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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I used a random number generator instead of a physical coin, designating 1 as heads and 2 as tails. I got 1, darned! I can enjoy writing a little bloody murder. To recall something I assembled for fun one day last year: But, I'll check the archives for character endings and see if something spurs the imagination. I'll keep it peaceful. ...A check of Thracia's endings didn't give me anything that said "I can and must do this!" unfortunately. I can see some good ones, like Ilios's, but Ilios would require a specific comedic hand I don't possess to work.
  2. And Fae. This means you make a tetracolor team out of Himukais, Etrian Emblem it is! Just ignore how Raigh sinks the team to the 5th floor of the Claret Hollows, right in front of the Yggdrasil Core priming an Armageddon.
  3. Her bases are: 35 HP 13 Str 19 Skl 18 Spd 6 Lck 8 Def 7 Res 9 Con Her growths aren't very good, nothing higher than 30 outside of HP, there is a must be intentional gap between most (like not Karel and Klein) prepromotes and unpromoted units in FE6. 9 Con means every Axe in the game weighs her down, albeit Iron only by 1, Killer by 2, and Hand by 3, which is all she'll really want to use (barring Armads for a Manakete). Sword access for accuracy and full AS is splendid too. I never actually recruited her, having only played FE6 once and gone for Bartre. But I can tell her Spd means that even with the okay base Str, she'll be able to put out some good damage, if not ORKOs. Fragile, not the strongest, but tied for the third highest base Spd (Perceval she ties with, Dayan and Karel beat her) of any unit in FE6, thats not so bad.
  4. Wonder why they picked Igrene for it. Is the reasoning desert = hot = fire = Red? The same possible reason (it could be to not directly challenge BraLyn/diversity) why even though Sue isn't using Mulagir, she is a Green Bow? Sacae = plains = winds = Green?
  5. Igrene- The Guardian of Nabata (and a Sniper), the desert land home to the hidden village of Arcadia. Sophia and Fae come from Arcadia. Her father is Hawkeye, although he is dead by the time of FE6. Larum- Adopted daughter of Douglas, Great General of Etruria. She helps a resistance in the Western Isles fight Etrurian rule, and helps Elffin, the prince of Etruria who was nearly killed in an assassination attempt and was hidden in the Western Isles afterwards. A perky girl who likes to dance, if recruited, she leads Roy into helping the Western Isles resistance, she can also marry him (but so can Sophia, Lilina, Shanna, Sue, and Cecilia). Echidna- Hero of the Western Isles, a leader of its resistance forces. If Roy goes down the right path at the route split, Larum can recruit Echidna. She is uniquely for her era of FE a female Hero. Perceval- Knight General (Paladin) of Etruria, he, Douglas, and Cecilia are Etruria's trio of strongest military commanders. When Etrurian experiences a coup, he sides with the corrupt nobles to preserve the king's life. He later defects to Roy and the good guys when he hears/sees Elffin is still alive. Chad- A kid Thief raised in the same orphanage as Lugh and Raigh, as their non-blood brother essentially. Joins Roy's army to get revenge on Bern, who destroyed his orphanage. Brunnya- A Sage (not wyvern rider) and one of Bern's trio of elite military commanders- the Wyvern Generals. They consist of Brunnya, Murdock, and Narcian. She led the Bern invasion of Sacae, and later was assigned by her king Zephiel to protect Idunn while Zephiel fights and dies in Bern Castle. On the true ending, Roy finds Brunnya defending the Dragon Temple where Idunn is located. Brunnya leads a futile battle to stop Roy from getting to Idunn, joining the king she is implied to have romantic feelings for in death. Before the battle, she ordered all soldiers with families to leave her forces, wanting to minimize the lives impacted by this last stand.
  6. Geez, they've really changed their tune and gone all-in on the oldies now. Albeit exhausting another dancer in the process, they're nearly gone now. Mid-lategame joiners of significant usefulness much? Except where is Melady then? Igrene is a good character, Echidna is different, Larum is okay. Perceval I need to read his supports for again. Chad is something of a brother to Lugh and Raigh according to support dialogue, so call it a "family" reunification. Brunnya for the GHB is a good choice, although I find her lacking myself. WHY does she seemingly love Zephiel? We're never given an explanation and it bugs me.
