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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Just thinking on it for a moment, does a character death mean having to loose everything from that character? To recall a certain Final Fantasy, somebody playable dies, and immediately afterwards, another person steps in, inheriting that dead character's equipment and Job experience. The character has stats that differ from the one they replace, but that is a very minor thing and barely affects gameplay. But for Fire Emblem, that doesn't make total sense. Fortunately, there are cases of semi-inheritance. When in the DS version of Final Fantasy IV a character permanently leaves, you can obtain an Augment I think they're called. The Augment is usually related to some skill the character had. And in the entirely unrelated Grandia, the temporary characters when they leave give you items allowing you to transfer their accrued weapon/magic experience to another of your choice. This sounds very feasible for FE to do.
  2. From what I've read, killing Gra soldiers after Sheena and Samson join causes them to silently turn red again in FE12. You broke your promise, they'll die trying to break you.
  3. How I'd forget the drama of Eyvel (even if she can rejoin for the final fight)? How others had left Eyvel out of here is understandable (Thracia is rough, cruel, and obscure), I should not have. Thracia does give you two Jagens, but that doesn't stop the Manster Arc from stealing both from you, and hiding Dagdar's re-recruitment behind a finicky timed boss capture.
  4. Weird dating sim cannot resist the power of Nihon Falcom music: https://gonintendo.com/stories/347290-switch-game-summer-sweetheart-appears-to-steal-music-from-nihon And this: https://nintendoeverything.com/interview-atelier-ryza-producer-on-the-visual-style-and-battle-system-switch-series-future-more/ "What’s the design process like for each protagonist of the Atelier series? Each one is unique and easily identifiable with their respective entry. In this case, the setting is that she’s a farmer’s daughter, but then we thought, “Well a skirt and farming – that doesn’t go well together.” We don’t really want their underwear showing as well. So we decided to go with the short-shorts. The other aspect is that because it’s summer – that’s the theme – so that’s how we came up with the design. So surprisingly a lot of people are paying attention to her thighs. We didn’t create her with the intention of her thighs being the key point, but a lot of people seem to be really… (Laughs) Our approach was to make a cute character without any sexual innuendo whatsoever. Everyone sort of looks at her as sort of being sexy, and that’s completely not how we look at her, so that really caught us by surprise. (Laughs)" Call it truth or lie, the producer is on record saying that it was unintentional.
  5. It might at first, but then people will be talking about Hot Wailord On Skitty Action. And, some stupid immature male will visually graphically depict a scene wherein a normal-sized female Skitty crawls into a female Wailord's nah nah nah nah, then Gigantamaxes inside it. This will lead to the poor, poor Wailord being fatally ripped apart as the Skitty rapidly expands. This will be posted to YouTube, and shall viewed millions of times before it is taken down, after which it shall end up on Twitch and other parts of the Internet. The number of people who will have gouged out their eyes will force Nintendo to remove all Skitty and Wailord in all future Pokemon games, cards, anime, and merchandise. Game Freak will then after a lawsuit be court-ordered to search the depths of outer space for an unstable spacial anomaly, inside which they can rewrite the fabric of existence itself to remove Skitty and Wailord from all time, as though they never existed. Where can I request good fanart?
  6. In case I didn't share the exact thing that tells us this, here, I've set this video's timestamp to just the right moment: This wouldn't have been possible had the Milsaadi actually blown up the Lifehold piece after using it as a trap, as Goetia did the one time. Thank goodness these assassins aren't so boom-happy. And while I was aware of that, I somehow forgot where he actually mentions it. Of course, it's his introduction back in Chapter 4.😆 I mustn't have been paying enough attention then, there were plenty of other things I could be concerned about in the moment. L never mentions his full name ever again, so the radar it could go beneath (to phrase the expression oddly as L would). I'm feeling a little conflicted as to whether I should consider starting up FE3H for the first time. The thing holding me back is I don't want to start it before finishing another Switch game I got recently- Final Fantasy XII. It's a matter of me taking a minor stance against my tendency to leave games incomplete. And yet, I've been disappointed by XII, I wanted to cry hearing the nostalgic opening music, but for the rest of the game, I've wanted to cry because it wasn't connecting as I hoped it would. I'm in no way angry at the game, I placed high expectations on the Zodiac Job System, and those expectations were tragically stifled by the reality, it's saddening, not infuriating. It's only minor things that annoy me, a byproduct of the sadness. This is supposed to be an "easy" FF so others says. But, considering I've lost to every optional boss I've encountered so far and the story ones aren't exactly cake, either those calling it easy are know-it-alls who've dissected the game inside-out, or I'm doing something wrong even by the standards of a "blind" player. I know the edition I'm playing lets me reset my character customization, but I don't want to use it if I don't absolutely have to. Nonetheless, I want to see this game through to the end. I've crawled my way to the Phon Coast en route to the imperial capital of Archades. I'm afraid if I drop the game now, I won't ever return to it due to its failure to resonate with me.
