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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. My mistake then! Creepy, and wrong. A bear trap? Watch your step in the tall grass, ya never know when you the adventurous teenager are going to loose a foot!
  2. What is the point to offense hybridity in Three Houses? Fates I felt had a strong enough blend of high Def and high Res enemies to adequately justify hybridity. But my currently incomplete first time run of 3H on GD Hard Classic (now Chapter 19) hasn't really seen the same mix of enemies that'd make hybridity more useful. Are only magic users good Res enemies? Even Pegasus Knights haven't had high Res I think. If someone is good with magic, then why not just specialize in that? The unique justification for hybridity I find in this game, is because of limited Magic uses. But that would only be a warranted concern I'd think if you were trying to frequently enemy phase with a unit who happens to be a spellcaster. Insofar as I understand the magic system, there is no way to prevent AS loss using magic either. So a hybrid unit could be able to double more frequently for higher damage output than if they stuck to magic- provided they had the AS to double with physical weaponry but not spells against the right kinds of foes. Thats really specific.
  3. Stonehenge! That famed mysterious circle of stacked rocks in England.
  4. And everyone can agree on what FE6 needs to make it better.: Enliven the dull plot by making less of a Roy monologue punctuated by Merlinus mistakes, Elffin lore drops, and Guinevere appearances, and other junk. Fix the support system's slow gains and add new and better conversations. Perhaps tone down the bonuses to compensate. Rebalance the characters, weapons, and classes. Add in passive Skills and command Combat Arts. Add Casual Mode, add in free battle grinding on at least Normal or a new Easy mode. Tone the Throne DOWN! And select BoSsses. They might want to: Add a rewind mechanic. Weaken the 5-turn duration of status ailments. Fix some poorly designed maps. Replace Con and institute a different form of AS determination. -but these are all less universally agreeable changes. As is how much FE7 retroactive connecting they should add, should Nils, Nino, Erk, or Pent and Louise show up? Or is any of that too much. Expect some though, if you're someone who hates FE7 but loves 6, you'll be out of luck with 95% certainty. I think they could add a Casual Mode to FE4, it'd just have to be reworked a little. If they kept the same gigantic chapters, then returning at the end of a chapter would be much too late for Casual players. So, the better solution might be to have them revive at the home castle after a certain number of turns pass. Just as Casual Fates allowed Battle Saves, they could allow Casual Genealogy to enable cost-free one-way warping from inside the home castle to any other castle under ally control. That way the revived allies could see action again on a reasonable time frame.
  5. The "3rd Legendary"? Is the left image supposed to be a "Shield" forme and the right a "Sword" forme? It's skeletal form looks fragile, sure it works for a Ghost type, but on the other hand, it looks like it's been smashed to pieces and needs a powerup to get back to its true strength.
  6. Genealogy is a ginormous can of worms for a remake. And it's further hindered by the fact that Western audiences can't just go back and play the original if they don't like the remake's changes. Some things are easy to correct and absolutely should be done, like the weapon weight issues. Some things are easy to correct, but leave one asking if the changes should be done- such as removing Pursuit to let everyone naturally double, and the personalized funds without trading. And yet others are hard to change, and beg the question if they should be- should maps be reduced in size and Genealogy split into more chapters? Or should they just fill in more of the maps already extant with features to improve the design quality, and add make other fixes to make the maps faster? Enjoy the six months of nothing but Castle Agusty exploration following Chapter 2! And similar periods of time after Chapters 1 and 3. A little non-mandatory peacetime between chapters would be a perfectly fine addition I think for Genealogy. Ideally, it could be time during which one could get all their next set of Arena battles done before the start of the next chapter. That'd remove the good 15 minutes of time after a chapter's opening narration, but before you actually send out any troops because you were doing the Arena with everyone, that always felt awkward. Plus, FE4 characters could always use more characterization, some brief peace in a castle would be a good time to bond lovers and see touching post-marital scenes. Friendships could blossom too of course. However! I will sacrifice Julia every chance I get if IS does not make the castle interiors look different. Chalphy and Rivough should not look alike. Only the home castles need be explorable, so they only need interiors for: Evans, Agusty, Sallane, Lubeck, Rivough, Alster, Mease, Peruluke, and Chalphy. If IS keeps track of Kaga's real world inspirations for each country, then they would hopefully look up old architecture from country and match it up. Alster with an Italian Renaissance interior would be very fine.