  7. Bede is rather appropriate for a Galar region trainer. The "Venerable Bede", was a 8th Century saint and theologian who became known as the "Father of English History". He also helped establish the term "AD" for Christian labeling of time. The way that Steelix pops out! I'm more used to pop-in where the monsters fade into being, not spring out of the ground. How did the trainer not have their head smashed to bits?
  8. Shall I repeat the number of instances Nergal squanders his chance to win?: I like the idea of this image, I really do. It's just the styling that gets in the way. Baby Seliph doesn't look too Seliph, and Deidre's face isn't great either. Like 2? The game with a terribly filler vampire in the Wild West hunt, whose vampire was utter filler in the first game too, and who should've stayed dead in that game rather than waste time in the second? Pfffffffffff! I've only played 1&2, I do have 3, I just never played beyond the very start of the young man's story (as in waste time in a capital, get into fights). But, I'll staunchly tear down any pedestal you're trying to construct for Suikoden 2. Luca Blight was done right, there was stuff that was inoffensively decent too, and other appreciable aspects, but, I'll never call it perfect. Never. But to be fair, I don't know what game has a flawless story, it's all relative and less bad/more good, never perfection.
  9. Then why can't Eliwood ORKO everyone in Binding Blade Chapter 1, and for the next ~31 after that? 😜 I'm going to assume two things: FE doesn't want deal with disease being commonplace in pre-WWI warfare because disease is: complicated, ugly, and messy. Bern attempted to invade Lycia after Chapter 12x. It failed because Eliwood literally stood in the way. Issach Campaign Issach Campaign! DLC like Rise of the Deliverance! Sure we have few if any named individuals who could be playable, but I'd be fine with generics. Or, a few individuals with names and portraits, but next to no personality beyond just a snippet we get, but who, if told right, we would still develop a bond for. I'd make it 3-4 battles.: Crossing the Yied. Conquest of Castle Issach. Prince Marricle's last stand at Ganeishire. Kurth's murder, Lord Ring's murder, Byron is framed, Byron flees into hiding for months to come. To make it poetic, have him end up in Tirnanogue, the place where his grandson would later rise up in freedom. Tirnanogue would be near the Issach-Silesse border too, which makes geographic sense for his last will flight to Sigurd in Chapter 5.
  10. I'd say its in this little thing called time that grand narratives can run into issues. People don't proofread to make sure they all make sense. And, for FE4, how would certain scenes and events be handled if information didn't flow so fast? Would for say this very chapter, you want it to be "Well we defeated the evil uncle up north, and now we're almost back to Sallane, we check on Queen Ra-" "Lord Sigurd! Castle Silesse has fallen! Lady Mahnya and her forces are dead!" And, it'd make more sense for Claud to just say he senses Byron is in ever-present danger, but alive, and perhaps predict a terrible end for him in the future, but is not bodily in dire straits presently. I'm guessing its a refusal to obey royal authority. A king needs lesser royals and nobles to enact their rule throughout the country, or at least have them order their underlings to do that. And, one is better fomenting outright rebellion away from the royal court. Although its early modern (so ~1492-1789, Renaissance to French Revolution), Louis XIV of France practically forced all of the nobility to own apartments in his lavish new palace in Versailles for a reason. A noble that came to Versailles was less suspicious, even though he spied on them and their letters anyhow. Such nobles who, regardless whatever they thought of their king behind his back, came to Versailles and participated in the outlandish rituals of watching the king: sleep, wake, get dressed, eat, hunt, and go back to bed, was behaving themselves and worthy of court patronage. Nobles who stayed away from Versailles couldn't expect royal favors, because they couldn't be trusted. Versailles, keeping the nobles as close to the king as possible and trapped in subservient ritual, was a gilded cage. In his youth, Louis XIV had survived a series of noble insurrections collectively called "The Fronde". So the nobility in France had power independent of the king. For the later decades of his rule, Versailles kept the nobles toothless, and although the degree of absurd king-worshipping faded once XIV died in 1715, Louis XV managed to have a peaceful nobility through his entire reign. And when the Versailles fantasy collapsed under Louis XVI, it wasn't the nobles who were to blame, it was debt and that new group yearning for power- the middle class. Also in the early modern period, albeit earlier in origin, the Tokugawa Bakufu/Shogunate enacted its own policy of forcing the daimyo warlords to come to the capital of Edo on a yearly basis and pay homage to the shogun. These yearly trips and gifts were expensive, and indebted the daimyo to the shogun, who'd help pay their debts and give them ritual gifts in return for the ones they gave to the shogun. The heirs and wives of the daimyo would be held hostage in Edo as another precaution. The yearly visits to Edo and childhood confinement therein served to weaken the connections of daimyo to their fiefs and ensure they always paid public tribute to the shogun. Even if the shogunate quietly acknowledged its authority was not absolute, and what a daimyo did in their own fief was not capable of being subject to full shogunal control and oversight, it wanted to make the nominal point that it and its eastern capital was the center of all authority in Japan. And considering the Tokugawa Bakufu lasted into the mid-1800s, without a hitch in the peace and stability after 1615 (barring the tiniest moment of Shimabara), despite the very violent Sengoku period that had preceded it, that nominal point was in reality true. I haven't a clue if medieval monarchs undertook endeavors as bold to reign in their nobles (I need to study medieval history more). I'm guessing they did not or could not by virtue of the Middle Ages being a period of greater political decentralization in European history. But, who said FE had to stick to late 400s-1492 European political arrangements?
