.
  4. Haven't ambassadorships served as a plume of political patronage for decades? Not to excuse Agent Orange for doing so. I haven't been watching the impeachment hearings, it's dreary news that I can't quite feel good with. I like the news, but this is the kind I don't care so much for.
  5. Official release dates for Langrisser I & II have been announced: March 10th for North America March 13th for Europe March 20th for Australia and New Zealand http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/11/langrisser_i_and_ii_lands_a_2020_release_date_in_the_west NISA put out an old vs. new graphics comparison trailer too:
  6. The history of weapon types as I see it (I'm leaving out Manaketes, Laguz/Taguel/Kitsune/Wolfskin, and Ballisticians): Swords win. Lances are always accompanied by Swords so they're more a flex option. Axes are just there and rather bad on four units. Bows are I'm guessing decent? Magic too? IDK not having played. Axes don't exist on the playable side. Otherwise, it seems to be "use whatever you get", since you don't really have the option of using whoever and whatever weapons you want. Sword > Lance > Bow > Axe I'd say. Magic is pretty good, maybe second only to Swords. Sword > Wind > Light > Lance > Thunder > Bow > Fire > Axe (except the Brave). Easily the most hierarchical game in terms of weapon types. Though you could flip Wind & Sword and Thunder & Lance maybe. Sword > Magic > Axe > Lance > Bow. Swords are still the best. I lump all magic together because you don't get much of a choice due to whats available and what someone has the ranks for (but Wind > Light > Thunder = Fire > Dark). Axes are definitely a good weapon type for once, and outdo Lances due to being usable indoors, but Lances aren't bad. Having Con to mitigate AS loss is a big reason for the improvement in Axes. Iron Axes have only 5 less Hit than Iron Swords too. Bows are the worst because of glacial WEXP gain, low starting ranks on every but Selphina and Xavier, the inability to Capture, being inferior to Magic, and a general lack of enemy fliers. Sword > Anima > Bow > Lance >= Axe > Dark = Light. Iron/Steel Swords have a 15/20 Hit advantage over Lances/Axes of the same caliber. That additional accuracy matters, so Swords are the best. But, Lances and or Axes accompanying Swords on a unit (so Hero/Paladin) is a good thing, since you get 1-2 range then, and with WTA, an Axe has the same accuracy as a Sword but with 5 more Mt. The extra 5 Hit on Lances and being tied to better units initially (Cavs, Pegs) does give them the edge over Axes, but otherwise they're equal. Anima is the best Magic by being the most accurate. Dark is tied to two bad units and lategame Niime, and it and Light, tied three staffbots, is less accurate than Anima but not any stronger. If you could in practice get more use out of these than a 10/1 Ellen/Saul or the EXP babies Raigh and Sophia or lategame Niime and Joder, then I would rank Dark and Light higher. Bows, do they deserve to be above or below Lances? I'm not sure, but good accuracy, good units, weak 1-2 Javelins and Hand Axes, and plenty o' Wyverns makes them good for a change. Lance > Axe > Anima >= Light > Sword = Dark > Bow. Weak enemies and weapon Hit buffs means cheap physical 1-2 range is fashionable baby! Swords don't get that; other than dodgetanking Axes (a good thing), they're technically inferior, but still useful. Weight and accuracy are still small issues with Axes, so the Lance is superior, not that Raven gives a damn about that. Lucius and Erk are about equal barring Lucius's better Staff rank, so in practice the small leads of Anima doesn't matter over Light. Luna is a good bosskiller, but Canas can't Nostank I think, and so Dark, while not bad with Flux and Luna, ends up being situational like Swords. Bows are the only truly bad weapon type in FE7, more so the international version with the effective bonus reduced. Being stuck to 2 range when the game is so easy to 1-2 enemy phase. Lance > Axe > Anima = Light > Sword > Bow > Dark. Same as FE7 for the same reasons, a fairly egalitarian game for the weapon types, barring 1-2 range being good. Bows and Dark flipped positions because Luna got nerfed and that leaves Dark in a pretty worthless spot, while Bows got their effective bonus restored to 3x. Axe > Lance > Anima > Sword > Bow > Light >> Knife The Hit and Weight issues of Axes are gone, enemies are still weak and allies durable, the era of power and 1-2 range is in full force. Axes take the top spot because they're the strongest, Lances are a close second. I debate whether Swords or Anima (Thunder > Fire = Wind) is better. Neither is as good as the top two, but they're definitely better than Bows. Sure there are a good deal of fliers to hit, so Bows aren't useless, but 1-2 enemy phase domination and universal 2x effective bonus really hurts them. Light Magic is heavy, light on Mt, and of lower Hit, all tied to a single unit with nonexistent Str, less than ideal Spd, and no Def to speak of for Nostanking. Knives are a total joke, even if Volke tries his best with them. Axe > Lance > Sword > Knife = Bow > Magic 1-2 enemy phase love is still here, and Axes are as good as they are in PoR. Swords got a serious buff in RD with Wind Edges, letting them join in the buyable 1-2 physical range game that they'd been forced out of. All three of these have less accurate but more powerful variants too that you totally want to buy outside of Part 1. Axes might be king, but the Lance and Sword are doing very well as well. Daggers don't have a power version, and a Silver Dagger has less Mt than a Steel Sword! But, they have buyable 1-2 range and Heather and Sothe can feasibly dodgetank as Swordmasters without WTA, so they end up being in a distant fourth. Some might question my position equalizing Knife and Bow, and I can see their point, Shinon is a really good unit and so is the Double Bow (final battles only). But 2-3 range, while nice, is no substitute for 1-2 range, which for Bows is finally available in the form of Bowguns. But, Bowguns not using Str makes them technically inferior 1-2 range. Sure at base, Shinon with the Crossbow you get in 3-P has 28 Atk, which is only 3 points less than what he'd have if he could use a Steel Bow at 1-2, is still nominally inferior, and the gap will grow if he doesn't get the better Bowguns later. Magic is at its nadir in RD. Mages are slow and fragile, enemy Res is really high, and their tomes are absurdly weak. The strongest Tome around is Balberith, and it's only as strong as a Steel Poleax. It's a whole 7 Mt behind Urvan and that is as large as the Def-Res gap gets on non-Red Dragon/General/Dracoknight/Tiger enemies, meaning the Archsage isn't actually dealing any more damage than the Urvan user by hitting Res over Def. Effective bonuses that are rarely around to benefit from don't help. Within magic, it's Fire > Wind > Light = Thunder > Dark I'd say (since Dark is 2nd playthrough only), but it hardly matters. Thani is the lone great tome in the entire game. Lance > Axe > Magic > Bow > Sword What really matters is SD is effective weapons, it doesn't matter its type, as long as you have an effective weapon, ideally forged, you're good. Knights, Cavaliers, and Manaketes make up so many of the enemy units in this game, and thus effectives rule. Enemy phase is largely optional here with low enemy density. Lance is the best b/c Wing Spear I'd say, but Axes and Lances are both good. Axes are better when it comes to WTC, but Lances are more readily available and usable at good ranks on more units and classes. Swords are certainly worse than Lances and Axes due to Wt being a nonissue, the Avoid formula got severely nerfed to render the extra Hit of Swords unneeded, and Axes vanish after like Pyrathi from the enemy arsenal. Operating under near-constant WTD or neutrality because Swords and Lances comprise all the enemy ranks is bad, and WTD strips Swords of 3 damage when effective. Outside of Marth's Rapier, they can't be effective on Cavs either. I'm not sure where to rank Bows and Magic at all actually. Enemy Res is very low, but so is player units' Mag (and their Spd is questionable). Bows like the absence of a great enemy phase, but they can't be effective on anything but fliers. Swords = Lances = Axes = Bows = Magic? Is FE12 the first game to achieve weapon parity? Enemy phase matters more here than FE11, but Javelins and Hand Axes have the power of peashooters, so they're not broken at all. Enemy composition is fairly diverse, with moves to add in classes that weren't present in the original FE3B2 game to the enemy roster to most maps. Effective bonuses against fliers are really appreciated here at points, good for Bows and Magic. But the game is not endless Cavalier and Knights, making the Horseslayer and the Hammer and their kind not so amazing as they were in FE11. Magic > Axe = Lance > Sword >> Bow The enemy phase is back with a vengeance! Hurry, Pair Up and use 1-2 range to destroy everything when the Risen come for you! *Sigh* Tomes have the best 1-2 range, and aren't stuck to characters who have no concrete durability- hi Robin, but also Tharja and Morgan. Nostanking is insanely viable to boot, the best it has ever been. Hand