  7. Honestly though, Tiki's other stones aren't really needed. You can have two Firestones: one from a Thief in Chapter 8, and another from a dragon that spawns in Chapter 7 near the cave if you got close enough to it. The Fires + Divine is enough for Tiki. Or even just the Divine. Statwise, the Ice Dragon is hardly different from the Fire. Flying would be cool for the massive Move. But the lower Def, Divine having flight already (and anti-everything Dragon breath), and the inability to prematurely shift back to pick something better for combat, makes it not so great. I did buy a Magestone for Tiki, but it wasn't as useful as I'd thought it'd be. The 20 Res stops magic enemies from attacking her altogether, and since she can't double, this makes the Magestone not so great for slaughtering mages. A little sad that in practice there isn't much effective variety. But I do like the idea. And as for Medeus, I consider him tragic in principle. That is different from being felt as tragic. On paper is entirely different from the perceived reality. I give him a little pity for never getting the chance to have more than principle.
  8. And a Secret Shop! Three of them actually. One Chapter 11, one in Chapter 13, one accessible only via Warp in Chapter 14. You could have bought: Rapiers, Armorslayers, Wyrmslayers, Ridersbanes, Silver Swords and Bows, Killer Lances and Bows, Bolganone, Shaver, Ward, Physics, Firestones, Magestones, Icestones, and Flying Dragonstones. FE12, in a free DLC battle, invented an excuse. Gharnef's surviving followers near Khadein spun together a magic circle to bring back his body. Might seem weird when Aum is supposed to be so special. But if it could only bring back a body, and Gharnef's soul was specifically saved by the Darksphere, then it might make sense. I chose to leave them unblocked and tried to get Marth to seize before they caught up to me, it added a pinch of fun pressure.
  9. Weird that you say this. Since I'd say this "problem" begins with Awakening and Fates. Fates BR barring some My Castle units and the children, gives you everyone by Chapter 14. CQ does it by Chapter 16, and Rev by 17. Awakening is a little better, since Tik'ri, Flabas, and the Spotpass 6 exist. However, you still get everyone else barring the children by chapter 14. And of the non-kids, Flabas and the Spotpass 6 come very late. Now, I've explicitly excluded the children, because they are available for late recruitment. Albeit, the Awakening children are sorta like 12 Ests, which I personally don't really want. The Fates children are better and worse at the same time. Worse in that by recruiting them early, you leave the recruitment frontloaded. Better, in that if you do recruit them late, unless you breed something like Beruka!Forrest, you get good prepromotes, and I really like this. Only Shiro and Ignatius are particularly hellish to get late, even if you've material/financial incentive to do Ophelia and Percy early. Strip the children from the picture though (even if they do exist), and the problem in Awakening and Fates appears.