  11. Let me crunch the numbers now: Base Ena: 20 Str 15 Spd (I can safely assume she'll hit and survive being hit by Ashnard even below half health). Resolve increases these to 30/22. Transformation bonuses raise these to 35/26? Two Speedwings (and Bryce drops one thankfully) bumps the Spd to 32. One Energy Drop bring it to 38 Str. Red Breath raises it to 48 Atk. Ashnard has 35 Def in both phases. The phases have 27 and then 28 Spd. 60 and 80 HP respectively. 48 - 35 = 13 * 3 = 39 damage per Crit. Ashnard heals for a mere 6-8 HP per turn. 39 * 2 (just barely with the two 'wings) = dead phase one, phase two barely survives. But Ike or your Royal of choice can fix that with a chip. Or a second Energy Drop. I see, know what you're doing, and Ike isn't so necessary after all on Hard. Ena might as well get Resolve and the Bryce Speedwing in the absence of Ike then, since they're purely for vanity on anyone else in how late they come. And if you don't need Ashnard slain so soon, you can give someone else Wrath, Ena can win the attrition war without it. Assuming the stone bonuses weren't for a Manakete Idunn with lower stats than she currently has. A 10+20 Def Manakete!Idunn would be no different from the 30 Def she currently has as a pre-shifted Mage Dragon. ...I'm now sorta wanting an FE6 hack where most characters get replaced by FE7 ones- bases and growths matching what they have in the FE7, everything else is FE6 (except Hector has his Wolf Beil and Lyn her Mani Katti).:
  12. Ike is more or less required for Ashnard on Hard/Maniac Mode, unless Ena with Resolve and or Wrath can deal good damage. (If you have a bad Ike, you aren't getting Nasir.) IIRC, she barely scratches him at base. And, Ike does get some chapters early in the game where if you aren't Titania soloing, he can rack up a good deal of EXP that few others could eat, and he'll approach 20 by like Chapter 8. So once he does promote, he won't be a bad fighter given he already was leveled so much. Roy by comparison 2HKOes Idunn at base, or was it 3HKO with a mere chip being needed to drop it to a 2HKO? Also, base stats: Level 1 FE1/11 Marth: 18 HP 5 Str 3 (6 in 3B2) Skl 7 Spd 7 Lck 7 Def 0 Res Level 1 Roy: 18 HP 5 Str 5 Skl 7 Spd 7 Lck 5 Def 0 Res Level 1 Eliwood: 18 HP 5 Str 5 Skl 7 Spd 7 Lck 5 Def 0 Res Level 1 PoR Ike: 19 HP 6 Str 6 Skl 7 Spd 6 Lck 5 Def 0 Res Growths: FE1 Marth: 90 HP 50 Str 40 Skl 50 Spd 70 Lck 20 Def 0 Res Roy: 80 HP 40 Str 50 Skl 40 Spd 60 Lck 25 Def 30 Res Eliwood: 80 HP 45 Str 50 Skl 40 Spd 45 Lck 30 Def 35 Res PoR Ike: 75 HP 50 Str 50 Skl 55 Spd 35 Lck 40 Def 40 Res Promotion Bonuses: Roy: +4 HP +2 Str +3 Skl +2 Spd +2 Def +5 Res Ike: +4 HP +3 Str +2 Skl +2 Spd +3 Def +2 Res Binding Blade and Ragnell: Binding Blade: 1-2 Range 18 Mt 95 Hit 10 Crit 8 Wt 20 Uses. +5 Def and Res. Effective against Manaketes and Idunn. Can be used an Elixir. Ragnell: 1-2 Range 18 Mt 80 Hit 5 Crit 20 Wt ∞ Uses. +5 Def. Can penetrate blessed armor. Negates non-Wrath criticals. Binding Blade is available for three full chapters, Ragnell for two full chapters. Ike does have the better growth spread and marginally better bases, but that is about it. Ragnell's infinite uses makes it better than the Binding Blade despite inferior stats, because Ike can spam it with abandon, while Roy needs Hammerne or else be judicious with his BB uses.