Axes and Javelins might still have their nerfed FE12 stats, but so many enemies and the ability to double using them means you still want them. Snowballing with Pair Up means you'll end up slaughtering everything no problem. Swords don't get buyable 1-2 range other than the Levin Sword, which while magical and hence great, leaves one wondering "why not make that person a Sage?". For physical Swordies, they require Ragnell, which is very rare and needs Armsthrift to make practical. No Ragnell? No 1-2 range. Missing on the 2 range makes Swords significantly inferior to the top three. Bows missing out on 1 range is a much bigger deal than Swords with no 1-2. Bows can never get 1-2 range, and this makes them terrible yet again, and it ain't like Virion has god base stats either, or that anyone on promotion gets A Bows automatically either. Shame, because Pegasus Knights being ordinary in the enemy ranks with high Res, makes them equal to Wind Magic against fliers for once. If you're willing to grind for an army of Gale Force optimized units, then a lot of the enemy phase orientation of FE13 can melt away and every weapon type becomes good. But that isn't so practical needing all the time it does. Magic > Shuriken/Dagger > Axe = Lance = Bow = Sword? I can't figure out things in FE14 very well. I'm not so versed in its top tier/"efficient" play. But, Tomes/Scrolls do have a lot of a good stuff, it's just a balanced set of mages that limits their potency. Odin has Skl, but not as much Spd or Mag as you'd like; Nyx has Mag/Spd, but no Skl; Hayato Spd, but eh Mag and bad Skl; Orochi Mag/Skl, but no Spd. This said, get a good Ophelia or reclass someone or fix a natural caster's problem stat, and in theory you have a really good unit, barring enemies with high Res. Shuriken and Magic are the only weapon types with full-powered 1-2 range available to all. Enemy phasing exists in FE14, but it's been balanced I'd say on the whole, not perfectly, and because it can become entirely better than player phasing with proper setup I think, I place these two weapon types above the rest. Even if at a lower level of play, they're balanced with the rest of your weapons. I fail to see a significant difference amongst Sword/Lance/Axe, and Bows aren't so bad in this game since enemy phase is nerfed and they've access to a measure of 1-2 range. Therefore I consider them equal. Is FE14 the second game with weapon parity? I wonder. Magic > Bow > Sword > Lance and Axe don't exist. But overall, you'll use whatever you can get, all classes except Priestesses can wield only one type of weapon, and you'll be using nearly every unit you get, you don't have much of a choice of which classes and thus which weapons to bring and prioritize. Only finished two routes on Hard here, so I'm still in the dark about what is good and bad. Yet, I'd call this game arguably the third with weapon parity from what I've seen. TearRing Saga: Lance > Sword > Magic > Bow > Axe Swords aren't the most accurate weapon type in TRS, that goes to the Lance, which still has medium power and Wt. Indoors maps where Lances become overwhelmingly unusable b/c dismounting are rather few, though still forcing a conversion to Sword use. Mages will use whatever types they can. I'd rank them: Thunder > Wind > Fire > Light > Dark, but this doesn't really matter. Mage stats are a little low, but they can all shine with their * tomes and Janura aka Nosferatu. Of those * tomes, it's Sunflame = Slyphid > Aura Rain > Janura > Dire Brenthunder > Starlight > Wondergust for me. So Sunflame more than compensates for the excessive Weight and low Hit of Fire, while Brenthunder doesn't do enough to stand out. Bows are not bad, Gargoyles and Harpies provide for a lot of enemy fliers with nice Res. Raquel and Holmes are great bow users, Leonie is just as amazing when trained, and Shirou and Lionheart are decent too. In fact, the good stats of some bow users makes them comparable or better to mages with shoddy stats but good tomes against non-high Def foes. Axes are not bad either, they might be heavy in a game without AS loss prevention, but human enemies fortunately have really bad AS in the negatives most of the time. The 94 use Dolharken and 90 use Brave Axe are very good, but I shouldn't elevate for a weapon solely for its rarities, which the Sword has the most of anyhow. 1-2 range isn't that important in this game, but Javelins and Pilums are far superior to Hand Axes and Tomahawks. I might to say that Axes > Bows against slow humans, but Bows are better against monsters who tend to be faster and could deny Axers a chance to double.
