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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. If you want to see some Skell animations, see this 3-minute video featuring all the Skell superweapons. This is the best I can find, cool non-superweapons Skells can use don't have any dedicated videos, and even this vid has a few minor camera problems.: Please be aware most of these got name changes in English: All the weapons have ad ploys shown when you first unlock them, as the above video shows. In English, the ads read:
  2. Is putting themselves through some shabby video games.
  3. Would very likely be accurate, because it doesn't take a genius (only someone attentive to the general conversation around the game) to know the oft-cited faults of FE4.
  4. If by "tried" you mean "comprises 2% of your body mass", then yes. What will Glacier National Park be named when the glaciers disappear in the next ten years?
  5. I've set the timestamp to Gravity Lunge. The entire video showcases every Signature Art in the game, it's the only Arts collection video I can find. These are Arts available only to their original character initially, and can be unlocked for use by Cross via completion of that character's Affinity Missions. For everyone with three AfMs, you get one on the second mission, and the other on the third. For Nagi and Celica, and Mia, who only have 2/1 AfM, you get the first Art on their recruitment. Know that the video goes out of order for a whole load of these, you get Seventh Edge before Gravity Lunge for instance. Wanted to do something for the holidays. I recalled the not-Times Square Christmas Tree of Zeboim, thinking fondly on that flashback, searched "Xenogears Zeboim Christmas Tree" and found it right away. Picked this one because Kim and Elly added to it more than a city backdrop. --- Got the Christmas tree up already, and most of the decorations. Including this for the first time ever (since I got it as an Xmas gift last year): But, I still love this, an official, quality Hallmark ornament of a beloved video game franchise.
  6. He is a member of the Order of the Garter. Very prestigious don't you know. Would you like to be able to walk on clouds?
  7. Quickly running the numbers with a WL!Hilda 41 Str, no Abilities but Axefaire, no Battalion, no accessory against a 41 Def General: Unforged Hammer (10 Mt, 56 Atk total)- 37 damage Same Hammer with Helm Splitter (+7 Mt)- 44 damage Iron Axe (-2 base Mt compared to the Hammer)- 15 damage Iron Axe with Helm Splitter- 30 damage Hammer with Diamond Axe (+14 Mt)- 51 damage To run the numbers, fortunately, Hilda's Str and the enemy Def are the same 10 * 3 + 5 = 35 Which means a +2 is unaccounted for. Allies fielded are Seth, Flayn, and all GD units, maybe that explains it. 10 * 3 + 7 + 5 = 42 Again, a +2 is unaccounted for. But, the damage boost is equal to Helm Splitter's Mt calculating it this way. 8 + 5 = 13 8 + 7 * 3 + 5 = 35 What? Why is there a discrepancy here with the displayed ingame? And why is a Training Axe + Helm dealing four less damage with only two less Mt? 8 * 2 + 7 + 5 = 28 (Iron Axe) 6 * 2 + 7 + 5 = 24 (Training Axe) I stand corrected! You double the base weapon's Mt when using an effective Combat Art, not the added Mt. 10 * 3 + 14 + 5 = 49 This makes sense too. So, you never multiply the Combat Art's added Mt, that was my error. CA effective bonuses are * 2 the weapon's base Mt, naturally effective weapons have * 3 their base Mt. These do not stack, with the * 3 taking priority. This hopefully explains everything! Just had to do a little math.
  8. It seems to operate according to formula of SoV: Does the effectiveness come from the weapon itself? I.E. Hammer. Then triple the weapon's Mt. Does the effectiveness come from a Combat Art? I.E. Knightkneeler. Then triple the Combat Art's added Mt, but not the base weapon's.