  13. Ike is more or less required for Ashnard on Hard/Maniac Mode, unless Ena with Resolve and or Wrath can deal good damage. (If you have a bad Ike, you aren't getting Nasir.) IIRC, she barely scratches him at base. And, Ike does get some chapters early in the game where if you aren't Titania soloing, he can rack up a good deal of EXP that few others could eat, and he'll approach 20 by like Chapter 8. So once he does promote, he won't be a bad fighter given he already was leveled so much. Roy by comparison 2HKOes Idunn at base, or was it 3HKO with a mere chip being needed to drop it to a 2HKO? Also, base stats: Level 1 FE1/11 Marth: 18 HP 5 Str 3 (6 in 3B2) Skl 7 Spd 7 Lck 7 Def 0 Res Level 1 Roy: 18 HP 5 Str 5 Skl 7 Spd 7 Lck 5 Def 0 Res Level 1 Eliwood: 18 HP 5 Str 5 Skl 7 Spd 7 Lck 5 Def 0 Res Level 1 PoR Ike: 19 HP 6 Str 6 Skl 7 Spd 6 Lck 5 Def 0 Res Growths: FE1 Marth: 90 HP 50 Str 40 Skl 50 Spd 70 Lck 20 Def 0 Res Roy: 80 HP 40 Str 50 Skl 40 Spd 60 Lck 25 Def 30 Res Eliwood: 80 HP 45 Str 50 Skl 40 Spd 45 Lck 30 Def 35 Res PoR Ike: 75 HP 50 Str 50 Skl 55 Spd 35 Lck 40 Def 40 Res Promotion Bonuses: Roy: +4 HP +2 Str +3 Skl +2 Spd +2 Def +5 Res Ike: +4 HP +3 Str +2 Skl +2 Spd +3 Def +2 Res Binding Blade and Ragnell: Binding Blade: 1-2 Range 18 Mt 95 Hit 10 Crit 8 Wt 20 Uses. +5 Def and Res. Effective against Manaketes and Idunn. Can be used an Elixir. Ragnell: 1-2 Range 18 Mt 80 Hit 5 Crit 20 Wt ∞ Uses. +5 Def. Can penetrate blessed armor. Negates non-Wrath criticals. Binding Blade is available for three full chapters, Ragnell for two full chapters. Ike does have the better growth spread and marginally better bases, but that is about it. Ragnell's infinite uses makes it better than the Binding Blade despite inferior stats, because Ike can spam it with abandon, while Roy needs Hammerne or else be judicious with his BB uses.
  14. Realization on Failed Path 104: Monastery = central to Fodlan's problems. Therefore annihilate monastery = Fodlan's problems solved. Friends in monastery? = does not compute, but I love them anyhow. -But I also hate HOW THEY MUST ALWAYS FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! "-But, it is not enough that I that kill them, I must purge the continent of all its leaders, for they are destined to drag this realm into chaos. Therefore, I must have their gather into one place, one location where I can destroy them all with absolute certainty. How would I do that? To bring together the disparate factions of Fodlan, I must use someone to force it, yet I cannot use any of these nations themselves. What faith do I have that they would end their own blighted existences? Loyalty to the very end, I need this. Hmm...." *Fast forward a few months* *Pretend this old CG is Male Byleth^ looking at a nude standing woman*: ^If Byleth is female, this nude is male.