  7. Well, I read Tiki's been stated to be Sessions-only too. *Sigh* Barry, middle-aged admirer of sweet and innocent girls, is 98% certain now to be another Sessions-only contributor if they didn't bother mustering the resources to make TIKI! fully playable. So sorry, I like you TMS when many others spurn you (not for bad reasons), but I won't go back in, not now, only if there was a really very good unbelievably awesome sale. Just know I will spiritually give you my S rank. Speaking of a vibrant Tokyo entertainment industry, this makes me smile: The music changes for the Idol Exhaust Skills ingame, it's just been overridden here.
  8. Got back to 7th Dragon 2020-II. The Shuto Seaspire dungeon had a psychological horror moment in it, but the music was scarier than the actual horror. The 7th Imperial Dragon Insomnia was one terrible boss- hello turn 2 partywide insta-death! Yeah, I needed a second try, and even then, I forget why, it still didn't go down easily. I recall it had a second ailment in tow. The first half of the final dungeon, Tokyo Skytower, was not very tough. Its dragons were weak and the midboss at its top the Fomalhaut Crest had waaaay too little HP. Then I went to Fomalhaut himself. He had two-three phases. It's technically three, but the third is just a severely weakened Fomalhaut- you'd have to force yourself to lose, I killed him in two Ex Skills I had left over. Phase one I don't really know that much about, other than Fomalhaut being able to inflict Curse and this form not having having too much HP. The thing was that the best Knuckles for my Destroyer have a chance of inflicting Paralysis with every attack, and a Counter Stance hit on turn 1 meant Fomalhaut did next to nothing other than some basic attacks before he lost. Now in Phase One, Fomalhaut looked as he did earlier in the game: But after phase one, Fomalhaut decides to show you his true form. He opens his mouth and exhales a big purple-red-black ball of evil gas, as this happens, his body turns to stone and disappears, with a new body manifesting from the dark sphere. This is the real Fomalhaut: True Form Fomalhaut took me two tries, losing lets you restart without having to refight phase one. But, you cannot rearm yourself, which bad, because you really want to prep your two accessory slots for this fight. Why? Thus, with Fomalhaut slain, so 7th Dragon 2020-II came to its end. I'll maybe get to the bonus dungeon and boss later. The 2020 7th Dragon duo was fun for me, I like class systems and mild dungeon crawling, so the games were good. Not the greatest titles by any stretch of the imagination, but they were comforting fun in a way.
  9. I like the Noponese nickname actually. It reminds me that I've had dogs whose names have been monosyllabic, and yet we tend to repeat it twice. Why not pick a bisyllabic name then? I guess it's easier and cuter to roll through the same syllable twice. Maiko isn't going to be fully playable in TMS#FE Encore! She'll be limited to jumping in for Sessions! Darrrrrrrrrrrrn! 3 new fully playable characters was only a mirage! I am saddened! Will Tiki and Barry also be slapped with the Sessions-only limitation? At least Maiko was going to be a third Sword user, so not having her playable isn't a big deal in gameplay, but Barry would be only the 2nd Axe user, so I'm hoping it isn't the case. Tiki is certainly magical Fire- which nobody current uses as one of the two main elements, and I'd expect magical Elec for her second, which makes me really want her playable. Only time will tell if these two are fully playable. But for a double-dipper that I'd be, this is making me possibly reconsider a purchase, or at least a delay until a sale.