  7. Do you mean playable character rosters? Well then: In Shadow Dragon's case, there are 59 playables. 14 of whom are female, or 23.7% of the roster. Next, how about we apply this to FE4? We have 24 characters in the First Generation, and in the second, 24 original characters excluding subs (and excluding Finn). In the 1st Gen, we have 9 females, and 8 females in the 2nd. So 37.5% is female in the 1st and 33.33% in the 2nd. Skipping New Mystery b/c lazy. Unless you really want me to crunch it. FE5: 15/52 = 28.84% female. FE6: 54 PCs without the trial map characters, of whom 19 are female, or 35.19%. FE7: 13 females in a playable roster of 44 counting Ninian and Nils separately. 29.55% is female. Let us see what the ratio would be for FE8, which with Creature Campaign has 43 playables. Of whom, 14 are female, 32.55% of the roster. Removing the CC characters, we have 33 playables, of whom 12 or 36.36% are female. 9 & 10 together 74 including the Black Knight, and tossing in Largo from PoR just to get him out of the way. Of this, 25 are female, or 33.78%. For SoV, there are 34 characters, of whom 13 are female, or 38.23%. The ratio for Awakening is next. 49 characters between Spotpass and the main game excluding Einherjar. 23 of whom are female, well 24 with Robin or Morgan, one of whom will be female if the other isn't. So 46.94% of the playable roster is female here. Here, absolute equality is virtually the same as true equality, so it works here What can be said of Awakening is true of Fates by virtue of modernity and modern baby making. I forget the exact percentage female, but it is really close to 50%. I haven't done the basic math for 3H yet. I expect gender parity to have been maintained. TearRing Saga: 26/62 = 41.93% female. Berwick Saga: 13/35 = 37.14% female. Until Awakening, females made up made up no more than a little over a third of any game's playable roster. Considering villains and important NPCs tend to be male, add those in the and the number of important women in any world shrinks a little.
  8. A game set in a dream wouldn't be bad- with the twist the person realized they were in a dream. Provided the dream was purely caused by their subconscious. Whilst I wouldn't give them full control over the world's contents obviously, the gameplay ability to radically alter the world because it's only a dream and the dreamer learns this, wouldn't be a bad idea.
  9. Fall back on generic ibuprofen, Spring forward for an Advil, that'll solve your headache.
  10. One question (I know I could use the main site, but I'm trying to stay mostly blind with this game): I'm at C17 GD, and I just unlocked a Paralogue requiring Claude involving an endgame-worthy dragon in a desert. I think I can just about tackle it as is, though it'll be a slog. How long do Paralogues endure on the calendar, beyond the current month?
  11. Considering curry when left to rest overnight is supposed to taste better (I've never had it myself), it containing a Philosopher's Stone isn't entirely infeasible. The Philosopher's Stone is from what I'm aware supposed to be made through transmutations, gradual changes over time. ---- Belated, but this looks weird, and cheap.
  12. I see. 🧐 The same way any Pokemon/Mario/Zelda/Final Fantasy is destined to get high scores, only spinoffs of these or rereleases of old games can get bad reviews. -Not to say all the "great" titles are unworthy of praise. Anything particularly zany you can grow? Things aren't real-world plants. I dunno, a bomb tree? Or perhaps, since you said they're a franchise-running joke, full-sized barrels that look like plants in no way whatsoever, and when cut into, reveal seeds that are all mini barrels? The irony is that Kojima once said, despite the auteur reputation he has with a love for cinematics, that video games aren't art. I very clearly remember a Nintendo Power interview where he defined art as being "The artist's viewpoint (or some other word) to the point of obscurity". Meaning, interactivity interferes with the ability of the artist's viewpoint to perfectly endure, and video games must be interactive. Therefore, video games aren't art. A video game with no interactivity would be like "a chair that refuses sitting", it could exist, but is a chair that you can't sit in really a chair? Is a video game you can't interact with really a video game? How then does he continue in his profession, and why does he continue it in such a direction? Don't ask me, I haven't a clue whats going on in his head.
  13. Before playing FE4, I thought "Sure Dew has C Swords, no Pursuit, no horse, and 3 Str at base, but those growths are awesome, how bad can he be?". And then I actually play FE4, and in reality, oh he is bad, barely leveled the guy. Interesting imagination. Now you're bringing my own Dew-shipping into my mind again. Namely the one where he shows up in a big white ballgown to his wedding, to his fiancee Jamke's chagrin, but then Dew rips off the ballgown once at the altar to reveal the tux underneath. Unusual choices, most people I'd think would put the pacing problems on 2 or 4. My peculiar geographical attention goes to the next chapter. Why is the center of Agustria so forested, yet the rest so developed. I like to headcanon they copied the Green Heart (Groene Hart) of the Netherlands, a rural, less developed region of the country surrounded by dense cities.