  15. Ethicality is a word, or you could just say "the ethics". Humanoids is a category not without fuzziness though. Mr. Mime is off limits for sure, but what about that Combusken that'd make for some good Hoenn Hot Chicken? It's bipedal, but does it "look human" enough? Or, what about a very intelligent Pokemon that isn't humanoid? Like maybe Absol? For Slowpoke, take note that say the tails fall off- they aren't presumably harming the 'mon to get them, they're just waiting for a natural falling off. This would fall far short of killing the whole Slooooowpoke. But, we have curry with burgers, sausage, and bone-in-cuts of meat. Unless Miltanks and Emboars naturally shed their body flesh every so often, they gotta meet the processing plant eventually. Or, Pokemon is an idyllic world where Beyond Meat & Impossible Meat and their plant-based substitutes have prevailed. The fatties of Team Yell are explicable b/c plant-based substitutes are by no means healthier for you than regular meat.
  16. It isn't, I've read. Can they Dexit Gen 9's regional Vanilluxe form that makes it Dark-Ice in Gen 10? I'd like some bittersweet chocolately, creamy goodness. Here is a collection of what a bunch of the curries look like: https://www.polygon.com/pokemon-sword-shield-guide/2019/11/15/20967068/pokemon-sword-and-shield-guide-how-to-cook-curry-full-recipe-list-and-rankings Scroll down towards the bottom to find pics of 21 of the curries. Speaking of food and visuals in video games. (Silence this videos if you don't want to hear Let's Play chatter).: Vanillaware made it look so delicious, and it's just so charming I can't fault them for the effort spent on these little things.
  17. “One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. When a Slowpoke’s tail falls off, it grows back quickly.” It's official, you can eat Pokemon now. Combusken, come.😋 I was looking up posters to consider getting as a gift for the holidays. I wanted it to be a tropical landscape, 100 pages in, nothing was perfect for me, I could find some fault in everything. Too empty, no ocean, too pristine, too rough, too dark, too light, too natural, too human-developed. And then I got sidetracked into considering a bamboo forest poster, even though think I'd really want one. And then I thought of video game landscapes (not that I'd want a poster of one even if they existed), namely Xeno of course. And it got me thinking "there hasn't been an idealized bamboo forest in those yet", which might be a little difficult to model with the hundreds of thin bamboo stalks to place therein, but I've few doubts Monolith could nail it.
  18. I can see your point, having Nergal struggle in his final moments to find clarity in what he had sought long ago. They're going to have to fix this line in an FE7 remake eventually, and localizers might be able to consider blending the FE7 translation folly and the intended truth. But that'd be slightly difficult to make natural unless they retroactively went over to using Aegir instead of Quintessence as the term in question. And whether localizers should do that deviation from the Japanese is another issue.
  19. Only his true dying words are affected. Nergal's death dialogue changes if you're on Hector Mode and visited A Glimpse in Time (19xx), and maybe Genesis and The Value of Life, completing all three of these chapter does for sure unlock a CG after the credits. You should be aware of this. I don't get why they made Kishuna relevant to all this, when it has nothing to do with him. Anyway, the normal death quote: (Nergal dies) Nergal: “Why? Why must I lose? Gaa… Not like this… I will not die…like this. With my last breath… tremble…and…despair. Hwah ha ha… Ha…ha ha ha…” The altered death quote (the bold is the addition): (Nergal dies, Chapter 19xx completed) Nergal: “Why? Why must I lose? More power… I must be… stronger… I… Why? Why did I… want power? ……Quintessence? …Don’t…under…stand… but… Gaa… Not like this… I will not die…like this. With my last breath… tremble…and…despair. Hwah ha ha… Ha…ha ha ha…” The Japanese here was for "Aenir", not Aegir. The original meaning is lost. Nergal, seen unnamed in the post-credits bonus CG with his presumed wife, clearly loved her a lot.