  9. It might not be the strongest Art, but no denying its one of the most stylish. The backflip to your starting position like you're on the International Space Station is icing on the cake for me. The ability to just turn off gravity leaves me wanting to know why I have to walk everywhere before getting a Skell. I was curious, so I ran through all the Arts of a bunch of weapons, most animations are quick, practical and kinda samey; none of that drawn-out XC2 Specials flashiness. Though XC1 wasn't very big on flash either. Psycho Launchers are something of an exception.: Stellar Ray has the "hover over your head and shoot everything around you" animation. This is what I'd expect of shooting drones. Tacit Censure sprays the enemy with something inflicting Virus (the "no ranged attacks" debuff). Jetstream hits the enemy with what I guess is a large sphere of Ether. The Dual Dynamo animation has you meditate in midair for a moment before getting a triple offense-boosting aura. Enlightenment is power. Astral Protection's visible aura is pretty unique, you're surrounded by a thin bluish-white ring that a gently glowing star orbits along. But Shooting Star, Starlight Kick, and Gravity Lunge are the best. The second of those has a fixed attribute of Gravity, that might explain the floating. Shooting Star has you floating off the ground, then you go head first into some kind of tackle. How is this an Electric attack? For Gravity Lunge, you leap into a floating sphere of Gravity created by the Psycho Launchers. And while inside the sphere deal a flurry of punches and kicks that I assume are magnified in strength by extra g-forces.
  10. Holidays are always a good reason to pig out. And pulled pork is delicious. I started with Pirate's Curse, and it is a pretty good game overall. Then I went back to Risky's Revenge Director's Cut on Wii U when it went on sale. I remember Nintendo Power hyping it up as quality DSiware, but fans seem to think it wasn't great. Playing it myself, it most certainly is no Pirate's Curse, only two dungeons because the second Baron has a timed enemy rush tower instead. It has good things, but it's shorter and not as fun. And it revived the series, that's a positive. Haven't played the original, but I know that it is admired for its top tier GBC graphics, the issue being some now-archaic game design traits like "leaps of faith" off a platform with no idea where the safe ground ahead of you is. So, Half-Genie Hero is likely to still be the second best game in the series, despite some flaws I recall hearing like poor DLC alternative modes and too many transformations. I probably should give it try. The same reason Nintendo hasn't made official Luma plushies sold in conjunction with a physical copy of Rosalina's storybook. They're not throwing a little money at a great idea. And speaking of starry things:
  11. Yes, a miniature chocolate-peanut butter pie. Who decided that oranges go with cranberries in desserts? The two don't share climate or growing seasons at all.
  12. Thanksgiving dinner was good.: Turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, homemade rolls, corn pudding, green beans, and butternut squash. Pumpkin cupcakes and a miniature chocolate peanut butter pie for dessert. Today, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim for PS5 released in Japan. A visual-novel & real time strategy game by Vanillaware. I'm not that familiar with their work, but they always have visually amazing hand-drawn games, and I really like Odin Sphere and Muramasa: the Demon Blade was decent. Unfortunately, I read this a few weeks ago about the game's creation.: Oh dear... This sounds like a case of development hell. Not helping is that 13 Sentinels isn't using the gameplay that Vanillaware has been good at- action/beat 'em ups. Visual novel isn't popular outside of Japan, and people are questioning how much real-time strategy there will be and its quality. And why are the mecha being piloted nude? As a small company (Wikipedia gives an eight-years old dated 29 employees), this could be really bad if it flops. They need to start porting their classics to the PC in the West, hopefully revenue of bringing Muramasa, Dragon's Crown, and Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir would help keep them afloat. On a totally different note... A Kickstarter has begun for an FE fan hack that wants to be a real game- Path of the Midnight Sun. A story told from three perspectives, and gameplay the creator is calling “a mix between Fire Emblem and Etrian Odyssey“. Planned for a PC release in December next year, with the funding goals already at 50%. Kickstarter is a land of games that succeed- Shovel Knight, games that bomb- Mighty No. 9, and shades of mediocrity in-between. Hope for the best, including a Switch port if it's any good, but expect the worst.
  13. We need another Devil Survivor indeed. Not sure what direction they'd take it in though. DS1 had an enlivened classic SMT atmosphere all over it, DS2 had that Persona touch placed over some typical SMT route splitting. Make Devil Survivor 3 based on Digital Devil Saga? Surviving then becomes picking who doesn't end up as food for everyone these.😋
  14. *Puts on blindfold* 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 😳😭😵⚰️😇😡🤩😍😊 No idea who, success of nine successful predictions = 1*10^-30. Who I'd subjectively like from ancient lore: Lehran, Dheginsea, and Ashera b/c Tellius bias, throw in Soane too. Athos would be excellent, and I really want Bramimond, and Durban in full berserker bloodlust. Iote interests me from Archanean lore. Anri is fine too, but another Falchion user, one who didn't even have the Binding Shield, is not so interesting. From the 12 Crusaders, I want to know what Fjalar was like. Who bore the Mark of Justice and is Arvis's ancestor? How does she differ from her descendant, what would she think of the cool fool? Bragi is another I'd want to know because he led the Jugdrali faith. Having Njorun and Dainn to find out exactly how the Thracia split might have unfolded is on my radar too.