  14. It reminds me of this article (an opinion piece admittedly) I read about Catherine: Full Body edition. Another Atlus enhanced version with a similar aesthetic, but its a puzzler-platformer about romantic/sexual relationships rather than an RPG. Atlus couldn't figure out how to "naturally" blend in the new content? Unless you rewrite the entire plot, that is never going to be perfectly done. Yet Atlus has been better with this before. Whats the problem with Death Stranding? I've seen headlines about the game for months, and I know its Kojima project, but whats the problem with it? What aren't the 8-9/10 reviews saying? Thinking on 3H, the DLC sauna might interest me. Provided the sauna is only a sauna on the surface of things...
  15. I'm going to nitpick this one, Haar is low on the "indispensability" list. Titania won't be around for 2-P/F, and she can't do flier stuff that helps in P4 and a few P3 maps, but otherwise she can with fairly little investment replicate Haar's Hand Axes/Steel Poleaxes Enemy Phase Annihilation. As for P4, Tibarn and Naesala are forced on the two routes you'd put Haar, a Nullify scroll exists if they need to block their arrow weakness, no 1-2 range means it'll take longer, but they invincibly juggernaut everything regardless. Elincia can do the bosskill in 2-F. This is ignoring that the Greil Mercenaries have Ike and other solid enough units who won't be floored the way early New Mystery, Awakening or Conquest Lunatic will maul most units. This is why I'll need a break once I'm done with my first playthrough of the game, the calendar makes filler mandatory. I could've finished 3H in the nearly 30 hours it has taken me to get to chapter 16, since that's how long several Fates and SoV playthroughs individually took. And I haven't once explored the monastery outside of doing the bare minimum mandatory visits, nor watched a single story scene, nor read a single support, (but I've filled every weekend with a battle), so my playing has been fairly streamlined. If I ever want to relax and actually see what the characterization and plot hoopla is about with this game, I think I'll do NG+ Normal Casual, set to autobattle when possible, it'll make me wish they hadn't gotten rid of Phoenix Mode. Which is why the next time, the parent should die a tragic sacrificial death early. But then lo it be discovered much later when the heroes achieve a great success that by sheer surprise, their parent been alive, hiding in secret to avoid being caught and executed. Their hiding place is a warm island where the waves gently roar onto the shore, you find them laying in a hammock, drinking a pina colada; sitting on the sand besides them is the person who found them and nursed their severe wounds to perfect recovery, and said person looks attractive. The dead parent greets the main character, rewards them for their visit and victories, maybe they give them a hug, and then promptly chooses to remain on the island while their young one goes and make a legend for themselves, they'll do some support stuff while they fight on they promise. And then as their child is about to leave, they ask them what they'd think about a new stepparent as their aide refills their colada.
  16. I'll just recite the same-turn reinforcements, though the hell map that turns me against them isn't in 3H. The hell map is Flame Barrel FE12. This is the SNES version, but the map is the same tile for tile in FE12. See all the forts? In FE3, only the ones in the bottom right spawn reinforcements. Now I don't recall exactly when the reinforcements spawn, but FE12 allows enemies to emerge from the forts halfway up that big bridge, and from the ones at the top where two bandits and a dragon are sitting, and yet more from the two forts near the castle you need to seize. On Hard and above on FE12, reinforcements are same-turn. And if you go into this map blind, the reinforcements, Fire Dragons maybe even Wyverns with massive Move and flight, will kill people, they already all 2HKO your more durable units basically. The game does have limited battle save points usable on any difficulty, but it's not a good move if the only way to deal with reinforcements is to block their spawn points (which admittedly you can do without any challenge). But, I'm pretty chill overall. The one straw that breaks the camel's back for me is Sothis has the exact same hair color as Tiki (well, in the same green family), and Nagi/a, and Nowi, and canon Nah, and Mila and Duma. Can we stop the green-haired dragons? I'm tired of it. Xane doesn't even abide by this rule, and 3H isn't Archanea, so a "Divine Dragons are all genetically green" excuse doesn't work. I was getting a little sick of it with Mila and Duma, but that excuse kept me from chastising them. Adding in the lolikete part only worsens Sothis. I'd take full-frontal Bantu over another greenie of any kind. I'll admit that the royal family of Goldoa are all greens too, even if Dheg is a baldy. But at least Nasir is rockin' bluish-white and Ena and Gareth have pink and red, there is some variety in Goldoan hair as a whole. -Just a semi-serious cosmetic criticism. From what I've played of 3H so far (up to and including Chapter 14 GD Hard Classic), it isn't a major fault, but I'm a little disappointed by how most maps have worked. A group of enemies will actively come after you, at the map's start. But once they're dead, enemy movement ceases and everyone just sits there until you enter their range. If you're not playing with strict turn counts in mind, this means difficulty effectively nearly evaporates once the first few turns are past. I understand all enemies not moving at once, and all games for good reason have stationary enemy packs, but so far, 3H has been a little too immobile, even if I don't know off the top of my head what would be better.