  10. 🙁 Please don't let Tiki and Barry be the same way! Tiki probably won't be, but now I'm concerned about Barry. Yes he's a creep, but I don't care about that if he's playable. If Barry drops out too, my incentive to double-dip at least immediately will take a serious blow.
  11. So, the ToS/ToA Glory skill? Thats the opposite of noob-friendly, since no flinch lets a person kinda notice less all the hits they're taking, so the damage adds up real fast. The skill is definitely awesome and arguably too good (which is why Glory has such high ToA requirements to get), but it runs into the problem blind aggression KOing a character very quickly. Although such a playstyle deserves punishment.
  12. Deserts don't have to be hot. Desert and not-desert is defined by precipitation- rain/snowfall- not temperature. Antarctica being called a cold desert is a big case of this. And, say hello to the Gobi: Sand and snow! I'm not sure if anything is said of the Yied being explicitly hot. If nothing is said of heat, well we can pretend there is a reason the rivers don't flow in Yied, and a reason that the clouds run out of rain before they get there.
  13. I just meant in general, not for this particular individual. I'm not the biggest fan of the "special girl" trope, particularly when that specialness gives great power, but does nothing to stop them from needing others.
  14. Make it a total lie! Amnesia their posterior! The guy knows everything, and because reasons, the game didn't want to show this to the player. Why must the player know everything the main protagonist is thinking? -Other protags don't always show you their minds' interiors, in fact, they tend to lie and hold things back, right Great Wall of Playable Tales Traitors? Similarly, make special girl all a show. If she has any fragility and conscientiousness, it's not real, she can and would punch you where you're most sensitive to the moon if she felt like it.
  15. Will this help you feel better? It sells for just enough to cover the bill for one very hungry Nopon's binge to continue living. Account for this universe!
  16. The characters concern me more than the setting- if by that you mean "world". The characters sound sooooooo cliche that I'd be hard-pressed to care. The setting has a bigger chance of not being cartoonishly black-and-white, than the main duo painfully generic. Not the best chance, but a chance. But, this game could easily end up being "modernized open-ish world Tales gameplay, terrible plot, 8/10". At least Symphonia hides its two-worlds situation for about a third of the game, and even then neither side knowlingly intends to oppress the other. This sounds consciously evil vs. good and you'll know it from the start. -Although ToS being my first Tales gives me something of a bias towards it.
  17. Considering we already have an Odin, if the Norse King of the Gods shows up, it'll be a more Runic/Scandinavian spelling of his name, Wotan? Wodan? -It'll keep him being confused with Dynamic Spark Sword!.
  18. @Armagon, a little more Xenobabble: --- I'm running out of Switch games, to play. Once I finish FFXII- A Poor Man's Proto-Xenoblade (It's not bad, it just didn't live up to my high hopes with some glaring flaws, if visible strengths too.), I'll have nothing I didn't finish the story of.
  19. Don't know how normal it is, but my Edel had over 20 Magic by the end at level ~40. Sure her Str was nearly double that, but range and Res targeting means spells could have had a use on her. As is, I never let her stay in Armored Lord/Emperor (Was it necessary for there to be a slight upgrade for the timeskip personal class for every lord? They don't have any time to master their first one as is.) and just made her a Wyvern Rider. On Hard, she doubled and destroyed most things in the midgame, and though she stopped procing Spd later, she was still able with: Combat Arts, Death Blow, and Str +2, to eek out a whole lot of OHKOs or near OHKOs.
  20. @Armagon Thank you for all that! And to continue speaking of it: And @Lightchao42, I see what you and Armagon mean about Malos. Malos did embrace what he thought to be his purpose, but he did it because he wanted it from the depths of his heart, not because it was simply his duty. And, he did it to the end with his signature smugness, which was hatable, but oh so likably so! I half-seriously would love to see some fanfict where he ended up with someone not-Amalthus as his Driver. Just to see what would remain of Malos's personality and character if he was bound to someone with a more cheery outlook on human existence.