  20. Yes. The Japanese in both FE4 and FE7 is "Aegir". Not sure why FE hasn't recycled this magic life force more in its lore. But if it exists in Jugdral, then unless Archaneans and Valentians are spiritually different (not to say Quintessence = soul, they never outright said that), then Quintessence should exist there too. Aegir looks similar to "Aenir", which supposedly explains Nergal's dying mistranslation. Although the katakana for these terms look quite different, so NoA must have overruled the spelling difference by assuming it was just two spellings for the same term (despite correctly translating Aenir once before). Nergal fell into being a husk of human being because of a magical essence, not because his wife died and he wanted to bring her back. The best explanation is that it was meant to be "Scathach" the shadow warrior woman who trained Cu Chulainn and gave him the Gae Bolg. Odd name for a man though. No idea what Larcei is supposed to be.
  21. Posting Pokebestiality is worthy of a topic closing. And why does Wailord have those white dots on its back? They look gamete-y to me. The linked video is such a good comparison though. And as some posters on the vid pointed out, SwSh Wailord is a statue, it barely moves, while the other Wailords are heartily swaying around all with their mouth opening and closing, as the big jolly Pokemon should. Genius Sonority worked on Colosseum, XD, and Battle Revolution, all the glorious 3D games. They number only 22 currently, and I guess that might have been true back then too. If such a small handful of workers can with help from GF and others crank out such vibrant and scaled-properly models, graphics, and animations, why not rehire them? GS still has a Pokemon connection having worked on that awful Pokemon Shuffle. And the Colosseum/XD animations might have been improved Stadium ones, if true, then that means they could work on GF's XY animations.
  22. That'd explain Hayreddin the Territorial. "Hayreddin Barbarossa" is the name of a famed pirate. Well, not a pirate actually, more "Turkish naval commander" whose birth name was Khizr. He later attained the honorary name Khayr al-Din (apparently it means "best/goodness of the faith"), and inherited the title Baba Oruc (Father Oruc), Khayr al-Din was slurred by Europeans into "Hayreddin", and Baba Oruc became the Italian for "red beard"- "Barbarossa". Not very piratey in the "yo-ho-har-har scalawags and a bottle of rum" way, is it? But some entertainment media still run with it that way, like the Bravely games. And it is nice to see the FE fanbase is chill again. I haven't lowered my apprehensions to 3H outside of gameplay yet (and there are, understandably, some people who just aren't into 3H), but I'm glad there isn't the monthly Camilla or Corrin faux pas on SF anymore. I wish I could read Japanese, I wish to sip their soy sauce. Soy sauce so plentiful, the sodium content of one drop could induce temporary kidney failure (which handfuls of Japanese men did during WWII to try escaping conscription).
  23. Odd, there shouldn't be any other requirements. I never explored the monastery except the handful of early times I was forced to, and the one time that was needed to go with Edel during Chapter 11 pre-tomb fight. During those mandatory explores, I did the bare minimum and ended them all prematurely. I had no supports established except the Edel C+ either, none between any pairings. And yet after Chapter 11's story battle was over, I still got the choice to side with her. -Although I did Stride+Warp to 1-turn this clash. I'm not on NG+ either. If I could get it with such extremely minimal interactions, I don't know what else could be necessary.
  24. Wouldn't that be terribly tragic though, since all paths lead to war? Unless players were fine with a character who could never find their ideal world. It sounds nominatively sad enough that it'd lead someone at KT or IS to pity Byleth and find a way to gild an ending. Not necessarily a full 24k route, it could be something as simple as it being said/shown in the ending that "Byleth went back in time and did a myriad of things that eventually led to a Fodlan of purest peace, thereby preventing this world of strife they lived through from ever happening".
  25. Four-now-three games you want releasing in the same week? The stars align for you. Although I thought RF4S's date was something of a placeholder, did they ever confirm it to be exactly that? I want TMS Encore edition, but I'm hoping that the new trio have enough playtime, one bonus dungeon would be way too little. I'll need leakers or speedrunners to answer this for me first. Tiki Why is this only coming up now then? Did a lot of people suddenly start buying new SD cards? Or is it a want to criticize GF? A series of videos showcasing every move from Pokemon Battle Revolution, except the Psychic type for some reason. I really like Seismic Toss's animation. Magnifique! A Wii model blends in well with most of the textures of everything else around it, barring the brightness/color direction. Although the tall grass does look better than Immovable(?- or is it Territorial). But to be fair, they spent half of a year designing it.: Nintendo is a bunch of grassheads, GF and some Zelda employees.
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