  17. I'm aware of the issue -not that I'd be able to tell if this translation was being too literal. And sometimes phrases trip people up, like the one in FFVI where the SNES translation said "business is going up", which the Japanese literally said, but which in normal parlance has the full meaning "business is going up- in smoke", so down actually, the opposite. This said, translation, as with many complicated matters of human existences, relies on a leap of faith that the professionals we trust, are being truthful and sincerely accurate. In some nonexistent anime or manga unrestrained by gameplay concerns, I could see Ayra and Shannan instead falling into Duke Byron's lap. That they'd get caught by the Grannvalian army as they try to flee Issach (though why they don't go by sea to Manster then becomes a minor question), and then Byron meets them and sympathizes and secures their safety. When Prince Kurth is gone, Byron continues to shelter Ayra and Shannan, and then he catches word that his son has fled to Silesse being branded a traitor. Assuming his son would obey his word and protect the Issachan duo, he sends them secretly ahead of himself. It could work I guess. This would have the effect of weakening Sigurd's choice to send baby Seliph to Issach, since he'd have hardly had any time to personally bond with Shannan. But, Silesse can certainly suffice as Seliph's shelter. The biggest reason Seliph has to be raised in Issach, is because FE4 wanted to do a full world tour- every country MUST be visited and fought within. Although I'll say FE4 did a better job of this than FE6, another "world tour" game.
  18. Looking over the old topic about the translation, I don't really see anyone criticizing it beyond some name changes, I saw only one bitter critique of it as too much fanciful prose. Most people just seem to like that the translation is complete. And later topics suggest that while no one is throwing the other translations in the pits of hell, people would nonetheless pick the Project Naga translation over the others available. Translation is a culinary art. There is an element of science involved, a word can only mean so many things, just as there is a cutoff when caramel will burn and when its too thick or too runny and ceases to be good caramel. But how to best pair that good caramel is open to interpretation, do you keep it simple like a creme caramel, or do you layer it in a fine petit four? Although in my personal preference, overly casual and vulgar is a bigger problem than overly formal and flowery. And furthermore, I prefer newer fan translations than old, since old ones tended to be written by horny teenagers who had yet to master the Japanese language (albeit according to other translators). I trust newer translations to more accurate to the original Japanese's content, meaning, and conveyance; as composed by experienced translators.
  19. Now I want to imagine Kana shapeshifting into a giant Bellossom or a Sunflora . Reads like a poor choice of translation, even if they had to condense two adjectives in the name alongside the word sword or blade. How much time do they get to translate? Who is hired for this game? There is always worse though, see like this otome.
  20. I've just been doing battles nonstop, no monastery exploring for me. A little too easy and repetitive from it all. But from what I've been hearing, Maddening would punch me in the gut for trying that, and I'd have to actually learn what the monastery does. But if Maddening is anti-auxiliary battles, then all the fights I've been doing must be unneeded and the monastery benefits could compensate. Although as a rule, I use two save files, one I make at the start of every month and only overwrite after its story battle. The second save file I use throughout the month. That way, if I were to find myself in a sticky situation during a story fight, I could load the first file and see if playing the month differently would make things easier. In bad game news, I'm reading Atlus did miserably with Persona 5 Royal. The great majority of new content is tacked on to the end of the game, so you have to replay the entire dozens of hours long adventure again for the same price as the original, just to get the new stuff. DLC exists Atlus, it sounds like you really flubbed up by not making this just that.