  10. @Armagon I noticed few, generally smaller but still significant characters design changes in the artbook from glancing over its pages on the XB Wiki. Will include XCX SPOILERS for those who haven't played the game, but are interested.: And, I read on another website that this L: ...is labeled "Origin Form". We must find the Griseous Orb then! (I wish I could read the artbook's Japanese.) I would assign a 2% chance now to "L" being an unassuming disguise for some higher being associated with Mira. Said linked website if you scroll down has this rather interesting unused character posted: Lastly, there was this stuff:
  11. Nobody has brought up TearRing Saga? Because it really should be, even if it is solely a gameplay death. TRS gameplay spoilers:
  12. I'm convinced they're the remains of the once-great Alfard Empire. There are vague similarities in the metalwork. The Ganglion only came and got stuck on Mira *double checks* two years prior to humans. Given the sheer size of the stuff, it couldn't have been Ganglion, it's just too big and too much in too short a time. They figured out how to reside in some of it (and they built their own smaller buildings in Cauldros), but like the Xe-doms, it isn't theirs. The Archaeological treasure chests in Cauldros very commonly take the form of altars, they must have been used by whoever once lived there. Although squaring the primitive stone altars with the advanced floating Abandoned Mining Frigates is difficult. (If mining is what the floating structures were used for, the names of Miran places are mostly human-invented, the Nopon terms for Noctilum and Oblivia are "Nightglow Woods" and "Sandy Bum Canyon". I don't recall any ancient records being found that tell us what the ancient natives called Mira and its locales.) The Ma-non aren't native to Mira, if that is what you were thinking. L is (and he's weird in that there aren't any others like him), and the Nopon are. But the Ma-non are from another planet, just victims of the Ganglion and the whole "can't break through the atmosphere and escape" thing about Mira. Maybe there was a bizarre flash of light that got them stuck on the planet too, I forget. As for the Nopon, there is no Frontier Village shut it with the minor reference Tatsu! or any major Nopon settlement, which is odd, but they try to justify it with the Nopon being nomadic. They do have the Caravan spots in the four non-Primordia regions, but without major housing or large numbers of tents nearby. And speaking of L, I just read he shares a Japanese VA with Xenogears's Karelian. Well, that is unexpected, the two minds are barely if the remotest anything alike. But how L speaks oddly in Japanese would be of my interest. What does he say instead of "asscave"? Also, his beta artwork shows radical differences from the final product: ...And now I see Celica is in a smaller but similar boat to L's: And, as something completely unrelated from XCX, I noticed an NPC Prone in NLA had a name ending in "Belgazus". That is almost identical, in English at least, to "Belgazas", as in Blizzard Belgazas, the XC1 superboss. The Prone take part of their names from the most recently deceased relative, whose remains are fed to the strongest beast the living can find. By taking the name of the creature whom the relative was consumed by, the newborn gains the blessed protection of the ancestor and the powerful animal. And yet, I don't recognize any other XC1 monster name being used by the Prone. Not even Abassy, the one superboss stronger than than Belgazas. Still, does this mean on another planet an entire Belgazus species like the XC1 superboss exists?
  13. Call me naive, but I don't think anyone wants to be further destabilized either. And, bringing stability is no small challenge. I'd like to imagine there are those out there who would want bring forth stability for peace, prosperity, and the sake of human lives, but the cost? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh too great a burden to bear. But I could be absolutely foolishly wrong about the existence of any sincere and well-meaning politicians.
  14. You're more than halfway through the recruitments thankfully, much more I think. FE3 is very top-heavy with its recruitments, most coming early. And did you miss the Physics by the cave in Chapter 7? And the Silver Axe in the sands in Chapter 9? Or listen to villager who warned you about shops?
  15. Yes, the final battle can be reached without Sirius and the other members of the quartet. All you need them for is 100% recruitment. Getting the true ending will become a no-brainer in time. And, the conditions for it right now will certainly not pass you by. This isn't anything terribly obscure. It's even less hidden than FE6's. Well, FE12 will fix this. I can say that. But I feel it might be a little too Captain Obvious. Is it wrong for them to not say it entirely outright? And for specifically Jeorge, oddly, FE12 lets Marth do the convincing too.
  16. Me on many days. I should really fix that. @DragonFlames If you're interested, I decided to summarize the plots of Luminous Arc 1 and 2 plots. A little vague for details, but I don't remember everything, and it is made to be a nonsensical summary. I can be more serious if asked for. Still, plenty o' SPOILERS, since this is a full summary. I've just gone and done this if the games interest you enough that'd you like summaries of them. To summarize LA1's plot: To summarize LA2's plot:
  17. Ghirahim did oddly have one pointy ear and one rounded ear, the rounded being the one under his hair. So them making the same kind of simple change for Zelda would be feasible. A little Ganondorf unleashed causing some armageddon to physically alter the landscape is a possibility. And yet, with the end to the Calamity, I'd like some rebuilding. Breath of the Wild was a tad too desolate. Not sure what they should do with Hyrule Castle, but some Hylians should get to putting Castle Town back together. Not saying we need a full metropolis, but signs that the civilized world is recovering. And not just Castle Town. Similarly for XCX2, if they opt to bring back the old five regions and have unexplored continents of Mira too (it's plausible), then they're going to need really spice things up. They could do a Gen 2 Johto-Kanto situation, where "old" Mira is a lighter on content than the "new", but that has some inherent unfairness. Terraforming the old world because of some spoilers stuff we haven't a clue about right now is another option. Ghostification? A resurrection of whatever lost people built the giant rings in Oblivia and megastructures in