  21. Today, November 18th is Tetsuya Takahashi's birthday, his 53rd. I'm surprised he's that not all that old. Sure he is getting up there and should be seriously thinking of retirement eventually, but he still has time to lay down plenty of new stories. This would have meant he was 32 when Xenogears was released, more than I'll ever accomplish by that point. And, perhaps Xenogears is indicative of the video game industry at the time, still in something of a phase where you didn't have to be "old" to be in charge of a game's production that wasn't an indie. And because of this symbolic date, I finally 😤 went and threw off the Xenotross hanging over me and got XC2 done. There, finished, dust in the wind, bones in the grave, limbs in my fridge, no more, nada, what happens when exactly 10 units of matter meets exactly 10 units of antimatter. Postgames almost don't exist for me anymore b/c too much other stuff to play. The final area was pretty. Level 75 on Normal for the final boss with Morag BriAeCor (all maxed Affinity Charts for this team), Zeke PanElmKOS, and Nia DroFloBor; everyone had two not very carefully considered Pouch Items used on them. The final battle wasn't hard at all, barring a moment where it KO'ed both Nia and Zeke in short succession (did they fall to their deaths?). I didn't notice any boss gimmicks, and the reinforcements only took a little time to kill b/c I forgot how to get the AI to change its targeted enemy. By the way @Armagon was the 30-minute cutscene (END OF GAME SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY for all would-be onlookers!)... And I'll just end by again saying good ending, good game. I await Monolith's next project.
  22. Two questions: SF doesn't have a calculations page for 3H, how do Combat Arts that use another stat to increase damage get that boost calculated? In other words, what % of the Def stat is used for Glowing Ember? Or % of Res for Lightning Axe? Second, I've completed Crimson Flower and this is just a random question, the final boss's mid-battle text-boxed noises- did they mean anything in gameplay? I couldn't figure it out if they did.
  23. I assembled an old favorite deuterotagonist: Guillo (Male- even if it's an it being an artificial construct.) Class: Paramachina? (Armor, can use Magic. Has 6 Move.) Class Abilities: Fistfaire, Black Tomefaire, Crit +20. (So, a War Master that goes hybrid.) Special Note: As is the case with the Taguel and Manaketes in Awakening, even when reclassed, this will maintain a unit type designation as "Armor" and gain Armor Skill Experience for it. Proficiencies: Swords Lances Axes Bows Brawling Reason Faith (Budding Talent- learns Fortify. Yes I see nobody gets a spell as a Budding Talent, but some do get Combat Arts.) Authority Armor Riding Flying Personal Ability: Shining Arms- Increases damage against Monsters by 6. Relic Weapon (Gauntlet): Deluge the Seabane- 5 Mt, 85 Hit, 10 Crit, 6 Wt, 1 Rng. When initiating combat, deals 2 consecutive hits. Deals magic-based damage. For Guillo, enables Dustwake Sky. Dustwake Sky: +7 Mt, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 1-2 Range, costs 3 Durability. Deals magic damage, Mt increases based on user's Str. (Is this too weak given everything else about Guillo?) It's Ruptured Sky, but targeting Res and increasing damage with Str, and no anti-dragon. Learned Black/Dark Magic: Fire Thoron Sagittae Fimbulvetr Dark Spikes T Learned White Magic: Heal Nosferatu Abraxas Fortify -I don't feel like doing Combat Arts right now. Nor do I want to look at SF's list of them yet. Stats-wise, I'm not familiar with what constitutes good growths in 3H, I'm not going to look at those until I at least have a Blue Lions play done, and I don't intend to play that path for months. Nor am I familiar with class stats, or Mastery Combat Arts/Abilities. But as a guideline for growths: HP- Poor. Str- Good. Magic- Great. Dex- Average. Spd- A little above average. Lck- Poor. Def- A little below average. Res- Good. Cha- Poor.
  24. Finished with the Crimson Flower of 3H in 30 hours. Was not expecting the last two chapters to be back-to-back. I did like Chapter 12 Crimson Flower, that was fun, and I did enjoy Claude's last stand too. The route was shorter, but its gameplay didn't feel rushed to me. No more 3H until the final DLC wave strikes I think, I've had my fill of it for now.
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