  21. Although I'm sure you've heard it a billion times before, it's a matter of "where has the game put its priorities?". Good gameplay, plot, world, and characters, or has it all been wasted on harems and titillation? Although Fates in general consensus has both good gameplay and harem, so it's not impossible to have both the bad harem and the good things. I'll add that while the term is fairly recent, objectifying FE characters b/c personal fantasies likely isn't new, if not so pronounced due to the absence of an avatar character. I'm sure Mia and Nephenee were appearing in peoples' wet dreams a half-decade before Awakening. Likewise, having problematic fantasies about fictional people isn't new. Wholesome old World War II, where men painted naked ladies onto the sides of their fighter planes and bombers. Some of them might have been fantasizing about real women in the form of actresses, but how different is it from pixels when said ordinary men had realistically a slim-to-none chance of banging the actresses? And, there is there is the ancient Roman tale of Pygmalion and Galatea, a man who had no interest in real women, but became attracted to a female statue he had sculpted, to the point Venus made it real. Sure is it only a fictional story, but I would think this might indicate that even back then, men were fantasizing about women who don't actually exist. And was Zeus, the father of so many in Greek mythos, a projection of all the sex with hot ladies the ancient bards wished to have? Wikipedia lists at least 93 women he had sex with (including Nemesis and Lysithea😏).
  22. Ayra’s Wandering Ayra’s home country Isaac was invaded by Grandbell’s large army, and it was on the verge of destuction. Her brother and king of the time Maricle prophesized his own fate of death and hands over his only son (also only child) Shannan to Ayra. He desired Shannan to be protected until the coming reconstruction of Isaac. At the time, any men in the enemy’s royal family, even children, were to be executed. The better case for women would be slavery, and the usual case was to be raped and murdered. Maricle of course did not want his son Shannan, nor his kawaii (in this context it doesn’t suggest anything other than brotherly love) sister, to go through such a thing. He knew that if he said to take care of Shannan, his competetive sister would not be able to say no. As Maricle thought, Ayra had no choice but to take Shannan and escape the battlefield, and her country. The only thing is that at this time, the only country who have not been under the influence of the gigantic country of Grandbell was the hostile (towards Grandbell) country of Verdane. Even if she escaped to one of the countries with peaceful relations with Grandbell, if their identity was revealed it was not impossible for them to be presented as prisoners (to Grandbell). So Ayra escapes to Verdane, but her long time wandering made it difficult to even get the meal for the day, so she had no choice but to work as a mercenary for Verdane. Ayra who held a brave yet pure heart lending a hand for Kinbois’ atrocities had that kind of circumstance behind it. This sounds forced to me. This is at the start of Gen 1, before Grannvale invades the world. Whilst I wouldn't assume any of them to be immune to pressure from Grannvale that would lead them to be extradited to Grannvale, I wouldn't rule out the real chance of other countries being able to hide Shannan either. Augustria, Silesse and Thracia are entirely independent, albeit it wouldn't surprise me if Travant cold to all but Thracia's interests, sold out a puny Issach prince for better Grannvale relations. Chagal is a douche too, but there is always Queen Rahna. The other issue here is time. When did the Darna Incident happen, when did Manaan get assassinated, when did Mariccle send away Ayra and Shannan, and when did Verdane invade Grannvale? The expedition to Issach and Sigurd's conquest of Verdane are dated to 757. Did the events of leading to the expedition and the military preparations to leave for Issach happen in 756? Somehow, Ayra had to cross allllllll the way from Issach to Verdane, as far apart as can be on the Jugdral continent, in what could have only been months. Shannan would've had to become a hostage right away once they had stepped foot in Verdane. But given the distance to travel, they would have surely been exhausted from walking a hundred miles a day. Blame Awakening, I'll assume the translation was finished before Fire Emblem Heroes came out. Awakening made the stupid move of "Raquesis" (which FEH corrected), and I guess the translation was just being loyal to the fault. As for the mistake itself, blame the Japanese language. There is always worse: Oddly, there is one character whose dialogue was terribly out of place with this FE4 translation for me. To the point I had to bifurcate them mentally, because they were like two different characters to me, with part of them me genuinely liking. Shame, for I wanted to like their whole.
  23. FE's continued survival with its particular kind of turn-based strategy is all that matters to me. What game allows for that is irrelevant to me, 2 mil in sales assures that.
  24. I've played some DQs: IV, V, VII, and VIII, with intentions to get III, VI, and XI. The games are archaic in gameplay despite modern improvements they've made, and admittedly it's their "great classics" status that drove me to play them initially. Still, DQ isn't bad. And the franchise doesn't take itself so seriously like FF, which puts on airs of greatness, which it nowadays has choked on, and in retrospect does not always deserve I'd say even when it wasn't an acclaimed failure like XIII or XV (X, Tactics). I'd like a little more character depth from DQ, given the franchise relies on charm, but otherwise things work well enough. Random 3H Log Part 4:
  25. 21, if Nintendo announces another new Zelda game besides Breath of the Wild 2, it will be Zelda 21.
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