Cauldros? Speaking of tunnels in BotW2, changing the bowels of Mira would be fine, they're a little boring as is. And like with BotW, I'd care to see some developments of the world. The wilderness of Mira is becoming increasingly known, humanity should start moving on from the small base camps, and build major works on Mira. In XCX, the only construct outside of NLA of any size is the nearby Lake Biahno Water Purification Plant. Helping humanity establish more of these structures, not a ton, leave some areas entirely untamed, but a select handful of vital projects like the purification plant (clean water is a must to live) would be good. However, I'd add that the Ganglion have already built bases throughout Mira, and the Ganglion after Chapter 12 are reduced to remnants. Many of the Ganglion hideouts appear to be in fairly defensible terrain. Because they've already been built and humanity and its allied Xenos aren't picky, turning Hilal Stronghold into Hilal Settlement is a good idea. It is a better idea than trying to construct a town from the ground up, outside the Stronghold on the open fields of ash, where the Bismuth Xe-dom roams and the Unafulges, Aeviters, and Arenatects lay in waiting. I doubt could humanity occupy every place the Ganglion once resided though, because it sounds to me like it'd spread things too thin. There are only so many BLADEs and Skells to go around, even with help from Prone/Wrothian warriors and Ma-non/Orphe technology, to securely protect every place. To be precise, the Ganglion have the following bases: And yet, with the Ganglion left in tatters following Luxaar's death, that should be reflected in XCX2 gameplay, with the Ganglion presence greatly reduced. I'm fine with a "Neo-Ganglion" led by some Prone, Marnuck, Milsaadi or Definian who reorganized the truncated armies back into an effective fighting force. But the Neo-Ganglion has to be a fraction -less than half of what it was when they landed on Mira, I'd think I'd like- of what it was. Therefore, something is going to have to fill in those empty spaces, especially Cauldros. -Let me just restate that I like wilderness, and I want XCX2's new places if it has any (it should) to be overwhelmingly wild. A little rise of civilization would just bring a contrasting, new touch.
  18. Didn't BotW get people calling for a playable Zelda? Hopefully Nintendo will have listened and added one this time. But, my question for a Zelda Mode, is how they'd balance Zelda and Link. What advantages would Link get to compensate for Zelda's magic? Said advantages can't be so strong in combat, that they'd leave Zelda feeling utterly crippled there. I had formulated my own thoughts on a purely hypothetical BotW1 Zelda Mode: Alt world obviously, where Link stayed behind at Hyrule Castle and Zelda was injured and but in the chamber. When Zelda returns to Hyrule Castle to fight Calamity Ganon, she'd see Link as still as a statue, holding the Master Sword plunged into Ganon as if it were the pedestal in which the sword would otherwise rest. Link, exerting all his might to keep the sword down, letting the malice enter but not overwhelm him, this would be his hundred-year sealing job. Zelda herself gets everything Link does: Sheikah Slate with all its Runes, Stamina, Paraglider, cooking, armor, bows, sword, and spears (but maybe not two-handed swords/axes)? Zelda also gets a magic meter with a selection of spells. What those spells would be, I'm not sure. But I would like her to be able to at least mix magic into her Runes. Electric bombs, Magnesis where she can set the metallic objects being controlled on fire or freeze them. No Master Sword for Zelda. Instead, she can somehow unlock the power to use Light Arrows. And if she combines Light Arrows with Ancient Arrows, she gets Silver Arrows. Perhaps reduce the role of the Champions in Zelda Mode. Maybe rewrite it so they fired off their Divine Beast shots 100 years ago and then died having barely survived and slain the Blights beforehand. It'd make more sense for Link to be able to hold back Ganon if this were the case. In exchange for less Champions, expand the role of the three Dragons. Each has a shrine at a Spring where Zelda tried to unlock her powers. So, I was thinking of making them the gatekeepers to the Sacred Realm. In Link Mode, they and Zelda kept Ganon from penetrating it, barring at Hyrule Castle (maybe as a lore addition) and Naydra getting covered in Blight. But in Zelda Mode, the Dragons failed, and Zelda to receive the blessings of the Sacred Realm, must help Dinraal, Naydra, and Farosh. The Sacred Realm would copy Skyward Sword's Silent Realms- a higher plane set in the same physical locations, but this time it wouldn't be all stealth. So both names are accurate? The Japanese makes practical sense- the FOEs are visible on the "field" of the labyrinth, unlike the random encounters everything else but bosses are. The English goes in a totally different direction, some attempt to make FOEs sound dangerous, but in scientific classification Latin. "Formidable Oppugnant to Nature Ex-something?". I see what they were trying to go for, but they could have done better. Then again, the franchise has an English name that only makes sense for the first game Yggdra Union and Beyond the Labyrinth, the latter which never even left Japan, be damned. I'll add onto to Armagon said, and mention that Xenoblade Chronicles X's map is divided into hexes. And those hexes can have their edges color-coded according to your lead character's level. The colors representing a spectrum of how much stronger the enemies there are than you, it isn't perfect, but it helps. Also, XCX has Shadowrunner, which will for at least 20 seconds make you undetectable to any enemy you aren't currently fighting. Since Winged Vipers get Blood Sacrifice for a safe and quick 1000 TP to use Shadowrunner without ever having to hurt something, you can stealth anywhere this way. XC2 outright gives you the option at any time in the menu to make 90-100% of enemies nonaggressive too, and flip it back when you so desire. Nope to XCX on ether detection. Maybe they thought it was too niche, since it was mostly limited to those element cloud enemies from what I recall. And, ether in XCX isn't the same as XC1. If they wanted to make ether-detection work in XCX, they would then have to be fair and make other enemies sensitive/alert enough to get angry from using thermal or electric, gravity, beam, or physical attacks near them. Though they'd then need to add six icons to the detection possibilities, to fairly tell the player exactly which attribute(s) sets an enemy off.