  15. Female, female, robot, female robot who is becoming a law of the universe demanding they appear everywhere. Where are Rex and the Zekenator? And fine, Elma needs a quality figurine too if she does not already have one. And can't forget Morag and Lora and Brighid. But Lao, Addam, and Hugo better come too. Agreed Xeno, now that it is Nintendo property, should get some real merchandise lineups. XC2's change to a more "anime" style, does allow the characters to be cuter, which is something you can sell more readily amongst other Nintendo IPs. As your DL'ed Nia shows, making a plush Nia fit on a shelf alongside Kirby, Mario, Pikachu, and Isabelle, is more feasible than doing that with Elma (or even Lin) or pre-1DE Shulk. We can't rely solely on Nopon. They gave Airi a figurine? Anyone else? Maybe Kama? ----- I dislike digital game sales during the holidays. I know as a grown adult exactly what I'm getting every Xmas, and I have the self-control to hold off on playing a game until Dec 25th, but I do not like the inability to "gift" a digital game. I recall Nintendo did have digital gifting with the Wii U I think, but that'd require someone purchase the game on another console. I wish they reran all these sales on Christmas day and the few following ones, for people who did get eShop cards. This said, I've several games I'd consider getting for the holidays, but the only definite is DQXI. I'm nabbing Luigi's Mansion 3 to add something else to my lineup, but that is the end of it. The games I'd consider each have reason for me hesitating.: Civilization VI looks interesting, but I've never played anything in the genre and aren't sure if it'd actually bore me, I need a demo for something like this. The Spyro HD collection, well I played the games a little as child, and while I enjoy 3D Mario, I'm giving pause to this, given childhood memories aren't the best judge of quality. Daemon X Machina was originally on my lineup, but the 7/10s and me not having NSO make me question it. Bloodstained still has some shoddy port bugs. Transistor is an indie, I don't buy any of those, even if the quality is supposedly great. I'm cautious. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero I've heard is worse than The Pirate's Curse. The Alliance Alive HD sounds more like a budget JRPG not worth its price. Mega Man 11 I question as having enough content for the price. Mega X Collection 2 I'm concerned about the challenge level of. Platforming through X1 on the Wii U was fine, the final boss required some restore points though, as did the first- Chill Penguin.
  16. Changed their name to a place in the Legend of Heroes franchise.
  17. I'm cautious how it'll turn out, this is only a casual gatcha game. It is not "Fire Emblem: Creation of the Tellius Rendition of the Namesake", which I would expect to be a serious story with some semblance at least of depth. Eh, if necessary, IS could always just decanonize no explanation necessary, because Heroes is Heroes.
  18. Forgive me for my lack of Star Wars knowledge, but might this have something to do with lightsabers being able to cut through everything? Or if not everything, then it's the jedi/siths dressing so lightly? I didn't notice Where We Used to Be's use as a motif. I can see hear of the motif now. To be honest, it's kinda hard to remember non-battle/location tracks, due to playing infrequently, very rarely sometimes, in the course of very long games. I do recall XC1's theme motif usage, from listening to the soundtrack that is. Torna coming first made me not realize its opening theme was so "lazy", even if it's still great. And I think you're right about MONOX not being remixed at all. For event music, I just feel like saying Counterattack is about as good, maybe even better, than Engage the Enemy. But I'm not 100% sure they play in exactly the same kind of moments.
  19. I have an unusual interest in Bramimond. What I like about them, stem the tendency of dark magic to corrupt its users who try to master it, if you weren't corrupt already going into it. If you're someone like Nergal, you go insane, Canas says he has brothers who've ended up in a coma because they messed up. Niime it seems is fine achieving less than total mastery of darkness. Bramimond is the one person we know of who went into dark magic with the intent to perfectly master it, and who then achieved that. He did lose his ability to project a stable personality, but compared to forgetting why you even went into magic and seeking only power (Nergal), or turning into a vegetable, thats a small sacrifice to pay. A sacrifice that was rewarded with legendary magical capabilities, not only Apocalypse, but strong sealing magic, resurrection, and perhaps a hint of clairvoyance.
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