  19. I'll say that being further up the east coast, albeit not in Connecticut, things are starting to get little cold. "Crisp" fall is over, and cold fall is coming in. The ideal situation is to be a snowbird- have home up north during the warm months, and have a home down south for the colder months. But there is one big problem with this- 💰. So, maybe try further up in the old coastal South and see if that cools things down enough for you. I'm not so aware of how it is in the summer, other than one memorable visit to Washington D.C. during a heat wave of 120-130 F (subsequent summer visits weren't as bad). There is a reason why Congress has a summer recess and it isn't that they're a bunch of grade schoolers. That bodes ill for the actual South and not just its northern fringe. Or, if humidity is the only problem and you don't mind going further away, the Southwest will keep things very warm, but it'll be a dry heat. -So I hear from close ones who I've yet to visit out there. But, things are currently 80-90 F out there right now (26-32 C for everyone else in the world), yet only 20% humidity tops. And this is why you stick to increasing Stamina, more fun danger this way. But, you need to get the Hearts for the Master Sword, and if you want it sometime soon that means you can't go full Stamina. It would've been nice actually if the game let you use Stamina instead to obtain the MS. Or, the game first drained your Stamina when you try to pull it out, and then goes through your Hearts, so it'd become irrelevant how you invested your Spirit Orbs. Just obtaining and spending them would be enough for the MS.
  20. The backstory notes, where Leen Castor's sister is mentioned, is only from FE3. I can see how me commenting on the backstory name in a subsequent post would make you think i meant FE12 though. Dancers ~= slavery in Jugdral, so Leen Castor's sister selling herself into slavery has some connection that could possibly make it more than a coincidence.
  21. Do you miss the point though? Trump wrote the letter to defuse a situation, you're right in that, literally on paper, it sounds nice. BUT! The terrible situation was entirely preventable, and came about solely because of Trump's old grumpy man isolationism. Had he not done that, the US presence and Turkey's fears of accidentally harming a significant quantity of US troops, would have absolutely deterred Turkey from attacking the Kurds. What other reasons could there be that Turkey didn't attack sooner? As for Hong Kong, I can only offer my powerless sympathies. And recall Chopin's masterpiece: I'm just surprised things haven't already reached a 1956 Hungary conclusion- albeit without the momentary and failed change in leadership. But, the memory Tiananmen Square I guess is playing a role in keeping the Chinese government from pushing too hard and too fast.
  22. I just checked, nope. It's only about Kris trying to get Castor to swear an oath of fealty to Marth over three conversations. Why when this sounds like a good backstory is beyond me. Did IS forget this story existed? And this reminds me, Leen? The same name they gave Silvia's dancer daughter in the next game. Coincidence? -Depends on what the Japanese characters being used are.
  23. This is never explained in-game, not even FE12, but backstory notes say more: Just remember to keep a certain quartet alive! Or Yumina. I recommend saving them. I won't say why, but I mean it. This tripped me up, with made visiting the village take longer than it should have, just as you did. I tried too hard to stay away from Jeorge's crew. You can safely pursue the thieves and have Marth go north, and Jeorge's crew won't attack you. I don't know how close is too close, but the distant edge of their range is not close enough to aggro them. I confirmed this in FE12.
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